IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Friday, 2023-09-29

*** BigBrother has joined #accict00:06
BigBrotherAvailable commands: !ADD, !AGENDA, !DELETE, !HELP, !REMOVE00:06
tmickelsonhello world!00:07
tmickelsonACTION is testing00:07
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: leaving)01:55
*** tmickelson has joined #accict01:57
*** BigBrother has joined #accict01:58
*** tmickelson has joined #accict01:58
BigBrotherError: Command !aadd01:59
tmickelson!agenda 4a01:59
BigBrotherthis is a test item (added by tmickelson)01:59
BigBrotheranother test item (added by tmickelson)01:59
*** BigBrother has joined #accict02:00
*** tmickelson has joined #accict04:15
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*** jelkner has joined #accict10:02
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*** fkoikoi has joined #accict10:32
*** dcammue has joined #accict10:53
dcammueGood morning fkoikoi 10:54
*** jelkner has joined #accict10:54
fkoikoigo on the novawebdev chat10:54
jelknerGood morning Freena!10:55
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff10:55
BigBrotherAgendas: 4a10:56
*** sysadmin has joined #accict10:57
svayeGood morning jelkner 10:57
*** dcammue_ has joined #accict11:05
*** dcammue has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)11:06
*** fkoikoi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)11:10
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*** dcammue_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:12
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:12
*** fkoikoi has quit ()11:14
*** tmickelson has joined #accict11:41
*** BigBrother has joined #accict11:41
BigBrotherAgendas: 4a, test11:41
tmickelson!agneda test11:42
BigBrotherError: Command !agneda11:42
tmickelson!agenda test11:42
tmickelson!add test this is a test item11:42
BigBrotherAgenda item added successfully in agenda test11:42
tmickelson!agenda test11:42
*** BigBrother has joined #accict11:52
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*** BigBrother has joined #accict11:55
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:40
*** jelkner has joined #accict13:43
*** avaldez has joined #accict15:51
*** jejemplo has joined #accict15:58
*** avaldez has quit (Remote host closed the connection)16:51
*** jelkner has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:17
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*** jejemplo_ has joined #accict18:04
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*** jelkner_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)19:06
*** jejemplo has quit (Quit: Leaving)19:09
*** tboimah has joined #accict11:34
*** jelkner has joined #accict11:34
*** jelkner has quit ()11:37
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*** fkoikoi has joined #accict11:40
BigBrotherAgendas: 4a, test11:40
*** sysadmin_ has joined #accict11:40
jelknernope, sadly, it's not11:41
jelknerback to #novawebdev11:41
BigBrotherTick Tock!11:43
BigBrotherIt's 11:43 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.11:43
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for today:11:43
BigBrotherthis is a test item (added by tmickelson)11:43
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!11:43
*** ledmer has joined #accict11:43
jelknerfolks, this channel is not logging11:44
jelknerso we are meeting on #novawebdev11:44
scooperhow are you doing??11:44
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:46
*** fkoikoi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:05
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)12:05
*** tboimah has joined #accict12:06
*** fkoikoi has joined #accict12:06
*** dcammue_ has joined #accict12:06
dcammue_Good morning jelkner 12:07
fkoikoidcammue we are using #novawebdev channel for the meeting12:11
*** svaye has joined #accict12:23
fkoikoisvaye please join the #novawebdev channel12:25
*** dcammue_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:25
svayeI am alright there fkoikoi12:27
fkoikoibut why was you ignoring my calls?12:28
svayesorry I was washing when you call first 12:30
svayeand my phone was freezing when you call the second time12:31
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:54
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:54
*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:01
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*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:32
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:44
*** ledmer has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:38
*** tmickelson has joined #accict23:45
BigBrotherAvailable commands: !ADD, !AGENDA, !DELETE, !HELP, !REMOVE23:45
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)02:12
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*** tmickelson has quit ()02:32
BigBrotherTick Tock!11:43
BigBrotherIt's 11:43 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.11:43
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for today:11:43
BigBrotherTick Tock!14:00
BigBrotherIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for today:14:00
BigBrotherthis is a test item (added by tmickelson)14:00
BigBrotheranother test item (added by tmickelson)14:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
*** scooper has joined #accict10:37
*** jelkner has joined #accict10:48
jelknerscooper, we need to meet on the other channel10:48
jelknerthis one isn't being logged10:49
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)10:49
*** dcammue has joined #accict10:57
dcammueGood morning jelkner 10:57
dcammueHow was your night?10:58
*** dcammue_ has joined #accict11:04
*** dcammue has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)11:08
*** jelkner has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)11:08
*** dcammue_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:17
*** svaye has joined #accict11:19
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:30
*** tboimah has joined #accict11:39
BigBrotherTick Tock!11:43
BigBrotherIt's 11:43 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.11:43
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for today:11:43
*** tmickelson has joined #accict11:51

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