IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Tuesday, 2023-11-07

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svayeGood afternoon dcammue and tboimah 11:42
tboimahGood afternoon svaye11:42
dcammueGood afternoon svaye 11:42
svayeHow are you guys11:43
dcammueand you?11:47
svayenot too good 11:48
svayeGood morning jelkner 11:55
jelknerGood day svaye and dcammue!11:55
jelknerthanks for meeting with me this morning11:56
jelknerare you ready to start?11:56
dcammueGood morning jelkner 11:56
jelknerok, i've done some work on the jetro website11:57
jelknerit's now linked from here too:11:57
scooperGood morning jelker11:58
jelknerGood day, scooper 11:58
jelknerit's noon there now, yes?11:58
jelknerscooper, i'm glad you're here11:58
jelknersvaye and dcammue will need your help11:58
jelkneras i was just telling them11:59
jelkneri did a bit of work on the rebranding11:59
jelknerthere is so much to learn, svaye and dcammue, but let me start with a few things11:59
jelkner1. images have a geometry12:00
jelknerthe ratio of the width to the height is called the "aspect ratio"12:00
jelknerif you change this aspect ratio, you distort the image12:00
jelknerand make it look strange and unnatural12:01
jelknerin general, the easiest way to prevent that is:12:01
jelknernever set both the height and the width of an image when you are resizing it12:01
jelknerchoose one of these (width or height) that you care about the most12:02
jelknerand let the computer compute the other12:02
jelknerthis will preserve the aspect ratio12:02
jelknerdcammue and svaye, i have an assignment for you.12:02
svayewhat is the assignment jelkner 12:03
jelkneryou need to gather three media files (here is where you will probably need scooper's help)12:03
jelkner1. A picture of the current Jetro group:12:03
jelkner7 of you, yes?12:03
jelknerSpencer, Freena, Thomas, Shallon, Mulbah, Daniel, and Janet12:04
jelkneris that everyone?12:04
jelknerget all of you together and take a nice picture12:05
jelknerthat we can put on the homepage12:05
svayearen't you gonna be in the picture jelkner 12:05
jelkner2. Record the 7 of you saying something (like "We are Jetro Web Development!")12:05
jelknerno, svaye 12:05
jelknernot me12:05
jelkneri am not Jetro Web development12:05
jelkneryou are12:05
jelknerbut i would very much like to be included in the "story of Jetro Web development"12:06
jelknerso i would be most happy if i could appear on page 3, not page 112:06
svayeokay jelkner 12:07
jelknerin fact, we have a very nice story to tell12:07
jelknerthe picture we took before i left during my last visit12:07
jelknershows all of you are still together 1 1/2 years later12:07
svayeI still have it12:07
jelknerThat is a really strong story12:08
jelknerit means you have a real team!12:08
jelknerFinally, and scooper, i need your help here12:08
jelknerwe need a really short video12:08
jelknerwe want the video and audio files to be small12:09
jelknerso we want them to be short12:09
jelknerbut nice12:09
jelkneri'm not an artist12:09
jelknerso you have to see what you can do12:09
scooperok jelkner12:09
jelknerbut svaye and dcammue need an image, an audio file, and a video file12:10
scooperbefore you leave12:10
jelknergo ahead, scooper 12:10
scooperplease make some clarity on something12:10
dcammueokay Sir!12:10
scooperjellker can you please make some clarification here. The interns been asking about their allowance...12:10
jelkneri can only send $800 per month12:10
jelknerthat's my limit12:10
scooperi know12:10
scooperthey think that you already send me the money12:11
jelkneri did12:11
jelknerdidn't you get notice12:11
jelknerit should arrive 11/8 i think12:11
scooperI got notice jeff12:12
scooperbut I told them not yet12:12
scooperonce I received the notice you guy will receive you money... that was my message to them12:12
jelknerit takes awhile12:12
jelkneryes, of course12:12
jelknerso what do you need from me?12:13
scooperto tell them that money haven't reach scooper12:13
jelknerscooper, they need to trust you12:13
jelknerif they don't trust you12:13
jelknerwe are in big trouble12:13
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jelkneri trust you12:13
jelkneror we wouldn't be where we are12:14
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jelkneris fkoikoi not coming today?12:14
scooperThanks for the trust12:14
scooperno 12:14
svayescooper, I trust you too 12:14
jelknerthanks, svaye!12:14
scooperfreena is not well12:14
jelkneri am so sorry to hear that12:15
svayefkoikoi sounded sick this morning when she called me 12:15
jelknergot you12:15
jelknerwish her a speedy recovery for me please12:15
jelknersvaye and dcammue please work very hard on the CIW curriculum12:15
jelknertake the practice tests12:16
jelknerover and over12:16
jelkneri want to come see you next Summer12:16
jelknerbut you have to work very hard to get ready for the certification exams12:16
svayeOkay Jeff12:16
