IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-07-15

mulbahHello shmohamud01:23
shmohamudHey Mulbah01:23
shmohamudHow's it going?01:23
shmohamudyou're awake at 1:23 AM! Are you coming to the meeting in the morning?01:23
mulbahyeah I'm01:24
shmohamudWhat are you doing up at this time?01:25
mulbahtrying to read01:26
mulbahthis few time I haven't been putting time to python01:27
mulbahI was on sysadmin01:27
mulbahbut will you be available time like this everyday for us to do practice in python01:28
shmohamudhey sorry I lost track of this. Good that you're practicing hard. Evenings are not bad for me, if you let me know in advance I can login and we can practice python01:49
shmohamudi'm not sure about everyday, but most days I should be available at least for a bit.01:49
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mulbahso what is the plain for tonight02:05
shmohamudI'm about to head to sleep but have you looked through the py4e lessons yet?02:17
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mulbah 02:36
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:16
LittleWebsterTalk about SECOSOL as possible fiscal sponsor for Jetso Web Development (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)12:16
jelkner!Discuss why Jetro Web folks don't have agenda items (10 minutes)12:17
jelkner!add Discuss why Jetro Web folks don't have agenda items (10 minutes)12:17
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss why Jetro Web folks don't have agenda items (10 minutes)" has been added to the agenda.12:17
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:17
LittleWebsterTalk about SECOSOL as possible fiscal sponsor for Jetso Web Development (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)12:17
LittleWebsterDiscuss why Jetro Web folks don't have agenda items (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)12:17
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi 12:38
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff12:38
fkoikoiHow are you this morning?12:39
jelknerI had plans to get together with Sahnun for breakfast, but he isn't feeling up to it.12:42
jelknerSo I'm home.12:42
fkoikoiAlright, so how is he now?12:43
jelknerHe's not feeling well this morning, but he's ok.12:44
fkoikoimy regards to him Jeff12:45
jelknerwill do, Freena12:46
mulbahGood morning Jeff12:52
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jelknerGood morning mulbah 12:57
jelknerI hear really good things about you from your tutor, mulbah 12:57
jelknerHe keeps telling my you're "a natural"12:57
jelknerthat's great to hear12:58
jelknersince we need a good sys admin in our team12:58
LittleWebsterjelkner : mulbah : fkoikoi : thehedgeh0g13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterTalk about SECOSOL as possible fiscal sponsor for Jetso Web Development (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss why Jetro Web folks don't have agenda items (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerwhere are the others?13:00
jelknerwe are missing a lot of folks this morning13:00
mulbahThey will so be joining13:00
svayeGood morning everyone13:01
jelknergood morning svaye 13:01
jelknergood work on the rebranding13:01
mulbahGood morning Miss. Vaye13:01
jelknerlet's talk this morning about when you want to take the Lesson 1 quiz13:01
svayeGood morning mulbah13:02
svayeI will be ready to take the quiz on Monday Jeff13:02
jelkneri'll give you the password when we meet at 11 am your time13:03
jelkneri only have few minutes on Monday, since i need to walk to the college13:03
jelknerso please be there right on time13:03
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svayeOkay Jeff I will be online by 11 am13:04
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svayeWhat is the agenda for today meeting fkoikoi?13:11
fkoikoiwill soon be up, sorry for not adding it soon13:12
fkoikoiGood morning Jallah13:12
jelknerGood morning jkoleah13:13
jkoleahgood morning everyone13:13
svayeGood morning jkoleah13:13
fkoikoi!add update from each group (10minutes each)13:13
LittleWebsterSuccess: "update from each group (10minutes each)" has been added to the agenda.13:13
jkoleahhow are you doing Jeff?13:14
jelknerkeep in mind, fkoikoi, that you are adding an item for *next week*'s agenda13:14
jelknersince it is past the meeting start time13:14
jelknerLittleWebster already dumped today's agenda13:14
jelknerwhere is scooper?13:14
fkoikoialright Jeff, sorry for today13:15
jelkneri had added two items of my own13:15
jelknerbut i was waiting for the meeting chair to call on me to talk about them13:15
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:15
LittleWebsterTalk about SECOSOL as possible fiscal sponsor for Jetso Web Development (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)13:15
