*** BigBrother has joined #accict | 12:29 | |
mulbah | Good morning Jeff | 12:46 |
jelkner | !agenda | 12:47 |
BigBrother | This is the agenda for the next meeting: | 12:47 |
BigBrother | Updates from each group (added by fkoikoi) | 12:47 |
BigBrother | Planning of our second project (training of Students) (added by fkoikoi) | 12:47 |
BigBrother | AOB (added by fkoikoi) | 12:47 |
jelkner | Good morning mulbah! | 12:47 |
dcammue | Good morning jelkner | 12:47 |
jelkner | Good morning dcammue | 12:47 |
fkoikoi | Good Morning Jeff | 12:48 |
dcammue | I did add the project to my shell account | 12:48 |
jelkner | nice, dcammue | 12:48 |
dcammue | okay | 12:48 |
jelkner | ACTION goes to login to mcss student server to check out dcammue's work | 12:48 |
fkoikoi | before you leave Jeff | 12:48 |
jelkner | i'm not leaving fkoikoi | 12:49 |
fkoikoi | i know | 12:49 |
dcammue | but the server is not loading website on the web browser | 12:49 |
jelkner | i'm just switching focus to my terminal ;-) | 12:49 |
jelkner | don't worry dcammue | 12:49 |
jelkner | i understand how the web works | 12:49 |
dcammue | okay | 12:49 |
jelkner | it will be my job to help you with that | 12:49 |
jelkner | excellent, dcammue, thanks! | 12:50 |
dcammue | okay | 12:50 |
jelkner | i see the Jetro directory with the rebrand | 12:50 |
jelkner | sweet!!! | 12:50 |
jelkner | Good morning svaye | 12:51 |
svaye | Good morning jelkner | 12:51 |
svaye | Good afternoon scooper fkoikoi dcammue mulbah and tboimah | 12:54 |
tboimah | Good afternoon svaye | 12:54 |
dcammue | Good after svaye | 12:55 |
dcammue | *afternoon* | 12:55 |
mulbah | Good afternoon Miss. Vaye | 12:55 |
BigBrother | fkoikoi : scooper : dcammue : svaye : mulbah : tboimah : jelkner | 13:00 |
BigBrother | Tick Tock! | 13:00 |
BigBrother | It's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting. | 13:00 |
BigBrother | This is the agenda for today: | 13:00 |
BigBrother | Updates from each group (added by fkoikoi) | 13:00 |
BigBrother | Planning of our second project (training of Students) (added by fkoikoi) | 13:00 |
BigBrother | AOB (added by fkoikoi) | 13:00 |
BigBrother | Have a nice day, Websters! | 13:00 |
fkoikoi | Hello everyone, welcome to our today's meeting | 13:00 |
fkoikoi | The first item on our agenda is updates from each group | 13:01 |
fkoikoi | Good Morning shmohamud | 13:01 |
svaye | Good morning shmohamud | 13:01 |
shmohamud | Good afternoon fkoikoi | 13:01 |
shmohamud | Good afternoon svaye | 13:02 |
fkoikoi | you are right on time shmohamud | 13:02 |
fkoikoi | Everyone please give their report | 13:03 |
fkoikoi | as for the python team Jeff, I am going to send you our report through your mail and also push it to the codebery account | 13:04 |
mulbah | Hello shmohamud longtime how are you doing | 13:04 |
jelkner | fkoikoi, i will have something to say about that at the end of our meeting | 13:05 |
shmohamud | Hi Mulbah, I'm doing well. How're you? | 13:05 |
mulbah | I'm good and happy to see you | 13:05 |
fkoikoi | Okay Jelkner | 13:05 |
tboimah | Okay. For the system administrator team for the past days we have been working with Mr. Cole. And things has been going on well, for the look of things it will not be too long we will develop our skill we need to become a good sysadmin. | 13:06 |
tboimah | ACTION done | 13:06 |
jelkner | dcammue, svaye? | 13:08 |
jelkner | we only have 30 minutes | 13:08 |
dcammue | I will | 13:08 |
jelkner | please move forward! | 13:08 |
svaye | dcammue, will give our report | 13:08 |
dcammue | Good day everyone | 13:08 |
*** dcammue has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 13:09 | |
svaye | it's like dcammue is having network issues so I will give the report on behalf of him | 13:11 |
*** ledmer_ has quit (None) | 13:11 | |
dcammue | We have been working on the rebranding of the JETRO WEB DEVELOPMENT during the past week | 13:12 |
svaye | The web team was working with jelkner this week on the rebranding of the Jetroweb | 13:12 |
