IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-09-30

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fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff11:37
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi 11:37
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:39
LittleWebsterDiscuss ARTraffic support plan (added by jelkner)11:39
LittleWebsterIntroduce new devs to NOVA Web git repo (added by jelkner)11:39
LittleWebsterDiscuss plan to deploy LittleWebster on #accict (added by jelkner)11:39
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi, scooper, and tboimah!11:39
jelknerI believe #accict is logging11:39
scoopergood morning Jeff11:39
jelknerif so, let's move there11:39
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jelknerapologies for the confusion11:41
jelknertmickelson's bot is buggy11:41
jelknersince we definitely need the two channels11:42
jelknerto better support our growing community11:42
jelkneri'm going to suggest we deploy the same bot LittleWebster is running on the other channel11:42
jelknerso that we can depend on it.11:42
jelkneri'll talk to tmickelson about that on Monday11:43
jelknerGood morning shmohamud!11:43
jelknerfkoikoi, do you have an agenda for the meeting?11:47
ledmerHello everyone I hope you are have a good morning!11:49
jelkneri'm busy preparing plans for your class on monday, ledmer 11:49
scooperhello luise11:50
scooperhow are you doing??11:50
ledmerI'm good11:51
ledmerfinishing up some homework11:51
scooperso you and myself need to meet online today11:52
scooperto be able to do the site mapping as a team 11:52
ledmerSure, since we already have the user stories we are able to start11:53
scooperI have a suggestion and want to get you view11:53
scooperI m almost done with the index page11:54
scooperSince we using django should send the html and css template first to you11:55
scooperbefore putting it in django??11:55
scooperGood morning Shmohamud11:56
ledmerI think you should put it in DJango first11:56
scooperwhat are you doing right now??11:57
scoopershould I create a github repository and share with you right now to view the starting up process??11:58
ledmerthat would be excellent 11:59
ledmerbecause that way you don't need to ho trough the problem of telling me each time you change something11:59
ledmerI can just see it11:59
ledmerAre we going to use an ssh key to have access to it?12:01
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dcammue_Good morning jelkner 12:12
jelknerGood morning dcammue_ 12:15
scooperkindly check your email12:15
jelknerdcammue_, let's plan where we will host your rebranding project12:15
jelkneri'm thinking, you, svaye, and i can work on it together12:16
jelknerdid you see this?12:16
dcammue_maybe we can host it on codeberg12:17
jelknerwe could, but we don't need to12:17
jelknerwell yes12:17
jelknerbut we have one other option too12:17
ledmerscooper, I will clone everything in my computer12:17
jelknercodeberg is the best idea12:18
jelknerhold on, dcammue_ 12:18
scoopermake should to create a branch12:18
scoopermake sure to create a branch12:18
scooperwe will use github as we collaborate on this project for now12:20
fkoikoi9 more minutes for the meeting to start12:21
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:21
LittleWebsterDiscuss ARTraffic support plan (added by jelkner)12:21
LittleWebsterIntroduce new devs to NOVA Web git repo (added by jelkner)12:21
LittleWebsterDiscuss plan to deploy LittleWebster on #accict (added by jelkner)12:21
scooperwhom chairing the meeting today????12:23
jelknerscooper, this is the nova web meeting!12:23
jelknernot the mcss meeting12:23
jelknerthat's why we need two channnels12:23
scooperok that means we are waiting still 10 your time right12:24
scooperbefore starting??12:24
jelknerkei and julian will be chairing that meeting12:24
jelknerfrom 10 to 10:30 am EST12:24
svayeGood morning Jeff12:24
scooperok got you12:24
jelknerGood morning svaye 12:24
jelknerdcammue_, svaye, what are your codeberg user names?12:24
fkoikoiI am chairing the meeting today12:24
scooperthat what I wanted to hear12:25
jelknerdcammue_, svaye, please paste them here12:25
scooperbut is like protocol change12:25
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jelknersvaye, i'm waiting...12:26
jelknerwhat happened to daniel?12:27
scooperdaniel is sleeping in the lab12:27
jelknerdcammue, what is your codeberg user?12:27
jelknerquick, quick12:27
dcammuejust kidding12:27
jelknerdcammue, i'm not12:27
jelknerplease paste your codeberg user12:28
