IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2023-07-10

*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)05:45
svayeGood morning dcammue10:37
dcammueGood morning svaye10:39
dcammuehow are you?10:40
dcammueAre you not coming?10:40
svayeI am good and you10:40
jelknerGood morning svaye and dcammue!10:46
jelknerGlad to see you hear early.10:46
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svaye_Good morning Jeff10:48
dcammueGood morning Jeff10:50
dcammueHow was your night?10:50
jelknerLet's dive in, folks.10:51
jelknerI have a huge agenda today10:51
jelknerand need to move as deliberately as i can to get through it10:51
svaye_what's the agenda Jeff?10:51
jelknersvaye_, i am:meeting with the prime students to launch th10:52
jelkner2. teaching at nvcc at 9 am10:52
jelkner3. work in with you now10:52
jelkner4. finishing taxes for SECOSOL and NOVA Web Development10:53
jelkner5. trying to decide whether we could fund Jetro Web Development through SECOSOL and then not need a new 501c310:53
svaye_And have the meeting with Tanaka about the website, right Jeff?10:54
jelkneryes, at 1 pm our time10:54
jelknerthat is same time the prime interns start10:54
jelknersince i want them at the meeting too10:54
svaye_That's great10:55
jelknerso, what can i help you two with now10:55
svaye_I want to ask a question10:55
jelknerhow is your lesson 1 study coming along?10:55
jelknerwhen will you be ready for the quiz?10:55
jelknerwhen will you have the first rebranding of the lab finished?10:55
scooperGood morning Jeff10:56
jelknerscooper, please respond to kevin's email10:56
jelkneri get the feeling he isn't pleased with the lack of progress on the task he assigned10:56
scooperThough we said that Monday you should be online, due to your class time10:56
scooperLet me check10:57
jelknerthe title is "Re: READ ME NOW and act on this!"10:58
jelknersvaye_, dcammue, can you answer my questions?10:59
svaye_It's going on very well and we will send the link of the rebranding anytime this week10:59
jelknerthat will be great10:59
jelknerwe can talk about it on saturday10:59
svaye_Okay Jeff11:00
jelknerafter you finish the rebranding, you can take the quiz11:00
scooperPermission denied, please try again.11:00
scooperthis is what I get everything I tried loggon the server11:00
jelknerscooper, please don't bother me about that11:01
jelkneri have too many things to worry about11:01
jelknerall i can say is, you need to communicate effectively with your mentor there, kevin11:01
jelkneri am only raising it new because kevin choose to include me in the email11:02
jelknerthat means he is not happy with the response to his earlier email11:02
jelknerso you need to work that out with him11:03
jelkneranything you need from me this morning svaye_ and dcammue?11:04
jelknerif not, let me talk to the Python group11:04
svaye_We're all good11:04
jelkneri'll be hear tomorrow at the same time to ask again ;-)11:04
jelknerjanet, scooper, how did it go with the GASP course?11:05
jelknerjanet, scooper i only have a few minutes11:06
janetit when well11:06
jelkneri assigned my students at nvcc to complete sheet 211:06
jelknerand if they wanted an A, they needed to do at least one of the "Improving the program" challenges at the end11:07
jelkneryou should be putting all your work in a git repo11:07
scoopersorry let me upload it in the repository you normally use for study purpose11:08
jelknerplease do, scooper 11:08
jelkneri tell my students that i use their git commits to evaluate their progress11:08
scooperplease check the first sheet answer11:08
jelknerpost a link, and i will11:08
scooperwhy I upload the second sheet11:08
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jelknerscooper, i mean paste the link here11:11
jelkneri got it, scooper, but you want to post the link like this:
scooperI sorry I was trying to paste the link that lead directory to that math.py11:14
jelknerwhat i mean is, we want the link to the file, not the commit11:15
jelkneri'm not sure why you are trying to ask the user for two inputs?11:16
jelkneryour program will print "What is 7 times 2?" and then ask the user to type 7 and 2?11:17
jelkneror they could type 1 and 1411:17
jelknerlet me encourage the 3 of you to do these challenges together11:18
jelknerso that you can all talk about them11:18
jelknerthe first step is to understand the goal11:18
jelknerwhat are you trying to do?11:18
jelknerif we make the computer print "What is 7 times 2? "11:18