dcammue | And now we have the base foundation on the server you can look at it through the command line on the terminal | 13:15 |
dcammue | ACTION done | 13:15 |
*** janet has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 13:16 | |
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 13:16 | |
fkoikoi | Alright Thanks everyone | 13:16 |
fkoikoi | If everything is okay than we move to the next item on our agenda | 13:18 |
svaye | +1 | 13:18 |
fkoikoi | Jelkner, on Thursday you mention about recruiting new members which brought the our second project to my mind | 13:19 |
jelkner | which is our "second project", fkoikoi? | 13:20 |
fkoikoi | The training of students Jeff | 13:21 |
fkoikoi | as we all are aware that it should be done either in latest May or the ending on June | 13:21 |
jelkner | fkoikoi, let me know when i can say a few things about this | 13:22 |
fkoikoi | sure | 13:22 |
jelkner | now, fkoikoi? | 13:22 |
fkoikoi | not now Jeff | 13:23 |
jelkner | ok | 13:23 |
fkoikoi | Jeff give me a minutes | 13:23 |
jelkner | +1 | 13:23 |
scooper | honor fkoikoi, before you climax this meeting please allow me to inject something very crucial.... | 13:24 |
jelkner | we need to move faster | 13:24 |
jelkner | 30 minutes is almost up | 13:25 |
fkoikoi | to enable us get students to focus and participate fully but since we are going to have the site or office space. I was thinking if the training of students will be done after the building of the school | 13:25 |
fkoikoi | you can come in now Jeff | 13:25 |
jelkner | I want to "raise the stakes" a bit | 13:25 |
jelkner | and hopefully provide some better focus | 13:25 |
jelkner | we need to work SMART | 13:25 |
jelkner | and one framework for doing that is called SMART goals | 13:26 |
jelkner | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMART_criteria | 13:26 |
jelkner | Goals need to be 1. Specific 2. Measurable 3. Achievable 4. Relevant 5. Time-bound | 13:27 |
jelkner | tboimah, i don't know what "things have been going well" means. | 13:27 |
jelkner | what things? | 13:27 |
jelkner | what are you trying to achieve? | 13:27 |
jelkner | how will you know you have achieved it? | 13:27 |
jelkner | so let me be clear about the web and programming teams | 13:28 |
jelkner | i want fkoikoi and scooper to take the PCEP certification *before* i come back to Liberia | 13:28 |
tboimah | I mean the learning Process with Mr. cole | 13:28 |
jelkner | and i want at least one of them to pass it | 13:28 |
scooper | Ok since janet07__ is activate can you please tell us why had been the cause of you inactiveness | 13:28 |
jelkner | I want dcammue and svaye to take the Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 Specialist certification | 13:29 |
jelkner | and at least one of them to pass it | 13:29 |
jelkner | if we can't achieve that goal by next Summer | 13:29 |
jelkner | it won't make sense for me to come back | 13:29 |
jelkner | we also should choose a Linux certifcation for mulbah and tboimah | 13:29 |
jelkner | i'll be having dinner with kevin twice this month | 13:30 |
jelkner | and will revisit that topic with him | 13:30 |
jelkner | i had a good breakfast meeting with shmohamud this morning | 13:30 |
jelkner | and he agreed to help scooper and fkoikoi work toward their PCEP | 13:30 |
jelkner | https://pythoninstitute.org/pcep | 13:30 |
jelkner | that's the link to the curriculum, shmohamud | 13:31 |
jelkner | ACTION done | 13:31 |
shmohamud | +1 | 13:31 |
scooper | thanks | 13:31 |
*** dcammue has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 13:31 | |
scooper | well said | 13:31 |
fkoikoi | Thanks Jeff | 13:31 |
scooper | Janet can you please address the concern I posted earlier | 13:31 |
*** janet07_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 13:32 | |
scooper | Jeff | 13:33 |
jelkner | Spencer | 13:33 |
scooper | though Shmohamud agreed to guard us after we re-adjourn ourself for the python test | 13:33 |