scooperDaniel please drop the bag of gravel quick12:28
jelknerok, svaye since dcammue is asleep at the wheel12:28
jelkneryou and i will have to move on without him12:28
jelkneri just created a project and a team12:28
dcammueis my user name12:29
jelknergood, just added you12:29
jelknerlet's make our rebranding Jetro Web Development12:30
fkoikoiAlright everyone, welcome and thanks for coming 12:30
fkoikoiThis is the agenda for today meeting12:30
jelknerfkoikoi, don't we start at 9 am?12:30
fkoikoiAgenda 12:30
fkoikoi1. Recruitment Plan done by fkoikoi12:30
fkoikoi2. Jeff Proposal to Daniel & Shallondone by Jelkner12:30
fkoikoi3. AOB12:30
jelkneri'm confused12:30
fkoikoiabout what Jeff12:30
jelknerwe start our meeting in 30 minutes, yes?12:31
fkoikoiBut you said that we should start by 12:30 12:31
jelknermy apologies for the confusion12:31
jelkneri was asking svaye and dcammue to be here now12:31
jelknerso we would have 30 minutes to get ready for the meeting12:32
jelknerthat's why i'm rushing12:32
fkoikoiOkay but I added it to the agenda because you didn't discuss with dcammue and svaye yesterday12:33
dcammuecan we continue jeff12:33
svayejelkner,will we be pushing to the repository together12:34
jelknerthis will give us the chance to learn to collaborate12:34
jelknerwe can even learn git branching through this effort12:34
jelknerdcammue, svaye how would you like to proceed?12:35
jelknersvaye, you will need access to the CIW curriculum12:35
jelknerdcammue says he can help you with that12:35
jelknerbut it is really important12:35
svayeOkay 12:35
jelknerremember, you have a certification exam in April12:35
jelknerto make it possible for me to keep up with this12:36
jelknerwe need to plan well12:36
jelknerso, svaye and dcammue are students in my web class12:36
jelkneryou need to keep the same schedule the rest of the class keeps12:36
dcammueokay we will flow your class12:37
svayewe will flow with the class Jeff12:38
ledmerscooper check your email :)12:38
scooperok Luise12:38
dcammuebut this rebranding will be from the CIW right?12:39
jelknerdcammue, that's what i wanted to explain12:39
dcammueokay go ahead12:40
jelkneri call it a "rebranding" since the DOM elements and much of the style will be taken from CIW12:40
jelknerbut the "branding" will be ours12:40
jelkneri have a serious homework for you two12:40
jelknerlesson 1 is due next Wednesday12:40
jelkneri have the feeling svaye is already behind, since she can't access the curriculum12:41
jelknerso, dcammue you have to help her catch up12:41
jelknerscooper, we need your help12:41
scooperledmer I m done12:41
scoopercheck it12:41
jelkneri need from you:12:41
jelkner1. A nice picture of the Jetro Web Development team12:41
scooperI m here Jeff12:41
scooperI will send it today...12:42
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jelkner2. A short audio (10 to 20 seconds) file saying something about Jetro Web Development12:42
ledmerscooper thank you!12:42
scooperyou are welcome ledmer12:42
scoopernow we can start the ball rolling ledner12:42
scooperok jeff12:42
jelknerand an even shorter video (10 seconds maybe?) showing the lab at MCSS12:43
jelknerdcammue, svaye i showed you this before12:43
dcammuewe will12:43
jelknerbut i'll show it again12:43
jelkneri made a sample "rebranding" about the color orange12:43
jelknerour rebranding will be Jetro Web Development12:44
jelknerdo you understand, dcammue?12:44
svayeI did a rebranding once and showed it to you jelkner 12:45
jelknerpaste a link here, svaye 12:45
jelknerif you have it12:45
jelknerthat can help me12:45
jelknersince i was going to start12:45
jelknerbut if you already did, i'll build on what you have12:45
svayeIt was on my mcss gittea repository12:46
jelknergreat, paste a link here12:46
jelknerdcammue, question: What is an HTML element?12:46
jelknerquick quick12:47
svayeis it only for dcammue12:47
jelknerhe's asleep in the lab again12:47
dcammueIt contain a close tag and some content in between and a close tag12:47
jelknerpretty good12:48
jelknerbut you said close tag twice12:48
jelknerit is "An open tag, a close tag, with content in the middle"12:48
jelkneror inbetween12:48
dcammuelike <body>here is a body element<body>12:48
jelknerso we will replacing the content12:48
jelknerbut keeping the skeleton (the DOM) the same12:49
jelknerit makes it a great learning activity12:49
jelknerand, since we picked a rebranding that will be useful to us12:49
jelknerwe get a useful product12:49
jelknersvaye, do you have that link?12:50
jelkneroops, dcammue 12:50
jelkneryou are missing a /12:50