jelknerwe want the user to type *one* response, not two.11:19
jelknerthen we want to see if the response they type is correct11:19
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff11:19
jelknerthat means they type 1411:19
jelknerin this case11:19
jelknerif they type anything else, we need to tell them they are wrong11:20
jelknergood morning fkoikoi11:20
scoopercan I ask a question11:20
jelknermy deepest sympathies about your family, fkoikoi 11:20
jelkneryes, scooper 11:20
scooperok 11:20
scooperthe question is base on what was introduce in the first and second chapter11:21
fkoikoiThanks Jeff11:21
scooperassuming that we have not yet cover conditions11:21
scooperSo that was why I wrote the program that way.... 11:21
jelkneryou have a condition on line 5, scooper11:22
scooperyes the if statement11:22
jelknerwe want to use problem based learning here11:22
scoopergo ahead11:22
jelknerthe problem is to write a math quiz program11:22
jelknerwe will learn whatever python we need to do that, *as we need it*11:23
jelkneroh i see11:23
jelkneryou are looking at challenge 311:24
jelkneryes, you are correct11:24
jelknerat challenge 3, you have not been introduced to conditions11:24
jelknerbut you are only being asked here to generate two random numbers, print a question, and get a response11:25
jelknerthat's it11:25
jelknerthe sheet is trying to lead you do develop the program step-by-step11:25
scooperPlease highlight those challenges that need to be restructure before leaving.....11:27
scooperChallenge one to four11:28
jelknerdo a git pull11:29
jelkneri noticed an error in the sheet11:29
jelkneri am missing a + operator11:29
scooperI just did11:30
jelknerso look at my solution to challenge 311:32
jelknerthat's all you are being asked to do11:32
jelknermake sense?11:32
jelknerkeep going11:32
jelknerand we can see where you got to tomorrow11:32
jelknerbut how are fkoikoi and janet doing?11:32
scooperI just added the print function on answer to display the output11:32
jelknerall three of you should be doing this together11:33
jelkneror else we aren't making progress, scooper 11:33
jelknerso you should be comparing your solutions with their's11:33
jelknerso you learn to help each other11:33
jelknerthen you can come to me when all three of you are stuck11:33
janet sure11:34
jelknerok, i need to fix the missing + in the sheet before i leave11:34
jelknersee you here tomorrow at the same time11:34
jelknerand scooper, see you at the meeting at 5 pm your time11:35
jelknerwe have a big day today with the PRIME interns starting11:35
jelknerwe need to make good use of their skills during the one month that we have them11:35
jelknersee you this afternoon11:35
jelknerACTION signs off until 1 pm EST11:35
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scooperACTION leaving soon11:36
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*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)12:26
mulbahHow are you doing Mr. Cole13:09
ubuntouristHi. Still waiting for everyone to change their passwords. This should have been a 1-minute task.13:10
ubuntouristDid you see my e-mails13:10
ubuntourist(If the IRC connection is going to drop away all the time, then e-mail is going to be crucial.)13:11
mulbahMr. Cole the password is not longing in13:14
tboimahGood morning ubuntourist13:14
ubuntouristI've logged in to everyones account this morning using that password. Copy and paste it into your terminal, and then see if you can type something that looks identical.13:16
ubuntouristLet's all go to the tmate.13:16
mulbahssh JGxjmt5fVRmUnaQhkGcDdBUMS@lon1.tmate.io13:18
ubuntourist(the password worked for scooper, tboimah  and mulbah accounts.)13:18
mulbahbut it is not going through13:20
mulbahlet me type it you see13:20
ubuntouristOK. Just type the password in the terminal with a "# " at the start so that I can see what you think you're typing.13:20
ubuntouristCtrl-C so that it stops asking.13:21
ubuntourist(If you try too many times it will lock you out13:22
tboimahokay i got you13:23
ubuntouristNow, change the password immediately!13:24
ubuntouristtboimah, are you there with mulbah? Are you able to watch the conversation in the terminal?13:25
ubuntouristmulbah, now on to the next step.13:25
tboimahhere i join 13:26
ubuntouristexit mcssliberia back to your local machine and try the "ssh-copy-id" command from the e-mail message.13:26
ubuntouristtboimah, get mulbah to help you with the password if you are still stuck.13:27
