IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2024-01-13

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mulbahGood morning scooper12:48
scooperMorning mulbah12:48
scooperhow was your night???12:48
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BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherUh-oh! That is embarassing...13:00
BigBrotherUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
mulbahHello dcammue13:10
dcammuehow are you mulbah 13:12
dcammueAre you home?13:12
mulbahYeah I'm home13:13
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svayeGood morning jelkner 14:02
jelknerGood afternoon svaye 14:02
jelknerHow are you doing?14:03
jelknerWe haven't chatted for a bit.14:03
svayeI good 14:03
fkoikoiGood morning jeff 14:04
svayeI am good jelkner 14:04
jelknerGood afternoon fkoikoi14:04
jelknerI attended a wonderful meeting yesterday14:04
jelknerAs a representative of NOVA Web Development14:05
jelknerJohanna, the SECOSOL organizer, was there too.14:05
jelknerWe both left the meeting feeling very hopeful14:05
fkoikoiwow, that's good 14:05
fkoikoidid you also meet with shanun14:06
jelknerNo, he is not feeling well14:06
jelknerThe meeting was to organize the DNOVA Council14:06
jelknerDNOVA is for "democratizing Northern Virginia"14:07
jelknerit was hosted at the big state university in our area14:07
jelknerGeorge Mason University14:07
jelknerI am mentioning it both because I am excited about it14:08
jelknerbut also because if we are successful14:08
jelknerit will have real possible positive implications for Jetro Web Development14:09
jelknerthe goal of the council is to help create an "ecosystem" in support of community wealth building14:09
fkoikoiwow, that's a wonderful news14:09
svayethat's wonderful14:09
jelknerI spoke as clearly and loadly as I could that what I need to keep moving forward with our tech worker coop project is paid work doing computing projects that serve human needs.14:11
jelkneri am so hopeful that such projects will come to us through our connection with the project14:12
jelknerconnection with the council, i mean14:12
jelkneranyway, back to our focus14:12
jelknerfor Jetro Web Development, your task is to develop the skills to do paid work14:13
jelknermy job will be to find that work14:13
jelkneri have the easier job14:13
jelkneryou have the harder one14:13
jelkneryou need to develop the skills!14:13
jelknerso, is there anything i can help with in that regard now?14:14
jelknersvaye, after we get 3 people through PCEP, i want to resume working with you and dcammune on CIW14:15
jelknerbut one thing at a time14:15
svayeI understand jelkner 14:15
jelknerthat said, i encourage you to keep studying on your own14:16
svayeI am doing everything I can to do well in the PCEP14:16
jelkneronce all the Jetro Web team has a shared basic understanding of Python14:17
jelknerit will really help us learn other things14:17
jelknerthis process will get easier over time14:17
jelknerbecause one we are addressing the "meta topic" of learning how to learn14:17
jelknerso while Python is taking us a long time14:18
jelknerfuture tech studies will go faster14:18
fkoikoiso jeff, which operator have more precedence 14:18
fkoikoibetween 14:18
fkoikoi<=, >=, !=, and ==14:19
jelkneri'll be honest, fkoikoi 14:20
jelknermy first guess is that they have the same precedence14:20
jelknerbut there are two things i would do to find out14:20
jelknerfirst, i'd do a quick web search for "precedence of Python comparison operators"14:21
jelkneri found that14:21
jelknerit seems my guess is correct14:21
jelknerthe next thing is to test this in the Python REPL14:22
jelkner>>> 6 >= 6 < 1114:22
jelknerstuff like that14:23
jelkner>>> 6 < 11 > 614:23
jelkner>>> 6 < 11 < 614:23
jelknerhere is a strange one for you14:24
fkoikoiso all of them have the same precedence14:24
jelkner>>> (6 < 11) == 114:25
fkoikoiwhy true14:26
fkoikoi6 is less than 11, that's correct14:26
jelknerthis involves a deeper understanding of data types in Python and how they work14:27
jelkneryou need first to understand the type bool14:27
jelknerand what i should do now is make that your homework assignment14:28
jelknersince the goal here is for you to learn how to learn14:28
jelknermy "clue" is that to understand why (6 < 11) == 1 is True14:29
jelkneryou need to understand the type of (6 < 11) and how Python treats that type14:29
jelknerMonday is a holiday for me14:29
jelknerMartin Luther King day14:29
jelknerso i don't go to work14:29
jelkneri'll be home that day14:29
jelknerlet's not plan to meet at 7 am14:30
jelknerbut if you decide you want to meet with me a bit later, send me an email14:30
jelkneri could meet around this time, but only if you need me to14:30
jelknerokie dokie14:31
jelknerenjoy the rest of your day14:31
fkoikoiyou too jeff14:32
jelkneri invite and encourage you to watch the #novawebdev meeting coming up14:32
jelknerklarios and jmolina are doing a really good job learning to manage that business14:32
jelknerby watching them, you can get a feel for where we want to go with Jetro Web in the future14:33
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