IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Friday, 2023-12-08

*** dcammue has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)06:17
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi and scooper 11:38
jelkneri won't be able to meet this morning11:38
jelkneri am not ready preparing my class yet11:38
jelknerbut i will come back when kevin arrvives11:38
jelknerto talk to him about helping with PCEP11:38
scooperok Jeff11:39
scooperdid you see my mail.....11:39
*** fkoikoi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)11:39
jelknerno time now scooper 11:40
jelknertalk later11:40
scooperok jelkner....11:40
scooperACTION signing out for today....11:41
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:41
fkoikoiokay Jeff11:42
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tboimahGood morning Jeff11:53
svayeGood morning jelkner 11:57
svayeGood morning tboimah 11:57
tboimahGood day svaye!12:00
svayeGood afternoon fkoikoi 12:02
svayehow are you tboimah 12:03
fkoikoigood afternoon svaye 12:04
svayehow are you12:04
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jelknerGood afternoon svaye 13:06
svayeHow are you jelkner 13:07
svayeare we still meeting by 9:30pm our time today?13:08
jelkneri'm in class now, but i finished the task for the students13:09
jelknerso they are wokring on their own13:09
jelkneri want to catch kevin when he shows up in 50 minutes13:10
svayejelkner, I was asking if we will meet today by 9:30pm our time?13:10
jelknerlet me see, 9:30 pm your time is 4:30 pm my time, yes?13:10
svayeokay I will be online 13:11
jelknerwait, before you do13:11
jelknerlet's think about this13:11
jelknerwe may not need to13:11
svayewhat did you want us to discuss?13:11
jelknersvaye, i asked dcammune yesterday if he thought having everyone work toward PCEP as a first goal was a good idea13:11
jelknerhe told me he wants to do that13:12
jelkneri really,really, *really* want to come to Monrovia this Summer13:12
svayeas in python programming13:12
jelknerbut i'm a man of my word, so i won't come if we can't get 3 Jetro Websters to pass a certification13:12
svayeThat's a great idea jelkner 13:13
jelknerso we should be applying our energy together figuring out how to do achieve that goal13:14
jelkneri know we can13:14
jelknerbut we need to work smart, and we need to work together13:14
jelknerPCEP is the easiest of the 3 certifications to get13:14
jelknerso i'm going to ask both mentors, Sahnun and Kevin13:15
svayewe all can study together and there's a possibility that a large number of us to pass13:15
jelknerand if you take it early, and are close to the mark, there will be time to take it again13:15
jelknerand folks who pass can help tutor those who are close13:15
svayeI am willing to do it jelkner 13:15
jelknerso there may not be a need to meet at 9:30 pm your time13:17
jelknerif you can stay around for another 42 minutes13:18
svayethat's no problem I will stay around13:18
jelknerwe can see if Kevin is willing to use his 4 hour session toward this aim13:19
jelknertboimah, good afternoon13:22
jelknertboimah, are you here?13:23
jelkneroh, you're on the other channel13:24
jelknersvaye, i'm changing my focus to #novawebdev13:24
jelknerso i can talk with mulbah and tboimah13:24
tboimahGood morning Jeff13:24
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*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:02
svayejelkner, do we still have something to discuss?14:05
jelknersvaye, we do14:06
jelknerwe need to figure out when we can meet for PCEP study14:06
svayecan you please give me 10mins to reach to the office 14:06
scooper1I m here jeff14:06
svayeI am on my way to the office14:06
jelknerscooper1, i see your email14:07
jelkneri'm not sure what you want in a response.14:07
jelkneryou don't ask any questions14:07
jelkneryou just shared your work14:07
jelknerthat's great14:07
svayeACTION signs off to reach the office14:07
jelknerbut doesn't require a response14:07
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:07
jelkneryou need to keep up a fast pace if you want PCEP by May 1st14:08
jelknera very fast pace14:08
jelkneryou should finish Pretty Pictures in one day14:08
