IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2023-12-16

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jelknerGood morning fkoikoi 11:58
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff11:59
jelknerYou're the only one here.11:59
jelknerWhat's the plan?11:59
fkoikoiI am at the office now, in the conference room12:01
fkoikoiwaiting for the rest of the team12:01
jelkneri don't understand12:01
jelknerit's noon there12:02
jelknermid day already?12:02
fkoikoiyes 12:02
jelknerwhy don't you plan to meet at 9 am your time?12:02
jelknerand then spend the 3 hours before i join you studying together?12:03
jelknerthat's why i keep asking about your study plan12:03
jelknerwhat are you doing to make sure you have scheduled time to work on your study?12:03
fkoikoiThat is a great Idea Jeff12:03
jelknerfkoikoi, it is really important to learn to think about things like that12:04
jelkneryou all should be asking each other regularly - how can we better organize ourselves to meet our goals?12:04
jelkneronly that way will you be able to run a business that can succeed12:05
jelkneri don't want to take it out on you, since you're here12:05
jelknerbut you must understand i find this frustrating12:06
jelkneri set my alarm to wake up early on a weekend morning12:06
jelknerhere i am12:06
jelknerbut the folks i'm supposed to be volunteering to help12:06
jelkneraren't here!12:06
fkoikoiI know Jeff and I am sincerely sorry about that12:07
scooperGood morning jelkner12:07
fkoikoiJust give me a minute let me try calling svaye since scooper is already here12:08
jelknerit would be a goog morning, scooper, if everyone was here12:08
jelknerscooper, let's chat here12:09
jelknerkeep things respectful, but frank12:10
jelknerwe need to figure this out12:10
jelknerso if you feel i am not handling things properly, please call me out on it12:11
scooperFreena is online I m already here... in short another people need to responsible enough to get online when the time is approving....12:11
jelknerfkoikoi, scooper, i don't know you saw my email to the nova web team12:12
scooper*other people12:12
jelkneri cc'd jetrowebdev, so it should have gone to all of you12:12
scooperwhen did you send a mail Jeff12:12
jelkneranyway, it isn't that important12:13
jelkneri was just going to refer to it to make a point12:13
jelknerit is now December 1612:13
jelknerweeks are going by quickly12:13
jelknerand our pace of progress is too slow12:13
jelknerit has now been over a year and a half since we started doing this12:14
jelknerwhen i set my alarm on a saturday morning instead of "sleeping in"12:14
jelknerand get up and find that the group i am supposed to be working with isn't there...12:14
jelknerit harms my confidence12:15
jelknermakes me think this plan of ours isn't realistic12:15
scooperjelkner I m so sorry... but we agreed on meeting by 1:00 liberia time right12:15
jelknerno, scooper12:15
scooperI think that is the reason folks delay in coming12:15
jelknerwe said 7 am my time12:15
jelkner7 to 9 am12:15
jelkneri agreed i would do a 2 hour presentation12:16
jelknerjust like last week12:16
jelknerscooper, i was just saying to fkoikoi 12:16
jelknerthat if you are really serious about this12:16
jelkneryou should plan to meet at the MCSS office at 9 am your time12:17
jelknerand study together for 3 hours *before* i join you12:17
jelknerthen you could be ready when i arrive12:17
jelknerscooper, fkoikoi have what do you have to show me from your work last week?12:18
jelknerany links to git repos you can post?12:18
jelknerthat will show me what you have been working on12:18
scooperI m coming 5 minutes please12:19
fkoikoishallon said that her church is having a conference so she won't be here today12:19
scooperI just did jelkner.....12:20
fkoikoiwill soon sent mine Jeff12:20
jelknerpost it here, scooper 12:20
jelknernot in a private chat12:20
jelknerso this is really important, scooper 12:22
jelkneri have earned lots of certifications12:22
jelknerand studying lots of things12:22
jelknerif i were in your situation12:22
jelkneri would be planning on a minimum of 20 hours per week studying for PCEP12:23
jelknera minimum12:23
jelknerit doesn't look like anyone is putting in anywhere near that amount of time12:23
jelknerit does not look like a pace that will meet our target12:25
