IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-08-08

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jelknerGood morning fkoikoi, scooper, and tboimah10:34
scooperGood morning Jeff10:34
jelknerWhat's our plan for this morning, scooper?10:36
jelknertmickelson is coming into the lab in a few hours to help me set up.10:36
jelkneri'm still at home10:36
jelknerso i'll need to leave by 7:15 am at the latest (11:15 your time)10:36
scooperWork with the web group and the python team this morning Jeff10:36
scooperI m here all day.....10:37
scooperif that can permit you....10:37
jelknerwhat do you mean by, "work with"?10:37
scooperdid you see the book on the server yesterday???10:37
jelknerthose teams should be studying togetehr, and coming to me with *specific* problems or issues.10:38
jelknernot yet10:38
jelknerlet me check email10:38
scoopernot email Jeff10:38
tboimahGood morning Jeff10:38
scooperit's on the server10:38
jelknerwhich server?10:38
jelkneri thought you would email me with the location?10:38 server10:39
scooperit in my directory scooper10:39
svayeGood morning Jeff10:41
jelknerGood morning Shallon10:43
gabriel_Hi jeff10:46
jelknerCSS The Missing Manual10:46
jelkneri see it scooper 10:46
sysadmin_nick scooper10:47
jelkneryes, i love that series10:47
sysadmin_the CSS The Missing Manual10:47
dcammueGood morming Jeff10:47
sysadmin_it's great10:48
dcammueI'm sorry for not attending these few days10:48
jelknerdcammue, you never finished the lesson 1 quiz10:48
jelkneri only see that you completed 1 question10:49
dcammueI was running after some things,but is well now10:49
jelknerso, for the web group, dcammue and svaye, you need to complete the lesson 1 quiz10:49
jelknerand then look over the questions you got wrong10:49
jelknermake note of vocabulary with which you are not familiar10:49
svaye_I will take the quiz tomorrow Jeff10:49
jelknerlet me see how i can enable that10:50
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gabriel_jeff 10:52
gabriel_gabriel here10:52
gabriel_how're you10:52
jelknerGood morning gabriel_10:52
jelknerscooper, i can't read the book10:52
jelknerit is encrypted10:52
jelkneri already have an older 2nd edition10:53
jelkneryou have the 4th edition10:53
svaye_ this is the link fkoikoi10:53
jelkneryou need curl10:54
jelknerso: sudo apt install curl10:54
jelknermight need to be done first10:54
fkoikoi_I spoke with Janet, Jallah and dcammue yesterday. Janet was here yesterday and dcammue is here today10:55
gabriel_jeff i need you to help me with the command to Write a script that counts the number of directories and sub-directories in the current directory.10:57
gabriel_The current and parent directories should not be taken into account10:57
gabriel_Hidden directories should be counted10:57
fkoikoi_Janet is now going to school because she is in the 12th grade so she won't be here at 11:00pm our time, during the week but she will be here Saturday10:57
scoopersound strange Jeff10:58
jelkneranyway scooper, i found a copy10:59
jelknergabriel_, look at
jelknerfkoikoi_, thanks11:00
jelknerdcammue is here now11:01
jelknerdcammue, what are your goals and plans?11:01
jelknerdcammue, it looks like you took the quiz again11:05
jelknerit let's you do that whenever you want?11:05
jelkneryou took it twice?11:05
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dcammuenetwork issue11:07
svayesorry Jeff we have issue with the internet11:07
jelknerso dcammue, i was saying that you may not want to take the quiz back-to-back like that11:09
dcammueyes 11:09
jelknerremember, the questions on the actual certification won't be the same11:09
dcammueI should not do so?11:09
jelknerthough they will cover the same content11:09
jelknerthe goal is not to memorize specific answers to specific questions11:09
jelknerthat won't help11:09
jelknerthe goals are:11:10
jelkner1. to learn the vocabulary and concepts11:10
jelkner2. be able to answer any question involving those terms and concepts11:10
jelkneri make my students take quizzes on paper in class11:11
jelkneri give them 12 random questions for *all* previous lessons11:11
jelknerand on some of the questions, like the JavaScript ones we will see later11:12
jelkneri change the question to produce a different answer11:12
jelknerit is easiest to do that with JavaScript, since it is a programming language11:12