svayeThe MCSS gitea is not responding, but I will add it to my codeberg account now12:50
jelkneryes, svaye sadly, old senile jelkner broke the mcss git server12:51
svayeIt's okay 12:52
jelknernot really12:52
dcammue<body>here is a body element</body>12:52
jelknerbut it is what it is12:52
jelkner+1 dcammue 12:52
svayeI am trying to add it to my codeberg just give me few minutes12:52
jelknersvaye, dcammue one more question, and then we need to stop, since the meeting is about to start12:53
jelknercan you two make the 11 to 11:10 am stand-up meetings?12:53
jelknerwe can quickly plan our work then12:54
jelknerso, to sum up our tasks:12:54
scooperJeff 12:55
jelkner1. work with scooper to get the photo, audio, and video files (svaye and dcammue)12:55
scooperI will send you the pictures with myself, freena, thomas and daniel today12:55
jelkner2. set up the start of the rebranding using svaye's previous work (jelkner)12:55
scooperthe other will not be present because they are not in the lab12:55
jelknerthat's great scooper 12:55
dcammuejelkner, will that meeting be between the two of us?12:55
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dcammuesvaye, and dcammue 12:56
jelknerif svaye can't attend, it will have to be12:56
jelkneras long as one of you is there each day12:56
jelknerthat's what teamwork is all about12:56
jelkneri don't want to show and find no one12:56
jelknerso if you can't make dcammue, get svaye to cover for you12:56
dcammueit wouldn't be jelkner 12:56
jelknerand visa versa12:57
jelknergreat, dcammue 12:57
jelknerok, we are making progress web team!12:57
jelknerand we finished 2 minutes before show time12:58
jelknerwell done12:58
dcammuecan I ask12:59
svayeokay Jeff12:59
jelknernot now, dcammue 13:00
jelknerfkoikoi is going to start the meeting13:00
fkoikoiOkay everyone, This is the agenda for today13:00
fkoikoiAgenda 13:00
fkoikoi1. Recruitment Plan done by fkoikoi13:00
fkoikoi2. Jeff Proposal to Daniel & Shallondone by Jelkner13:00
fkoikoi3. AOB13:00
fkoikoiSo we move quickly to the first item on our agenda13:01
fkoikoiwhich is the Recruitment Plan13:01
fkoikoiI did a short like of what we need to do and how the process will be like 13:02
fkoikoiand will need everyone input after my presentation 13:02
fkoikoi1. Write letters to the four government high schools.13:03
fkoikoiBefore writing letters to schools, we need to know our targeted students, that is the total numbers of  students that we want to partake in this training. In the letter to the schools, there will be a mandate giving that the computers instructors should be that one during the selection because that instructor knows which one of his students have the passion for computer. 13:03
fkoikoi2. Arranging a one or two days session with the chosen students, giving them an overview of how the training will be like. That is giving them an insight on the things that they will be doing during the training.13:04
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fkoikoi3. Choosing a specific date for the  training to start and dividing the class into section depending on the number of students. That is knowing the time that Jeff will be back in Liberia and working in that time to carry on the training process.13:04
fkoikoiBut before the training, I will advise that we prepare a plan like a curriculum which will consist of the the things that will be taught during the training and when it should be taught. That way we can work or teach according to the plan and it also mean that we know what we are doing and won’t go off track.13:04
fkoikoiACTION done13:05
jelknerThis is excellent, fkoikoi!13:05
scooperThanks fkoikoi13:05
jelknerAnd I'm sure you won't be surprised that I have a lot to say about it ;-)13:05
fkoikoiACTION waiting for the team to view and for their input13:05
jelknerbut i want others to go first13:05
jelknerwhat do folks think?13:06
scooperI and open13:07
scooperto work with any body13:07
scooperwho is desirous of learning computer science...13:07
scooperACTION done13:07
tboimahFirstly i like to ask will the training start before Jelkner come to Liberia or will we wait until jelkner come before the training start?13:07
scooperkindly check your signal check13:07
scooperI send the pictures and video already.....13:08
jelknerfkoikoi, you did a great job thinking about this13:08
jelkneri told you that you a natural leader13:08
jelknersince no one else has an opinion at this point13:08
jelkneri suggest you and i work out the first phase of the plan13:09
jelknerdo you agree fkoikoi?13:09
tboimahI ask a question fkoikoi can you please answer.13:09
