IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Monday, 2023-09-04

sysadmin_hello Jeff "Scooper"11:08
jelknerhere we are11:12
jelknertmickelson notified us that he has covid11:13
jelkneri hope it is a very mild case11:13
jelknerbut he will be out for several days11:13
sysadmin_hmmm speedy recovery from my end11:14
jelkneri'm going to request that our saturday meetings be moved to this channel11:14
jelknerSo the timer for the agenda will be set for 1 pm UTC on this channel11:15
jelknerthat way, nova web development can have it's weekly 5:30 pm EST (9:30 pm UTC) meeting on the other channel11:15
jelknerok, next task11:15
jelknereach of you should set up a git repo for the class you will be participating in11:16
jelknersysadmin_: (is this you, scooper?) already did that11:17
sysadmin_is me Jeff scooper11:17
jelknersvaye and dcammue, your names are here:
jelknerso i'm waiting for links to your repos too11:18
jelkneryou should each have your own repo11:18
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jelknerwe can use our own git host11:19
jelknerbut you should name the repos according to the instructions11:19
jelknercsc221 for fkoikoi, scooper, (and janet?)11:19
jelknerwebsite for svaye and dcammune11:20
jelknerfkoikoi: it looks like Shallon and Daniel dropped off11:20
jelknerare you still here?11:20
jelknerplease ask them to read the log11:21
jelknerso what i am asking all of you to do11:21
jelkneris to follow the assignments i post for each class11:22
fkoikoiHow Jeff?11:23
jelkneri post daily assignments11:24
jelknerdcammue and svaye:
jelknerfkoikoi: i haven't linked week 2 for your class yet11:26
jelkneri need to do that today11:26
jelknerbut that class doesn't meet tomorrow11:26
jelknerit meets wednesday11:26
jelknerso i focused on the web class first11:26
jelkneri will have 10 to 15 minutes each morning, starting at 11 am your time, to answer questiong11:27
jelknerthat's all the time i will have unless we are on holiday, like i am today11:27
sysadmin_Thanks Jeff,before you leave11:28
jelknermy next holiday is monday, septmember 2511:28
jelknerin 3 weeks11:28
jelknerwe can make it a goal to be ready for a longer meeting that morning if you all are available11:29
sysadmin_I noticed that August 29 an 31st had an assignment11:29
sysadmin_that we didn't submit11:29
jelknersysadmin_: you will have to be creative in adapting the assignments to your specific needs11:29
sysadmin_In this light we should follow those instructions and submit those assignment now right??11:29
jelknersysadmin_: one more thing to think about as you do this11:30
jelknerour longer term goal is to have you become the nucleus of a growing program at MCSS11:30
jelknerwhen the Supe asked me to come to MCSS last Summer, he wanted to start a program11:31
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jelkneri want to return next Summer11:31
fkoikoithis is the link to my git account Jeff 11:31
jelknerperfect, fkoikoi 11:31
jelknerlet me link it...11:31
fkoikoiwill the web team use the same CSC221 Jeff11:32
jelknerthey need to host somewhere that supports "Pages"11:33
svayeAre we using the webdev Jeff11:33
jelknerlet's talk about that11:33
jelknergive me a minute to link fkoikoi's repo11:33
mulbahGood morning11:33
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jelknerif you reload that page11:34
jelkneryou'll see Freena's name is now linked to her repo11:35
jelknerok, let's talk about the web group11:35
jelknersince csc221 is a python class11:35
jelknerthey don't need to publish a website11:35
jelknerbut dcammue_ and svaye do11:35
jelknerwe we have to figure out the best way to do that11:36
jelknerone way is to use github11:36
jelknerbecause github supports "Pages"11:36
jelknerbasically it has a bot that automatically takes the contents of a repo having HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and publishes it as a website11:37
jelknerBut thanks to Kevin, I found out last week that we can also do this on codeberg11:37
jelknerwe just need to decide one or the other right now11:38
jelknerand then work together to set it up11:38
jelknerit may be better to use codeberg, actually, since our sysadmins, like tboimah_ can work with Kevin if they have any issues getting it to work11:39
jelknerthat gives us more of an opportunity to learn11:39
svayeI already have an account on both 11:39
svayebut it will be best if we use github 11:39
jelknersvaye: why so?11:40
jelknerACTION waits for svaye to reply...11:41
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jelknersvaye: are you still here?11:42
fkoikoishe is reconnecting jeff11:43