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:28
ubuntouristmulbah, Yep. I can see that. Did you see the e-mail about "ssh-copy-id"?13:29
mulbahno let me check it13:29
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ubuntouristmulbah, I sent it on July 7. (I like e-mail because I don't need to worry about dropped connections every  five minutes,13:32
ubuntouristand I can create messages that are more than ten words at a time, with properly formatted text.)13:33
ubuntouristACTION is stepping away from the computer for a few seconds.13:34
sysadminGood morning Ubuntourist13:35
sysadminthanks I just update by password on the server13:35
ubuntouristACTION is back13:36
ubuntouristscooper, now add the ssh keys to your server account13:36
ubuntouristmulbah, just press enter13:37
scooperBefore doing so can I ask you a question13:37
ubuntouristmulbah, and again -- unless you are prepared to REMEMBER the passphrase you create.13:37
mulbahso I should not passphrase the file13:37
ubuntourist(I mean, press ENTER again -- unless you are prepared to REMEMBER the passphrase you create.)13:37
scooperIn case I have another ssh keys added to another server will this new ssh not override the one I m about to run????13:38
ubuntouristYou don not need one. Some people add them for extra security13:38
ubuntouristbut no one can reset those if you forget them.13:38
mulbahI press enter13:39
ubuntouristscooper, ssh-keygen will overwrite existing keys. ssh-copy-id will copy the keys you have onto a remote computer.13:39
ubuntouristscooper, So, if you already have your keys set up you probably don't want to use ssh-keygen. But, you have not copied your13:40
ubuntouristscooper, keys to the MCSS server yet. (I checked this morning.) 13:40
ubuntouristscooper, When you have the keys copied correctly -- using ssh-copy-id -- then ssh will not ask for a password:13:41
mulbahI want to ask a question Mr. Cole13:41
ubuntouristscooper, ssh will know how to use your private key on your computer with the public key that you sent to MCSS server.13:42
ubuntouristmulbah, go ahead.13:42
scooperI haven't done it yet but I have another ssh set to a local computer in the lab that I some practice with..... so 13:42
mulbahIf my computer get missing and get new computer how will I ssh in to the server again without my password13:43
scoopermy question was if I use ssh on the remote reserver which is will this override the previous one I have for my computer in the lab??13:43
ubuntouristscooper, hold while I answer mulbah 13:43
ubuntouristmulbah, you will need to run ssh-keygen on the new computer and then ssh-copy-id also. This will add a new key to the list of authorized keys.13:44
ubuntouristmulbah,  If you find your old computer, the old keys that you generated and copied will still work -- unless you actively13:45
ubuntouristmulbah, delete them from the MCSS server.13:45
mulbaheven if I haven't log in to the sever before with my new computer13:45
ubuntouristscooper, It's kind of the same answer I just gave mulbah: You can use ssh-keygen on lots of different computers.13:46
ubuntouristscooper, each time you run ssh-keygen, it creates two files on the computer: a private key that should NEVER be copied to another13:47
ubuntouristscooper, computer, and a publc key that is intended for other computers. ssh-copy-id will copy the public key to the remote computer and add it to a list.13:47
ubuntouristSo, if you have 15 computers in a classroom, and you have an "scooper" account on each one, you can run ssh-keygen on each one, 13:48
ubuntouristand then ssh-copy-id to the MCSS server. The MCSS server will then have a file with 15 public keys in it. It will recognize you without a13:49
ubuntouristpassword from any of the 15 computers where you used the ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id.13:49
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ubuntouristmulbah, yes: If you remember your password that you just reset, and you use ssh-key-id from another computer, it will ask for the MCSS password, and then copy the keys you create.13:51
ubuntouristThen when you SSH, it will use the keys you have copied.13:51
ubuntouristmulbah, so, you still need to issue the ssh-copy-id. (I don't see that in the tmate terminal yet.)13:52
ubuntouristAnd as I mentioned in e-mail, there are different "flavors" of ssh keys, with  different encryption algorithms. I usually create one of each type13:53