jelkneri just found out that the IRS wants SECOSOL to pay around $4000.00 in tax penalties12:26
jelknerwe have a really solid group that is meeting on Thursday nights now12:26
jelknerthat's why i cc'd you all on the email i sent to them yesterday12:26
jelkneri am running short of resources12:27
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scooperI just saw the mail will read it later since you are telling something very import....12:27
jelkneri'm telling you that i am under some financial stress12:28
jelknerand when i think... $800 times 5 more months is $400012:28
jelkneri have to figure out what to do with limited resources12:28
jelkneri want to honor my obligations12:28
jelknerbut i'm not seeing an equal commitment on the Jetro side12:29
jelknernot enough dedication12:29
jelknernot enough work12:29
jelkneri'm thinking i should focus on what is working12:30
jelknerand let what isn't working go for now12:30
jelkneri've got a lot to do today12:31
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jelkneri'll send an email to the Jetro team12:32
jelknerbut i think what i will say is that i won't send another stipend until one of you passes PCEP12:32
jelknersince if we aren't going to make the goal12:33
jelkneri need those very limited resources toward where they can do the most good12:33
jelkneri'll be available to help when someone asks me to12:33
jelknerbut i'll wait until i get a request12:34
jelknerso that i don't set my alarm, wake up on a saturday, and folks not here12:34
jelknerscooper, i'm going to go now12:34
scooperBEFORE YOU LEAVE12:34
scoopercan you please be at our meeting this evening 9:00 my time and 4:00 your time12:35
scooperas we present again and discuss with Dr. Hubbard??12:35
jelkneri can't make that meeting scooper 12:35
jelknerit is saturday12:35
jelknermy wife's family is having the family holiday gathering12:36
scooperOK ledmer will update you....12:36
jelkneri'll see him in class on monday morning12:36
scoopercan we demonstrate few things on the picture challenge12:37
scooperme you and freena before leaving today???12:37
jelkneri can see you commits12:37
jelknerdo you have questions?12:37
scoopermy question is in the repository...12:37
jelknerlike i mentioned, since pretty pictures uses graphics12:37
jelknerit is not easy to "demo"12:38
jelknerwhat is your question?12:38
jelkneryou can post a commit link12:38
scooperthat is my question link....12:38
jelknerso the idea when we made GASP was to make it friendly to middle school students12:39
jelknerin most computer graphics, the 0, 0 point is in the upper left of the screen12:40
jelknerthe first value increases to the right12:40
jelknerand the other value increases DOWN12:40
jelknerthat has historical reasons12:40
jelknerthat is not friendly to middle school students12:41
jelknerwho learn that 0, 0 is in the lower left of the first quadrant of the coordinate plane12:41
jelknerso GASP works that way12:42
jelkner0, 0 is the lower left corner of the screen12:42
jelknerand the default screen size is 640 by 480 pixels12:42
jelknerso 640, 480 is the upper right corner12:42
jelknerLine objects are really line segments between x1, y1 and x2, y212:43
jelknerusing that coordinate system12:43
jelknerACTION done12:44
scooperThanks I think the concept is getting in a little bit, but another doubt here...12:44
scooperaccording to you the 640, 48012:44
scooperis the upper right corner right??12:45
scooperand a coordinate plan have fours quadrants12:45
jelknerwell, GASP only uses the first quadrant12:45
scooperthe first represent ++ if I m correct12:45
jelkneronly positive values for x and y12:45
jelknerx increases to the right12:46
jelknerand y increases up12:46
scooperthat mean the other quadrant is not consider right??12:46
jelkneranyway, don't get too lost in the details of that12:46
jelknerit is GASP specific12:46
jelknerthe goal of this sheet is to teach functions12:46
jelknernot graphics12:47
jelknergraphics were just used to make if fun12:47
jelknerand help make the idea of *proceedural abstraction* more concrete12:47
scooperI know but this concept is import12:47
jelknerscooper, i know from my time there that tboimah has a strong math background12:48
jelknerwhat i keep hoping is that you all will form into a proper study group12:48