jelknerthanks, fkoikoi 11:43
jelknerso, while we wait for her11:43
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jelknercan you and i chat, fkoikoi?11:43
jelkneri am counting on you to help lead this process11:44
jelknerso each morning at 11 am11:44
jelknercome prepared with questions, suggestions, ideas, etc.11:44
svaye_sorry Jeff 11:44
jelknerwe need to move *fast*11:44
jelkneri only will have 10 to 15 minutes each day11:44
jelknerso let's learn to use them wisely11:45
svaye_Okay Jeff11:45
jelknersvaye_: can you finish your thought?11:45
fkoikoiokay Jeff11:45
jelknersvaye_: my last comments were to fkoikoi 11:45
jelknerwe were chatting while you reconnected11:45
jelknerfkoikoi: are we on the same page?11:45
svaye_dcammue is not familiar with codeberg that's why I said we should use github11:46
jelknersvaye_: i really like it when you take a position11:46
jelknerwhen you say "we should..." it means you are taking leadership11:46
jelknerwe all need to do that in a cooperative11:47
jelknerbe prepared to struggle for your position too11:47
jelkneras time goes on11:47
jelknerand you feel stronger about your positions11:47
svaye_but if we will have more opportunity when we use codeberg than we will do it together 11:47
jelknerwe need to learn critical thinking11:47
jelknerengineering is all about trade offs11:48
jelknerwe want to optimize for several different things11:48
jelknerbut it turns out that having more of one requires less of another11:48
jelknerso the art of engineering is figuring out how much of each one to have11:49
jelkneri use github with my web students at ACC11:49
jelknerbut i am not entirely happy about it11:49
jelkneri'll tell you why11:49
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jelknerthe web application that hosts github is not free software11:50
jelknerit is owned by a huge corporation, Microsoft11:50
jelknerit is "free" to use, meaning you don't have to pay for it11:51
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jelknerbut it is not "free" to change, adopt, redeploy, etc.11:51
jelknerin the free software community, that is known as "free as in beer, not as in speech"11:52
jelkneri believe deeply that large tech companies have only one goal - to make themselves richer11:53
jelknerthey do not care at all what happens to Liberia11:53
jelknerand will gladly steal and plunder all they can from Liberia if it makes them richer11:53
jelknerso for those of us who value freedom (free as in speech)11:54
jelknerwe need to control our own tools and infrastructure11:54
jelknercodeberg runs software very similar to gitea11:54
jelknerthe one we are using on git.mcssliberia.org11:54
jelknerbut i talked about trade offs11:55
jelknersometimes it is necessary to compromise one principle to serve another11:55
jelknerit isn't easy to know when, or how much11:56
jelknerthat's part of what being human is all about11:56
jelkneranyway, if codeberg didn't support pages11:56
jelkneri would say, let's compromise and use github11:56
jelknerbut since codeberg does support pages11:56
jelknermaybe we shouldn't make that choice11:57
jelkneris this making any sense?11:57
svaye_yeah Jeff11:57
jelknermulbah, and i give you a task?11:58
svaye_Using codeberg is fine by me and dcummue11:58
jelknerbut wait, svaye_ and dcammue_, we may be able to do even better11:58
jelknermulbah: when do you meet next with Kevin?11:59
svaye_what is that Jeff11:59
jelknerthis is a task for both mulbah and tboimah 11:59
jelknerour sys admin team11:59
jelknerbut you can email him before then, yes?11:59
jelkneri will see him next Saturday11:59
jelknerwork with Kevin to find out if our gitea can support the kind of "Pages" feature we need12:00
mulbahor chat with him on zulp chat12:00
jelkneryes, mulbah 12:02
jelknerbtw, when you use @ on Zulip it sends an email12:02
jelknerso this is great, we have svaye_ dcammue_ mulbah and tboimah here together12:03
jelknertalking about solving a real world problem that will help all of us learn more12:03
jelknerlet me ask if you understand the problem first12:03
jelknerwhat is the problem we are trying to solve when i mention "Pages"?12:03
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jelknerACTION waits for one of the four Jetro folks to respond...12:05
svaye_we need a server that can display web pages 12:05
jelknerexcellent, svaye_!12:06
svaye_and a sofware that we have control over when a problem come up12:06
jelknerbut let's dive even deeper12:06
jelknerwhat does it mean to "display" a web page?12:06
jelknerlet me show you an example that may help understand my question12:07
