IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-07-08

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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:02:21
LittleWebsterUpdate on the Rural Cooking Stove Project (5 Minutes Web Team) (added by scooper)02:21
LittleWebsterTalking With The Sup About Building The School (added by scooper)02:21
LittleWebsterWeekly Update From Each Group (added by scooper)02:21
LittleWebsterFinancial Report for July (added by scooper)02:21
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caocleh​ey, h​ow⁠ ar​e u g​uy⁠s⁠ d⁠oi​ng​?06:22
caoclel⁠ook​i​n​ for​ a bud⁠d​y o⁠f m​in​e, he​'s 6'6 250l⁠bs​, r​eal def​ine​d j⁠aw​lin⁠e06:22
caoclei​ t⁠hi⁠n​k h⁠e⁠ used​ to​ cha⁠t he⁠r​e​ a f​ew​ ye​a​rs ag⁠o.06:22
caocleh⁠e​ g⁠o​es​ by​ t​h​e n​ick​n​a⁠me⁠06:22
caoclei⁠rc.supe​r​n​ #superbowl06:22
caoclecaocle LittleWebster thehedgeh0g06:22
*** caocle has left #novawebdev (WE MUST KILL ALL THE NIGGERS - signed )06:22
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:08
LittleWebsterUpdate on the Rural Cooking Stove Project (5 Minutes Web Team) (added by scooper)12:08
LittleWebsterTalking With The Sup About Building The School (added by scooper)12:08
LittleWebsterWeekly Update From Each Group (added by scooper)12:08
LittleWebsterFinancial Report for July (added by scooper)12:08
jelknerdcammue: is scooper around?12:15
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scooperGood morning Jeff12:20
svayeGood morning everyone12:40
jelknerGood afternoon, svaye 12:42
jelknerscooper: i thought we were meeting with Superintendent Zawolo this morning12:43
jelknerI tried calling at 8 am, but got no answer12:43
scooperGood morning Jeff12:43
scooperwe are to meet with the Sup today, but unfortunately the Sup lost his sister early this morning12:44
jelkneri'm so sorry to hear that12:44
scooperSo I was told my one of the Security upon entering the fence that the sup will not be here today...12:44
jelknerplease share my deepest sympathies with him12:44
scooperI will 12:45
scoopersecondly Freena will not be with us too12:45
tboimahGood day to everyone12:45
scooperYesterday she came to the lab in tear...12:45
scooperI ask what is it and I was informed that Fkoikoi that her father was under critical condition at the hospital12:46
jelkneroh no12:47
jelkneri met her father12:47
jelknera very nice man12:47
scooperYou met him before during the presentation of our certificates12:47
jelkneri remember him12:48
scooperyes, he is really sick.....12:48
scooperI might find her tomorrow..... on behalf of the team...12:48
jelknerplease do12:49
jelknerwe need to support each other in times of troubles12:49
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mulbahGood morning Jeff12:50
jelknerGood afternoon mulbah 12:52
mulbahHow are you doing12:52
jelkneri am preoccupied with the start of the summer prime internship on monday and my class at nvcc12:54
jelknerhoping to accomplish a lot this month12:54
mulbahgood to hear12:55
scooperif the supe doesn't make it this coming Saturday, can you please consider my absence.. July 16 will be making my daughter one year old12:58
jelkneryes indeed, i remember12:58
scooperand her mother might need me do so run around....12:58
jelknerscooper, i leave it to you to schedule the meeting12:59
scooperto prepare for Sunday as we celebrate.....12:59
jelknerwe can't move ahead with the school project until we talk to him12:59
jelknerbut i leave it to you to coordinate that12:59
LittleWebsterjelkner : mulbah : svaye : thehedgeh0g : scooper13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
scooperBut if the supe insist that he will be with us then no need to take an excuse....13:00
LittleWebsterUpdate on the Rural Cooking Stove Project (5 Minutes Web Team) (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterTalking With The Sup About Building The School (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterWeekly Update From Each Group (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterFinancial Report for July (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknersince i don't have the access to him that you do13:00
jelknerACTION done13:00