jelknertboimah, i'm about to answer13:09
jelknerok, let me try to keep this short13:09
jelknerbut there is *so much* to say!13:09
jelknerone thing we do in schools when helping young folks plan for the future is ask the question "where do you want to be in 5 years?"13:10
jelkneror 10 years?13:10
jelkneri've been doing this for many years now13:10
jelknerso i have a pretty good idea of what i would like to see in 5 years13:10
jelknerbut only half of it13:11
jelknerwe have two projects that we are working on:13:11
jelkner1. We are forming a web development cooperative you all have named Jetro Web Development13:11
jelkner2. We are helping the Superintendant develop an ICT program withing MCSS13:11
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jelknerwe need to keep clear that those are two very separate things13:12
jelknerbut they will support each other13:12
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jelkneri would like you all to take a look at this site:13:12
jelknerThe country in the world that has the most highly developed web worker cooperative sector is Argentina13:13
jelknerif you just look at the pictures in the link i sent13:13
jelkneryou can get a feel for what a viable tech worker coop "looks like"13:14
jelknerin size, they seem to be around 30 people13:14
jelknernova web development has had online meetings with some of them13:14
jelknerand i have been thinking about this problem since 201213:15
jelknerwhen kevin and i started nova web development13:15
jelknerwe will learn through practice, of course13:15
jelknerdemocratic organizations that are healthy and strong will be continually revising their practices and adapting to change13:16
jelknerbut we need some idea of what we are aiming for13:16
jelknerso, we now have 8 people13:16
jelknerthat is definitely too few13:16
jelknertboimah, now your question13:16
jelkneri will never have the time to do again what i did with you when i came last time13:16
jelknerthe next phase is to "train the trainer"13:17
jelkneri will not be teaching beginners13:17
jelknerthat will be your job13:17
jelkneri will continue to work with you to help teach you how to teach others13:17
jelknerthat is a "train the trainer" plan13:17
jelkner*THAT* is what i'm coming next Summer for13:18
jelknerto work with you13:18
jelknernot to teach beginners13:18
tboimahyes one more question13:18
svayetake a look at this jelkner 13:19
jelknerawesome, svaye 13:19
jelkneri'll start with this13:19
svayeOkay Jeff13:20
tboimahIt is every year we are going to host this program to recurite new member? how many person are we need to start the coperative?13:20
jelknergreat questions, tboimah 13:20
jelknertboimah, may i ask you a favor?13:20
jelkneras fkoikoi develops her plan13:21
jelknercan you please look over it with her and discuss it with her?13:21
jelkneryou will need to present it to the superintendent too13:22
jelknerso i will now try to answer your questions13:22
jelkneri just said that "successful coops seem to have about 30 members"13:22
jelknerit is not like there is a hard written rule about this13:22
jelknermy experience teaches me somewhere around that number is right13:23
jelknerbecause if you have fewer than that, you end up with a SINGLE POINT of FAILURE13:23
jelknerfor example, if we had only one trained sys admin13:23
jelknerand that sys admin left13:23
jelknerwe would be in DEEP TROUBLE13:23
jelknerso there needs to be enough redunancy in skills that people can come and go into the organization13:24
jelknertboimah, does that make sense?13:24
tboimahyeah 13:24
jelkneroh, and too many would be bad for democracy13:24
jelknerwe don't want a single organization with a thousand members13:25
jelknerhow would you make decisions13:25
jelknerimagine what meetings would be like with 1000 people offering their opinion13:25
jelknerthe largest cooperative in the world is the Mondragon Cooperative13:26
jelknerit has 85 thousand members13:26
jelknerbut they are organized into many many smaller cooperative businesses13:27
jelkneranyway, we don't have to worry about the too big problem just yet ;-)13:27
jelknersince it is the to small problem that most impacts us now13:27
jelknerbut, we do want to think about the program in the schools13:28
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jelknerthat will be on a bigger scale13:28
jelknermuch bigger i imagine13:28
jelknerbut the superintendent knows that better13:28
jelknerso we need to talk with him13:28
jelknerok fkoikoi 13:28
