IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-06-15

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mulbahGood morning tboimah11:55
tboimahHow are you doing mulbah?11:55
mulbahI'm good and you11:56
tboimahThanks God bro12:04
mulbahyou done with the assignment that was given to you12:04
tboimahyeah but my was different from yours, my own was essay i don't know why he decide to give that.12:05
mulbahokay 12:06
mulbahbut try on our own that was given12:06
tboimahshmohamud said that was for you, fkoikoi and scooper so i am following instruction but anyway will try to that on my machine but i will not post it12:10
mulbahit's giving me hard to do it12:27
tboimahcan you past the assignment question let me see12:30
mulbahThis is it To keep you on your toes, here's a challenge question. I want you to write a program that returns True or False based on whether a string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backwards. Example of a palindrome is "racecar" and "hiih". Return True for palindromes, and False for non-palindromes.12:32
tboimahhmmm okay let me try it12:33
mulbahokay oooo bor but that is a difficult taxi 12:36
shmohamudgood day everyone13:04
mulbahHow are you doing shmohamud13:05
tboimahhow are you doing shmohamud?13:05
svayeGood day shmohamud13:06
shmohamuddoing well, thanks for asking. How are you guys?13:07
mulbahas for me I'm good13:07
tboimahdoing Good13:07
svayeI'm good 13:08
shmohamudgood to hear!13:08
shmohamudany questions for me?13:08
tboimahI have my assignment you give me yesterday13:09
shmohamudok please share13:10
tboimahhello_world = ("scooper from Monrovia")13:10
tboimahthat was essay to do13:10
sysadmin_Good morning Shmohamud13:11
shmohamudtoboimah, I wanted you to write a function that has a name as a parameter and the print out "Hello from {name}"13:11
shmohamudGood day sysadmin13:11
scooperis me spencer13:12
shmohamudAh, good to see you! I thought you had business with the Supe13:12
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud13:12
tboimahohho it seen like i did not get the question clear13:12
shmohamudGood day fkoikoi13:12
mulbahI did that same assignment that you give to tboimah13:13
scooperI m just arriving for such task....13:13
mulbahthis is it13:13
mulbahdef Hello_word(name):13:13
mulbah    print ("Hello", name)13:13
mulbah    print ("How are you doing")13:13
fkoikoiHow are you shmohamud?13:13
shmohamudGotcha scooper13:13
shmohamudI'm good fkoikoi, how are you?13:13
fkoikoinot too well13:14
shmohamudwhat's going on fkoikoi?13:15
shmohamudmulbah, the assignment was to print "Hello from {name}" you're missing the 'from" and you also added an additional "How are you doing"13:15
fkoikoiI'm experiencing stomach pain13:16
shmohamudYou're close, but you must follow directions exactly and ask questions when something isn't clear. Programming must be exact.13:16
shmohamudI'm sorry to hear it fkoikoi, are you able to participate today?13:16
scooperdef Yes_Or_No(decision_Making):13:17
scooper    value = list(decision_Making)13:17
scooper    value2 = []13:17
scooper    value2.extend(value)13:17
scooper    value.reverse()13:17
scooper    if value == value2:13:17
scooper        print("True")13:17
scooper    else:13:17
scooper        print("False")13:17
scooper        13:17
shmohamudSpencer, have you checked your email?13:17
shmohamudI replied with recommendations13:17
mulbahhere is the assignment you give us too13:18
mulbahdef palindrome_text(text):13:18
mulbah    13:18
mulbah    length = len(text)13:18
mulbah    13:18
mulbah    for mk in range(0, length // 2):13:18
mulbah        if (text[mk] != text[length - mk - 1]):13:18
mulbah            return False13:18
mulbah    13:18
mulbah    return True13:18
mulbahfirst_text = "hiih"13:18
mulbahsecond_text = "mulbah"13:18
scooperyes Programmer13:19
scooperI checked my email but I m not seeing any reply from you......13:19
mulbaham i correct on this one13:20
shmohamudI sent it late yesterday, spencer. It was in response to "Meet earlier tomorrow" email thread13:21
shmohamudLet me take a look mulbah13:21
scooperCan mulbah explain shmohamud what is actually on in his code.... I will like to learn something new here.....13:22
scooper*going on in his13:22
shmohamudMulbah, please explain the code. 13:23
shmohamudPlease go line by line13:23
shmohamudIt looks great by the way!13:24
shmohamudI see the logic, very creative.13:24
mulbahfirst I call a fuction palindrome_text(text)13:27
shmohamudfirst, you define a function13:27
mulbahand i try to find the length of the string13:28
mulbahand to find the length of the string i put 13:29
mulbahlength = len(text)13:29
mulbahand to perform the compersing of the following charter i use a for loap by putting for mk in range(0, length // 2):13:34
shmohamudSounds good. Mulbah did you write this without assistance from the internet? 13:38
mulbahand i comper the charter at the left hand side of the screen to the charter on the right hand side of the screen by putting if (text[mk] != text[length - mk - 1]):13:39
shmohamudmakes sense! Very creative solution. Does that answer your question scooper?13:40
mulbahsorry i make mistake not i but mk 13:40
scooperI have a question??13:40
scooperyes I love mulbah code...13:40
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scooperit's complicated but nice.....13:41
scoopershould I ask my questions???13:42
shmohamudplease do13:42
mulbahmy keyboard is giving problem that why i'm taking long i texting13:43
shmohamudwe need to get you a new keyboard!13:43