jelknerand help each other learn12:48
jelknertboimah could teach the math needed for this12:48
jelknerso that you could use me to help with the Python12:48
jelknerremember, i tried to get you all working together12:49
jelknerbut you didn't want to12:49
jelknerso that's your choice12:49
jelkneri'm going to go now and write that email to the Jetro team12:49
scooperjelker..  people should learn to take responsible and be focus..12:49
jelknerthen i have to plan12:50
scooperThomas show up everytime at the lab12:50
scoopersince his computer damage or lost...12:50
jelkneryes, scooper12:50
jelknerwe need people showing up at the lab12:50
scooperbut other done inform if they have an issue.....12:50
jelkneri apologize for the change in plans12:50
scooperI agreed with you plan Jeff12:51
jelknerbut in my email, i am going to suggest that you all meet in the lab12:51
jelknerand work together to figure our who among you can be the first to be ready for PCEP12:51
jelknerthen you help that person get ready12:51
jelknerand when they pass12:51
jelkneri will resume the stipend12:51
jelknerthen they can help the next person12:51
jelknersoon, you will all be ready12:51
jelknerbut only if you coordinate12:52
jelknerwhich you are not doing now12:52
jelknerthat will be my suggestion12:52
fkoikoican I make a comment about what you just said?12:53
scooperabout what???12:53
jelknerplease, fkoikoi 12:53
jelknersorry for the delayed response12:53
jelkneri was starting to write the email12:54
jelknerACTION goes to write the email, but will check every few minutes for fkoikoi's comment ;-)12:54
fkoikoiscooper, stopping the stipend12:56
fkoikoiit is the stipend that enable most of Jetro web members to come to the lab and if you stop the stipend I don't think most members or folks will be able to come to the lab. 12:56
fkoikoiThe stipend serves as transportation for the team members 12:56
scooperI think this measure will help people step up their game.....12:57
jelknerfkoikoi, i fully understand12:57
tboimahGood day folks12:57
scooperIf we are all willing go through this punishment it will  serve as a warning 12:58
jelknerso here is my suggestion12:58
jelkneryou all meet12:58
jelknerand decided together12:58
jelknerhey we really need this stipend12:58
jelknerso how can we earn it back?12:58
jelknerwe need one of us to pass PCEP12:58
jelknerhow can we do that?12:58
jelknerwho is closest to passing?12:58
jelknerhow can we work better together to prepare?12:59
jelknertboimah and mulbah didn't want to switch12:59
jelknerthat is there decision12:59
jelknerbut like i said tboimah may have the strongest math skills12:59
jelknerif that is so12:59
jelknerhe may be in the best position to go first12:59
jelknerand pass the PCEP12:59
BigBrotherjelkner : tboimah : scooper13:00
BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherUh-oh! That is embarassing...13:00
BigBrotherUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerprogramming requires math type skills13:00
jelkneranyway, the PCEP is the kind of thing that a bright, *very* hard working student could prepare for in less than a month13:00
tboimahjelkner , i understand your suggestion but stoping the stipen will not be good for the team because it is that stipen that transport most of us to the lab please.13:00
jelknerso tboimah, you could earn PCEP in less than a month13:01
tboimahso we really need that please13:01
jelknerand no stipend will be missed13:01
jelkneri asked for your cooperation in meeting the goal13:01
tboimahwe will try to work on meeting to the lab for now on please13:01
jelkneryou didn't want to do that13:01
jelkneri told you it is your choice13:01
jelknerbut i need to make wise choices as to where i use the limited resources i have available13:02
jelknerso now i'm saying, if you want the stipend, earn it13:02
jelkneryou can do it13:02
jelknertboimah, you should focus all your energy on PCEP now13:02
jelkneri can help you13:02
scooperI sincerely  apology along with the other to beg for you mercy13:03
jelknerwe can ask kevin and shanun to help too13:03
tboimahJelkner i understand but i already gone far now with my study with sysadmin. but i promise for now on i will help the python team move fast please13:03
scooperon restoring this golden opportunity....13:03
