IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-12-16

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LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:14:00
LittleWebsterGeorgetown Professor's Podcast (added by klarios)14:00
LittleWebsterAHS Transfer (added by klarios)14:00
LittleWebsterTestimonial | Writing (added by klarios)14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
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klariosHey Julian, good morning14:30
JulianMGood Morning14:31
klariosdo you want to chair the meeting today?14:33
klariosgot you. 14:35
klariosAlso I will be getting an invoice from jeff soon, you should expect around $210 around monday14:35
JulianMSounds Good14:36
klariosI'm gonna add some stuff to the agenda14:37
klarios!add Message Claudia Jones for server information14:37
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Message Claudia Jones for server information" has been added to the agenda.14:37
klarios!add Progress on Maryland Latino caucus, timeline14:38
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Progress on Maryland Latino caucus, timeline" has been added to the agenda.14:38
klarios!add Meeting with Mexico solidarity project at 1:00 PM14:38
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Meeting with Mexico solidarity project at 1:00 PM" has been added to the agenda.14:38
klarios!add Commit to fixing business tracker or using GNU CASH14:39
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Commit to fixing business tracker or using GNU CASH" has been added to the agenda.14:39
klarios!add plan for winter break, thursday meetings. 14:39
LittleWebsterSuccess: "plan for winter break, thursday meetings." has been added to the agenda.14:39
klariosis there anything else we can add? JulianM 14:40
JulianM!add Invoice Tutoring14:40
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Invoice Tutoring" has been added to the agenda.14:40
JulianM!add Developers Bitwarden14:41
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Developers Bitwarden" has been added to the agenda.14:41
AntonioAbelaGood morning everybody, I am going to a family breakfast soon so I won’t be able to attend the meeting at 10so I was wondering if I could come in here early and cover any important topics.14:43
JulianMGood Morning Antonio14:44
JulianMHow are your projects going?14:44
klariosGood morning Antonio, thank you for letting us know. 14:45
AntonioAbelaRight now it’s pretty much just AHS and am still pretty much just waiting for Charles to tell me when the hold is off his account.14:45
JulianMOk nice14:46
jelknerGood morning klarios, JulianM, and AntonioAbela 14:47
jelknerdid you see my email to the business team?14:47
AntonioAbelaGood morning jelkner!14:47
JulianMGood Morning jelkner14:47
klariosAntonioAbela: Now that winter btreak is here I wanted to let you know about AEA14:47
jelknerAntonioAbela, we are on a roll on Thursday evenings14:47
jelknerbetter attended almost every week14:47
jelknerwith growing interest and growing community14:48
AntonioAbelaThat’s great!14:48
klariosI saw the Email jeff, its exciting that we have a team now14:49
AntonioAbelaJelkner just to update you I have to leave soon because of a family breakfast so I was hoping to cover anything important right now if possible because I will have to leave shortly.14:50
jelknerAntonioAbela, it's not me you need to talk with14:51
jelkneri'm just a passenger here14:51
klariosI will update you now AntonioAbela. jelkner: told me that Ms. June was having issues with the AEA monthly email, the message seemed to be corrupted. We thought the use of weekly bulletins such as the ones used by MSP could be a good idea14:51
klarioswhat do you think?14:51
jelknerklarios and JulianM steer the ship14:51
AntonioAbelaYeah I already let the others know I just wanted to update you14:52
jelknerthat sounds like a great idea14:52
jelknerthat's the goal of LibreOrganize14:52
jelknerto offer improvements that one partner requests to all partners who want it14:52
AntonioAbelaYup that’s a good idea14:53
jelknerthen June just needs to send a link in the email14:53
klariosAntonioAbela: What do you think you would need in order to make this happen with AEA?14:53
jelknerand it draws folks to the website14:53
klariosim not sure if its complicated, but we have a group of developers that can definitely help/brainstorm14:54
AntonioAbelaI don’t remember exactly but I’m pretty sure there is an app for libreorgabize that does this already so it should be quite easy to add14:54
AntonioAbelaI need to take a look at the repo14:55
AntonioAbelaOr at the very least there should be an app that we can use as a starting point 14:55
klariosGot it, thank you for letting me know. Also to update you on some things since they've changed a little. We are providing costumers with reports/updates of projects by-weekly in order to best give them a sense of our work and for billing purposes. 14:56
AntonioAbelaSounds good14:56
klarioswould you be able to start this project shortly or do you need any time as of now?14:57
AntonioAbelaI should be able to start it shortly 14:57
klariosGreat, let me know when you start so that I can message Ms. June and let her know. Thank you for your dedication AntonioAbela 14:58
AntonioAbelaOk klarios14:58
klariosAlso do you know when we will be able to see you for our Thursdays meetings?14:58