ubuntouristand then after creating them all, I use the ssh-copy-id and it finds all of them and copies them at once.13:54
ubuntourist(Copies all of them at the same time, I mean.)13:54
sysadmin_Cole one more question before I do this...13:55
ubuntouristsysadmin_, go ahead13:55
sysadmin_on my local server in the lab I ran this command "mkdir -p:~/.ssh before running the ssh-keygen 4096 on my computer to generate the ssh key pairs13:57
sysadmin_what is main use of ssh-keygen 4096?13:57
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sysadmin_I m asking because I didn't see this command ssh-keygen 4096 among your command??? which include ssh-keygen -t dsa13:59
sysadmin_ssh-keygen -t ecdsa13:59
sysadmin_ssh-keygen -t ed2551913:59
sysadmin_ssh-keygen -t rsa13:59
ubuntouristsysadmin_, ? you should never create the ".ssh" directory yourself. ssh-keygen will create it for you and will use the proper permissions. And I don't know what "4096"  is in the command. I've never typed that.14:00
ubuntouristsysadmin_, where did you see "ssh-keygen 4096"? I do not see that in the ssh-keygen manual.14:00
sysadmin_I coming send you a link for that...14:01
ubuntouristmulbah, Sorry, I have not been watching the terminal window. sysadmin_ typed the correct commands in the chat for some of the different key types.14:02
mulbahssh-Key.gen -t dsa14:02
sysadmin_sorry it's ssh-key -b 409614:02
mulbahssh-Key.gen -t ecdsa14:02
mulbahssh-Key.gen -t ed2551914:03
mulbahssh-Key.gen -t rsa14:03
mulbahthat is it14:03
ubuntouristmulbah, what is the difference between what you just typed in the chat and what sysadmin_ typed in the chat. Hint: It's just one characcter..14:04
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ubuntouristsysadmin_, Ah. the number of bits in the key: Adding "-b 4096" makes the key larger and more complex. It means that the encryption is even stronger..14:05
ubuntouristsysadmin_, I have never felt the need to add "-b 4096" but it is not a bad idea. (If your server is collecting credit card numbers, financial information, medical information, etc.14:06
ubuntouristthen a bigger ssh key pair (4096 bits) is an excellent idea.14:07
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ubuntouristmulbah, actually two characters wrong in your command. No capitals, no periods.14:08
tboimahubuntourist can i ask a question14:09
scooperI just inbox you the link14:09
ubuntouristtboimah, if you've created changed your password and created an ssh key, yes. ;-)14:10
Thomas_yes i have dont that14:12
ubuntouristThomas_, and if you can stay connected long enough for me to answer. ;-)14:13
ubuntouristThomas_, So, go ahead with your question.14:13
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ubuntourist(45 minutes left, everyone.)14:14
Thomas_and here is my question14:14
Thomas_I am trying to us the ssh-copy-id command with my username@severname but it is given me this print statement /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found14:14
*** Thomas_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:14
ubuntouristtboimah, Thomas, it means that you have NOT created any ssh keys. You're not following this chat or the e-mail very well.14:16
ubuntouristtboimah, Thomas. Read the chat. Read the e-mail. I'm not retyping what I've just typed three or four times.14:16
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ubuntouristQuick tip for mulbah scooper and Thomas (tboimah) etc:14:19
ubuntouristWhen you are trying to find a command that you typed previously, instead of pressing the up arrow and down arrow until14:20
ubuntouristyou find what you are looking for, try Ctrl-R and type a few letters of the command you are searching for.14:20
ubuntouristCtrl-R is "reverse search" and is very handy.14:20
ubuntouristtboimah / Thomas - All of the answers are in today's chat and in the e-mail I sent on July 7.14:22
ubuntouristACTION is not seeing anything happening, and is going to check e-mail...14:24
ubuntouristso, mulbah scooper have you created and copied all your keys yet? 14:27
ubuntouristmulbah, scooper, if you have done it right, you should not need to type a password when you use "ssh" to login to any server that14:28
scooperJust a minutes14:28
scooperI m on it14:28
ubuntouristyou have copied ssh keys to with ssh-copy-id.14:29
ubuntouristscooper, okay.14:29
tboimahsysadmin@solidarity:~$ ssh-copy-id tboimah@students.mcssliberia.org14:30
tboimahsysadmin@solidarity:~$ ssh-copy-id14:30
