IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-08-17

*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)00:44
jelknerGood morning scooper!10:35
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)10:40
dcammueGood morning Jeff10:44
jelknerGood morning Daniel!10:51
jelknerdcammue, where is fkoikoi?10:58
*** dcammue has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)10:59
jelknergood morning svaye!11:00
svayeGood morning Jeff11:00
jelknerwhere is fkoikoi, do you know?11:01
svayeNo I am home11:01
jelknerdo you have 10 minutes?11:01
jelkneri would like to ask for your help11:01
svayeSure Jeff11:02
jelkneri want to start having stand-up meetings each day at this time.11:02
jelkneri think they are having internet troubles at MCSS11:03
jelknersince i saw daniel come on, then drop off11:03
jelknerand scooper likewise was there and then not11:03
jelkneri will *only* have 10 minutes each day11:03
jelknerit is a bit stressful for me already, since i am trying to do too much11:04
jelknerbut i am at work11:04
jelknerso 7 to 7:10 am my time is still before i need to start11:04
jelknerbut then i have to go11:04
jelknercan you please reach out to fkoikoi and scooper and let them know we met?11:04
svayeokay Jeff 11:04
jelknerand talk to them about how we can plan to make this 7 am (11 am your time) meeting work?11:05
jelkneri understand that sometimes things will go wrong11:05
jelknerbut we need to be able to count on it working the vast majority of the time11:05
jelkneror planning will be so much more difficult11:05
jelknerthank you, svaye!11:06
jelkneri'll be back here again at 11 am your time tomorrow11:06
svayeokay Jeff I will talk with fkoikoi and scooper tomorrow11:06
jelkneri'll make a point of being here each day from 11:00 to 11:10 am11:06
jelkneri *really* hope i can count on someone from Jetro Web Development to be here to meet with me!11:07
*** sysadmin_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:07
svayeI will be online to meet with you Jeff11:07
jelknersvaye, one more question...11:07
jelknerthank you, svaye11:08
jelknercan you see the posts i am making in Zulip?11:08
svayeI wasn't online for the past two days because I went to the hospital but I will check it now11:09
jelkneroh my, are you ok?11:09
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff11:10
svayeyeah I am on medication so I will be fine11:10
dcammuecan I ask you Jeff?11:10
jelknersure dcammue11:10
dcammuecan you please send me the URL for the zulip link?11:11
jelknerbut two days, svaye, that sounds serious11:11
fkoikoiJeff sorry I;m late11:12
svayedcammue have you open your account?11:12
dcammueI didn't download the zulipp app11:12
dcammueon my laptop 11:12
svayeyou have to download the app dcammue11:13
dcammueI trying to join it online11:13
jelkneri just sent another invite, dcammue 11:14
jelknercheck your NOVA Web email11:14
jelkneri have to go11:14
jelkneruntil tomorrow11:14
svayeHave a nice day Jeff11:14
jelknerplease take care for yourself, svaye!11:14
jelknerfkoikoi, i need to go11:14
dcammuebut they asked for the organization URL11:14
jelknercan you meet with me tomorrow?11:14
jelknerACTION signs off for the day11:14
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:15
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:15
dcammueso can you?11:15
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:17
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:17
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)12:37
mulbahHello scooper12:44
scooperHey good day mulbah12:45
mulbahHow are you doing12:45
scooperssh galaxy.students@mcssliberia.org13:25
scooperNext type in the password "welcome"13:26
mulbahI don't what is the problem it's not going through but I'm working on it13:33
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:45
*** mulbah07_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:11
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:15
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)15:55

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