AntonioAbelaI should be able to come to most of the meeting from now until mid Jan 14:59
klariosSounds good. Thank you, we're glad to have you back!14:59
AntonioAbelaI do have to leave now but thanks for all the great work you are all doing! It’s great to be working with you!14:59
klariosThank you for coming, have a great rest of your day!15:00
JulianMOk lets get started15:00
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:00
LittleWebsterMessage Claudia Jones for server information (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterProgress on Maryland Latino caucus, timeline (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterMeeting with Mexico solidarity project at 1:00 PM (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterCommit to fixing business tracker or using GNU CASH (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterplan for winter break, thursday meetings. (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterInvoice Tutoring (added by JulianM)15:00
LittleWebsterDevelopers Bitwarden (added by JulianM)15:00
JulianMFirst item on the list Message Claudia Jones for server information15:01
jelknerJulianM, i need to reach out to nick about that, right?15:01
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JulianMYes, right klarios15:01
klariosYeah, we need them to have their own linode server15:01
klariosnow we have more points of contact15:02
jelkneri'll send an email today15:02
JulianMNice ok15:02
klariosGreat Thank you jelkner, 15:02
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klariosAlso are they aware of their Donate button?15:02
klariosif not we can include the update on the email15:03
jelkneri will let them know15:03
klariosvhazari: We're you able to update CJS about the donate utton15:03
jelkneri'm going to try it now15:03
klariosGot it, sounds good. 15:04
JulianMSo moving on15:04
JulianMProgress on Maryland Latino Caucus15:04
klariosIt seems like Luis is not here yet. 15:05
vhazariNo, I was not able to contact them about the donate button15:05
klariosvhazari: Jeff will take care of it on an email, although in the future it would be better for us to contact them directly15:05
klariosJulianM: Do you know if luis will be able to come?15:06
JulianMI do not know15:06
vhazariklarios, understood.15:06
jelknerdonation made15:06
jelkneri'll let nick and natalia know15:06
klarioswe can move on then 15:07
JulianMMeeting with MSP15:07
klarioscbahrambegi: just to update you, we have a meeting with MSP at 1 PM15:07
klarioswe will just be talking about the updates on the site and possibly figuring out a strategy for their donate button15:08
klariosdo you have all the material you need for the meeting?15:08
klarioscbahrambegi: 15:08
cbahrambegiPretty much yes15:08
klariosgot it, by the end of the meeting we can talk about invoicing and such.15:09
cbahrambegiI've been trying to find ways to make sure the donate button works but so far I'm still getting errors15:09
klariosI can have James take a look at it as well. but I think for now we need to figure out where the money is going to 15:09
klariosso it will take some time15:10
cbahrambegiYeah I agree15:10
klariosjelkner: One question, since you are the treasurer of MSP, would you like me to email you their invoices?15:10
klarioshe might be disconnected 15:11
klariosAlso cbahrambegi were you able to log in your hours in Business tracker15:11
klarioswhich project are you logging them in?15:12
cbahrambegiIf nothing is showing up again i will log in my hours now15:12
klariosYeah for some reason it shows your account has not been logged into since october15:13
cbahrambegiI will try to log in again right now and put in my hours15:14
klariosgot it, let me know how it goes15:14
klariosvhazari: Also vrishin, do you know about the situation with LELO? will they create an open collective?15:14
klariosor do they have one?15:15
jelknerdon't hold your breath waiting for that, klarios 15:16
jelknerwe should just move on to other things15:16
jelknerlet MSP reach out to us15:16
klariosI understand. I will touch the matter of invoicing rather than the donate situation. 15:17
JulianMOk so moving on fixing Business Tracker15:17
JulianMOr committing to fixing it15:18
vhazariJeff and I had a meeting with Aggie, Bruce, and Ricardo but Ricardo was having trouble connecting. We were supposed to talk about creating an open collective account for LELO, but had to cut the meeting short due to his connectivity issues. So I’m not sure what they are planning at the moment. 15:18
klariosThank you for letting me know vhazari. We will let them contact us for the moment15:19
klariosfor Business tracker. I think Adrian was busy with something but I just want to voice this with everyone. There is a possibility of using another software ( GNU cash) for business as it encompasses many of the tools we lack and need. 15:19
klariosVed brought it up and it seems that it could fix our short term issues15:20
klarioswe need to be able to track income, profits, revenue, and outputs. We cannot do that with business tracker15:20
klariosit is most important now since TAX season is coming soon. 15:21
jelknerklarios, that is a discussion for the business team15:21
jelknerdevs can do all they need through Business Tracker15:21
klariosI understand. Althoguh this may affect everyone, I want everyone to have a choice in the way we operate15:21
