IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-08-24

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jelknerHello AntonioAbela!20:46
jelknerKei, Toby, and Cyrus are all hear, but they are figuring out how to use hexchat20:46
jelknerAntonioAbela, let's talk20:48
jelknerthe most important agenda item for this evening is deciding on the time and place of our weekly meeting20:49
jelkneri propose the place be here20:49
jelknerbut if others disagree, we can discuss it20:49
AntonioAbelaIs there a reason to do it here vs zulip?20:50
jelkneryes, there are several reasons20:50
jelknerand i'll state them for the record20:50
jelkner1. We have a bot, LittleWebster, that automatically creates an archive of everything typed here20:50
jelknerwhile are free version of Zulip *does not* archive20:51
jelknerafter a certain time, messages will disappear20:52
jelkner2. for simplicity, this one place to meet is easier20:52
jelknerit is a single channel that is hosted by where we can always find it20:52
jelknerwe don't need to ask "where?"20:53
jelknersince it is already in the same place20:53
jelknerit is *very* light weight, and can be accessed through a web browser20:53
jelknernot needed password either20:53
jelknerjust point your browser and join20:53
jelknerusing a better client like hexchat is better20:54
jelknerand regular users will want to reserve their nick20:54
AntonioAbelaThose are good reasons, I have no problem with using IRC for our meetings20:54
jelknerbut it isn't required to do that20:54
jelkner3. it works great for our friends in Liberia, who are already using it20:54
jelknerso as we collaborate more and more with them, we'll be in the same place20:55
jelknerWe used this in the SchoolTool project for years20:55
jelknerit worked great20:55
jelknerStefan objected, largely for atheistic reasons20:56
jelknerhe hated the way it looks ;-)20:56
jelknerbut he is moving on20:56
AntonioAbelaI will say I am not a fan of the appearance20:56
AntonioAbelabut I can manage20:56
AntonioAbelaI am sure there is a client that will make it look pretty20:57
jelknerwe'll leave that up to you to find, AntonioAbela20:57
jelknerSo let's talk about the time20:58
jelkner4:30 is too early20:58
jelknerAntonioAbela, what time between 5 and 7 would be best for you?20:58
AntonioAbelaHow long would we like to meet?20:58
jelknerYou will have to decide that among yourselves20:59
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jelknerbut perhaps we should talk about the goals of the weekly meeting20:59
AntonioAbelaI think 5 is a good time20:59
jelknerklarios, does that work for you?21:00
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klarios+1 Yeah 5 PM works well with me21:01
jelknerAntonioAbela, tmickelson, klarios, cbahrambegi this is *your* business21:02
jelkneri'm just here to help you21:02
AntonioAbelaI guess we should discuss the various projects we have going on right now and who is doing what21:02
AntonioAbelaI am currently still working on secosol and alliance for housing solutions21:02
AntonioAbelaWhats everyone else up to? 21:04
klariosyeah totally agree21:06
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klariosI was looking into business tracker and a invoice was made for housing solucions, when do you want to bill them, like an official date so that we can have a good tracking system/21:07
cbahrambegiI've been working on the aea website and getting the hang of the libreorganize functions.21:07
AntonioAbelaOh, I think for now ill handle the alliance for housing solutions bills just because Luke and I have been sending it to them directly in the past. 21:07
AntonioAbelaI was planning on emailing it to them today21:08
cbahrambegiSo for the weekly meeting time can we do 5:15?21:09
AntonioAbelaklarios does it work for you?21:09
klariosYeah that sounds good, I will just log the time for today21:09
AntonioAbelaSo current projects are AEA, Secosol, Alliance for Housing Solutions?21:12
AntonioAbelaWHat about mexico solidarity project, anybody working on that at the moment?21:12
AntonioAbelajelkner are there any projects I'm missing?21:14
sitarabutajelkner, you give op yourself using /mode #novawebdev +o jelkner21:15
jelknersitarabuta, tmickelson and AntonioAbela should be channel opps too21:15
jelknerthanks, sitarabuta 21:15
sitarabutaso, jelkner, there are actually 2 steps in become operators21:16
jelknerAntonioAbela, Mexico Solidarity Project, Claudia Jones School21:16
sitarabutafirstly, you need to register with OFTC as an operator, and second, is elevating to op on a channel when you join21:16
AntonioAbelaWhere can I find the infor for what needs to be updated on those sites?21:16
jelknerAnd the big one, ARTraffic21:16
sitarabutausually, doing the first automatically does the second, but your account is broken.21:16
jelkneropps, i can't promote myself21:17
jelkneri will need to contact them21:18
jelknerAntonioAbela, ARTraffic is the one that we bill at professional rates21:18
AntonioAbelaWhen it comes to ARTraffic, sitarabuta do you have any recommendations for how I should learn it? I don't really know how to start with it 21:18
sitarabutaok jelkner 21:18
sitarabutaAntonioAbela, it might be a bit tough to start21:18
sitarabutait's a stiff learning curve21:19
jelknerWe have one year for you to learn from sitarabuta and abuchholz how to work on that project21:19
sitarabutaI would say that a good start would be to download the repo21:19
sitarabutaand look through it21:19
AntonioAbelaI did that and started to look through it, but had some issues getting it setup21:19
sitarabutaYou'll need to have a good understanding of inheritance and the layout of Django projects to start21:19
sitarabutaAntonioAbela, yeah, running it might be tough21:19