jelknerperfect tboimah 13:03
jelknerthat is what i am asking13:03
jelknerlet's make a plan13:03
scooperthis mean from today upward we all coordinate as a team and take attendance seriously13:04
jelknerand use all our limited resources together for a common goal13:04
jelknerit is mid december13:04
jelknertboimah, if you want to13:04
jelknerfrom what i know about your skills from talking with kevin, and having you in class two summers ago13:04
jelkneryou could be ready to pass PCEP by mid january13:04
jelknerthe stipend will come a few weeks late13:05
jelknerbut you then it will resume13:05
jelknerand you, tboimah, once you pass13:05
jelknerwill be able to help the next two people13:05
jelkneri was talking to my wife13:05
tboimahjelkner i am not saying i am going to write the pcep test but i will help the python team why focusing on sysadmin please13:05
jelknertboimah, you can focus on whatever you want13:06
jelknerbut no one gets a stipend until someone passes the PCEP13:06
jelknerlet me continue13:06
jelknermy wife told me that we need to purchase our plane tickets for next summer by around February13:06
jelkneror else they will be too expensive13:06
jelknerso i need to know if i'm coming13:06
jelknerbefore i purchase them, obviously13:07
jelknereveryone, i understand what you saying about needing the stipend13:07
jelkneri will do all i can to help13:07
scooperAre you coming with your wife, if this plan work???13:07
jelknerbut you have to earn it13:07
jelknermy wife and i were going to visit stefan in Romania13:08
jelknerand then i would fly to Monrovia around July 2913:08
jelknerfor 3 weeks13:08
tboimahjelkner i know that your suggestion but please forgive us because stoping the stipen will effect that team badly please13:08
jelknertboimah, the team is not on track to meet the goal13:08
jelknerthe last week shows it13:09
jelkneri was explaining to scooper13:09
jelknerthat i found out SECOSOL owes a lot of money in taxes13:09
tboimahJelkner i give you my word i will work on it to make the team focus please13:09
jelknerand i'm working with Ved to start Social Justice Computing, and to support NOVA Web Development13:09
jelkneri'm maxed out13:09
jelkneryou have to start delivering13:10
jelknertboimah, you could earn PCEP in less than a month13:10
jelknerand the stipend would continue13:10
jelkneryour choice13:10
jelkneri can help13:10
jelkneri can ask kevin and sahnun to help13:10
jelknerbut if you don't want to13:10
tboimahOkay now let make a deal i will focus on passing the pcep test only if you will continue sending the stipend please13:10
jelknerthen it is you who is choosing not to have the stipend come13:11
tboimahjelkner it is a deal.13:12
jelknerso let's make a plan13:13
jelknertboimah, we need everyone pulling in the same direction13:13
jelknerlet's make this happen13:13
jelkneri have 32 students in my Python classes this year13:13
jelkner3 of them have already passed PCEP13:13
tboimahso now did you reconsider you suggention 13:13
jelknerwhat do you mean?13:14
tboimahI mean did the stipend will still continue 13:14
jelknertboimah, let's make an agreement between the two of us13:14
tboimahbecause we need that badly13:15
jelknerif you promise to work as hard a possible toward earning your PCEP in January13:15
jelkneri will send the January 1st stipend as usual13:15
jelknerbut February won't come unless you pass13:15
jelkneri know you can pass13:15
tboimahOkay that is a deal13:16
jelknergreat, we have an agreement13:16
jelknerso, back to what i was saying13:16
tboimahyeah thanks for your understanding13:16
jelkneri need to get all my students ready to pass the PCEP by the end of January13:16
jelknerso i will focusing all my lesson prep on that13:17
jelknerwhat we need to do now, tboimah, is:13:17
jelkner1. set up a study schedule for you13:17
jelkner2. ask all available tutors (jeff, kevin, sahnun) to focus on helping you prepare13:18
jelkner3. get to it!13:18
jelknerplan your work, then work your plan13:18
jelknerfkoikoi, is thomas still there13:18
jelknerso sometimes good things come from bad things13:19
jelknerlike when your laptop broke (a bad thing) it encouraged you to show up in the lab (a good thing)13:19
jelknerwe need the team meeting together in the lab13:19
jelknerto study together13:20
jelknerok, i need to go so i can write this email13:20
