IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2023-10-21

BigBrotherWarning: There are no items on the agenda!10:55
scooper!add The Rural Cooking Project10:56
BigBrotherSuccess: "The Rural Cooking Project" has been added to the agenda.10:56
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:10:56
BigBrotherThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)10:56
scooper!add Group Report on activities during the Week11:00
BigBrotherSuccess: "Group Report on activities during the Week" has been added to the agenda.11:00
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:00
BigBrotherThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)11:00
BigBrotherGroup Report on activities during the Week (added by scooper)11:00
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scooper!add Strategizing on the school project12:25
BigBrotherSuccess: "Strategizing on the school project" has been added to the agenda.12:25
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:25
BigBrotherThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)12:25
BigBrotherGroup Report on activities during the Week (added by scooper)12:25
BigBrotherStrategizing on the school project (added by scooper)12:25
mulbahGood morning afternoon scooper12:32
scooperGood morning mulbah12:38
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scooperACTION signing out to back in fifteen minutes12:40
svayeGood afternoon everyone12:49
scooperGood afternoon svaye12:51
scooperEvery team is already represented here kindly view the agenda and adjust yourself to begin our meeting in 8/9 minutes from now12:53
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:54
BigBrotherThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)12:54
BigBrotherGroup Report on activities during the Week (added by scooper)12:54
BigBrotherStrategizing on the school project (added by scooper)12:54
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fkoikoiGood morning Jeff12:58
jelknerGood morning Freena12:58
janet07_Good morning Jeff12:58
svayegood morning Jeff12:59
jelknerGood morning everyone!12:59
BigBrotherfkoikoi : scooper : svaye : mulbah : janet07_ : jelkner13:00
BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for today:13:00
BigBrotherThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)13:00
BigBrotherGroup Report on activities during the Week (added by scooper)13:00
BigBrotherStrategizing on the school project (added by scooper)13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
scooperGood morning Jeff and good morning Everyone13:00
scooperJeff base on the agenda of our meeting today can we proceed with the meeting now???13:01
jelknerIt's not my meeting, scooper, it's yours!13:01
scooperOK, thanks13:01
jelknerIn other words, please don't ask me if you can proceed.13:01
scooperWelcome everyone to Jetro Web Development regular Saturday Meeting. First and foremost congratulation to all of our interns whom successfully graduated yesterday. Thanks for flipping that page, I encourage you to be most strong and engage lengthily in to your respective programming area/ lesson.13:02
jelknerCongratulations graduates!!!13:02
scooperWe have three item on our agenda which happen to be very vital to us if we most be successful in this process we need to handle them with care13:04
mulbahThanks jeff and scooper13:04
scooperFirst is the rural project website13:04
svayeThanks jelkner and scooper 13:04
scooperAs it relates to the Rural Cooking Stove which happen to be our first task/project. I was instructed by Jeff to allow the Sys Admin. Team handle the server configuration properly, unfortunately their configuration was not prudently done. Making it difficult for the project to be serve live on the server while we do our development gradually.13:05
scooperIn this light I m emphasizing particularly to the Sys Admin. Team to see reason in solving problem that have to do with server configuration seriously and speedily....13:07
scooperIf we most succeed we need need to handle situation like if quickly if one team failed the entire team fail, because we are interdepence13:08
scooperACTION done with the first item on the agenda13:09
jelknermay i have a few words?13:09
jelkneri want to back up what scooper just said13:09
jelkneri am intentionally beginning to put Jetro Web "to the test"13:10
jelknerto see what is working, and what needs to be fixed13:10
jelkneri had breakfast with Sahnun this morning13:10
jelknerhe told me to be patient13:10
jelkneri told him i will be, but i only have limited resources and limited time13:11
jelknerso if we really want this project to succeed13:11
jelknerwe need to move steadily forward13:11
jelknerthe two key issues here are: communication and follow through13:11
jelknermulbah, have you been communicating with the dev team about what they need?13:12
jelkneri fully understand that there is *a lot* to learn13:12
jelknerit will take time13:12
jelknerbut you already know how to communicate13:12
jelknerand need to work on using that skill more effectively13:12
jelknerscooper, Sahnun said he is focusing on front end with you13:13
jelknerand told you not to do both JavaScript and Python at the same time13:13
jelknerso you need to communicate too13:13
jelknersounds like maybe Luis can focus on back-end13:13
scooperwe meet at 8:30pm my time13:13
jelknerand you can focus on front end13:13
jelknerSahnun agreed to focus on the Rural Clean Cooking Stove project with you13:14
scooperI m moving a fullstack developing direction 13:14
scooperso that mean I need to know JS & Python Jeff13:14
