*** sysadmin_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) | 12:18 | |
mulbah | Good morning Jeff | 12:48 |
jelkner | Good morning Mulbah | 12:48 |
jelkner | oops, i'm going to have to restart my computer after a device update | 12:51 |
jelkner | brb | 12:51 |
*** jelkner has quit (None) | 12:51 | |
jelkner | Good morning fkoikoi | 12:57 |
jelkner | you may want to tell folks on the other channel that our meeting is moving here | 12:57 |
fkoikoi | Good Morning Jeff | 12:58 |
BigBrother | janet : mulbah : jelkner : sysadmin_ | 13:00 |
BigBrother | Tick Tock! | 13:00 |
BigBrother | It's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting. | 13:00 |
janet | Good morning Jeff | 13:00 |
jelkner | Good morning Janet | 13:00 |
sysadmin_ | Good morning everyone | 13:00 |
jelkner | As you can see, tmickelson has the bot working now | 13:00 |
jelkner | but we didn't have time to add an agenda | 13:00 |
jelkner | who's chairing today? | 13:00 |
sysadmin_ | I had agenda set on Novaweb IRC Chat | 13:00 |
sysadmin_ | not knowing this one is working | 13:01 |
sysadmin_ | scooper | 13:01 |
jelkner | sysadmin_, don't do that in the future | 13:01 |
jelkner | the other channel will be for business | 13:01 |
sysadmin_ | What Jeff | 13:01 |
jelkner | this one for learning | 13:01 |
sysadmin_ | Ok I m sorry | 13:01 |
jelkner | no problem | 13:01 |
jelkner | i didn't even tell you | 13:01 |
jelkner | i'm just saying it now | 13:01 |
sysadmin_ | thought this one have not been resolve that why | 13:01 |
jelkner | we really need to get the business going | 13:02 |
jelkner | or this whole thing won't be sustainable | 13:02 |
jelkner | we have two business managers now | 13:02 |
jelkner | Kei Larios and Julian Molina | 13:02 |
jelkner | they will be using the other channel | 13:02 |
jelkner | for business | 13:02 |
sysadmin_ | Should I proceed?? | 13:02 |
jelkner | yes | 13:02 |
sysadmin_ | This is our agenda for today The Rural Cooking Project, update for each group and AOB | 13:03 |
sysadmin_ | AOB mean any other business that is important to be talk about that is not mentioned in here | 13:04 |
sysadmin_ | So yesterday | 13:04 |
sysadmin_ | I email Dr. Hubbard | 13:04 |
tboimah | Good day everyone | 13:04 |
sysadmin_ | concerning the project | 13:04 |
mulbah | good day tboimah | 13:04 |
sysadmin_ | hope you saw the mail Jeff?? and his reply | 13:04 |
sysadmin_ | Now we get the ball rolling | 13:05 |
sysadmin_ | he email me the Hetzner login credentials | 13:05 |
sysadmin_ | to enable us purchase the server | 13:05 |
jelkner | sysadmin_, may i please complicate this a bit? | 13:05 |
sysadmin_ | ok | 13:05 |
jelkner | this gets confusing | 13:06 |
jelkner | since there are things happening in Virginia that you all don't see each day | 13:06 |
jelkner | the Rural Clean Cooking project discussion belongs on the other channel | 13:06 |
jelkner | it is a business project | 13:06 |
jelkner | with a customer | 13:06 |
jelkner | Kei and Julian should be cc'd on the customer discussions | 13:07 |
jelkner | and you, sysadmin_, will be working with luis on it | 13:07 |
jelkner | so it's a real NOVA Web / Jetro Web partnership project | 13:07 |
jelkner | you don't need to go into the details here | 13:08 |
scooper | OK Jeff | 13:08 |
jelkner | this channel will be about learning and teaching | 13:08 |
jelkner | ACTION done | 13:08 |
scooper | That mean I should email you concerning this discussion right??? | 13:08 |
jelkner | i saw the email scooper | 13:09 |
scooper | Secondly Luis haven't yet response to my email... | 13:09 |
jelkner | what i'm saying is that we need an agenda here about getting more of us ready to do customer projects | 13:09 |
jelkner | scooper, will you be at the 10 am meeting? | 13:09 |
scooper | Next meeting we will add an agenda here | 13:10 |
scooper | When??? | 13:10 |
jelkner | today | 13:10 |
jelkner | in 50 minut3es | 13:10 |
jelkner | minutes | 13:10 |
scooper | I will Jeff | 13:10 |
jelkner | mulbah, can you ask your question here? | 13:10 |
jelkner | great scooper | 13:10 |
jelkner | luis should be there too | 13:10 |
jelkner | but klarios and jmolina almost certainly will | 13:11 |
mulbah | okay | 13:11 |
mulbah | Jeff it's python tmickelson use to get bot working | 13:11 |
jelkner | yes, mulbah | 13:11 |
jelkner | scooper asked to see the source code | 13:11 |
mulbah | wow | 13:11 |
jelkner | that is a great learning opportunity for us | 13:11 |
jelkner | i asked tmickelson to put the source in our git repo | 13:11 |
jelkner | he told me he would make a branch and do that | 13:12 |
scooper | yes but you did grant my wish yet | 13:12 |
jelkner | so that we can all see the source | 13:12 |
jelkner | i didn't forget scooper | 13:12 |
jelkner | i can only ask tmickelson | 13:12 |
jelkner | i did that | 13:12 |
jelkner | now we wait for him | 13:12 |
scooper | Concerning the source code the IRC Jeff | 13:12 |
jelkner | yes, scooper, that's what we are talking about | 13:12 |
jelkner | remember, we are a team | 13:13 |
