IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-08-19

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svayeGood morning scooper12:15
scooperGood morning Svaye12:15
scooperGood morning Shmohamud12:22
mulbahHow are you shmohamud long time12:22
svayeGood morning shmohamud12:23
svayeGood morning Jeff12:23
jelknerGood afternoon, mulbah, scooper, svaye!12:23
jelkneri'm here at shmohamud's house, but he stepped away for a minute12:23
scooperGood morning Jelkner and Shmohamud12:23
mulbahGood morning Jeff12:23
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jelknerlet's chat when he gets back about the best schedule for him to meet with the python group12:24
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff12:28
jelknerGood afternoon fkoikoi!12:28
shmohamudGood morning scooper, mulbah, svaye12:30
scooperGood morning Shmohamud12:30
scooperI m glad to see you here again....12:30
shmohamudLong time indeed, I'm hoping we can discuss meeting again this week. Can someone add to the agenda to discuss best times to meet with me?12:30
shmohamudGood to be back, missed you guys.12:31
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:31
LittleWebsterUpdate from each group (added by fkoikoi)12:31
LittleWebsterReport from UoPeople (added by fkoikoi)12:31
LittleWebsterforming a Business and How to be a member of ICA (added by fkoikoi)12:31
scooperthough my email didn't reach you successfully but let me still use this media to extends my deepest condolence to you12:31
shmohamudThank you scooper <312:32
scooperYou are welcome Programmer12:32
shmohamudSo, how does 7:15AM (right after you see Jeff for standup) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday work for everyone?12:33
fkoikoi!add Discuss the suitable time to meet with shmohamud12:34
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss the suitable time to meet with shmohamud" has been added to the agenda.12:34
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:34
LittleWebsterUpdate from each group (added by fkoikoi)12:34
LittleWebsterReport from UoPeople (added by fkoikoi)12:34
LittleWebsterforming a Business and How to be a member of ICA (added by fkoikoi)12:34
LittleWebsterDiscuss the suitable time to meet with shmohamud (added by fkoikoi)12:34
jelknerfkoikoi: no reason we can't address that item now12:34
jelkneri have to leave at 9:30 am to get my wife's car back to her12:35
fkoikoialright 12:35
fkoikoi!remove Discuss the suitable time to meet with shmohamud 12:36
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss the suitable time to meet with shmohamud" has been removed from the agenda.12:36
jelknerso we don't want to pile too many items onto the agenda12:36
jelknerso since we're here now12:36
jelknerlet's talk12:36
jelknerbtw scooper and fkoikoi, i will not be able to make the saturday meeting next week12:36
jelknerSECOSOL has an all day training that day12:36
jelknerbut shmohamud said he could make it12:37
jelknerso what do you think about shmohamud's proposed meeting times?12:37
scooperWhat time Shmohamud will be available???12:38
scooperok it's not bad12:38
shmohamudI start work at 8AM but will wake early and can begin at 7:15AM for 45m12:38
tboimahGood morning12:40
jelknerGood afternoon tboimah!12:40
shmohamudGood afternoon Tboimah12:40
tboimahI am fine and you12:40
shmohamudAlso fine12:41
jelknertboimah, i heard good things from Kevin about your work last week12:41
tboimahyeah 12:42
scooperCan we start the meeting now Jeff12:44
scoopersince you here for a short while12:44
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:44
LittleWebsterUpdate from each group (added by fkoikoi)12:44
LittleWebsterReport from UoPeople (added by fkoikoi)12:44
LittleWebsterforming a Business and How to be a member of ICA (added by fkoikoi)12:44
fkoikoiSo can we proceed with the meeting now?12:46
fkoikoialright 12:46
fkoikoibecome we start, I want to use this medium to welcome each and everyone of you for showing up here too12:48
fkoikoiwe will quickly move to the first item on our agenda which is the update from each group and we begin with the web group 12:49
jelknerfkoikoi: can i make a suggestion?12:49
jelknerthis is a great opportunity to practice having multiple threads at once12:49
jelknerso all three groups can type their update *at the same time*12:50
jelknerthat way we finish in 10 minutes instead of 3012:50
jelknerACTION done12:50
mulbahthe sysadmin team have been meeting with Mr. Cole Monday and Friday12:54
mulbahand we have been practicing a lot of command 12:54
svaye_from my end I didn't work this week because I wasn't well and had to go to the hospital, but I can't say the same for dcammue 12:55
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jelknerwe are so happy you are feeling better now svaye_!12:55