tboimahUsage: /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id [-h|-?|-f|-n|-s] [-i [identity_file]] [-p port] [-F alternative ssh_config file] [[-o <ssh -o options>] ...] [user@]hostname14:30
tboimah-f: force mode -- copy keys without trying to check if they are already installed14:30
tboimah-n: dry run    -- no keys are actually copied14:30
tboimah-s: use sftp   -- use sftp instead of executing remote-commands. Can be useful if the remote only allows sftp14:30
tboimah-h|-?: print this help14:30
tboimahsysadmin@solidarity:~$ -h14:30
tboimah-h: command not found14:30
tboimahsysadmin@solidarity:~$ ssh-copy-id tboimah@students.mcssliberia.org14:30
tboimahsysadmin@solidarity:~$ ssh-keygen14:32
tboimahGenerating public/private rsa key pair.14:32
tboimahEnter file in which to save the key (/home/sysadmin/.ssh/id_rsa): home14:32
tboimahhome already exists.14:32
tboimahOverwrite (y/n)? y14:32
tboimahEnter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 14:32
tboimahEnter same passphrase again: 14:32
tboimahYour identification has been saved in home14:32
tboimahYour public key has been saved in home.pub14:32
tboimahThe key fingerprint is:14:32
tboimahSHA256:Tjjda9GQwsiE4/SKW+DF4wrumn0qU2YcWb+gtVg72Fg sysadmin@solidarity14:32
tboimahThe key's randomart image is:14:32
tboimah+---[RSA 3072]----+14:32
tboimah|     ..          |14:32
tboimah|    =o o   .     |14:32
tboimah|   * +o o o      |14:32
tboimah|  + E oo o o     |14:32
tboimah| o / *o.S o .    |14:32
tboimah|. % O .+   o     |14:32
tboimah|.= + .  . o      |14:32
tboimah|o+o .    .       |14:32
tboimah|=+oo             |14:32
ubuntouristtboimah, looks good, but you want to do that " ssh-copy-id"  AFTER you create the key. It cannot copy what has not been generated.14:33
ubuntouristtboimah,  sSo give the ssh-copy-id after the ssh-keygen. 14:34
ubuntouristthen, ssh should log you in without asking for a password.14:35
scooperI m being prompt for a password phrase14:35
scooperEnter passphrase for key '/home/sysadmin/.ssh/id_rsa':14:35
ubuntouristtboimah,  (You never need to do the ssh-keygen  and ssh-copy-id again, unless you get a new computer..)14:35
scooperssh-copy-id scooper@students.mcssliberia.org14:36
ubuntouristscooper, As I explained to mulbah - a pass phrase adds more security. You don't need one, but if you add one you MUST REMEMBER it.14:36
scooperthis is what I did...14:36
ubuntouristscooper, no one will be able to reset the passphrase if you forget it. The key becomes useless.14:37
ubuntouristscooper, if ssh-copy-id is asking for the passphrase, then you originally added a passphrase when you issued the ssh-keygen command.14:38
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:38
ubuntouristscooper, If you've forgotten the passphrase you used when you typed the ssh-keygen command, then the key is now trash14:39
ubuntouristand you will have to recreate a new key with ssh-keygen again.14:40
ubuntouristmulbah, scooper, tboimah / Thomas, I'm going to recommend not using passphrases, because of that problem.14:40
ubuntouristAlso, I just noticed that tboimah's text above says that the fingerprint ends with "sysadmin@solidarity".14:42
ubuntouristI HOPE you are all using different accounts and not all logged in as "sysadmin" on a computer named "solidarity".14:43
ubuntouristIf you are all doing this on the same computer, then you are overwriting each other's keys, which would be bad.14:43
ubuntourist(I know that mulbah is not doing that, because I can see he is logged in as mulbah on ASPIRE, not sysadmin on solidarity. So he's safe.)14:44
ubuntourist15-minute warning... 14:45
ubuntouristPlease by next time, verify that you can all login to without using a password.14:46
scooperEveryone is using different computer14:47
ubuntouristscooper, Oh, good. I just was worried when I saw "sysadmin@solidarity" I was expecting "tboimah@..." or "thomas@...".14:48
ubuntouristAlso, I recommend experimenting with the Ctrl-R to do reverse searches in your command history.14:48
ubuntouristmulbah, you've been very  quiet... Studying?14:49
ubuntourist10-minutes left...14:50
ubuntouristI also recommend "apt install keypassxc" and using keypassxc to store your passwords. It is a password database system.14:53
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ubuntouristYou create a "master password" that you use to unlock the database, and then you create entries with a host name, a user name, a password, and a "title"14:54