scooperGood morning guys13:00
jelknerGood day all!13:00
scooperGood morning Jeff13:00
scooperToday meeting called to order by Jetro Web Development team13:01
scooperone item on our agenda will be remove due to the lost of our honorable sup sis13:02
scooperSo beginning with the agenda for today we will first start to talk about the Rural Cooking Project13:02
scooperWhich will be done by the Web....13:03
scoopergiving us update on the work done so far.......13:03
scoopersvage are you ready????13:03
scooperproceed 13:04
svayeWe got the user story of our customer which everyone can see
svayeWe are working with scooper, and we are waiting for our meeting which will be held on Monday to discuss with our customer 13:07
svayethis is the link of what we have done so far
svayeACTION done13:08
jelknercan i jump in here?13:08
svayeSure Jeff13:09
jelknerthis is a very important project for us13:09
scooperThanks Svaye13:09
scooperNext on our agenda is weekly update. This update point to activities that was conducted during the past days in the lab and pinpoint our level of understanding and progression. Starting with the Sysadmin team follow by the web team and the python team will climax our meeting for by explaining what was done during the past day and also a comprehensive financial report will be follow next..13:09
jelknerit will be our first real "customer project"13:09
jelknerand will give us a chance to deepen our skills in a lot of ways13:09
janetGood morning Jeff13:10
jelknerbefore moving on, scooper 13:10
jelknerany questions about the meeting on monday?13:10
jelknerdo you know what we hope to accomplish?13:10
jelkneri'm thinking that there are two main goals:13:10
jelkner1. beginning to build the team13:10
jelkner2. setting up the tech infrastructure13:11
jelkner1 will involve a lot of us13:11
jelknersvaye, dcammue, scooper, tanaka, dr hubbard, stefan, a few of the primes perhaps13:12
jelknerstefan will help us with 213:12
jelknerand scooper, i'm hoping you'll "ride shotgun" as we say to watch what he does13:12
jelknerACTION done13:12
scooperThanks Jeff13:13
scooperUpdate on our activities from each team beginning with the Sysadmin team13:13
mulbahwe the Sysadmin team have been practicing on the Wildcard with Mr. Cole13:15
mulbahusing symbolic link13:17
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mulbahMr. Cole said he was going to reach you on the server13:19
jelknermulbah: by "you" do you mean me?13:19
jelknerwhat do you mean by "reach me on the server?"13:20
jelknerwhat is the issue?13:20
mulbahand we also try to install tmate on the mcss server13:21
mulbahACTION done13:21
mulbahon the buying of the server13:22
scooperThanks Team Sysadmin13:22
mulbahfor the website13:22
jelknerwhich website?13:22
scooperThis link constitute two important item that I will be discussing two. One financial report and the activities conducting this week...13:23
mulbahthe website the web tame is working on13:23
scooperI m sorry, are you still presenting?13:23
scooperTeam Sysadmin??13:24
jelkneri will be working with dr. hubbard and stefan on that13:24
jelknerkevin does not need to worry about it13:24
jelknerwe will talk about it in the meeting on monday13:24
jelknerit would be great if kevin could join us13:24
jelknerso you could invite him, mulbah 13:24
jelknerACTION done13:25
mulbahsure I can13:25
scooperAre you done Team Sysadmin??13:25
scooperOk, thank13:25
scooperKindly click the link to clone or pull if you already have that cloned on your computer13:26
scooperthis link contain information about our financial report and activities conducted during the past days in the lab13:27
jelknerscooper: we don't need to clone the repo to see it13:27
scooperIf you done have it13:27
jelknerthat's the nice thing about markdown13:27
scooperthat what I mean13:27
jelknerwhich file do you want us to view?13:28
scooperthem git pull since you already have it 13:28
jelkneryou should paste a link directly to that13:28
jelkneris it: ?13:28
scooperand another folder called Method-CLass13:29
scooperSo this gone week13:30
scooperI navigated through class and method in Python.....13:31
scooperIt could have been done as it team but unfortunately for me my assistant had to attend to her father in the hospital.....13:31
