IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-07-13

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jelknerGood morning svaye 10:56
jelknerI looked over the work you sent me.10:57
jelknerand have several suggestions for next steps10:57
svayeGood morning Jeff10:57
jelkneris now a good time?10:57
svayeWhat are the suggestions Jeff 10:57
svayeYeah now is a good time 10:58
jelkner1. you can disgard the first_test.html10:58
jelknerand rename test_2.html to index.html10:58
jelknersince that will be the homepage for the site10:59
jelkner2. you need to replace *all* media files10:59
jelknerApplication_1 shouldn't be in the repo10:59
jelknersince we don't have copyright to those files11:00
jelknerso we can't legally use them11:00
jelkner3. give the new media files better names11:00 is not a good name11:00
jelkneroops, unnamed.jpg11:00
jelknergood names are so important in our business11:01
jelknersince things become very complex, good names help us keep track of what we are doing11:01
jelkneri suggest you refactor a bit, and then create a new repo11:02
jelknerwith the name jetro_website11:02
jelknerput the index.html main page in it11:02
svayeOkay Jeff I will do that right now11:03
jelkneralso, instead of jetro_video_files11:03
jelknerwe should name it just media11:03
jelknersince a jpg is not a video file11:03
jelknerit is an image file11:03
jelknerand there will be at least one audio file too11:04
jelknerwe won't talk about it now11:04
dcammueGood mornniing11:04
jelknerbut the best place to put media files is not in the git repo11:04
jelknerwe will keep them there for now to make things easy11:04
jelknerbut later, we will learn to use a separate media server for them11:05
jelknergit is really good at managing *text* files11:05
jelknerand can track their changes over time11:05
jelknerit can't track media files, which become very big11:05
jelknerso whenever you change a media file (and videos are the worst, since they have both audio and a sequence of images)11:06
jelknerthe git repo database gets really large11:06
jelknerthat slows down performance11:06
jelknerfor now, let's make sure our media files are as small as we can make them11:07
jelknerand we will only add a few of them to our repo11:07
svayeokay 11:07
jelknerso now you have your next assignment11:07
jelknerlet's meet again when you have that done11:07
jelknerdo you think you can do that by Monday?11:08
jelknergood morning dcammue 11:08
svayeOkay Jeff when I am done I will send the link to your novaweb email11:08
dcammueHow are you?11:08
jelknerthanks, svaye 11:08
jelknerplease tell scooper and everyone that Sahnun's father passed away yesterday11:09
jelknerMy wife and I will be attending the service today.11:09
jelknerokay, i'm going to log off now unless you need anything else11:10
jelkneris janet around?11:10
dcammuesorry to him for me Jeff11:10
jelknerwill do, dcammue 11:10
svayeI am so sorry for his lost 11:10
dcammuenot yet11:10
jelknerok, please let the python team know that if they need help with anything, they need to show up at this time11:10
jelkneri only have a few minutes each morning11:11
jelknerand can't wait around for them11:11
jelknerwe can talk more on saturday11:11
jelknersee you then11:11
jelknerACTION logs off for the day11:11
svayeHave a nice day Jeff11:11
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svayeACTION signs off11:12
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fkoikoiGood morning shmuhamud11:27
fkoikoiI'm so sorry for the death of your father11:27
fkoikoimy condolence to you and the family11:28
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