jelknerwe need to be able to show the world that we are making real progress12:16
jelknerso we can seek the support we need to build the school and help you launch the business12:17
dcammuejelkner, please don't think different about our trust in scooper, we trust him but it was just a clarity. Hope you understand jelkner?12:17
jelknerdcammue, it was my fault12:17
jelkneri sent the transfer late12:17
dcammueNo jelkner 12:18
dcammuenot you 12:18
jelkneryes, dcammue, me ;-)12:18
jelkneri sent the transfer late12:18
jelkneri usually try to make the transfer before the end of the month12:18
jelknerbut this time i made it after12:18
dcammueIt sure that everyone can have a lot think about sometime 12:18
jelkneryes, dcammue, but i'm glad you are bringing it up12:19
jelkneri can image some of you are depending on that arriving on time12:19
dcammueso don't blind yourself12:19
jelknerso it causes stress when it is late12:19
jelknerso i will be more careful about that going forward12:20
svayeThis is not something to argue about, scooper felt the team didn't trust him that's why he reach it to jelkner. So I think it's best for us to apologize to scooper 12:20
jelknerexcellent svaye12:20
jelkneri think you are spot on12:20
jelknerbut you also have my apology for being late12:20
jelkneri'll work to see that i am on time next month12:21
jelknerok, svaye and dcammue, do you need anything else from me?12:21
jelknerdid you clone the repo?12:21
dcammueno not yet for me12:22
jelkneri am going to ask my friend matt to teach me about git branching when i see him this thursday12:22
jelknerwe can use this project (Jetro website)12:22
jelknerto learn more advanced git together12:22
jelknerfor now, svaye and dcammue should just clone the main branch12:23
jelknerand add the media files we discussed12:23
jelkneryou two should also be practicing the quizzes12:23
jelknerin CIW12:23
jelknerand asking me when you have any questions about vocabulary, etc.12:23
jelkneri just gave my web students a test12:23
jelknerwith 26 questions12:23
scoopercan I help the web team with git branching12:25
jelknersvaye, i have an idea i'm trying out with them12:25
jelknerdo you know git branching?12:25
jelknerif you do, we will learn from you instead of mattva0112:25
scooperyes a little bit12:25
jelknerthat would be better12:25
jelknersince we want to develop our internal skills to teach each other as much as possible12:25
jelknerso, scooper, if you teach svaye and dcammue, they could teach me12:26
jelknerthat would be awesome!12:26
jelknersvaye, dcammue, look at this:
scooperthanks, let me demonstrate what I been during with some project...12:27
scooperACTION signingup12:27
jelknersvaye, dcammue are you still here?12:30
svayeyes jelkner 12:30
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dcammue_jelkner, 12:31
jelkneri just copied a pdf file to my home directory on students.mcssliberia.org12:31
jelkneri don't know if you two want me to give you these things12:31
jelknerbut if you do, i'm happy to do it12:31
jelknerthis is the test i gave my students at the end of the quarter12:32
jelkneri noticed some questions that students often get wrong12:32
jelknerthen i though of the idea of making this exercise i just shared with you:12:33
jelkneri completed two of them to show the idea12:33
jelkneri did questions 2 and 2212:33
jelknerthe rest are not done yet12:33
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jelknerthis is going to be an activity for the students12:34
jelknerthey need to create a section element with content that shows the idea from each question12:34
jelknerThe correct answer for question 3 is border-image, for example12:35
jelknerso the task would be to create an element with a border image to show this concept12:35
jelknerdoes that make sense, svaye?12:35
jelknerso anyway, it's another resource for you if you want it12:36
svayeI want it12:36
jelkneryou should be spending at least a few hours *every day* practicing12:36
jelknerit is the only way you will get the skills you need to pass the certification exam12:37
jelknerand even more importantly, to create websites for customers12:37
svayeokay 12:37
jelknerok, that's all i have for today12:37
jelkneranything else before i go?12:38
svayeno jelkner 12:38
jelknerokie dokie, thanks. it is great working with you as always12:38
jelkneri'll check-in tomorrow at 7 am my time12:39
jelknerbut i understand fkoikoi is not feeling well and may not be here12:39
svayeI will be here12:39
jelknersee you then12:39
jelknerACTION signs off for the day12:39
svayehave a nice day jelkner 12:39
jelkneryou too!12:40
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svayeACTION signs off12:41
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:41
*** dcammue_ has quit (None)12:41
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:21
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:57
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