jelkner(assuming you have about 5 hours to work on it)14:08
jelknerwhen i see a draw_face(x, y) function14:08
jelknerthat draws a parameterized face at location x, y14:09
jelkneri will want to meet with everyone and ask questions to determine if they understand the concepts14:09
jelknerhow do parameters relate to arugments?14:09
jelknerwhat are the benefits of writing functions?14:10
jelknerhow do functions reflect abstractions that enable us to write more complex code?14:10
scooper1is that a question???14:10
jelknerthose are the questions i would ask once you all have finished sheet 314:10
jelknerfkoikoi, are you ready with an agenda for our meeting tomorrow?14:12
jelkneri was going to suggest a main topic14:12
scooper1Are you done with the discussion for today???14:13
jelkneryou tell me scooper1 14:13
fkoikoiYes but I want to know if the problem with this channel is fixed 14:13
jelkneri was responding to you14:13
jelknerdid i?14:13
jelkneri can ask tmickelson in 15 minutes14:13
jelknerbut i'm not sure14:13
jelknereither way14:13
jelknerwe can talk about the agenda now14:14
fkoikoisure 14:14
jelknerand then copy and past from the log if BigBrother doesn't do it for us14:14
scooper1So that mean daniel, svaye, freena, janet and scooper14:14
scooper1are all learning python right14:14
jelknerubuntourist is doing a wonderful job with tboimah and mulbah14:15
scooper1and it also mean that they are no longer learning web development???14:15
jelknerhe meets with them 4 hours a week14:15
jelknerscooper1, it means they will focus on getting PCEP first14:15
jelknersince web developers need to know python14:15
jelknerlook, i'm just trying to help14:15
jelkneryou can do whatever you like14:15
jelknerlet me finish with fkoikoi 14:16
jelknerubuntourist meets with tboimah and mulbah 4 hours a week14:16
scooper1ok got you..... but I say this before..... 14:16
jelknerevery monday and friday from 2 to 4 pm your time14:17
jelknerit is great to have that structure14:17
jelknerunfortunately, i don't have 4 hours14:17
fkoikoi!add updates from each group 14:17
BigBrotherSuccess: "updates from each group" has been added to the agenda.14:17
fkoikoi2. Discussion on svaye and dcammue joining the python group14:17
fkoikoi!add Discussion on svaye and dcammue joining the python group14:17
BigBrotherSuccess: "Discussion on svaye and dcammue joining the python group" has been added to the agenda.14:17
jelknergood svaye is here14:18
jelknerwhile i don't have 4 hours14:18
fkoikoi!add finalizing the mailing process14:18
BigBrotherSuccess: "finalizing the mailing process" has been added to the agenda.14:18
jelkneri would like to propose that we set up a 90 minute meeting session each week14:18
fkoikoi!add AOB14:18
BigBrotherSuccess: "AOB" has been added to the agenda.14:18
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:18
BigBrotherRequest for NOVA Web Tutor (added by Jmolina)14:18
BigBrotherNOVA Web Website Updates (added by Jmolina)14:19
BigBrotherNew IRC Channel (added by Jmolina)14:19
BigBrother!Cooking Stove Project (added by Jmolina)14:19
BigBrotherGeorgetown Professor (added by Jmolina)14:19
BigBrotherNova web Tutor (added by klarios)14:19
BigBrothercharle's introductory message (added by klarios)14:19
BigBrotherLinode/Server terminations (added by klarios)14:19
BigBrothermeeting with Maddie (added by klarios)14:19
BigBrotherupdates from each group (added by fkoikoi)14:19
BigBrotherDiscussion on svaye and dcammue joining the python group (added by fkoikoi)14:19
BigBrotherfinalizing the mailing process (added by fkoikoi)14:19
BigBrotherAOB (added by fkoikoi)14:19
jelknerwow, this is broken!14:19
jelknerthese are klarios and Jmolina's NOVA Web items14:19
jelknerfkoikoi, don't try to use BigBrother until we get this fixed14:19
jelkneri think we need only one item tomorrow14:20
jelknermaybe 214:20
jelkner1. Update on plan to meet May 1st challenge14:20
fkoikoilet me remove the agenda14:20
jelkner2. Response to Kamal's email14:20
jelknerthose are the two items14:21
fkoikoiokay Jeff14:21
jelknerso, fkoikoi and svaye, do you think we could schedule a 90 minute "class" each Saturday?14:22