ubuntouristthe title or key name is a short text string that summarizes the key. So, for example, I might have an entry:14:55
ubuntourist"Liberia server", "", "kjcole", and a password. I can also add a note "This is for working with students..."14:57
ubuntouristor something like that.14:57
ubuntourist3 minutes...14:57
ubuntouristTime is up. Bye! 15:00
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svayeHi Stephen16:55
Stephen_HHi.  Good morning, day & afternoon.16:57
jelknergood day16:58
Stephen_HAs a heads up, I've have to leave at 30 after the hour for a medical apt.16:58
scooperHello Sitarabuta16:59
scooperand hello everyone16:59
jelknerthat's fine Stephen_H 16:59
sitarabutahi to you as well scooper 16:59
jelknerwe don't want this meeting to go longer than that16:59
jelknerit's a first meeting16:59
jelknerwith only one item on the agenda16:59
jelknerWho is the team for this project?16:59
jelknerscooper: that won't work17:00
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!17:00
jelknerLittleWebster only fires on saturday at 9 am17:00
scooperGot you17:00
jelknerhello averie 17:00
sitarabutajelkner, but you can still check the agenda ;-)17:00
sitarabutait just doesn't have anything in it17:00
jelkneryes, sitarabuta 17:00
jelkneri know17:00
jelknerok, i'm sitting in a meeting room at the public library17:01
jelkner5 interns have just arrived17:01
jelknerthey will be with me for a month17:01
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Stephen_HI just messaged Tanaka to remind him.17:02
jelknerthese are the User Stories17:03
jelknerStephen_H while we wait17:04
jelknersitarabuta is the guy to help you get the server17:04
jelknersince he know the specs we need17:04
jelkneri met with him over the weekend17:04
jelknerit we can go with the smallest available17:04
jelknerwhich i believe will cost around 3.4 euros per month17:05
jelknerwe need the server17:05
jelknerand then we can get started17:05
jelknerStephen_H and sitarabuta, since we only have 30 minutes17:05
jelknerand since sitarabuta is experienced with irc and knows you can have more than thread here at once17:06
jelknerwhy don't you two begin chatting about that17:06
jelknerwhile i introduce the interns to the project?17:06
sitarabutayou mean private messages jelkner?17:06
jelknerwhen you use someones nick17:07
jelkneras in sitarabuta 17:07
jelknerit shows up in a different color on most clients17:07
jelknera few things about this channel17:07
sitarabutaoh, yeah17:07
jelknerwe practice what i like to call "radical transparency" here17:07
Stephen_HWell, the cost is minimal, and the number of users initially will be less than 10, and under 100 MB of storage17:07
jelknereverything we type is turned into a web page17:08
jelknerby our bot17:08
jelknerLittleWebster: 17:08
mulbahHello everyone17:08
jelknertake a look at
sitarabutahi mulbah 17:08
jelknerand you can see how it works17:08
jelknerthat makes this about the easiest format for communicating that i can think of17:09
jelknersince no one needs to take notes17:09
jelknerwe are making them as we go17:09
jelknerand they are publically available17:09
jelknerand arranged by date17:09
jelknerStephen_H: you need to server17:09
jelknersitarabuta: please help him get one17:09
jelkneryes, that's what i spoke to you about17:10
jelknera machine on which the Rural Clean Cooking Stove web application will run17:10
Stephen_HWell, I was assuming that I would buy a Level 1, and give you guys the login & passwords, and you would take it from there.17:10
Stephen_Hand if you need, more, then I would bump it up to level 2.17:11
jelknerafter this meeting, i'm going to find out which among the PRIME interns will be working on the project17:11
sitarabutawell that sounds about perfect Stephen_H ;-)17:11
jelknerbut in Liberia, we have two web designers17:11
jelknersvaye and dcammue17:11
jelknerdcammue is not here at present17:11
jelknerbut svaye is17:11
svayeYes Jeff17:11
jelknerwe will need to involve the sys admin team too17:11
jelknersince we will be using LibreOrganize as the web application for this17:12
Stephen_HI'm really just the bag/cash guy....17:12
jelkneryes, Stephen_H 17:12
jelkneri know17:12
svayeMulbah is present now17:12
jelknerbut with sitarabuta help17:12
jelkneryou will purchase the server17:12
jelknerand we will start setting it up17:12
Stephen_Hsitarabuta, what is your email?17:12
sitarabutajelkner I think Stephen_H is saying that the process of purchasing the server is not at all complicated17:13