sitarabutaWe have the project connected to 2 databases.21:19
sitarabutaWe have a dump from ARTraffic that is running on a mysql/mariadb server locally as well21:20
sitarabutabesides the sqlite/postgresql from django21:20
sitarabutathat dump holds all their data, that sqlite holds OUR data (generated within django such as custom reports)21:20
AntonioAbelaI think the main thing is to learn a project I feel like I need something to work towards. With libreorganize it was making changes to existing websites21:20
jelknerAntonioAbela, you don't need to worry about Mexico Solidarity Project or Claudia Jones School21:20
sitarabutaAntonioAbela I agree21:21
sitarabutaI have to think of something21:21
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jelknerthey should be handled by your junior developers as soon as they are ready21:21
sitarabutaI'd say that running it would be a good start. I can help you out one day21:21
sitarabutaWe don't have any docs unforutunately21:21
jelknerso for you, as our soon to be lead developer21:21
jelknerthe core clients are AEA, SECOSOL, and ARTraffic21:22
jelknerand Alliance for Housing Solutions21:22
sitarabutaIt's pretty standard Django stuff, besides the second DB. if you can get a MariaDB server running locally, I'll help you out with the dump and django config21:22
jelknerso it's too much for you21:22
jelknerwe need to figure that out21:22
AntonioAbelaLuke and I should be done with Alliance for Housing Solutions soon which will be a relief21:22
AntonioAbelaWe are waiting on some images from them but after that they are going to get their board to review the site and hopefully launch it after that21:23
AntonioAbelasitarabuta I21:23
jelknerExcellent, AntonioAbela 21:23
jelkneras i was just saying to klarios, we need to update our own site too21:24
AntonioAbelasitarabuta I'll see what I can do about trying to run a mariadb server running locally21:24
sitarabutanice AntonioAbela 21:24
AntonioAbelaKind of busy right now will school starting up21:24
klariosHey AntonioAbela was there tracked billable hours for the MD Legislative latino caucus work done on their site? 21:25
jelknerNo, klarios, Zonny did that site21:26
jelknerwho left us a while back21:26
jelknerso we need to find someone to take that over21:26
jelkneragain, we need to grow the team21:26
jelknersince that is an important site for our portfolio21:27
AntonioAbelaIs there anything else thats super important, because I need to go to a meeting with my mentor soon21:28
jelknerno AntonioAbela 21:30
jelknersee you next thursday at 5:15 pm21:30
jelknersitarabuta, said he can come here at that time21:30
AntonioAbelaSounds good21:30
jelknerlet's keep these meetings short21:30
sitarabutasounds good 21:30
AntonioAbelaSee you next week!21:30
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sitarabutasee you AntonioAbela 21:30
jelknersitarabuta, one question for you21:31
jelknerbefore you go21:31
jelknerhow hard would it be to make LittleWebster support two weekly meetings?21:31
sitarabutaif you want just 1 agenda21:31
jelknerso that we can use it for the agenda21:31
sitarabutanot too bad21:31
sitarabutajust set up another cron job21:31
sitarabutaif you want different agenda21:31
jelknerno, two agendas21:31
sitarabutai mean, not too hard, it just needs some more code21:32
sitarabutait's easy to do it wrong21:32
sitarabutaa bit harder to do it right21:32
sitarabutabut an intern could do it21:32
sitarabutaso not impossible21:32
jelknerthat will be a good learning opportunity21:32
jelkneri'll pitch it and see who bites21:32
sitarabutait's the type of project that can be improved constantly21:32
sitarabutajelkner ;-)21:32
klariosHey @sitarabuta I was looking in business tracker and I saw there was an invoice for AR Traffic, do you want to add a date so and discuss the billing intervals? 21:33
sitarabutahi klarios, it is just for the work I've done but I haven't sent it yet21:33
sitarabutaI want to get confirmation from them that everything is right21:34
sitarabutawe can send it after21:34
sitarabutaIt's just a draft21:34
sitarabutaAnd there is no interval, it's a one time thing for work they wanted to be done21:34
klariosgot you, thank you for the update21:36
jelknersitarabuta, i've been talking with klarios about her weekly hours21:36
sitarabutaklarios no prob21:36
jelknerfor this to work, she needed to reduce her hours at her other job21:36
jelknerso we agreed those hours need to be compensated21:36
jelkneri am hoping that most of that can come from her billing our customers21:37
jelknerbut i'll have to cover the difference until it does21:37
sitarabutasure jelkner 21:37
jelknerso i'm *highly* motivated to get that to happen! ;-)21:37
jelkneranyway, billing ARTraffic will help21:38
jelknersince they pay real money21:38
jelkneryou need to coordinate with klarios anyway, since she will be sending you your payment21:38
jelknerhow will we do that?21:38
jelknerobviously, since this is a publicly logged conversation, i'm only looking for a generic answer21:39
jelknersitarabuta, how does klarios get you paid?21:39
sitarabutalet me think21:39
jelkneryou will need to invoice nova web development21:40
sitarabutahow would i do that21:40
sitarabutayou know my situation lol ;-)21:41
jelknerok, let's talk on the phone later21:41
sitarabutawould be better for now21:41
jelknersitarabuta, i'll call you during the day tomorrow21:46
sitarabutasure jelkner 21:46
jelknerit's late there, i'll let you go21:46
jelknerok, if no one else has anything, i'm going to sign off21:47
sitarabutaok jelkner we'll talk21:48
jelknerthanks, sitarabuta!21:48
sitarabutano problem21:48
jelknerACTION signs off21:48
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