fkoikoiThis plan is just a draft, that is why I paste it in here for everyone input but one more thing jelkner13:28
jelknerthis has take the whole meeting13:28
jelknergo for it fkoikoi 13:28
fkoikoiHow many students are we targeting for the training comes 2024?13:29
jelknerwhat do you think, fkoikoi?13:29
jelknersince you will be teaching them?13:29
jelkneri would be thrilled if at the end of the process we could double our numbers13:30
jelknerin other words, we *end up* with 8 to 10 really solid folks who want to be part of Jetro Web13:30
jelknerbut if you remember last time, I started with 36 students13:30
jelknerand ended up with 713:30
jelkneryou need to plan for attrition13:31
jelknersome people will say they are interested13:31
jelknerbut they will either be too unreliable or they will decide they really don't like it13:31
jelknerfkoikoi, does that help?13:31
fkoikoiyeah but we have to take into consideration the sitting capacity, so if we have 30 students them we need to divide the class into sections 13:32
jelkneryes indeed13:32
jelknerthat was a big problem when i was there13:32
jelknerwe had only 9 working computers when i started13:32
jelknerso we did 4 sections13:32
jelknerthat was too much, imho13:33
klarioshey julian 13:33
jelknerbut you all are the teachers13:33
jelknerso you will need to decide what you want to do13:33
jelkneri will say this13:33
jelknerfkoikoi, i'm hoping you can start the process before i come13:33
jelknersince i won't have that much time13:34
jelkner3 weeks i'm thinking13:34
jelknerbut we will decide that together13:34
jelknerok, one last thing13:34
jelkneri won't be able to make our meeting next saturday13:35
jelkneror the saturday after that13:35
svayeWhy Jeff13:35
jelkneri'm helping with a speaking tour for the Mexico Solidarity project13:35
JullianMoSame for me actually13:35
fkoikoiscooper, do you have any input or idea that you will love to share?13:35
jelkneri'll be driving to New York City to pick up our speaker13:36
jelknerand taking him back to DC13:36
scooperLike I said earlier I m open to work with any body who is passionate about learning computer science13:36
jelknerscooper, you are a key player here13:37
scoopermy only fear here is that when you have already trained to those people13:37
jelknerbecause you have one foot each in the two projects13:37
jelkneryou represent both Jetro and MCSS13:37
scooperwe need to craft a law that will govern them not to leave our present without13:37
scooperbenefiting or accomplishing our goals13:37
scooperexample 13:37
scooperthe way Jallah left13:38
jelknerpeople will come and go, scooper 13:38
scooperit's was not a good sign for us13:38
jelkneri expect it will always happen13:38
scooperso for our effort not to go in vein after traninng enough people 13:38
jelknernot at all13:39
scooperwe need law that will make them stay and work for since period of time..13:39
ledmeranyone could the project at anytime leaving you empty handed13:39
scooper*settting period of time13:39
jelkneri'm not sure what a "law" would look like13:39
jelknerscooper, you've probably heard the expression about the two ways to motivate people?13:39
jelknerThe carrot and the stick13:40
klarios_!add Maryland Latino Caucus business meeting13:40
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Maryland Latino Caucus business meeting" has been added to the agenda.13:40
jelknerthanks klarios_ 13:40
jelknerklarios_, it seems weird at first13:40
klarios_!add updates for Mexico Solidarity project13:40
LittleWebsterSuccess: "updates for Mexico Solidarity project" has been added to the agenda.13:40
klarios_yeah, quite a lot going on jelkner 13:40
jelknerbut it is possible to have multiple threads of conversation in one irc channel at the same time, klarios_ 13:41
jelknernice use of jelkner 13:41
jelknerthat's how to do it13:41
jelknerklarios_, 13:41
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jelknerif you tab complete the person (or people) klarios_ JullianMo that you are addressing13:41
klarios_oh I didn't know that13:41
jelknerthey show up in a different color13:41
jelknerso they can follow along eaiser13:41
jelknerscooper, democratic organizations need to depend more on carrots13:42
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jelknerwe want to humanize, not oppress13:42
JullianMojelkner: Nice13:42
jelknerif we build something supportive and beautiful, people will come13:43
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jelknerand they will tend to stay scooper 13:43
jelknersince it is a good place to be13:43
jelknerbut not everyone will scooper 13:43