jelkneri want to request that you all discuss this project during the week13:14
jelknerand come up with a plan to move it forward13:15
jelknerwhen we meet next Saturday, we want to see progress!13:15
jelknerACTION done13:15
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mulbahalright Jeff13:15
scooperthe frontend is almost complete while the backend is being targeted13:15
scooperI use django with luis, you can post information from the backend to the front13:16
scooperit will work successful but the sys admin team need to config the server properly13:16
jelknerthey will probably need help13:17
scooperthem I will clone it from the github repository where we have the project presently13:17
jelknerfor that they can go to their mentor kevin13:17
jelknerand if he is stuck13:17
jelknerACTION done13:17
scooperI told them to share with Kelvin a long time ago Jeff13:17
scoopernext item13:18
scooperweekly report from each members13:19
jelknereveryone should type at once13:19
jelkneror this will take all day13:19
scooperShould I start or another team in here want to report 13:19
jelknerjelkner is preparing lessons for 5 different classes, but two of them have Jetro members13:20
jelknersvaye and daniel in the web class13:20
jelknerand scooper and janet in the python class13:20
jelkneri don't know if they have been keeping up13:20
jelknerwhy is no one else typing?13:21
scooperI m preparing 13:21
jelknerbtw. learning to type faster is an ongoing goal13:21
jelknerreally important for ICT professionals13:21
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svayeI was not really active because of the graduation but now that is over I can focus fully on the class13:22
jelknerACTION hopes to receive communication from svaye now that she is graduated ;-)13:23
mulbahSame here with me on what svaye said13:23
svayejelkner, can you please help me with the link to our class weekly activities?13:24
scooper1As it relate to our weekly activities13:24
scooper1been working on the project the the past time, there is the git repository to it 13:25
scooper1But can't make it live because of the server challenge we are presently faced with13:25
scooper1Team Sys Admin looking forward to solving this issue so that Dr. Hubbard can see this first phase of the project and give some instruction on how it should really be by look at the live project 13:27
scooper1Last Item, Strategizing on the school project13:28
jelknerscooper, why not use github pages to serve this for now?13:28
jelkneri'll talk to Luis about it13:28
scooper1The project is in django alway13:28
jelknerok, i have to go13:28
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jelknerwhat about the school?13:29
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scooper1I done think it will work that way13:29
jelknerwe can't move forward until we have a site13:29
jelkneryou all have to talk to the Supe about that13:29
scooper1I know13:29
jelknerif we don't get back to the Kamal Foundation, we won't get a school13:29
janetspeaking about that Jeff, we weren't able to talk to the sup because of the graduation preparation13:30
jelknerThey can't help us build one if we don't have a place to put it! ;-)13:30
jelkneryes, i understand, scooper1 13:30
scooper1I told Freena and Svaye to find a particular day in this coming week, excluding monday to meet with the supe13:30
jelknerthings often interfere with plans13:30
jelknerbut we need to remain focused13:30
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jelkneror we get lost13:30
jelknerACTION done13:30
jelknerok, fkoikoi see you monday at 11 am your time?13:31
scooper1before you leave13:31
jelkneri have to go13:31
jelknermake it quick13:31
jelknernova web meeting in 30 minutes13:31
scooper1Novaweb having meeting today??13:31
jelknerand i need to do laundry between now and then13:31
jelkner10 am other channel13:32
scooper1you can go now13:32
jelknerthanks my friend!13:32
scooper1the other please stay 13:32
scooper1for at least five minutes or 1013:32
scooper1Are you guys still actively listening???13:33
scooper1only mublah???13:33
scooper1Firstly there are something that need to be address here. I have kind over the past time with so of us13:34
scooper1but it's becoming a habit now for everyone.....13:35
scooper1Before Jeff left Monrovia last year August we all had an agreement with him13:35
scooper1That if you show up at the lab you get pay, if  you don't show up at the lab you will not get pay13:36
scooper1please correct me if I m right or wrong??? be I can proceed13:36
scooper1*before I can proceed13:36
scooper1are you still there??13:38
scooper1I m not here to mentioned anyone name who have failed to abide by those simply rules....13:38
scooper1I m push against the wall to say this..13:39
scooper1Please make the lab your home and stop giving frequently excuses that you don't have transportation that is the reason you didn't turn up13:39
svayeI am still here scooper1 13:40
scooper1Base on the warning shot I received it's friendly reminder to warn you to stop such behavior...13:41
scooper1ACTION done13:41
fkoikoiokay 13:42
fkoikoiThanks scooper for the information13:42
mulbahAlright Mr. Cooper13:42
scooper1Is there any other thing you want to discuss???13:42
scooper1because we leave?13:42
scooper1ACTION signing out now13:43
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svayehave a nice day everyone]13:44
svayeACTION signing out13:44
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*** janet has quit (None)22:26

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