jelkner | i'm thinking scooper that you will soon be able to ask mulbah where it is | 13:13 |
jelkner | since he seems to be on top of this! | 13:13 |
jelkner | scooper, any idea when fkoikoi is coming back? | 13:14 |
jelkner | who is ledmer_? | 13:14 |
fkoikoi | I'm here Jeff | 13:14 |
scooper | I nearly ask you Jeff | 13:14 |
scooper | who is ledmer | 13:14 |
ledmer_ | Hello jeff it's me Luis! | 13:14 |
jelkner | awesome! | 13:15 |
scooper | Oh | 13:15 |
scooper | good morning Luis | 13:15 |
jelkner | this is great scooper | 13:15 |
mulbah | I will as tmickelson for the source code | 13:15 |
ledmer_ | good morning scooper | 13:15 |
jelkner | thanks mulbah! | 13:15 |
scooper | good morning ledmer | 13:16 |
fkoikoi | Jeff? | 13:16 |
jelkner | it should be in the nova web git repo mulbah | 13:16 |
jelkner | fkoikoi, will you be making the agenda for next week? | 13:16 |
mulbah | okay Jeff | 13:16 |
fkoikoi | +1 | 13:16 |
jelkner | mulbah, check with tmickelson and confirm please | 13:16 |
jelkner | excellent fkoikoi | 13:16 |
jelkner | we have the bot working now | 13:16 |
jelkner | we need to talk each week about what the three learning groups are doing | 13:17 |
mulbah | Alright Jeff but I think I lost his email | 13:17 |
jelkner | so we should have a brief report from sys admins, programmers, and web devs | 13:17 |
fkoikoi | okay | 13:17 |
jelkner | mulbah, toby.mickelson@novawebdevelopment.org | 13:18 |
mulbah | Thanks Jeff 😁😁😁😁 | 13:18 |
jelkner | everyone saw that the Superintendent approved the plan | 13:18 |
jelkner | so now we need to carry it out | 13:18 |
jelkner | by the time i arrive in Monrovia next June | 13:19 |
jelkner | we need to be ready to: | 13:19 |
jelkner | 1. recruit the next group of learners whom you will teach | 13:19 |
jelkner | 2. begin taking on customer projects so we can generate regular revenue | 13:19 |
jelkner | scooper, i had breakfast with Sahnun this morning | 13:20 |
jelkner | he is interested in mentoring scooper and ledmer_ on the Rural Clean Cooking Stove project | 13:20 |
scooper | Wow you got my mouth watering Jeff. Anyway my regards to him | 13:20 |
jelkner | he was here a few minutes ago | 13:20 |
jelkner | don't know what happened | 13:20 |
jelkner | oh, he is in the other channel | 13:21 |
scooper | he is in the other Channel Jeff | 13:21 |
jelkner | yes | 13:21 |
jelkner | i just messaged him to join us here | 13:21 |
jelkner | he's still new to this irc business ;-) | 13:22 |
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 13:23 | |
ledmer_ | I get it I just realized there was an accict chat | 13:23 |
jelkner | ledmer_, you are in the accict chat | 13:23 |
jelkner | the NOVA Web Development business meeting with be in the #novawebdev chat | 13:23 |
ledmer_ | I meant I just realized this morning | 13:24 |
jelkner | our own Toby Mickelson set up this channel | 13:24 |
jelkner | we have three sys admins | 13:24 |
jelkner | who will be helping us manage our infrastructure | 13:24 |
jelkner | tboimah, and mulbah (who seems to have left) are the other two | 13:25 |
jelkner | anyone have anything else? | 13:26 |
jelkner | or are we finished here? | 13:26 |
fkoikoi | !agenda | 13:26 |
jelkner | fkoikoi, as soon as it fires | 13:26 |
jelkner | it clears the agenda for the next week | 13:27 |
jelkner | so you could add items now | 13:27 |
jelkner | who will be responsible for the sys admin report next week? | 13:27 |
jelkner | tboimah, you or mulbah? | 13:27 |
fkoikoi | !add reports from each group | 13:27 |
jelkner | fkoikoi, let's be more specific | 13:27 |
jelkner | it will help with accoutability | 13:27 |
tboimah | I will do | 13:28 |
jelkner | great | 13:28 |
fkoikoi | It's still not working Jeff | 13:28 |
jelkner | !add System admin report from tboimah | 13:28 |
jelkner | !agenda | 13:28 |
jelkner | drats | 13:28 |
jelkner | you're write | 13:28 |
scooper | !add report for each group | 13:28 |
jelkner | i'll talk to tmickelson about that on tuesday | 13:29 |
scooper | !agenda | 13:29 |
jelkner | remember, he rewrote the bot from scratch | 13:29 |
jelkner | so it's a work in progress | 13:29 |
fkoikoi | Okay | 13:29 |
jelkner | bound to be buggy | 13:29 |
jelkner | we need to help him fix it by being the users / testers | 13:29 |
jelkner | i don't have work on Monday | 13:29 |
jelkner | but i can still be here at 7 am | 13:30 |
jelkner | anything else? | 13:30 |
fkoikoi | -1 | 13:30 |
jelkner | okay everyone | 13:30 |
scooper | -1 | 13:30 |
jelkner | see you next week! | 13:31 |
scooper | only awaiting the 50 minutes from now meeting | 13:31 |
jelkner | scooper, can we talk on the other channel? | 13:31 |
tboimah | Okay have a nice day | 13:31 |
scooper | ok | 13:31 |
scooper | ACTION signing out | 13:31 |
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 13:31 | |
fkoikoi | have a nice day Jeff | 13:31 |
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dcammue | jelkner, you saw my test | 13:34 |
dcammue | I did it and put it in my repo | 13:34 |
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