svaye_maybe dcammue did some work, I wish he were here to make a report from his end12:55
shmohamud+1 good to have you back and healthy Svaye12:55
mulbahwe are now on chapter 10 of our book12:56
svaye_thanks Jeff and shmohamud12:56
dcammueGood morning everyone12:57
shmohamudGood afternoon dcommue12:57
dcammueGood afternoon12:57
svaye_Good morning dcammue12:58
dcammuehow you guys doing?12:58
jelknerdcammue: can you tell us what you worked on last week?12:58
LittleWebstertboimah : shmohamud : fkoikoi : jelkner : mulbah : svaye_ : scooper : dcammue13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterUpdate from each group (added by fkoikoi)13:00
LittleWebsterReport from UoPeople (added by fkoikoi)13:00
LittleWebsterforming a Business and How to be a member of ICA (added by fkoikoi)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
dcammueI work on my question that I missed during the quiz13:00
jelknerdcammue: i would love to see the work you are doing to help with that13:01
dcammuewhich is the ccanvas tag function in the HTML5 version13:01
mulbahwe are trying our best that we can to become the the good sysadmin13:01
jelkneryou will get *plenty* of opportunities to practice, mulbah 13:01
dcammueit is used to create graphics on a web page13:01
scooperWell the Python team been preparing for their final exam which is now over at uopeople. since most of our activities is base on showing evidence through our gitea server, we were unable to do such but I can assure you that we are moving forward beginning this week we are going to push all of our activities on the gitea account.13:02
mulbahthanks Jeff13:02
jelknergreat scooper 13:02
dcammueand javascript is us to insert items within the canvas13:02
mulbahACTION done13:02
jelknerdcammue: can you online monday at 11:10 am your time?13:03
jelknerafter my stand up meeting with fkoikoi 13:03
jelkneri could meet briefly with you and svaye_ 13:04
svaye_okay Jeff13:04
jelknerlet's do that13:04
fkoikoican we move to the next item now?13:04
fkoikoiI just sent you a mail Jeff which contains my Report at Uopeople13:05
jelknerthanks fkoikoi 13:06
fkoikoiMoving to the next item13:08
fkoikoiI did a research on ICA which is the International Cooperative Alliance, The ICA have two different types of membership which includes: 13:08
fkoikoi1. Cooperatives, entities that operate like cooperative, and organization that unite or federate cooperative may become full member 13:09
fkoikoi2. Other kinds of organization that support cooperative in some way, can become associate members. 13:09
jelknerexcellent, fkoikoi!13:10
jelknerSECOSOL is type 213:10
jelknerJetro Web will be type 113:10
fkoikoiThe Cooperative movements account for at least 12% of humanity 13:10
jelknerfkoikoi: this is great13:12
fkoikoiThanks Jeff13:12
jelknerour next task will be to make contact with the ICA to find out how Jetro Web could join13:12
scooperShmohamud please check your email....13:12
jelknerat the same time we need to figure out how to form a legal coop in Liberia13:12
jelknerACTION done13:12
shmohamudscooper: just did but don't see anything from you13:13
scooperplease refresh 13:13
shmohamudOk I see it now13:13
fkoikoiFor that Jeff, I think Jetro Web development will need an article of incorporation and registered to the Liberia business registry to become legal 13:15
jelknerexcellent, fkoikoi 13:15
jelknerlet's talk during our stand up meetings next week13:16
scooperLike I say previously Jeff, having a business like Jetro web registered will come with a cost and right we are not generating our own revenue13:16
jelknerscooper: you get $800 a month13:17
jelknerthat is something13:17
jelkneryou have to start somewhere13:18
scooperThe laws in liberian are difference once a business is register they are under full obligation to pay tax13:18
jelknerah yes13:19
jelknerso we need to begin thinking about that13:19
jelknerkeep in mind, scooper 13:19
scooperand you even insist that we need lawyer all of these come with a cost.. What I m simply trying to say here is that we be a little patient and grow our skill13:19
jelkneri am paying tax now13:19
jelknerfor the $80013:19
jelknerif we set up the grant process i am hoping for13:20
jelkneri would not be paying tax13:20
jelknerso that's what we need to investigate13:20
jelknercan a start up work coop receive a grant13:20
jelknera workforce development grant13:20
jelknersince that what we are doing13:20
jelknerhow do we do that so that we are at the same time becoming legal entitites?13:21
jelknerACTION done13:21
jelknerfkoikoi: i may ask you to setup a meeting with the Supe to get his advice13:22
jelkner6 more minutes for me13:23
jelknerwhat's next?13:23
fkoikoiAlright Jeff13:23
