IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Wednesday, 2023-10-18

*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)10:54
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi and tboimah!10:57
tboimahGood morning Jeff10:57
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff10:57
jelkneri'm here til 7:10 fkoikoi, so let's roll!10:57
jelknerwhen do you meet with the Supe?10:58
fkoikoiWe haven't meet with the sup yet 10:59
jelknerDo you meet today?10:59
jelknerWhat's on your agenda?10:59
fkoikoibut tomorrow is final10:59
fkoikoiwhich is Thursday10:59
jelknerI don't understand.10:59
jelknerWhat do you mean "final"?11:00
jelknerTomorrow we have our weekly NOVA Web meeting11:00
jelknerthings seem to be going well with that11:00
fkoikoiWhat I meant to say is that we will be meeting the sup tomorrow (Thursday)11:00
jelknerJulian and Kei are settling in as business managers11:00
jelknerand we have James and Luis developing quickly as Django devs11:01
jelknerThat is crucial, since I don't want to loose the customers we have11:01
jelknerSpencer is working with Luis11:01
jelknerso that will give us a chance to really start collaborating11:02
jelknerfkoikoi, what's on our agenda for Saturday?11:02
jelknerWe really need to check-in with the three learning groups11:02
jelkneri just had four students earn their PCEP certification11:03
fkoikoiItems that are on our agenda for saturday meeting are:11:03
jelknerand i invited you, scooper, and janet to a free online curriculum to practice for that11:03
fkoikoi1. updates fro the three learning groups11:03
fkoikoiokay, I will just my email11:04
jelknerkeep going...11:04
fkoikoi2. Updates on the discussion will the sup11:04
fkoikoi3. Discussion on the progress of the building of the school11:04
fkoikoi4. AOB11:05
jelknerthose three are enough11:05
jelknerthat will fill a 30 minute meeting11:05
fkoikoithat"s all the items on the agenda for saturday 11:05
fkoikoiare you saying that you will only spent 30minutes in the meeting on Saturday?11:06
jelknerwe should keep meetings to 30 minutes, yes11:06
jelkneri have a 30 minute NOVA Web meeting at 10 am my time11:06
jelknerso if we meet from 9 to 9:30 am, that will leave a 30 minute break between them11:07
fkoikoiThan I will just prepared everything that is needed to be said after my meeting with the sup11:07
jelknerfkoikoi, did you see the invite to the CISCO Python course?11:08
fkoikoioh, sorrry 11:08
fkoikoiI just saw it11:08
jelkneri have been able to provide you all with the same resources i am using here11:08
jelknerthat's a huge help to me, since i am doing too much11:09
jelknerand can't handle any more different things11:09
jelknerbut if i can use the same materials i use here11:09
jelkneri can do it11:09
jelknerok, gotta go11:09
jelknersame time tomorrow11:10
gaphi jeff it's gabriel washington 11:10
fkoikoihave a nice day Jeff11:10
jelknergap, please join us tomorrow11:10
fkoikoisee you tomorrow11:10
jelknerat 11 am your time11:10
jelknerit would be great to talk with you11:10
jelknersee you tomorrow11:10
jelknerACTION signs off to get ready to teach11:10
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:10
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:11
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:13

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