fkoikoiMy computer will soon go off Jeff13:20
jelknerthat's enough for today, fkoikoi 13:20
jelkneri'll drop in on kevin's meeting on monday13:21
jelknersince we are going to ask him to help with PCEP prep too13:21
jelknersee you all soon13:21
jelknerACTION signs off until the NOVA Web meeting so he can write that eamil13:22
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mulbahGood afternoon scooper14:15
scooperGood afternoon mulbah14:16
jelknerscooper, email to kevin cole sent14:49
scooperThanks, I saw the mail already and trying to make my reply.....15:03
jelknerthat's fine, but we really need kevin to reply15:10
jelkneralthough your leadership and help with coordination is crucial15:10
jelknerscooper, while i prefer moral to material incentives15:11
jelkneryou may want to consider material incentives in this case15:11
jelknerif Thomas is going to be putting in extra time to earn PCEP15:12
jelknerperhaps he deserves a larger portion of the stipend?15:12
jelknerlike i said, you need 20 hour per week, and this is not hard to reach15:12
jelknerbut no one is putting in nearly that amount of time15:12
jelknermulbah, did you see the email?15:13
jelknerthat's not my decision, it's Jetro Web's15:14
jelknerbut i am telling you what i am willing to do15:14
jelknerso if you want me to continue to provide support15:14
jelkneri expect results15:14
mulbahlet me check15:17
mulbahI was it15:29
mulbahI saw it15:29
mulbahand I reply to it and will work hard to bring my reply true15:29
jelknergreat mulbah, thanks!15:38
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jelknermulbah, i can help you with that15:39
jelknerand hopefully, ubuntourist will too15:39
jelknerfirst thing you can do is create an account for yourself15:39
jelknerclick on the signup button15:42
jelkneri guess that just takes you here:15:42
jelknerwhere there is another sign up button15:42
jelkneryou want to get access to Python Essentials 1 (Aligned with PCEP-30-02)15:43
jelknerlet me know when you and Thomas have successfully done that15:44
jelknerit says the total study time for the course is 42 hours15:44
jelknerthat's why i was saying that if you all applied yourselves and gave 20 hours a week15:45
jelkneryou could finish a 2 to 3 weeks15:45
jelknercertainly by the end of January15:45
jelkneryou have jelkner, ubuntourist (hopefully 4 hours a week), and smohamed to help15:46
scooperI just reply your mail jelkner15:50
jelknerACTION goes to read scooper's email15:51
jelknerscooper, let's talk15:53
jelkneri read your email15:53
jelknerand i would like to respond with the following comments:15:53
jelkner1. i can not sustain the stipend indefinitely, so if we want revenue to be long term, we need to develop the business15:54
scooperI m listening jelkner...15:55
jelkner2. i am trying as best as i can to figure out how best to manage this process15:55
jelkner3. you should be doing that too15:55
jelknerthose are the main points15:55
jelkneri would suggest to you, scooper, that your part of the stipend is not for passing PCEP15:56
jelknerbut for managing the team15:56
jelkneryou should be responsible for making sure regular in-person study groups happen15:56
jelknerwatching who is making the most rapid progress15:57
jelknerand figuring out how to get the team to meet its goals15:57
jelkneri am not trying to exclude anyone15:57
scooperExcellence points... But I will say to you that once day I will like to turn this responsible over to someone else because I told you some many time that I want to be a full stack developer15:57
jelkneryes, i know you say that15:58
jelknerand tboimah and mulbah originally told me they didn't want to focus on PCEP15:58
jelknerso what ends up happening is15:58
jelknerbecause Jetro can not work as a team15:58
jelkneryou all fail to meet the goal15:59
jelkneri am stretched too thin15:59
jelkneri can't support a team that won't work together15:59
jelknerso to be clear15:59
jelknerThomas was able to get me to agree to send the stipend again on 1/1 because he is agreeing to be a part of the team16:00
jelkneri only said three of you have to pass to get me to come in August16:00
jelkneryou're the coach, my friend16:00
jelknerit's the 2nd half of the game16:00
jelknerand you're down 2 goals16:00