jelknerwe need to get Tananka here17:13
sitarabutaStephen_H it is stefan.tarabuta@novawebdevelopment.org17:13
jelkneri didn't expect it would be17:13
Stephen_Hgit it.17:13
Stephen_Hgot it...17:13
jelknerso he needs to give you access, sitarabuta 17:13
jelknerthen his job here is done17:13
jelknerexcept for getting our customer here17:13
sitarabutasounds good17:13
jelknermaybe that's the next meeting17:13
jelknersince we already have is User Stories17:14
jelknerso that's enough to get us started17:14
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Stephen_HI messaged him and he replied, but his connectivity is very bad sometimes, Let me check in with time and see what is going on...17:15
jelkneryou can, Stephen_H, but like i said, he already provided us with well written user stories17:15
jelknerso we have what we need17:15
jelkneri was going to describe the process to hi17:15
Stephen_HI purchased a solar powered batter for him so if his power is off, he can still join the conversation, but that is still no guarentee17:15
jelknerbut i can do that through email later17:16
jelkneri fully understand the challenges17:16
jelknerhow is his mobile connectivity?17:16
jelknerthere are irc clients for mobile17:16
jelknerand he could use one of those17:16
Stephen_HOk, I'll go purchase the level one system and then give you the login & password.17:16
jelknerso that's all we need from you, my friend17:17
sitarabutathanks Stephen_H!17:17
Stephen_HTanaka is not responding, so his cell tower is probably down.17:17
jelknerdon't worry about it17:17
jelknerto be successful in a project like this17:17
jelknerwe need to be ready for that17:18
Stephen_HOk, by all.  I'll send the login/password in about 2 hrs. as I have to leave for a medical apt.17:18
jelknerthanks Stephen_H 17:18
jelknerjust send the info to sitarabuta 17:18
sitarabutabye Stephen_H 17:18
*** Stephen_H has quit (Quit: Page closed)17:19
jelknerok sitarabuta, do you want to briefly introduce yourself?17:19
jelknerthen you can go17:19
sitarabutaSure jelkner 17:19
mulbahI think it will be cool17:19
mulbahby he introducing he self17:19
mulbahI really like knowing people17:20
sitarabutaI'm Stefan and I was in jelkner's class in high school in 2018. I was intern at NOVA Web Development for a year in 2019 after which I became a member of the coop.17:20
sitarabutaI have been doing mostly Python and Django stuff, but overall I've gotten my hands dirty with front-end, sysadmin, Azure, etc.17:21
sitarabutaNow, I am just around to help out with any of these topics ;-)17:21
jelknersitarabuta is our lead developer17:21
jelknerand if any of you want to do Django development17:21
sitarabutaI mostly worked with LibreOrganize and Business Tracker while I was "full-time" at NOVA.17:22
jelkneryou'll be working with him and Adrian17:22
jelknerhe didn't just "work with them", he wrote them ;-)17:22
jelknerfrom scratch17:22
scooperThanks Sitarabuta17:22
jelknerthanks sitarabuta 17:22
mulbahso sitarabuta you are a sysadmin too17:23
scoopernice knowing you17:23
jelknermulbah, he is a jack of all trades17:23
sitarabutaIt's nice to meet you all as well :-)17:23
jelknersince he figures out whatever he needs to figure out17:23
sitarabutamulbah, I wouldn't say it's my "forte", but yeah I play with that stuff too17:23
jelknerto set up a web application in a small business like ours17:23
jelknerthe devs need to admin the systems17:23
sitarabutaNginx, server provisioning, etc.17:24
mulbahcan you please text your email I will like to learn something new from you17:24
sitarabutasure mulbah, it's stefan.tarabuta@novawebdevelopment.org17:24
jelknerok thanks sitarabuta 17:24
mulbahThanks so much17:24
sitarabutaI'm more likely to see stuff on the NWD email than my personal one because I get spammed there ;-)17:24
svayenice meeting you sitarabuta17:25
jelknerand sitarabuta set up and maintains our mail server17:25
jelknerhello Tanaka!17:25
sitarabutasvaye, likewise!17:25
jelknerTanaka, Dr. Hubbard had to leave17:25
svayeHi Tanaka17:25
TanakaGreetings Jelkner17:26
jelknerbut he will be purchasing the server for your website17:26
jelkneras i emailed you, your user stories are nice and clear17:26
jelknerand give us what we need to get started17:26
mulbahso Jeff it's tboimah and I will be working on the server by the help of Mr. Cole17:27
jelknertoday is the first day of a month long Summer internship for averie, Ellie, Erica_B, Rachel_K17:27