fkoikoisure Jeff14:22
jelknerlet me ask you a few questions about that14:22
jelkneractually, i could propose to smohamed that we stop meeting for breakfast on saturdays for awhile14:23
jelknerso we can focus on class instead14:23
jelknerclass could actually meet for 2 hours before our weekly meeting14:23
jelknerfrom 12 to 2 pm your time14:23
jelkner7 to 9 am my time14:23
jelkneri can ask smohamed to join us14:24
scooper1apart from Saturday are the other days set aside 14:24
scooper1for python lecture or lesson14:24
jelknerscooper1, i simply can't14:24
jelkneri was hoping to get ubuntourist to help14:25
scooper1is it a quesition jeff14:25
jelknerthat's why i was proposing we all work on PCEP14:25
scooper1with python???14:25
jelknerbut he can't do more than 4 hours14:25
jelknerso if we are sticking with Linux+14:25
jelknerhe can't do that14:25
jelknerthat's why i dropped that plan14:25
scooper1got you....14:26
jelknerso, it would be 2 hours a week with me14:26
jelknerthat's all the time i have14:26
jelkneron saturday14:26
jelkner12 noon to 2 pm14:26
jelkneryour time14:26
scooper1got you... 14:26
jelknerif you all want to succeed, you will need to put in a lot more hours than that!14:26
jelknera lot more14:26
jelknerbut that would be the time we could meet to discuss questions, check on progress, and make plans together14:27
fkoikoisounds great14:28
scooper1question please???14:29
scooper1you did not give your feed back on pretty picture challenge1, 3 and 4....14:30
scooper1Any way I m try to analyze challenge 1 and 2 before completion......14:31
jelknerscooper1, i'm finding this to be really hard14:32
jelkneri thought we talked about that a few minutes ago14:32
jelknerand then you are asking again14:32
jelkneri feel you aren't getting me when i try to explain things14:33
jelknerso i don't know what to do14:33
jelkneri gave you a list of questions i will have for you when you finish sheet 314:33
jelknerlook in the logs, and try to understand what i'm asking14:33
jelkneri could say it again14:34
jelknerbut i don't know if that will help14:34
jelkneri'm looking for a function draw_face(x, y)...14:34
*** BigBrother has joined #jetrowebdev14:35
BigBrotherWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:35
jelknerfkoikoi, tmickelson is here14:35
scooper1sorry Jeff14:35
jelknerand he thinks he just fixed BigBrother 14:36
scooper1I just when through the lod14:36
jelknerscooper1, here is what i think you should do14:36
fkoikoishould I try again?14:36
jelkner1. you should plan to meet *together* for sessions of at least 2 hours14:37
jelknerin the same place at the same time14:37
jelkner2. you should work on the same sheet14:37
jelknersheet 2 for, example14:37
jelkner3. you should try to finish the entire sheet in one session14:37
jelkner2 to 3 hours, perhaps?14:37
jelknerit depends on the sheet14:37
jelkner*THEN*, you should meet with me on Saturday morning and we can go over the entire sheet14:38
jelknerin one 2 hour session14:38
scooper1got you...14:38
jelknerwe can talk about the programming concepts the sheet was designed to teach14:38
jelknerand discuss other ways to reinforce and extend those idea14:38
jelknerif you want to earn PCEP by May 1st, you will have to learn to work that way14:39
jelknerotherwise, we will not make sufficient progress14:39
jelknerfkoikoi, svaye, can you help organize this effort?14:39
jelknerand do you want to start tomorrow?14:40
jelkneri haven't had the chance to talk with sahnun about our change in plans yet14:40
jelknerbut we are not meeting tomorrow anyway14:40
jelknersince he is away this weekend14:40
svayeI would like to start tomorrow jelkner because I have so much to learn14:41
jelkneryes i do! ;-)14:41
fkoikoi+1, thanks Jeff for your continues help and support14:41
jelknerfkoikoi, svaye can you please spend time today on Sheet 3?14:42
jelkneroh way14:43
jelkneryou haven't done Sheet 2 yet, right?14:43
jelknerI like Sheet 2 a lot14:44
jelknersince it doesn't require graphics14:44
jelknerone more thing, scooper1 14:44
scooper1yes I m here14:44
jelknerassignment for you:14:44
fkoikoiI am on challenge 6 and 7, sheet 214:44