jelkneri would put my best players on the field16:01
jelknerso our team has the best chance to score16:01
jelknerif you all can't do that16:01
jelknerthen there is little hope of a victory16:01
jelknerif no one earns PCEP in January16:01
jelknerthere will be no 2/1 stipend16:01
jelknerso it isn't just Thomas and Mulbah16:03
jelknerany of you can earn PCEP16:03
jelknerbut who will?16:03
jelkneri picked on Thomas and Mulbah because i have seen how they work with kevin16:03
scooperHmmm tight decision if that is the case I can work with Thomas, Mulbah16:03
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jelknerif i where you, scooper 16:04
jelkneri would:16:04
scooperas we prepare for the test... while the other folks can also join us later16:04
jelkner1. set up regular study session *in the lab*!16:04
mulbahThat will be cool Mr. Cooper16:04
jelknerask everyone to come16:04
jelknersee who does16:04
jelknerand who doesn't16:04
mulbahWe working to get as a team to reach that goal16:04
mulbahwe can start on monday16:05
jelknercertainly two of those times should be mondays and fridays from 1 to 3 pm16:05
jelknersince that is when kevin is available16:05
jelknerwe could schedule saturdays from 12 noon to 2 pm too16:05
jelknersince that is when i am available16:05
jelknerand you should schedule other times too16:05
jelknerwhen you all work on your own16:06
jelkneri mean together as Jetro Web16:06
jelknerbut without a tutor16:06
jelknerit is because you don't know how to study together that you are not making progress16:06
jelknerit is a skill16:06
jelkneryou need to learn it16:06
jelkneri'm glad to help you learn how16:07
jelknerbut you need to *do it*16:07
jelkneror not, it's really up to you16:07
scooperI m also appreciated that a lot has been learned from you over the past time..16:07
jelknerthat's nice to hear, my friend16:08
scooperEspecially from tutors you have brought in16:08
jelknerwe can keep doing that16:08
jelknerand have even more interest16:08
jelknerbut you have to show some results16:08
jelknerthat's what will attract more tutors to come16:09
jelknertutors, like everyone, want to be successful16:09
jelknerwhen you succeed, it makes them feel good16:09
jelknerand they want to come back16:09
jelkneri'm in the same boat16:09
scooperI know Sahnun said that to me so many time when we are together.....16:09
jelknerthat's why i get so frustrated when i don't see progress16:09
jelknerit means i am failing16:10
jelknerno one likes to fail16:10
jelkneranyway, i just gave mulbah a link16:10
jelkneri expect he will take the initiative16:11
jelknerset up and account16:11
jelknerbegin to go through the tutorial16:11
scooperthe link you give mulbah is different from what you give me16:11
jelknerand start coming to tutoring sessions prepared with good questions from the curriclum16:11
jelkneri was trying to set up a "class" through CISCO Networking Academy16:12
jelknerbut it didn't work16:12
jelknersince weeks went by16:12
jelknerand i never heard a thing from any of you about that curriculum16:12
jelknerthat would indicate to me that you put in 20 hours a week studying it16:13
jelkneryou didn't16:13
jelknerit's the same curriculum16:13
scoopershould I give you my login credential to that???16:13
scooperto see my progress there16:13
jelknerno need, scooper 16:13
jelkneri believe that if you were making real progress, both your git repos and your questions would show it16:14
jelknerin my classroom, i can do informal assessments on a daily basis16:15
jelknerstudents arrive in class, and I share with them the "Daily PCEP Warm Up"16:15
jelknerand call on someone in class to answer16:15
jelknerit's a way to check their progress16:15
jelknerit is much more challenging for us16:16
jelknersince we are thousands of miles apart16:16
jelknerbut we could do the same sort of thing16:16
jelkneragain, not if i show up to class and only two students are there16:16
jelkneri would want all the students to be there16:16
jelknerand to be ready!16:16
jelknerso that is why i suggested putting our best players on the field16:17
jelkneri don't know for sure who they are16:17
jelknerbut it wouldn't be too hard to figure out16:18
jelknergive them a quiz16:18
jelkneri wanted tboimah and mulbah to agree to be part of this because at least i know they show up twice a week with kevin16:18