jelknerand if they want to leave, they will leave13:43
jelknermake sense scooper?13:44
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scoopergot you13:45
jelknerklarios, can you, me and JullianMo meet on BigBlueButton after our meeting today?13:45
jelkneryes, scooper?13:45
klariosjelkner: yes of course, I can make the meeting and send a link if you'd like.13:46
fkoikoialright I think we have to continue this discussion another time 13:46
jelkner+1 fkoikoi 13:47
fkoikoiSince it's planning and can't not be done within a single day13:47
jelknerfkoikoi, we will be talking about it for *years* to come ;-)13:47
jelknerfkoikoi, see you Monday at 11 am your time13:47
fkoikoiThanks everyone for showing up here today13:48
scooperI just saw your message13:48
scoopercan we do this after the meeting13:48
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scooperby using tmate13:48
tboimahJelkner i email you yesterday but i did not get any respond, So can you please check your email today?13:48
ledmersure, scooper!13:49
scooperok 13:49
klarios!add discuss Operation agreement13:50
LittleWebsterSuccess: "discuss Operation agreement" has been added to the agenda.13:50
fkoikoiHave a nice day Jeff13:50
jelknerYou too fkoikoi!13:50
svayeHave nice day Jeff13:50
scooperconsider it to be a deal13:51
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svayeACTION signs off for the day13:51
tboimahJelkner did you saw my massage?13:51
jelkner+1 tboimah 13:52
tboimahso can you please respond to my email.13:52
dcammuei having connection problem jelkner 13:53
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fkoikoiACTION sign off for the day13:54
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klariosThe meeting will start soon13:55
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:55
LittleWebsterDiscuss ARTraffic support plan (added by jelkner)13:55
LittleWebsterIntroduce new devs to NOVA Web git repo (added by jelkner)13:55
LittleWebsterDiscuss plan to deploy LittleWebster on #accict (added by jelkner)13:55
LittleWebsterMaryland Latino Caucus business meeting (added by klarios_)13:55
LittleWebsterupdates for Mexico Solidarity project (added by klarios_)13:55
LittleWebsterdiscuss Operation agreement (added by klarios)13:55
klariosthere are a lot of things in the agenda, we will need to do this fast13:55
jelknertboimah, i emailed you back and cc'd scooper and fkoikoi13:56
tboimahokay i saw your respond thanks.13:57
LittleWebsterscooper : dcammue : klarios : jelkner : ledmer : tboimah : JullianMo14:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:14:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss ARTraffic support plan (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterIntroduce new devs to NOVA Web git repo (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss plan to deploy LittleWebster on #accict (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterMaryland Latino Caucus business meeting (added by klarios_)14:00
LittleWebsterupdates for Mexico Solidarity project (added by klarios_)14:00
LittleWebsterdiscuss Operation agreement (added by klarios)14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
klariosAlright guys, the meeting has started, there is a lot of things to discuss14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss ARTraffic support plan (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterIntroduce new devs to NOVA Web git repo (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss plan to deploy LittleWebster on #accict (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterMaryland Latino Caucus business meeting (added by klarios_)14:00
LittleWebsterupdates for Mexico Solidarity project (added by klarios_)14:00
LittleWebsterdiscuss Operation agreement (added by klarios)14:00
jelknerlet's role!14:00
jelknerwe have only 30 minutes14:00
klarios!st we have to discuss AR traffic14:01
klariosand the plan 14:01
jelknerok, this is mine14:01
klariosgo ahead jelkner 14:01
jelknerbut we don't have the principles here14:01
jelknerso we're stuck14:01
klarioswe can move on 14:01
klariosuntil they are here14:01
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klariosSecond thing in our list is to introduced the NWD developers to the git repo that jeff made14:02
jelknerthis is a quick one14:02
klariosThere will be coordination and opportunity for learning in our Thursday meetings.  14:02
jelknerscooper was asking where LittleWebster source lives14:03
jelknerklarios, AntonioAbela is here now14:03
jelknerbut stefan and adrian are not14:03