jelknerWhat is the difference between this:
jelknerand this:
svaye_when the web developers code the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript language on their laptop we need server that will display the website12:09
jelknerwhat kind of file holds HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?12:10
mulbahThe different between them is that one show the code and the other show the web page12:10
jelknerbut my question is what type of file?12:11
mulbahI was answering the first question12:11
jelkneryes, mulbah 12:11
jelknerthis is great12:11
jelknerwe want to think about what is happening in the system, step-by-step12:12
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mulbahthe index.html file12:13
jelknerso let provide another example of this same question12:13
jelknerexcellent mulbah 12:13
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jelknerso, what is the difference between viewing an index.html file in vim or in firefox?12:13
jelknerhow will it be different? why?12:13
svaye_The vim shows the code and firefox display the webpage12:14
jelknersuper, this fun!12:14
dcammueIn vim it will display the coding aspect of the file12:14
jelkneryes, so now i'm looking for another word for the code12:15
mulbahand vim is an text editor12:15
svaye_Vim shows the code because it is a text editor12:15
jelknerand "text editors" edit text, right?12:15
jelknerso when i asked what kind of file, i was looking for "text file"12:16
svaye_firefox display the webpage because it is a web browser12:16
jelkneryes, svaye_ 12:16
jelknersvaye_: do you know the verb we use for what firefox does to the text file to display it like it does?12:17
svaye_I don't think so12:18
jelknerhold on once second, let me find a good link12:18
jelknerthe verb is "render"12:19
svaye_Thanks Jeff12:20
jelkneri just grabbed two of the first decent links i could find12:20
jelkneri'm sure there are plenty more12:21
jelknerso the problem we are trying to solve is to find a git host (which is a web application) that will both allow us to manage our git respository containing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript12:22
jelknerto serve the contents using HTTP12:22
jelknerso that it can be viewed by a client side applicaiton (a web browser) as a web page12:23
mulbahOkay 12:24
jelknerbtw. i am thrilled by the progress you are making!12:24
mulbahI understand the problem12:24
jelknerwe are now able to have advanced discussions on this tech12:25
jelknerlast thing12:26
jelknertake a look again at this:12:26
jelknernow look at this:12:26
jelknerwhat are we seeing in the second case?12:27
svaye_they both look the same12:29
jelkneryeah, i can't really paste a url of what i wanted12:30
jelknerit striped off the view-source12:30
jelknerwhat i meant for you to do12:31
jelknerwas visit the url12:31
jelknerand then right click in your browser and select "View Page Source"12:31
jelknerwhat do you see?12:32
svaye_alot of codes12:33
jelkneryes, *a lot*12:33
jelknerbut it's all plain text12:33
jelknerHTML, CSS, and JavaScript12:34
jelknerthose are the only three things a web browser can consume12:34
jelknerthe user interface in a web application is made of those three12:35
jelknerok, that's all i have for today12:35
jelknerwe need to decide where svaye_ and dcammue will host their websites12:35
jelknermy first choice would be git.mcssliberia.org12:35
svaye_right now?12:35
jelkneri just gave mulbah and tboimah the task of figuring this out for us12:36
jelknerthat's how we will increasingly go things as we move forward12:36
mulbahcount on us Jeff we will do that12:36
jelknerthe software teams will go to the sysadmin team and ask for help12:36
jelknerthey will come back and tell us how they want us to do things12:37
jelknerwe give them our requirements12:37
jelknerand they decide how to meet them12:37
jelknerand tell us how things will work12:37
jelknerthis is so much fun!12:38
jelknerthanks everyone!12:38
jelkneranything else before i go?12:38
svaye_Have a nice day Jeff12:39
jelkneryou too!12:39
dcammueWe will not be able to summit our assignment for tomorrow12:39
fkoikoithanks for the time Jeff12:39
jelknernot yet, dcammue 12:39
jelknerwe need to solve the deployment problem first12:39
jelknerdon't worry, dcammue, you and svaye_ are ahead of the rest of the class12:40
jelknerso you won't fall behind12:40
jelknerthank you, fkoikoi 12:40
jelknersee you tomorrow at 11 am fkoikoi 12:40
dcammuehave a nice day friend12:40
fkoikoiokay Jeff12:40
jelknerACTION logs off for the day12:40
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