jelknerand while i've seen kevin struggle with them to work independently between sessions16:19
jelknerhe reports to me that he is generally pleased with their progress16:19
jelknerthat make me think they are in the best position to help us meet our goal16:20
mulbahAs for me I agree to be part of it16:20
jelkneryes, mulbah, Thomas did too16:20
jelknerthank you both16:20
jelknerwe need to show Jetro Web as a group that you can work together to meet a goal16:20
jelknerthere will be so many goals in the future16:20
jelknerwhen you are earning revenue from customers as a business16:21
jelknertime to start learning to do it now16:21
jelknerscooper, the last thing to say (since i have to go)16:22
jelkneris that PCEP, like programming tests in general16:22
jelknerrequires above all else math and logic16:22
jelknera lot of the question on PCEP are short16:23
jelknerlike this one:16:23
jelknera, b = 10, 2016:23
jelknerprint({True: a, False: b}[a < b])16:23
jelknerbut they are math / logic puzzles16:23
jelknerwhat will those 2 lines of Python code print?16:23
jelkneryou have to figure it out16:23
scooperIs that a question???16:24
scooperlooking at that value16:24
scooperit's not a dictionary16:24
jelknerwhat is not a dictionary?16:25
scooperthough a < b is has a comparising operator16:25
jelkner{True: a, False: b} definitely *is* a dictionary16:25
scooperdictionary are key value pairs16:25
jelknerthis is what i mean by puzzle16:25
jelkneryes, True is a key16:25
jelknerand a is the value16:25
jelknerFalse is a key16:25
jelknerand b is it's value16:26
scooperwhen definding it from understand16:26
scooperthe first value should be value in a double quote or single quote16:26
scooperfollow by a semi colon16:26
jelknerhere, let me talk you through this16:27
scooperexample print("True" :a, "False" : b})16:27
jelknerso that you can see what you need to know16:27
jelknerfirst line creates to names, a and b, and assigns the values 10 and 20 to them respectively16:27
jelknerthe next line has a print statement16:27
jelknerso the task it to figure out what will be printed16:28
jelkner{True: a, False: b}16:28
jelkneris a dictionary with two key-value pairs16:28
jelknerthe first maps True to a (which we know from the previous statement has value 10)16:29
jelknerand False to b (20)16:29
jelkner[a < b] is an index to the dictionary16:29
jelknera < b is a comparison statement16:29
jelknercomparison statements return boolean values (True or False)16:29
jelknerthis one would evaluate to True16:30
jelknersince 10 is less than 2016:30
scooperSorry 16:30
scoopernow I understand the question now16:30
scooperI did notice that you assigned a and b first16:30
jelkner{True: 10, False: 20}[10 < 20]16:30
jelknerwould simplify as:16:31
jelkner{True: 10, False: 20}[True]16:31
jelknerwhich would simplify as:16:31
jelknerso this would print 1016:31
jelknerthose are the kinds of questions you need to answer on the PCEP16:31
scooperplease give another one....16:32
jelkneri did give you another one16:32
jelknerd = {'zero': 0, 'one': 1, 'three': 3, 'two': 2}16:32
jelknerfor k in sorted(d.keys()):16:32
jelkner    print(d[k], end=' ')16:32
jelkneron that link i pasted16:32
scooperthe question you just pasted have a dictionary as a data type....16:33
scooperand it looping through iteration variable k16:33
scooperto get key from each value16:34
jelknerkey from each value?16:34
jelkneri don't understand what that means16:34
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:35
jelknerd.keys() returns what type?16:35
scooperit mean print out16:35
scoopero, 1, 3 ,216:35
jelknerwalk me through it16:35
jelkneranswer my question16:35
jelknerd.keys() returns what type?16:35
scooperfor the beginning right??16:36
jelknerno, just answer my questions16:36
jelknerd.keys() returns what type?16:36
jelknerthe answer is a list16:36
scooperthis will print each value in the dictionary16:36
jelknerscooper, you're not answering my question16:37
scooperexample.. 0,1,3,216:37
jelknerwill evaluate to:16:37
jelkner['zero', 'one', 'three', 'two']16:37
jelknersorted(d.keys()) will evaluate to:16:38
jelkner['one', 'three', 'two', 'zero']16:38
scoopersorted is a python menthod16:38
scooperthat will arrange the value in the dictionary16:38
scooperin order16:39