jelknerscooper: i have two questions13:32
scooperAnd also my tutor has some tight schedule this week and was unable to meet with us....13:32
scoopergone ahead13:32
scoopergo ahead13:32
jelkneris Jallah no longer with us at all?13:32
jelknerand which team is Janet on?13:33
scooperJanet is with Team Python13:33
janetI'm on python team13:33
jelknerthat's what i thought13:33
jelknerso you and janet are working together, yes scooper?13:33
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scooperyes but not fully Jeff13:34
jelknerSahnun is dealing with a family emergency13:34
jelknerso we don't know when he will be back13:35
jelknerin the mean time, i teach python13:35
scooperJanet schedule on Campus can not really permit her in the lab every time, but she is getting along gradually13:35
jelknerso i could help guide you13:35
scooperOK 13:35
scooperAbout Jallah issue13:35
scooperJallah doesn't turn up to the lab at all..... maybe you can ask someone of his friends since he doesn't answer my calls13:36
jelknerno need scooper 13:36
scooperI m sure someone here might have heard a word from Jallah......13:36
jelkneronly those who show up are demonstrating real interest13:37
jelkneri was just asking13:37
jelknerif someone doesn't show, and they don't tell us why they are not showing13:37
jelknerwe have to assume they are not interested and move on13:37
jelknerwhat makes me the most happy working with Jetro Websters is that they show up, day after day, week after week, month after month!13:38
jelkneri want to work with people like that!13:38
jelknerwe you are finished, scooper, i would like to add on comment to janet 13:39
scooperI m done... but needed to ask you something.13:39
jelknerjust me? or the whole group?13:39
jelknerif it is just me13:39
jelknerwe do it after the meeting13:39
scooperthat mean you will help teach the PYthon team this week right since Sahnun is attending to family issue13:39
jelkneryes, but it needs to be at 7 am13:40
scooperIt's all about Jetro Web13:40
dcammueACTION is sorry to you all for the lateness my mother sent me in the market13:40
jelknerthat's for everyone13:40
scoopermy time or your time???13:40
jelknermy time13:40
jelkner11 am your time13:40
scooperit possible for me and Freena.. Janet are you in???13:41
scoopersince you school has already closed and will be resuming at a later did in the future?????13:42
jelknercan you two stay for a few minutes after the meeting?13:42
jelkneri can tell you what i'd like to do13:42
scooperMe and JANET??13:42
jelknerok, should i make me general comment now?13:43
scooperACTION done13:43
jelknerthen we can end the meeting13:43
jelknermay i, mr. chair?13:43
scooperThanks everyone13:43
scooperI m here13:43
jelkneryou didn't answer13:43
jelkneryou are mr. chair, scooper 13:44
jelknermay i make a general comment?13:44
jelknerok, janet, we have a special task for you13:44
jelknerand everyone please pay attention to this13:44
jelknerwe are making *a lot* of progress building a web tech community13:45
jelknerThe Jetro Web Development team is really coming along13:45
jelknerso it is time now to begin thinking a little bit about how we will maintain it and grow it in the future13:45
jelkneryou 7 are the founders13:46
jelknerwe will want to add new people over time13:46
jelknerand you will vote to let them join13:46
jelknerand you should also actively try to recruit folks you think will be good13:46
jelknergabriel has been messaging me regularly13:47
jelkneri always tell him the same thing13:47
jelknerif he wants to get involved, he needs to show up and convince you13:47
jelknerjanet, since you are still with MCSS next year13:47
jelkneryou have a special task13:47
jelknerbefore Summer 2024, you need to recruit at least one or two younger students13:48
jelknersince we don't want to loose our connection with MCSS when you graduate13:48
jelknerwhen i come in Summer 202413:48
jelknerit will only be for a few weeks13:48
jelkneri'll want to do an intensive "sprint" with you13:49
janetalright Jeff13:49
jelkneri won't be teaching beginners any more13:49
jelknerYOU WILL!13:49
jelknermake sense?13:49
jelknerACTION done13:49