fkoikoithe next item is AOB Jeff13:24
jelkneryou did it, fkoikoi!13:25
jelknernice work13:25
jelknerso we finished our full agenda13:25
jelknerwith 3 minutes to spare13:25
jelknerthat's wonderful!13:25
fkoikoithanks Jeff13:25
jelkneri will meet with fkoikoi each weekday at 11 am for 10 minutes13:26
jelknernext saturday shmohamud will be here, but not me13:26
jelkneron monday i'll meet with svaye_ and dcammue at 11:15 am13:26
dcammueJeff here is the link for what I was during last week13:26
jelknerdid you agree on when shmohamud will meet with you?13:27
svaye_Okay Jeff13:27
jelknerawesome, dcammue 13:27
jelknerwe will talk about that on monday13:27
jelknerok, i gotta go13:28
jelknersee you on monday!13:28
jelknerACTION signs off until monday13:28
fkoikoihave a nice day Jeff13:28
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dcammueHave a nice day Jeff13:28
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shmohamudwho wants to begin meeting Monday, Wednesday and Friday? It is currently just me and Spencer and we will briefly review Python and soon after begin Javascript/Node13:30
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shmohamudSounds good. So does 7:15AM (after standup with Jeff) work for everyone starting Monday?13:34
scooperbefore you leave, let me remind you where we stop13:34
scooperwe stop on Regular Expression13:34
shmohamudRegEx isn't super important so we will move on from them unless someone is deeply interested13:35
shmohamudThanks for the reminder, Scooper13:35
shmohamudSo, as I wrote to scooper, because I'm a professional Javascript developer and know the language much better than I know Python, we will briefly review the Python fundamentals and once it clicks for everyone, we will move onto Javascript as soon as possible13:36
scooperbefore climaxing python Shmohamud let us have a little touch on class in pythons (Object orientated Programming)13:38
shmohamudMonday you want to begin with Object Oriented Programming in Python?13:38
shmohamudOk, we will start there :)13:39
scooperI need a review and few clarity from you13:39
shmohamudMake sure to review before class and come with questions13:39
scooperIf you in the mood  I can start asking question now??13:40
shmohamudsure! I can't promise I'll have the answers for Python yet because I need to review myself too13:42
shmohamudLet's hear it13:42
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scooperin python class a function is consider to be a method when it's defined with in a given class right??13:42
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shmohamudYes, when we define a function inside of a class, it's called a method. Methods are functions associated with a class. A regular function exists outside of a class. It's confusing because methods are still functions, programmers just call them methods if they're defined in a class13:44
shmohamudIt's just semantics, it's still just a function but we call it a "method" if it's defined within a class. Does that make sense?13:45
scooperperfect I understand that....13:45
scooperso the confusing by here is this...13:46
scooperis attribute and variable the same in a class? example 13:46
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scooperclass PartyAnimal:13:47
scooper    x = 013:47
scooper    name = ""13:47
scooperthat is a class without a method/function for now13:47
scooperso am I right to refer to x and name as a variable??13:48
shmohamudit's similar to how function and method are both functions, variable and attribute are the same, it's only that when we're talking about a variable defined inside a class, we call it an "attribute"13:49
shmohamudyou should refer to x as an attribute13:49
scooperin my class? can I also consider x and name to be a global scope for any method/function within the class "PartyAnimal??13:50
shmohamudalso name as an attribute. It's when we're talking about classes that we call the variables defined inside "attributes"13:50
scooperACTION done with question for today.. monday want you to make me understand inheritance in python properly.....13:55
shmohamudOk, let me think more about the scope question, I don't have an answer at the moment. We'll discuss inheritance Monday :)13:56
scooperI was trying to say, in python at the beginning we talk about global variable and local variable. which is something consider scope right??13:57
shmohamudyes, global vs local variables is related to scope. 13:59
shmohamudWhenever code is executing, the interpreter has to know what value to associate with a variable. If we define a variable inside a function, it's local scope. I think we can use the keyword "global" to define a global variable too14:00
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