shmohamudIt's all good, you've done a fantastic job explaining your code. Very impressive.13:44
scoopergot you13:44
*** svaye has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:44
mulbahscooper you said that you wanted to asked a question13:45
scooperin your code how can I make the programm print out False or True one after the order after a certain condition is True or False13:46
jelknerGood afternoon everyone.13:48
jelknerApologies for being late.13:48
shmohamudGood morning Jeff13:48
scooperGood morning Jeff13:48
jelknerWe were signing out.13:48
tboimahGood morning Jeff13:48
scooperapology accepting from my end......13:48
svayeGood morning Jeff13:48
jelknerI'm home now, and finished another school year.13:48
jelknersvaye: would you be available to meet with me tomorrow from 12 noon to 2 pm your time?13:49
scooperJeff 13:49
shmohamudcongratulations Jeff!13:49
svayeyes Jeff I will be available13:50
jelknerthanks, shmohamud!13:50
jelknergreat, svaye 13:50
jelknerwe can start the CIW course together13:50
jelkneri have the vouchers13:50
jelknerbut i didn't get a chance to set up the class yet13:50
jelkneri can do that this afternoon13:50
jelknerand be ready for you tomorrow at noon.13:51
mulbahsorry i when to do something 13:51
mulbahby using break13:51
mulbahin you your code13:51
jelknerok everyone13:51
mulbahshould i make it run like that scooper13:51
jelknerlooks like shmohamud has things going on here13:52
jelknerso i'll sign off for today and return early tomorrow13:52
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!13:52
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff13:53
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jelknerGood afternoon fkoikoi 13:53
jelknerscooper: what do you need?13:53
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:53
mulbahGood morning jeff13:53
jelknerGood afternoon mulbah 13:54
*** scooper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:54
fkoikoishmohamud can I submit my work now13:54
shmohamudyes please13:54
mulbahHow are you doing 13:54
jelknerfkoikoi: please remind Spencer to add an agenda13:54
fkoikoiokay Jeff13:54
jelknerit's his week to chair our Saturday meeting13:54
jelknerthanks, fkoikoi 13:54
*** tboimah has quit (None)13:55
jelknersee you tomorrow13:55
jelknerACTION signs off for the day to unpack and plan for tomorrow13:55
fkoikoipalindrome_string = input("Enter a String:")13:55
fkoikoiif palindrome_string == palindrome_string[-1]:13:55
fkoikoi    print("True")13:55
fkoikoi    13:55
fkoikoi        print("False")13:55
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:55
scooper\me going to the toilet 13:55
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shmohamudfkoikoi, does this work for an input of "afdka" ?13:56
shmohamudAlso, I didn't ask it to accept user input, I asked to have a string parameter that we call ourselves13:56
fkoikoipalindrome_string = input("Enter a String:")13:57
fkoikoiif palindrome_string == palindrome_string[::-1]:13:57
fkoikoi    print("True")13:57
fkoikoi    13:57
fkoikoi        print("False")13:57
shmohamudcan you rewrite it with a string parameter and turn also turn it into a function?13:57
shmohamudany questions for me?14:01
scooperPut thinking cap on14:07
scooperputting thinking cap on14:08
scooperShmohamud is when is palindrome meanly use during program structure????14:12
shmohamudit's not used, but it's a common interview question. It requires breaking down the problem and creativity to solve it.14:13
shmohamudLike your solution, it's good to know how to use extend and reverse methods, those are used fairly often.14:13
scooperHow is your health now????14:16
shmohamudphysical health is good, mental health is still improving.14:16
scooperYour well being in essential to me as I speak......Shmohamud...14:17
scooperThat why I m always asking...14:17
shmohamudmeeting with you guys helps <314:17
shmohamudACTION goes to restroom14:19
shmohamudfkoikoi do you want to show us tomorrow?14:24
shmohamudGiven an integer x, return true if x is a 14:25
shmohamud, and false otherwise.14:25
shmohamudWrite a function that accomplishes the above ^has 14:25
shmohamudfor example, 121 should return true. 223 should return False14:25
shmohamudany questions?14:25
shmohamudOk. Scooper did you get my email?14:27
scooperlet me check again shmohamud14:27
scooperNo Shmohamud14:28
scooperI m not seeing anything here........14:28
shmohamudI just sent you a "test reply" email on the same thread. Did you receive it?14:29
scooper+1 now14:29
shmohamudyou see the original email too right?14:30
scooperyes concerning the logic right???14:30
shmohamudok, any last questions before i log off for the day?14:31
scooperAnyway I will improve on my naming conversion....... right now I m still thinking like a beginner14:32
shmohamudThat's OK, you're making incredible progress, believe me I'm impressed with all of you! It takes years, not months, to get where you are today.14:33
shmohamudKeep pushing hard and I promise you will find success14:33
scooperThanks for the words of motivation.....14:33
shmohamudMotivation is key. I'm only speaking the truth :)14:34
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shmohamudok, see you guys tomorrow!14:38
mulbahalright shmohamud14:39
mulbahThinks fro the day14:40
shmohamudyou're welcome14:41
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mulbahshmohamud will you be online line by 9pm our time14:44
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*** ubuntourist has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:53
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