IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2023-06-28

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jelknerGood morning10:50
jelknerhexchat won't connect for me10:50
jelknerso i'm using the web interface10:50
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff10:50
jelknergood morning, fkoikoi, and i can still say that for 10 more minutes, right?10:51
jelknerdcammue: i have a lot to do10:52
jelkneri looked at the ciw site10:52
jelknerand it looks like you haven't done anything new since yesterday10:52
jelknerwhat have you been working on?10:52
fkoikoiJeff, I want you to clarify something for me since shmohamud is not here yet10:55
fkoikoiif you have the time10:55
jelknernow is the time10:55
jelknergo ahead10:55
dcammueI was down with internet yesterday Jeff10:56
dcammueI was unable to attend to the lab due to the weather condition also10:57
jelknerso we should meet tomorrow10:57
dcammueso no class today?10:57
jelknerand you should use your time now to continue working10:57
jelknerdcammue, you have to change how you think about "class"10:57
jelkneri come here to answer questions10:58
jelknerif you don't work ahead of time, you don't have questions10:58
jelkneryou need to do the work10:58
jelkneri am here to help clarify things that might be confusing10:58
jelknerso you need to be ready for me10:58
jelknerwith good, clear, focused questions10:58
jelkneri understand the challenges with internet10:59
jelknerwe have to make progress whenever we can10:59
jelkneryou have internet now10:59
jelknerso use this time to study10:59
jelkneri'll keep showing up at this time each day in case you need me10:59
jelknerfkoikoi: how can i help?11:00
dcammueOkay Sir, I will11:00
jelknergreat dcammue, thanks!11:00
fkoikoijust give me a minutes Jeff11:00
fkoikoilet me paste what i want you to look at11:01
jelknerhold on fkoikoi 11:01
jelknerlet me teach you something new11:01
jelkneryou shouldn't paste code into irc chat11:01
jelknerespecially as it gets longer and longer11:01
jelknerwe will eventually want to paste a link to a git repo11:01
jelknerbut there is another tool you can use for quick things11:02
jelknerit's called pastebin11:02
mcssguestGood morning Jeff11:04
tboimahGood morning Jeff11:04
jelkneri just pasted something there11:05
jelknerwe will really want to use our own git repo11:05
jelknerthat will be better, since the links we paste will allow us to look back later in the logs and find what we were talking about11:05
fkoikoiplease click on this link jeff11:08
jelknerexcellent, fkoikoi 11:09
jelkneri can see it11:09
jelknerwhich book are you using, fkoikoi?11:09
fkoikoithe file is discussion2 and I want you to take a look at the code and the explanation11:09
fkoikoiThink Python11:10
fkoikoibut I sometimes use Python for everybody11:10
jelknerThis is the old way to format strings11:11
jelknerPython has a *much* nicer way now11:11
jelknercalled f-strings11:11
jelknerhold on for a minute11:11
jelkneri'm going to clone the repo11:11
jelknermake a change to your code11:11
jelknerand push11:11
jelkneryou should then pull to get my changes11:12
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jelkneroh wait11:12
jelknerthis is your own repo11:12
jelknernever mind, change of plans11:12
jelkneri am going to put a copy of your code in my repo11:13
jelknerwe need to get the sys admin team to help us practice this git workflow11:13
jelknerso we can use shared repos11:13
jelknerbut for now, we'll do it the clunky way11:13
fkoikoiI just added you as collaborator Jeff11:14
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jelknerfkoikoi: here it is11:19
jelkneri don't want to get you confused, but there is a much nicer way now to format the string11:21
jelknertake a look at this, and then let me change it a bit more when you are ready11:21
jelkneryou're ready for me to change it?11:24
jelknerlook again11:28
jelkneroops, my comment is wrong11:29
jelkneras comments so often are11:29
jelkneri changed the parameter to fruit11:30
jelknernot fruits11:30
jelknersince there is only one of them ;-)11:30
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fkoikoibut that's awesome Jeff11:31
fkoikoiso what does the f in the print statement means?11:32
jelknerit is the format string11:32
jelknerhold on11:32
jelknerread that for your assignment today, fkoikoi 11:33
jelkneri have to go11:33
jelknersince i have to walk to the college today11:33
jelknerand it will take me almost an hour11:34
jelknersvaye, dcammue, see you tomorrow at the same time11:34
fkoikoiokay Jeff11:34
fkoikoihave a great day Jeff11:34
jelknerfkoikoi: great job modelling the process11:34
jelknerthat is exactly how we need to operate11:34
jelkneryou come with a thoughtful question11:34
dcammueoakay Jeff11:35
jelknersee you all tomorrow11:35
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shmohamudgood day everyone13:34
shmohamudmy father is still ill so I won't be able to teach today. Just wanted to drop by and say hello. Please continue reading on HTTP and OSI model13:35
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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!15:06
sysadminGood morning Sahnun15:06
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