LittleWebsterDiscuss why Jetro Web folks don't have agenda items (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)13:15
LittleWebsterupdate from each group (10minutes each) (added by fkoikoi)13:15
jelkneroh, interesting13:15
jelknerthe items are still there13:16
jelkneri thought they got cleared at the tick tock message13:16
jelkneri'll have to look into that13:16
fkoikoi!add progress on the Rural Clean Cooking website13:16
LittleWebsterSuccess: "progress on the Rural Clean Cooking website" has been added to the agenda.13:16
fkoikoiSpencer is helping his wife to prepare one or two thing because tomorrow is his daughter birthday Jeff13:18
jelkneroh yes, he said that13:19
jelknerok, fkoikoi, your time to shine13:19
jelkneryou need to take charge13:19
jelknerlike svaye was asking you to13:20
fkoikoisure Jeff13:21
fkoikoithe python team is working on the lesson you give us to study13:21
fkoikoisvaye, how is the project going?13:23
dcammueGood morning, and good afternoon everyone.13:24
fkoikoigood morning dcammue13:24
dcammueGood afternoon fkoikoi13:24
jkoleahFreena, can you please allow me say something please?13:25
fkoikoigo ahead13:25
jkoleahokay, thanks!13:25
svayeThe project is going well, scooper is doing a wonderful job on the project 13:25
svayeI've not really been involve with the project as I was working on the rebranding, but scooper did a wonderful job 13:27
fkoikoiwe are waiting jkoleah13:27
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fkoikoiis there anything you want to say?13:29
jelknerwho me?13:29
jelknermy first item, discuss SECOSOL as possible fiscal sponsor should be rescheduled to when scooper is  here13:30
jelknerthe 2nd item i can talk about briefly13:30
jelkneri'm seeing good signs13:30
jelknerand we need to keep pushing forward with progress13:31
jelknerwe will have "arrived" when you all can run a meeting and get things done when scooper and jelkner are not here13:31
jelknerthat's what we need for a cooperative to work13:31
jelknerso, fkoikoi, as chair, you need to:13:32
jelkner1. think about the agenda13:32
jelkner2. move the agenda13:32
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!13:32
jelknerdcammue, there was an agenda13:32
jelkneryou can look in the logs13:32
jelknerbut it empties at the start of the meeting13:32
jelknerto make way for next week's agenda13:32
jelknerjkoleah, i thought you were going to say somethingh13:33
fkoikoialright Jeff, I will do just that13:33
fkoikoijkoleah we are waiting for you to say what you have to say13:34
jkoleahThis message goes to everyone and mostly to Jeff and Spencer. I'm so sorry to the entire team for me not been active for the past months. It's because I was trying to go and serve my church mission and secondly I was given a position at my church that I need to look after almost like everytime and I looked at it, it was really giving me tough time so I had to appeal to my church to reduce some of my work because I want to come back to the team. I 13:35
jkoleahcan't just leave the team without any reasonable reason or telling everyone that I don't to be a part of this team which of I don't want to let go of the team.13:35
jelknerwe were wondering what happened to you, jkoleah 13:35
jelknergood to see you again!13:35
jelknerjkoleah, our goal is to have a viable business within the next year or two13:36
jelknerthat means we have the skills and abilities to deliver value to customers13:36
jelknerwho will hire us for our services13:37
jelknerwe have a lot to learn13:37
jelknerbut we are making excellent progress13:37
jelknerwe now have three teams so that we can break down our overall skills into parts13:37
jelknerand different groups of us can focus on those different parts13:37
jelknerthe groups are:13:38
jelkner1. Web development (the web development trifecta, which svaye can describe to us ;-)13:38
jelknersvaye and dcammue13:38
jelkner2. System administration13:38
jelknermulbah and tbohmiah13:38
jelknerdoes anyone know where tbohmaih is today, btw?13:39
jelkner3. Python programming13:39
jelknerfkoikoi, janet, and scooper13:39
jelknerdoes anyone know where janet is today?13:39
jelknerso jkoleah, if you wanted to rejoin the group13:39
jelkneryou need to:13:40
jelkner1. ask the group for permission to rejoin (since we operate by democratic decisions)13:40
dcammuetboimah say that he will not be able to attend today13:40
jelkner2. figure out which group you would join13:40
jelknerthanks, dcammue 13:40
dcammuedue to some issue13:40
jelknerACTION done13:41
fkoikoiIs there anything else that need to be discuss?13:42