jelknerwe need them14:03
jelknercan you address other items while i call stefan?14:04
klariosI will message them shortly. 14:04
klariosOf course14:04
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klariosnext on our list is to deploy the IRC bot on the Accict channel 14:05
klariosis there any updates on that project?14:05
klariosAlright. I think we're still waiting for more to come in 14:06
klariosfor now I will move to the last items until we can address the other items14:07
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:07
LittleWebsterDiscuss ARTraffic support plan (added by jelkner)14:07
LittleWebsterIntroduce new devs to NOVA Web git repo (added by jelkner)14:07
LittleWebsterDiscuss plan to deploy LittleWebster on #accict (added by jelkner)14:07
LittleWebsterMaryland Latino Caucus business meeting (added by klarios_)14:07
LittleWebsterupdates for Mexico Solidarity project (added by klarios_)14:07
LittleWebsterdiscuss Operation agreement (added by klarios)14:07
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klariosOn Thursday we will have a business meeting with Maryland Latino Caucus 14:07
klariosJullianMo: it will be at 6:00 PM14:08
klariosis luis here?14:08
jelkneryes, he is LittleWebster 14:08
jelknerno ledmer 14:08
JullianMoGood Morning ledmer!14:08
JamesOConnorHello Luis14:08
ledmergood morning everyone!14:09
klariosHey ledmer, so regarding Maryland latino caucus, Would you like to be part of that project. They dont have many changes to make but stil want our service. 14:09
jelknersitarabuta, AntonioAbela we need a training plan for to skill up the new devs to service our current partners14:09
ledmerI would like to know what that project is about14:10
jelknerAntonioAbela, are you in regular communication with sitarabuta and abucholz?14:10
ledmerand what they need14:11
klariosYeah, this meeting will introduce the business aspect and I want to have a representative that can be in charge of the site. 14:11
klariosledmer: 14:11
jelknerso AntonioAbela, that is the first challenge, we need to address that14:11
jelknersitarabuta, can you please provide AntonioAbela with the best ways to contact you?14:12
sitarabutaAntonioAbela: that is going to be email.14:12
ledmerklarios what kind of services they want from us?14:12
AntonioAbelaOk, novaweb email I’m assuming?14:12
sitarabutaI get push notifications on my phone and computer and I always check it14:12
sitarabutaAntonioAbela: yet14:13
ledmermaintenance?, add some things to the webpage?14:13
jelknerledmer, our first task is for you to look at the site14:13
jelknerand see if you can understand it14:13
jelknerzOnny made it14:13
jelknerhe is no longer with us14:13
jelknerso we need someone to take it over14:13
klariosledmer: That is what we will find out in the meeting. I am assuming just a quick update of the site. For now we can look at the site and look at its weaknesses. ledmer 14:14
ledmerohh for sure14:14
klariosThis site is special because I think its in another version of libre organize14:14
jelknerklarios, we need to ask sitarabuta and abucholz about that14:15
jelknerand get their guidance14:15
klariosyes, we need their collaboration and guidance, since they wrote the program14:15
jelkneron whether we keep supporting old Django apps14:15
sitarabutaIt is not Tendenci libreorganize, but it is a very early version of the current libreorganize14:15
jelkneror try to simplify our lives by porting them14:15
jelkneroh good!14:15
klariosledmer: it will be an opportunity that can teach you libreorganize14:16
jelknerthat would be nightmare otherwise14:16
sitarabutaStill a pain to migrate if they have data in the DB, but I am pretty sure this website is mostly HTML templates, so it's pretty easy to migrate14:16
klariosI see. We can figure out the plans of how to teach the DEVs to do that on thursday. 14:17
klariosjelkner: is everyone from AR traffic here?14:17
jelknernot abucholz14:17
jelknerbut sitarabuta can represent the two of them14:18
sitarabutamaybe he could join us14:18
klariosgot it 14:18
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:18
LittleWebsterDiscuss ARTraffic support plan (added by jelkner)14:18
LittleWebsterIntroduce new devs to NOVA Web git repo (added by jelkner)14:18
LittleWebsterDiscuss plan to deploy LittleWebster on #accict (added by jelkner)14:18
LittleWebsterMaryland Latino Caucus business meeting (added by klarios_)14:18
LittleWebsterupdates for Mexico Solidarity project (added by klarios_)14:18
LittleWebsterdiscuss Operation agreement (added by klarios)14:18