dcammueAre they performing well Jeff?11:12
jelknerthis is a hard certification, dcammue 11:13
svayeIs it possible for you to do that with us?11:13
jelkneri hope to do better this year than last year11:13
jelknersvaye, sadly, since i'm not there with you11:13
jelkneri can't give you paper quizzes11:13
jelknerbut i can send you PDFs of them11:14
svayeI mean you could ask us two or three questions when we meet 11:14
jelknersvaye, i will be able to do that sometimes11:15
jelknerbut you have to remember11:15
jelkneri am *very* overextended11:15
svayeI understand Jeff11:15
jelknerso when you ask me to take on yet another responsibility, i get nervous11:15
jelkneri simply don't have the time to do it effectively11:15
jelknerwhat i can do is send you the PDFs that I am already preparing11:16
dcammueokay Jeff11:16
svayeIt's okay Jeff 11:16
jelkneryou need to be in the "drivers seat"11:16
jelknersvaye, i will send you the PDFs11:16
svayeOkay Jeff11:16
jelknerand we can talk about the questions that my students here are having the most trouble with11:16
jelknerbut what i need from you is for you to strive to improve your "metacognitive abilities"11:18
jelkner"metacognition" is one of my favorite words11:19
jelknerit means "thinking about thinking"11:19
svayeIs a good word Jeff11:19
jelknerin the IT field, the most important skill we need is to learn how to learn11:19
dcammueJeff, I do not understanding some about the XHTML11:19
jelknerdcammue, what do you want to know about XHTML?11:20
svayeYes because if you learn to pay attention and learn from another person or learn new things on your own you will improve11:21
jelknerand you learn how to reflect on your own learning process and improve it based on a "feedback loop"11:22
dcammueXHTML incoorperate with xml11:22
jelknerlet me say this, dcammue, you do not need to dive too deeply into XHTML11:22
dcammuewhat incoorperate means11:22
jelknersince it is not commonly used any more11:22
jelkneri will try to explain briefly11:23
jelknerXML stands for eXtensible Markup Language11:23
jelkneris is a language used to create other languages11:23
jelknerXML is important for data11:24
jelknerso it's good to remember the term11:24
jelkneryou will see it again later11:24
jelknerSGML stands for Structured General purpose Markup Language11:24
jelknerit too is a language used to create other languages11:25
jelknerbtw. spending time "Wikipedia diving" is a useful thing to do ;-)11:25
jelknerHTML was originally defined with SGML11:26
jelknerafter the "browser wars" period, in the late 1990s, there was an effort by the W3C11:26
jelknerto create a new XML based version of the language called XHTML11:27
jelknerthat effort failed11:27
jelknerXML is too strict11:27
jelknerif you had a single syntax error in your XHTML web page11:28
jelknerthe page would produce an error, and not render in the browser11:28
jelknerSo a group of industry players, including Microsoft, Apple, etc.11:28
jelknercame together and formed the WHATWG11:29
jelknerThat group developed HTML511:29
jelknertheir version of HTML won the contest11:29
jelknerand the W3C eventually gave up on XHTML and adopted HTML511:30
jelknerthere is still a version of HTML5 that can use XML11:30
jelknerso you *can* use the stricter form if you want to11:30
jelknerbut hardly anyone does11:30
jelknerACTION done11:30
jelknerit is going to take several years for you to become comfortable with all this, dcammue 11:31
jelknerthere is *so much* to learn!11:32
jelknerso the goal is to keep moving forward, and over time, it will get easier11:32
jelknersince you will have more and more of the concepts you need to learn new concepts11:32
jelknerwhat Jetro Web Development needs most of all is for you to know how to apply your skills to make websites11:33
dcammue_sorry Sir11:33
jelkneri need to go11:33
dcammue_network issue11:33
jelkneryes, dcammue_ 11:33
jelknera common occurance11:33
jelknerdcammue_, you know how to view the log, yes?11:33
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dcammue_Have a nice day then11:34
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jelknertake a look at my answer to your question there11:34
jelknersee you tomorrow at the same time11:35
jelknerACTION logs off11:35
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svayeACTION signs off for the day11:35
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