jelknerof course15:21
jelknerwe are a coop15:22
jelknerbut i'm trying to suggest that you not force devs into learning accounting15:22
klariosIn the long term, it would be better and bring more unity if we had all in one place and we ensured transparency. 15:22
klariosI understand. I dont think they need to learn accounting at all, although they can be aware of what happens with money and how it is operated. 15:23
jelknerit will be easy enough to keep GNU Cash accounting files in Nextcloud for transparency15:23
jelknerbut like i said, bookeeping is complex15:23
jelknerwe need devs to develop our product15:23
jelknerand report to the business team with as little overhead as possible15:24
jelknerthat is what BusinessTracker should do for us15:24
jelknerand why we developed it15:24
klariosthat sounds like a solution, it does the work of course and that's why we need it. 15:24
klariosjelkner: I think its a good idea to go forward with GNU cash15:26
klariosmoving forward15:26
klariosJulianM: 15:27
JulianMI agree15:27
JulianMBut moving on15:27
JulianMWinter Break15:28
klarioswe can go ahead. I think next was planning for winter break meetings15:28
klarioswe have to maximize our use of all the developers now that they will be here for winter break. 15:28
klariosget done with all the project we can be done with and ensure client satisfaction. 15:29
klariosjelkner: will we still be able to meet in your room even without school?15:29
klarioswhere will we meet?15:29
jelknerwe really should plan for a break15:29
jelknerlet's folks have the holiday week without a scheduled meeting15:30
jelknerwe can do async for stuff that must be handled15:30
klariosgot it15:30
klarioswe should let them know in a Email15:30
jelknerElizabeth Guzman's site, for example, needs to be responded to almost in real time15:30
JulianMBut that is ok15:31
jelknerbut we can email, text15:31
jelknerand only meet ad hoc if we need to15:31
klariosI agree15:31
JulianMBecause I just call James whenever we need something15:31
jelkneri propose that our next scheduled meetings be:15:31
jelknerWork session - Thursday, January 4th from 3 to 7 pm15:32
klariosThat works well. 15:32
klarioswe can make a groupchat as well 15:32
jelknerPlanning - Saturday, January 6th from 10 to 10:30 am15:32
JulianMOk sounds good15:33
klarioswould we not meet on these next 2 weekends?15:33
JulianMWe have gone a tad bit over time sorry y'all15:33
jelknerup to you klarios 15:33
klariosI apologize as well, we took long talking15:33
klariosjelkner: we will plan accordingly15:34
jelkneri'll be traveling 12/2315:34
jelknerso i can't make it15:34
klariosthat's alright 15:34
klariosdo we want to go over what is left?15:34
JulianMNo its ok15:34
jelkneri'm in favor15:34
jelknerespecially since we aren't meeting again until 1/615:35
klariosit should be invoice tutoring and developers in bitwarden15:35
JulianMI will just invoice from business tracker for the Tutoring15:35
klariosgot it. Great JulianM 15:35
klariosAlso I think we need to upgrde the bitwarden plan in order to let all the developers in 15:35
JulianMNow for the Bitwarden I will be sending an Email this week for the developers to join on the joint account15:35
klariosi think there is a limit of 6 people15:36
klariosfor it 15:36
jelknernice, JulianM 15:36
jelknerklarios, there is15:36
JulianMI made a joint account15:36
jelknerbut as you know already, klarios 15:36
jelknernickels and dimes add up15:36
jelknerand we are such a lean operation at this point we can't waste any15:36
klariosYes I understand. 15:37
klariosthey would be able to join with the joint account right jelkner 15:37
klariosJulianM: 15:37
JulianMOk so that is about everything15:38
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klariosThank you for chairing this meeting JulianM it was great and productive15:39
JulianMOk ill see y'all later then15:39
klariosAlright, thank you all for coming!15:40
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vhazariThank you!15:40
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scooperGood afternoon ledmer....20:06
StephenHello, Stephen here....20:56
StephenHi.  Just checking to see if there've been any updates to the clean cooking webpage.20:59
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sysadmin_Hello Dr. Stephen21:02
scooperYes there is a update21:02
StephenOk...  :--)21:03
scooperplease wait a while ledmer and I are merging our progress been make over the week....21:03
StephenI've got to go in a few minutes, so I'll leave the chat up.  Describe what you've done and I'll follow your directions when I get back and then give you feedback via Email if that's OK.  If the blog login is enabled, create a user name and Password for me and drop it here or Email it if you feel it should be secure. 21:20
StephenSorry about the time but I had a meeting dumped on this time this morning, so it did not feel right to cancel on short notice..21:21
Yaks I am sorry I joined late for the meeting. Is it still going21:21
StephenYes, but I've got to run due to a scheduling conflict.  See my comments above....21:23
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StephenOk, I['m off. I'll leave this up so put your comments here or Email them to me, whatever's easiest.    By....21:28
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