IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-06-17

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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!10:09
jelknerI see no items, so I'll assume we don't have a meeting today.10:09
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scooper!add Report on June Budget (for clarity view the link)12:06
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Report on June Budget (for clarity view the link)" has been added to the agenda.12:06
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:06
LittleWebsterReport on June Budget (for clarity view the link) (added by scooper)12:06
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scooper!add Sys-Admin schedule with Cole Monday, Thursday and Friday12:09
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Sys-Admin schedule with Cole Monday, Thursday and Friday" has been added to the agenda.12:09
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scooper!add Jeff Summer class12:10
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Jeff Summer class" has been added to the agenda.12:10
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:11
LittleWebsterReport on June Budget (for clarity view the link) (added by scooper)12:11
LittleWebsterSys-Admin schedule with Cole Monday, Thursday and Friday (added by scooper)12:11
LittleWebsterJeff Summer class (added by scooper)12:11
scooper!add Evaluating our Progress (10 minutes by Jeff)12:12
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Evaluating our Progress (10 minutes by Jeff)" has been added to the agenda.12:12
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:13
LittleWebsterReport on June Budget (for clarity view the link) (added by scooper)12:13
LittleWebsterSys-Admin schedule with Cole Monday, Thursday and Friday (added by scooper)12:13
LittleWebsterJeff Summer class (added by scooper)12:13
LittleWebsterEvaluating our Progress (10 minutes by Jeff) (added by scooper)12:13
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LittleWebstertboimah : thehedgeh0g : scooper : mulbah : janet13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterReport on June Budget (for clarity view the link) (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterSys-Admin schedule with Cole Monday, Thursday and Friday (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterJeff Summer class (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterEvaluating our Progress (10 minutes by Jeff) (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
mulbahGood morning shmohamud 13:01
shmohamudgood morning Mulbah13:01
shmohamudgood day&13:01
shmohamudgood day*13:01
janetGood morning shmohamud13:02
mulbahHow are you doing13:02
tboimah-Good morning shmohamud13:02
shmohamudgood day tboimah13:03
shmohamudI'm doing fine, just woke up13:04
shmohamudhow're you?13:04
tboimah-I'm good13:04
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shmohamudgood to hear13:05
shmohamudalright, who wants to knock out some coding today?13:05
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scoopershmohamud good morning any word from Jeff???13:08
shmohamudgood day scooper, no word from Jeff13:09
shmohamudshould I call?13:09
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shmohamudno qnw23413:12
shmohamudno answer13:12
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LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove13:18
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:18
LittleWebsterReport on June Budget (for clarity view the link) (added by scooper)13:18
LittleWebsterSys-Admin schedule with Cole Monday, Thursday and Friday (added by scooper)13:18
LittleWebsterJeff Summer class (added by scooper)13:18
LittleWebsterEvaluating our Progress (10 minutes by Jeff) (added by scooper)13:18
scooperGood morning comrades13:20
tboimahGood day scooper13:21
shmohamudgood day comrade13:21
scooperSince Jeff and Fkoikoi are not around I will conduct the meeting for today......13:21
scooperThen they can follow our conversation later on.......13:22
scooperLooking at our meeting agenda which include the above....13:22
scooperFirst item of the agenda is Budget. please click the link for better understanding.  13:24
scooperWhy going through that link I wiill give your guys 10 or 5 minutes for any doubt just in case you have a concern about the budget....13:25
tboimahfor me everything good13:26
scooperPlease let me know when you I done so that I can continue13:26
tboimahACTION done13:26
shmohamudACTION done13:27
janetit's well understood Scooper13:27
scooperdcammue and mulbah13:27
scoopersilence mean ok 13:29
scooperNext Sysadmin, python and web group13:30
scooperTo help us speedy up our progress three study sections had been provided by Jeff and those section is begin heading by our hard working 13:32
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scoopertutor Shmohamud and Cole13:32
scooperthey had done extremely well for us over the paste time..13:33
scooperBy giving us their timely effort to make this journey reality......13:34
scooperBefore I go forwarder I will like tboimah to talk on a little bit about their process with cole....13:35
scoopertboimah are you in the mood to do that???13:36
tboimahyes if you insist13:36
scooperok I insist13:36
tboimahwe the system administration term email cole and asked for his help on mentoring use through our study and he accepted if he give us time and date for which we will be meeting and the time and date are:13:38
mulbahand him even tell that we will be using audio chat for our study and sharing terminal13:39
tboimahMonday, Thursday and Friday by 1:00pm to 3:00pm Liberia time and he stand by his word and turn up yesterday which was our first day meeting.13:40
tboimahand through our study he mention that we will be using audio chat and sharing terminal so that we can be successful through our study thanks13:41
tboimahACTION done13:42
scooperThanks tboimah13:42
tboimahYou are welcome :)13:42
scooperIn align with our summer plan which include connecting the web term to take advantage of the preliminary HTML5 and CSS test13:44
scooperWhich will help test their understanding as they embark on the web journey.. Yesterday Jeff were able to get the ball rolling with Shallon13:46
scooperWhich seem to be a great start for us..... Looking forward to get dcammue hook by Monday...13:47
scooperAs we continues to strive to make excellent. I will like to appreciate Shmohamud for his commitment and support13:49
scoopergiven to each and everyone on this IRC chat......13:49
shmohamudYou're welcome :)13:50
scooperShmohamud the term is really really grateful for your continue support....13:50
shmohamudWe're a team comrade, together we will achieve great things. It's my pleasure to work with all of you.13:51
scooperUnfortunately I done think I will be the right person to talk about the last two item on our agenda13:51
scooperBut for the look of thing I strongly believe our execution plan for summer classes is  going well.....13:52
scooperAnd every group now have a active learning activities going on........13:53
scooper\me done13:53
shmohamudscooper Jeff says to check your email13:53
scooperI did already 13:53
scooperin the conclusion of his mail he promise to check on IRC this morning if he don't see an agenda. He will conclude that the is no meeting today before leaving for New York...13:55
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shmohamudJust spoke to Jeff. He is happy to hear the meeting was continued in his absence. 14:00
scooperThanks Shmohamud14:01
shmohamudThe only thing I have to add is: keep pushing hard through these early stages of programming. You guys are making impressive progress, but it's important to stay focused and programming every single day if we're to reach out goals.14:01
scooperSure shmohamud we either learn programming or we die trying.....14:02
shmohamudscooper don't push THAT hard lol but the sentiment is good, try hard!14:03
shmohamudI'm confident you will get up to speed at the rate we're going. Like I said, I'm impressed!14:04
Gabrielhi guys gabriel's here 14:10
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scooperGuys is there questions you guys have????14:12
shmohamudHi gabriel14:14
Gabrielhow're you shmohamud14:14
shmohamudgood good, how're you?14:15
Gabrielalso good 14:15
scooperThanks everyone now shmohamud we are exercise in the lab....14:20
shmohamudgood. any questions for me?14:21
shmohamudalright well I'm going to log off for the day. Complete Friday's homework by Monday. Have e great weekend comrades.14:25
shmohamudACTION logs off14:26
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