jkoleahSo in short, I want to take this time to say that I'm so sorry to the team and I promise to the entire team that such thing won't happen again. If such thing like this happens the team shouldn't allow me anymore. So I'm appealing to the entire team to please give me a second chance and promise to be active please.13:42
dcammueso we can't discuss the first agenda without scooper?13:42
jelknerdcammue, as long as you have a majority of the votes, you can discuss anything you like13:44
fkoikoiTo the entire team, is there anything you have say about jkoleah issue or should we wait for scooper?13:45
svayejkoleah I think it will be good if you come to the office on Monday and discuss with the team 13:45
fkoikoi+1 svaye13:46
svayetboimah, janet, and scooper are not here and we are a team so we will make decision as a team I hope you understand jkoleah13:47
jkoleahyes of course13:47
fkoikoimulbah, dcammue, svaye, do you guys have something else to discuss?13:49
svayeACTION done13:49
jelknerfkoikoi, can i say one more thing before we leave about our skills development?13:49
fkoikoisure Jeff13:50
jelkneri just want to ask all three teams to pay attention to the Rural Clean Cooking Stove project13:50
jelknerwe don't have the skills needed yet in Jetro Web Development to do it on our own13:50
jelknerand our customer can't wait13:51
jelknerso the main work will be done by the PRIME interns13:51
jelknerwith help from professional mentors13:51
jelknerthis month13:51
jelknerthe project will require the skills that all three teams will have when we are ready:13:51
jelkner1. sys admin team sets up virtual machine to host site13:52
jelkner2. python team creates a Django application that has the backend functionality required13:52
jelkner3. web team builds a user interface13:53
jelknerwhen we can do all those things together, we will be ready to charge customers for our service13:53
jelknerACTION done13:53
fkoikoialright Jeff13:53
fkoikoimulbah and dcammue13:54
mulbahwhat is it fkoikoi13:54
fkoikoido you have something to say13:55
jelknerfkoikoi, do you want to learn a little bit of "in house" nova web development cultural practice with irc meetings?13:56
jelknerstefan was saying i should teach you13:56
fkoikoisure Jeff13:56
jelknerok, here goes13:56
jelknera gavel is a wooden hammer like thing13:57
jelknerthat people who are running meetings bang on to get the attention of the assembled13:57
jelknerso "banging the gavel" would be a way to get everyone's attention13:58
jelknerback in the days of the SchoolTool project (i'll tell you more about that some other time)13:58
jelknerthe project manager, Tom Hoffman, made a mistake13:58
jelknerhe wrote "gravel" instead of "gavel"13:58
jelknerit stuck and became a joke13:59
jelknerinstead of "banging the gavel" he started writing "drops the bag of gravel"13:59
jelknerso, fkoikoi, if we want to carry on that tradition, which nova web development took from SchoolTool13:59
jelkneryou, as chair, officially end the meeting by typing "/fkoikoi drops the bag of gravel" 14:00
jelknerstefan wanted me to introduce that tradition to you, and i have14:00
jelknerit's up to you all whether you want to adopt in our meetings or not ;-)14:01
jelknerACTION done14:01
fkoikoialright Jeff, thank14:01
jelknershmohamud, good to see you14:01
shmohamudthanks Jeff, good to wee you14:02
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud14:02
shmohamudgood morning fkoikoi14:02
fkoikoimy condolence to you and the family for the death of your father14:02
shmohamudthank you <314:03
fkoikoiif there is nothing to be discussed than I want to use this medium to extend my thanks and appreciation to everyone for showing up today14:03
mulbahHello shmohamud14:03
shmohamudhi Mulbah14:03
svayeGood morning shmohamud my condolence to you and the family14:04
mulbahHow are you doing this morning14:04
shmohamudThank you Svaye, I'm good Mulbah14:05
jkoleahHi Shmohamud14:07
mulbahgood to hear14:07
shmohamudhi jkoleah14:07
mulbahThanks for the link you send me shmohamud it cool14:08
shmohamudyou're welcome14:08
jkoleahso sorry about your father okay, my deepest condolences14:08
fkoikoiAlright, thanks to everyone for their time and for gathering here today. Have a nice day everyone14:08
jelknerthank you, fkoikoi 14:09
fkoikoiACTION drops the bag of gravel14:09
jelknersee you on monday at 11 am if you need anything from me14:10
jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend14:10
svayeHave a nice weekend Jeff14:10
shmohamudtake care everyone14:10
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dcammueHave yours too14:10
jelknersvaye i can get you and dcammue started on the quiz at 11 am on monday if you are ready14:11
jelknersee you then...14:11
jelknerACTION signs off14:11
svayeokay Jeff14:11
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jkoleahGood bye everyone, see you all on monday14:11
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