sitarabutahe is going to be much more available than me14:18
jelknerlet me knock out item 214:18
jelknerthat's it14:18
jelknerwe keep our shared work there14:18
klariosso our first task is to discuss the AR traffic plan. Avaliabilities, invoicing, and services14:19
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jelknerwhen you are ready to contribute you will need access to that14:19
jelknerfor item 114:19
jelknersitarabuta and abucholz have been handling this14:19
sitarabutaabuchholz will join us14:19
jelknerbut we need a transition plan14:19
jelknerok great14:19
jelknerabuchholz, hello14:19
jelknerquick question, can you make this time in general abuchholz?14:20
ledmerklarios: Count on me for the project14:20
jelknerwhat's left?14:21
jelknerwe have 10 minutes?14:21
klariosledmer: thank you for that 14:21
klariosdeployment of the bot on accict14:21
klariosjelkner: 14:21
jelknerreal quick, sitarabuta i let tmickelson deploy his own version of the bot on #accict14:21
jelknerit breaks all the time14:22
jelkneri told him that we can't have that14:22
jelknerso if we need to have the same bot that works running on the other channel, is that easy to set up?14:22
sitarabutai am pretty sure that the same instance can join multiple channel jelkner 14:22
sitarabutawe used to have LittleWebster be on #novawebdev_learn as well14:23
jelknerok, i'll talk to tmickelson again on monday, and follow up with an email14:23
jelknerACTION done14:23
klariosDiscussion of the operating agreement. 14:23
klarioswe are discussing the operating aggreement with everyone on thursday14:23
klariosso that we have a solid plan about what will happen from now on14:24
jelknerwe have a goal of identifying the folks who want to stay with the coop for awhile by may 1st 202414:24
jelknerso we can make them legal worker owners at that date14:24
jelknerlike we did last year14:24
jelknerat this point, self identified candidates include AntonioAbela, klarios, and julianmolina 14:25
klariosThis is important because many of the operations such as banking and taxing have to be managed correctly and legally14:25
jelknerACTION done14:26
klarioswe will furtherly talk to everyone so that we have the votes that we need in order to keep this running. 14:26
klarioslastly It is the Mexico solidarity project14:26
jelknerbtw. i will not be here for the next two weeks because of that14:26
klariossince we didn't have a meeting on thursday, we lost the opportunity to ask the DEVs important stuff14:27
jelknerthey really could have used us, but we weren't ready14:27
klariosjelkner: got you. 14:27
jelkneri set up a quick website14:27
klariosWe are still working on the site with cyrus. the overall site is still being updated.14:27
jelknerit is a super project14:28
jelknerthe synergy between May First and MSP is exciting too14:28
klariosI understand. This thursday we can talk to the devs about making the website have what it needs. 14:28
jelknerso i am hoping we can get to the point that we can provide the support they need14:29
jelknerACTION done14:29
klariosThat's nice14:29
*** AntonioAbela has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:29
klariosAlright guys, thank you very much for all being here. Since we will have a meeting this thursday we can discuss everything that was mentioned here14:30
klariosespecially AR traffic client communication and such 14:30
klariosjelkner: what was the command to end the meeting again?14:30
klariosI found it funny14:31
jelknerYou should type: "/me drops the bag of gravel"14:31
sitarabutaI missed that jelkner 14:31
klariosACTION drops the bag of gravel14:31
jelknerwe are reviving it sitarabuta 14:31
klarioshave a good one guys14:31
sitarabutakeeping traditions14:31
jelkneryou too!14:31
JamesOConnorthanks, you too!14:31
jelknerthanks all14:31
scooperACTION ledmer please don't drop the bag of gravel yet14:31
sitarabutayou too14:32
jelknerACTION logs off14:32
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:32
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JamesOConnorACTION drops the bag of gravel14:32
*** JamesOConnor has quit (Quit: Page closed)14:32
*** sitarabuta has quit (None)14:32
klariosI will see you on big blue button and send you the link on zulip 14:32
klariosor on here if you would like to stay14:32
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scooperAre you still there ledmer??14:33
ledmerI'm having troubles trying to push to the git repo14:34
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scooperCheck your private message14:37
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