TanakaThank you very much. So what is the next step 17:27
jelknerthe next step is we should spend the next two weeks working on your user stories17:27
jelknerand then meet again to show you what we have17:27
jelknerand get the next set of stories from you17:28
jelknerwe should talk about the domain17:28
jelknerwe could just use a subdomain now17:28
TanakaOh alright that will be great.  I am also on my summer holiday so I am always available if there is anything I can help with17:28
jelknerlike ruralcookingstove.sjcompute.org17:29
jelknerif that meets with your ok17:29
jelknerwhat do you think?17:29
*** fkoikoi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)17:29
jelknerif you want to think about it17:29
jelkneryou can email me17:29
TanakaThat is okay with me17:30
jelknerwe'll start with that17:30
jelknerit is easy to change later17:30
jelknerok, that's all i have for now17:30
jelknercan we meet again in two weeks at this same time?17:30
TanakaSo approximately how long do you think it is going to take until the website is done17:30
jelknerwebsites are never done, Tanaka ;-)17:31
sitarabutaI'd say that is a bit hard to tell Tanaka. These things don't always go according to the plan17:31
jelknerbut my goal is to have it usable before the month is up17:31
sitarabutaAnd by "don't always", I mean "never" ;-)17:31
jelkneryes, sitarabuta, but we can have a basic starter page up in a week17:32
jelknerand then iterate from there17:32
sitarabutaof course17:32
TanakaOh alright.  As long it is usable that will be great :---)17:32
jelknerthat's the goal, Tanaka 17:32
jelknerok, let's meet back here in two weeks17:33
jelknerat this time17:33
jelknerok, i need to talk with the interns17:33
jelknerso unless anyone has anything else17:33
jelkneri say we close this meeting17:33
TanakaOkay thank you Jelkner and team17:33
jelknerthank you for this project, Tanaka 17:33
jelknerit is really important17:34
jelkneryou are doing a good thing17:34
jelknersaving lives17:34
TanakaBefore we close is there anything I should share for the website development 17:34
jelkneryou could introduce yourself17:34
jelknerwe have info on the project17:34
jelknerbut it would be nice to get to know you a bit17:34
TanakaCan I do the introduction here17:35
*** Tanaka has quit (Remote host closed the connection)17:36
sysadmin_Jeff are the any other things need to be discuss be we quite???17:37
jelkneri was waiting for Tanaka to introduce himself17:38
sysadmin_scooper "wrote"17:38
jelknerbut it looks like his connection dropped17:38
jelkneri'll give him 5 minutes to returen17:38
jelknerand then we can sign off17:38
jelknerif you all need to go17:38
jelkner you can17:38
jelknersince it's late for you there17:39
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jelknerscooper, i'll see you tomorrow at 7 am my time17:39
*** Rachel_K has quit (Remote host closed the connection)17:39
sitarabutaConnections dropping all over the place17:39
scooperI m still around......17:39
jelknerme too17:39
scoopertill this meeting end....17:40
jelknermost of the folks here are connecting through the web app17:40
jelknerok, let's call it a day17:40
jelknerACTION officially ends the meeting17:40
scooperThanks Jeff17:40
sitarabutajelkner, do we still drop the bag of gravel? ;-)17:40
jelknerbye svaye, mulbah, scooper 17:40
scooperACTION I m about to leave since the meeting has ended.....17:40
jelknersitarabuta: i haven't taught them that17:40
sitarabutajelkner it's tradition!17:40
jelknerbut since you're here now17:41
jelkneryes, i thought about it17:41
fkoikoi_have a nice day Jeff17:41
svayebye Jeff have a nice day17:41
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jelknerso i will sitarabuta 17:41
jelknerby fkoikoi_ 17:41
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jelknerACTION logs off17:41
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svayeACTION signs off17:41
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mulbahwow everyone just leaving like that17:42
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mulbahHello Tanaka17:42
TanakaGreetings Mulbah17:44
TanakaSomething happened to my  internet connection so I had to rejoin again17:44
TanakaAnd it seems aeveryone is gone17:45
*** Tanaka has quit (None)17:45
mulbahHello therichestlife18:14
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gabrielHi there, am Gabriel 19:46
gabrieljust joining the conversation 19:48
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