IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Wednesday, 2024-03-06

*** BigBrother_ has joined #jetrowebdev00:46
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jelknerHello tboimah 11:57
tboimahGood morning jelkner 11:57
jelkneryou're the only one here?11:57
tboimahyeah for now11:57
jelkneri have only a few minutes today11:57
jelknerwe really need to do a proper stand up meeting11:58
jelkneri have students coming11:58
jelknerand i'm not ready for them11:58
scooperGood morning Jeff11:58
jelknergood morning scooper 11:58
scooperDid you see my mail???11:58
jelknerhow will we meet with the Atty. Tarplah?11:58
jelkneri am behind scooper 11:58
scoopervia telegram11:58
scooperI added her already to the chat11:59
dcammueGood morning jelkner, scooper and tboimah 11:59
tboimahGood morning dcammue 11:59
scooperplease check the mail11:59
scooperFrom the phone conversation with the supe yesterday I m 100% sure mcss is ready12:00
scoopergood morning DC Nike12:00
jelknerWin T is Atty. Tarplah?12:00
scooper9:00pm liberia timme12:01
jelknerOK, i'm ready for 4 pm my time12:01
jelknertboimah, since you i know you are interested in math12:01
jelkneryou may be interested in the new course i'm teaching this Spring12:01
jelkneri took this course at the university back in 1991!12:02
jelknerso it's been a loooong time for me ;-)12:02
jelkneri'm relearning it all now along with my students12:02
jelkneri am soooo busy this year12:03
jelknertrying to do too many things12:03
jelknerbut i'm having fun12:03
jelkneras long as i don't completely collapse12:03
jelknerone thing i'm learning is how to do math in markdown files12:03
jelknercheck out this:12:04
jelknerit has all the notes and exercises we are doing from the book12:04
jelkneranyway, you and i can talk more about that when i see you in august12:04
tboimahOkay 12:04
tboimahDid fkoikoi give you my ssh-public12:05
tboimahI told her to give it to you yesterday12:05
tboimahjelkner, are you here12:06
tboimahI mean my ssh-public key12:06
jelknertboimah, apologies12:13
jelknera colleague came in and needed my attention12:13
jelkneri'm back12:13
tboimahOkay apologies accepted12:13
tboimahdid fkoikoi give you my ssh-public-key12:13
jelknerno, i don't have your public key12:13
jelkneri was hoping you would work with kevin on that12:14
tboimahshould i give you it 12:14
tboimahAhhh okay12:14
jelknerlike i keep saying, i am way over extended!12:14
jelknerif we don't share some of the load12:14
tboimahOkay i will do that with kevin12:14
jelkneri won't make it :-(12:14
tboimahthis coming Friday12:15
jelknertboimah, scooper 12:15
scooperBefore you leave on office today Jeff kindly reply to my mail.....12:15
jelkneri won't be leaving until we meet on telegram12:15
scooperOh ok....12:16
jelknerso i'll be here until 9 pm your time12:16
jelknerwhich is only 4 pm my time12:16
jelknersince i have students until 3 pm12:16
jelkner(8 pm your time)12:16
jelkneri can't leave12:16
scooperGot you12:16
jelknersince i would be on the bus going home at 4 pm12:16
jelknertboimah, please get Mulbah ready for PCEP!12:17
jelknerwe need a group of you to pass12:17
jelkneronce you pass PCEP12:17
jelkneryou are ready to start studying Django12:17
jelknersince Django is Python12:17
tboimahsure thing, Mulbah will be writing the test this coming Saturday12:17
jelknerthe real one?12:17
jelknerdo you feel confident he is ready, tboimah?12:18
tboimahFrom his input to some question i can say for sure that he is ready12:18
jelkneri believe you12:18
jelknerscooper, who can i pay for his exam?12:18
jelknerso he can take it on saturday.12:18
jelkneri gotta go12:19
jelknermore tomorrow12:19
scooperWe will send you the link12:19
scoopervia email12:19
jelknerACTION signs off until after school12:19
tboimahCan i get a django book from you Jeff12:19
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:19
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scooperdidn't I give you a django book????12:20
tboimahYou did12:20
tboimahbut i will need some more book12:20
scooperThat book is django official documentation.......12:20
tboimahOkay scooper 12:20
scooperHave you12:20
scooperfinished reading the 2002 page???12:21
tboimahso quick 12:21
tboimahi am still reading it12:21
scooperAh I thought you finish become i m seeing you asking for another book12:21
tboimahMr Cooper i am at the office but i am not seeing you12:21
scooperthat why I had such thought12:22
tboimahI am in Jackson Office12:22
scooperI m in the conference room12:22
scooperjust got through from a workshop12:22
scooperI inform all your colleague yesterday12:23
scooperFreena or Gabriel never inform you???12:23
tboimahBut i did not Know12:23
tboimahI was at the office before freena call me12:23
scooperOh I m so sorry12:24
tboimahBut that is no problem at least i wan able to get online12:24
scooperBut I m here12:24
scooperACTION signing out12:25
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:25
tboimahACTION singing out12:25
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:25
jelknertboimah, what happened yesterday?12:41
jelknerkevin emailed me that he showed up and waited for you12:41
jelknerbut no one showed :-(12:42
tboimahI when for family meeting 12:42
jelknertboimah, i don't know how many times i can say this12:42
jelkneryou all *have* to learn respect for us!12:42
jelknerwhen you just don't show12:42
jelkneryou are being disrespectful to kevin12:42
tboimahBut i told fkoikoi12:42
tboimahabout it12:42
jelknerafter awhile, he'll just say "screw this"12:42
jelknerif they can't bother to show12:43
jelkneri wont' waste my time trying to help them12:43
jelknerno one told keving12:43
tboimahI will email him and apologise for that12:43
jelknerit kilss me whenever this happens12:43
jelknerplease do that now!12:43
jelknerand cc m12:43
tboimahSorry Jeff12:43
jelknerlook, my friend12:43
jelknerthings happen12:43
jelknerbut respect says you let us kow12:43
mulbahGood morning Jeff12:44
jelknermulbah, i am upset about both of you not showing yesterday12:44
jelknerand not having the curtesy to let kevin know12:44
jelknertboimah is planning to email him apologizing12:44
jelkneri suggest you do that too, mulbah 12:44
mulbahOkay Jeff12:44
jelknerand *please*, let's break these bad habits12:45
jelknerwe can't make it if we don't12:45
mulbahwe was not have internet connection that why12:45
jelkneryes, my friend, i understand all the challenges12:45
jelknerbut all you need to do is call scooper12:45
jelkneror fkoikoi12:45
jelknerand ask them to email kevin12:45
jelknerscooper has the most reliable connection12:46
jelknerwe will continue to work on improving our infrastructure12:46
jelknerbut for now, we need to work with what we have12:46
jelknerand learn to use it as effectively as possible12:46
jelknerit is the human engineering i'm most concerned with now12:46
jelknerwhich is something we *can* fix12:46
jelknerwe need to be respectful12:46
jelkneri'll wait to read your emails to kevin12:47
jelknerplease try not to do this again12:47
jelknertalk to you tomorrow...12:47
mulbahokay 12:47
jelknertboimah, mulbah thank you for all your efforts12:47
jelkneri don't mean to be negative12:47
mulbahJeff I want to take my test today 12:48
jelknertalk to scooper12:48
jelkneras soon as i get the email link from him12:48
jelkneri can get your voucher12:48
jelknerACTION signs off for the day12:48
mulbahAlright 12:48
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:48
mulbahHave a good day12:48
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