jelknerit is arranging the values in  alist16:39
jelknera list16:39
jelknerd.keys() is a list16:39
jelknerok, scooper, i need to go16:39
jelknerthis is exactly the kind of thing you need to do16:40
jelknerbut you need to:16:40
jelkner1. work a few dozen of these kinds of problems each day16:40
jelkner2. do them together in a study group16:40
jelknerso that you can all talk to each other16:40
jelknerdeveloping your active vocabularies16:41
jelknerif you all can't do that16:41
jelkneryou are not doing your part16:41
jelknerwhen we tutors come to meet with you16:41
jelkneryou all should be coming WELL PREPARED16:41
jelknerwhich means you have good questions that come from working hard together and practicing a lot16:42
jelknerthen we tutors feel good16:42
jelknerbecause we see how bright and hard working our students are! ;-)16:42
jelknerand then we can answer interesting, deep questions16:42
jelknerwhich also makes us feel good16:42
jelkneryou said that's what Sahnun told you16:43
jelknerKevin would say the same thing16:43
jelknerand if you can learn to do that16:43
jelknermore tutors will want to get involved16:43
jelknerbecause if feels good16:43
jelknerand is fun to do16:43
jelknerin my fantasy world16:44
jelkneri can imagine the sight16:44
jelknerscooper, mulbah, tboimah, svaye, fkoikoi, and janet all gathered together in the MCSS lab16:45
jelknerthey sit around the biggest monitor they have16:45
jelkneror even better, if the project is still working16:45
jelknerthey project onto the wall16:46
jelknerthey say, "let's look at the next problem"16:46
jelknerthey all take a few minutes to thing about it16:46
jelknerthen someone (maybe scooper, since he is managing the process ;-)16:46
jelknersays, "anyone have it yet?"16:46
jelknersomeone answers16:47
jelknerexplains how they got it16:47
jelknersomeone else then trys it out in the Python REPLE to see if it is correct16:47
jelkner"Yes", they say!16:47
jelkneror something, "No, Python is saying ..."16:47
jelknerand you all look to see what the REPL is giving you16:48
jelknerand try to figure out why16:48
jelknerif you all get stuck16:48
jelkneryou write that question down16:48
jelknerand come to tutoring sessions ready to ask it16:48
jelknerso that is how you do it16:49
jelknerthat is how successful college students succeed16:49
jelknerthat's what i had to do in many of my college classes16:49
jelkneri worked with classmates to form study groups16:49
scooperWhat become off those who send excuse Jeff16:49
scooperwhat should are do???16:49
scooper* I16:50
jelknerin my fantasy, no one sends excuses ;-)16:50
jelknerthey just show results16:50
scooperGot you.....16:50
jelknerwe live in the real world16:51
jelknernothing is as it is in the fantasy16:51
jelknerpeople will sometimes be late16:51
jelkneror absent16:51
jelkneror unprepared16:51
scooperLately before you leave... Since Thomas and Mulbah I joining are we taking th GASP Lesson or Mr. COle with present a lesson16:51
jelknermy recommendation at this point16:52
jelkneris to stick to the PCEP curriclum16:52
jelknerdo what i suggested16:52
jelknerand come to kevin's tutoring sessions prepared to ask *good* questions16:52
jelknerhe doesn't have time to plan lessons16:52
jelknerhe has 4 hour a week16:52
jelknerthat's all16:53
jelknerhe is very generous indeed giving that16:53
jelknerso now you need to do your part and give back16:53
scooperplease paste the link you give Mulbah here16:53
jelknerscooper, it's in the log16:53
jelkneryou can just look at it there, yes?16:53
scoopersince that is what you want us to follow...16:53
jelknerlike i said16:54
jelknerthe only you have goes to the same place16:54
jelknerit is the same curriculum16:54
jelknerok, my friend16:54
jelkneri'll be in class, but i'll still try to join irc when kevin comes at 1 pm your time on monday16:55
jelknerto see if he is ok with what i asked him to do16:55
jelkneri think he will be16:55
jelknerbut it is up to him, of course16:55
jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend16:56
jelknerand say hi to all the women in your life for me!16:56
jelknerACTION signs off for the weekend16:56
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:56
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)17:03

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