jelknerlearn from tboimah and mulbah how to start a shared terminal14:44
jelknerso you can offer us one during our class14:44
jelknerlater, you should learn from them how to add audio14:45
scooper1Audio will be a little concern according to thomas14:45
fkoikoiI think scooper already have an idea on how to share terminal14:45
fkoikoibecause he did that with me14:46
jelknerscooper1, you are responsible for that14:46
jelkneryou'll paste the link in the chat14:46
jelknerand i'll just connect to it14:46
jelknerwe can forget audio for now14:46
jelknerthat's sad14:46
jelknersince it would make things better14:46
jelknerbut i understand the challenge14:46
jelknerto typing it is...14:46
jelknernow you all have to keep increasing your typing speed!14:47
jelknerok, i have to go14:47
scooper1because we will need head phone... and or the feed back might be bad14:47
jelknerwhen i get there in August14:47
scooper1because we are all situated in the lab...14:47
jelkneri can bring speakers and we can practice with ubuntourist making this work14:47
jelknerthe best set up would be everyone sharing 1 audio connection14:48
scooper1We did that before when left liberia... and the reception was very bad....14:48
jelknerwith speakers, not headphones14:48
scooper1nevertheless we can give it a try again....14:48
jelkneryes, but with more bandwidth, we could make it work14:48
jelknernot now14:48
jelknerwhen i get there14:48
jelkneri'll bring some nice speakers14:48
jelknerand a nice mic14:49
jelknerso you have to get me there!14:49
jelknerlet's focus on that14:49
scooper1wow thank Jeff....14:49
jelknersvaye, fkoikoi, scooper1, complete Sheet 2 today14:49
jelknerWe can go over it tomorrow at 12 noon your time14:50
jelknersee you then...14:50
jelknerhere is the plan for tomorrow14:51
jelkneri'm going to "lecture" on how to complete Sheet 214:51
jelkneri'll complete the whole thing in less than an hour while you all watch me14:51
jelkneryou won't learn much unless you tried it yourselves already14:51
*** tmickelson has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:51
BigBrotherWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:52
jelknerok, fkoikoi tmickelson has a favor to ask you14:52
tmickelsonfkoikoi, can you try adding items to the agenda now?14:52
jelknerACTION signs off14:52
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:53
fkoikoisure tmickelson14:53
fkoikoi!add updates from each group14:54
BigBrotherSuccess: "updates from each group" has been added to the agenda.14:54
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:54
BigBrotherupdates from each group (added by fkoikoi)14:54
fkoikoilet me see if this won't also appear in the novawebdev channel14:54
fkoikoiit appears on the novawebdev channel too14:57
tmickelsonfkoikoi, i updated bigbrother to write to the correct agenda file15:00
tmickelsonACTION signs off15:00
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: leaving)15:00
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:10
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:34
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:36
*** scooper1 has quit (Quit: Leaving)17:05
scooperPython developer I been online hour ago20:54
svayeGood evening scooper 20:55
scooperjust in case any one turn kindly flash me on my number I m willing to come back online20:55
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)20:55
scooperoh saye you are here20:56
scooperis the thing any thing we can do together???20:57
scooperon the task???20:57
scooperSvaye are you there???/20:57
svayeI am here20:58
scooperACTION signing up to go sleep......20:58
scooperok what can we do together since you are here20:58
svayenothing really important20:59
scooperdid you complete all the challenges in sheet two???20:59
scooperif yes did you push it to your remotely repository???21:00
scooperIf you are not active I m leaving to take my nap....21:00
scooperACTION signing out to sleep....21:00
*** scooper has quit (None)21:01
svayeACTION signs off to complete the challenges21:02
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:02
*** dcammue has quit (None)22:17

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