*** dcammue has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 13:34 | |
scooper | does this mean that he will only and fully be mentoring us on python only still January?? | 13:34 |
jelkner | i suggest that you focus *only* on Python until you pass the PCEP. | 13:35 |
scooper | secondly can Janet please tell us what was the cause of her absence from the group participation??? | 13:35 |
jelkner | and that you move directly toward that goal with all deliberate speed | 13:35 |
jelkner | but that's just my suggestion ;-) | 13:35 |
jelkner | scooper, perhaps that is better done as an individual descussion with her in person | 13:36 |
jelkner | and not here in a public forum, ok? | 13:36 |
scooper | ok | 13:36 |
jelkner | here we only support each other, not call each other out | 13:36 |
scooper | sorry for that...... | 13:36 |
jelkner | svaye, and dcammue, check this out: https://jetrowebdevelopment.codeberg.page/ | 13:37 |
jelkner | i will tweak it a bit more | 13:37 |
jelkner | and then you can clone it | 13:37 |
jelkner | and the 3 of us can practice git workflow together | 13:37 |
jelkner | i'll ask mattva01 to teach me about branching next thurday | 13:38 |
jelkner | so we can start using that in our workflow | 13:38 |
dcammue | okay | 13:38 |
svaye | okay Jeff | 13:38 |
jelkner | dcammue, svaye do you have a short video we can use? | 13:38 |
svaye | jelkner, can I ask you a question | 13:38 |
jelkner | could you work with scooper to make one with a phone? | 13:39 |
svaye | we will get the video from scooper | 13:39 |
jelkner | fkoikoi, is the meeting over? | 13:39 |
fkoikoi | We are currently on AOB | 13:39 |
jelkner | ok, fkoikoi | 13:39 |
dcammue | +1 | 13:39 |
fkoikoi | so if there is nothing else to be said then the meeting is over | 13:40 |
jelkner | next week, let's try to move at a faster pace | 13:40 |
jelkner | so we can finish in 30 minutes | 13:40 |
jelkner | too much time today was spent waiting | 13:40 |
fkoikoi | okay | 13:40 |
jelkner | tech folks need to move at Internet speed! | 13:40 |
svaye | +1 | 13:40 |
*** janet07_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 13:41 | |
fkoikoi | Thanks everyone for their participation | 13:41 |
jelkner | svaye, dcammue can you meet with me on Monday morning (11 am your time) for a few minutes? | 13:42 |
svaye | +1 | 13:42 |
*** janet07_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 13:42 | |
jelkner | don't make any changes to the site until then | 13:42 |
jelkner | give me today and tomorrow to tweak it some more | 13:42 |
jelkner | and then i'll turn it back to you on Monday | 13:43 |
jelkner | enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone! | 13:43 |
jelkner | fkoikoi, you will join as the nova web meeting, yes? | 13:44 |
dcammue | okay | 13:44 |
dcammue | sure jelkner | 13:44 |
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 13:44 | |
fkoikoi | +1 | 13:44 |
svaye | ok | 13:44 |
jelkner | thanks! | 13:44 |
jelkner | ACTION moves to the other channel for the next meeting... | 13:45 |
*** dcammue has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 13:45 | |
*** janet07_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 13:52 | |
*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 13:59 | |
*** fkoikoi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 14:00 | |
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 14:00 | |
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 14:03 | |
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 14:03 | |
*** dcammue has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) | 14:06 | |
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) | 14:08 | |
*** dcammue_ has quit (None) | 14:10 | |
*** fkoikoi_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 14:16 | |
*** ledmer has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 14:34 | |
*** jelkner has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 14:48 |
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