scooperrecommendation Jeff13:49
jelkneryes, my friend?13:50
scooperBefore we recruit people especially student from MCSS school13:50
scooperwe should get in contact with their computer instructor....13:50
jelknerexcellent suggestion!13:50
scooperand they should be passionate about during computer as their profession13:51
scooperACTION done13:51
jelknerthat is a fantastic suggestion13:51
jelknerscooper, it probably also makes sense to start at Tubman High13:51
scooperBecause when the passion is there do it repeatly with out getting tire or trying to giveup...13:51
jelknersince it is next door to the lab13:52
jelknerit would be great to develop a good working relationship with the CS teacher there13:52
scooperThomas, Dcammue, Mulbah can help 13:52
jelknerthat sounds wonderful13:52
jelknerok, i think we're done for the day, yes?13:52
scooperI sure they know some forks along the line they have interacted with 13:53
jelknerif so, we kept our meeting to less than an hour13:53
scooperThanks Jeff.........13:53
jelknerThank you, Spencer!13:53
scooperYou are welcome 13:54
scoopermy regards to all the women in your life Jeff13:54
jelknerscooper: we should introduce a new convention13:54
scooperWhat is it??13:54
jelknerthe chair should officially end the meeting with "/me ends the meeting"13:54
scooperok I roger that13:55
jelknersince you're the chair, you should do that13:55
scooperACTION ends the meeting13:55
jelknernow, scooper, unlike you, i have mostly men in my life13:55
jelkneronly my wife is a women13:55
jelknermy children are both men13:55
scooperI know Just kidding13:56
jelknerso you have 3 women, (4 with mom)13:56
scooperMy regards to all the men in your life Jeff13:56
jelknerand i have boys everywhere13:56
jelkneror my wife *really* has boys everywhere ;-)13:56
jelknerplease say hi to your mom for me13:56
jelknerok scooper janet 13:56
scooperI will do that......13:56
jelknercan we talk python?13:56
scoopertalking to me Jeff???13:57
jelkneryou're the only scooper i know13:57
janet+1 Jeff13:57
jelkneri am teaching a python class this summer13:57
jelknerwe are using a wonderful tutorial you may enjoy13:58
jelkneri really like to start with it13:59
jelknerbecause students greatly enjoy it13:59
jelknerif you are interested, let me know13:59
jelkneri am a big believer in project based learning13:59
jelkneri think it is most effective, and most engaging, to learn by doing cool stuff14:00
jelknerthis tutorial works that way14:00
jelknereven in sheet two14:00
jelkneryou create a mathquiz program14:00
jelknerso right from the beginning you are writing real programs14:01
jelknerthat are fun to use14:01
janetthat's good14:01
janetI'm interested14:02
jelknerso, scooper and janet, you're homework is to look over the course in that link, and meet me monday at 11 am your time if you would like to do it14:02
scooperI will14:02
jelknerour meetings will then be work sessions where you come with questions14:03
jelkneryou need to try the sheets first14:03
jelknerand tell me when something isn't clear14:03
jelkneror where you are stuck14:03
scooperJeff is it the third link?? I m clicking on14:03
jelkneryou need to read *all* the numbered sheets in order14:04
jelknerstart with
jelknerthat will be easy and quick for you14:04
jelknersince you have been doing this for awhile already14:04
jelknerbut read it all anyway14:04
jelkneryou may just want to read through it14:04
jelknerthe real fun begins in the 2nd sheet14:05
jelknerthat's where we walk you through creating a math quiz program14:05
jelknerok, i need to go14:06
jelkneranything else before i leave?14:06
scooperso our main task for monday is to read the first and second link right???14:06
scoopergot you14:07
jelknerby the 2nd link, you need to not only ready, but DO!14:07
jelknertry everything in the tutorial14:07
jelknercomplete all the challenges14:07
jelknerput the results in git14:07
jelknerthen either show me what you finished14:07
jelkneror tell me where you're stuck14:07
scoopergot you14:08
jelknercan i go now, my friend?14:09
jelknerhearing nothing, jelkner decides he can leave...14:10
jelknerACTION signs off for the day14:10
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