IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2024-03-23

fkoikoi!agenda Discussion on the operating Agreement 12:11
BigBrotherInvalid arguments.12:11
BigBrotherAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove12:12
BigBrotherAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove12:12
fkoikoi!add Discussion on the operating agreement12:12
BigBrotherSuccess: "Discussion on the operating agreement" has been added to the agenda.12:12
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:13
BigBrotherDiscussion on the operating agreement (added by fkoikoi)12:13
*** svaye-mulbah has quit (None)12:14
*** gabriel has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:20
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:24
jelknerGood afternoon dcammue, janet, mulbah, and svaye!12:47
jelknerAnd successful, who ever that is ;-)12:47
dcammueGood morning jelkner 12:47
jelknerah, tboimah 12:48
janetHi jelkner12:48
jelknerhi janet, great to see you12:48
jelknerit's been awhile12:48
svayeGood morning jelkner 12:48
successfulfkoikoi said i should ask you if you see her mail12:48
successfulshe is trying to connect12:49
successfulto the hexchat12:49
mulbahGood mornong Jeff12:49
jelknerno i haven't12:49
jelknerlet me look12:49
jelknerHello, fkoikoi 12:51
fkoikoihi jeff12:52
jelkneri'm getting really confused, LOL, tboimah is successful, and janet is Gabriel....12:52
successfulspencer will join us anytime soon he is on his way to the sup house 12:52
jelkneri don't know who is who12:52
successfuljanet is difference from Gabriel 12:53
jelkneroh yes12:53
janetGabriel is also using my machine12:53
jelknergot it12:53
janetsorry about that12:53
jelknerfkoikoi, will you be chairing our meeting?12:53
jelknernp, i'm joking12:54
fkoikoiyes 12:54
jelknerdo you have an agenda?12:54
fkoikoibut have you take a look at the operating agreement12:54
jelkneri did, fkoikoi 12:55
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:55
BigBrotherDiscussion on the operating agreement (added by fkoikoi)12:55
fkoikoiscooper will soon be here12:55
jelkner!add Discuss plan for establishing Jetro Web12:56
BigBrotherSuccess: "Discuss plan for establishing Jetro Web" has been added to the agenda.12:56
jelkner!add Update everyone on changes to jelkner's work schedule next year and need to adjust monthly expense12:56
BigBrotherSuccess: "Update everyone on changes to jelkner's work schedule next year and need to adjust monthly expense" has been added to the agenda.12:56
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:57
BigBrotherDiscussion on the operating agreement (added by fkoikoi)12:57
BigBrotherDiscuss plan for establishing Jetro Web (added by jelkner)12:57
BigBrotherUpdate everyone on changes to jelkner's work schedule next year and need to adjust monthly expense (added by jelkner)12:57
fkoikoiscooper said that he is experiencing network problem but12:59
fkoikoiyou should please answer his call because he is with the sup12:59
jelknerwhen, now?12:59
BigBrotherjelkner : Gabriel : fkoikoi : janet : svaye : dcammue : mulbah : successful13:00
BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for today:13:00
BigBrotherDiscussion on the operating agreement (added by fkoikoi)13:00
BigBrotherDiscuss plan for establishing Jetro Web (added by jelkner)13:00
BigBrotherUpdate everyone on changes to jelkner's work schedule next year and need to adjust monthly expense (added by jelkner)13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerPlease forgive me, everyone, but the Supe wants to talk to me13:01
jelknercan we start in 10 minutes please?13:01
*** successful__ has left #jetrowebdev (None)13:03
jelknerok, that took less time than i thought13:04
jelkneri'm back13:04
jelknerand ready to start whenever you are, madam chair13:04
fkoikoiI'm ready jeff13:05
jelknergo forward then13:05
fkoikoiGood Afternoon everyone and thanks for showing up here today13:05
fkoikoiyour presence is hardly appreciated 13:06
fkoikoilet's quickly move to the first item on our agenda 13:07
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:07
BigBrotherDiscussion on the operating agreement (added by fkoikoi)13:07
BigBrotherDiscuss plan for establishing Jetro Web (added by jelkner)13:07
BigBrotherUpdate everyone on changes to jelkner's work schedule next year and need to adjust monthly expense (added by jelkner)13:07
fkoikoion thursday each member of jetro web development was given the operating agreement to look at and was also send to Jeff for final editing 13:08
*** Gabriel has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:09
*** janet has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:09
fkoikoiat this junction, the team await jeff to give any comment or suggestion about the operating agreement that was sent to him13:09
jelkneri think it looks great13:09
jelknerbut there is one problem at the end13:09
jelknerit lists me as registered agent13:10
jelknerthat needs to change13:10
jelkneri don't know if the rules are the same in Liberia as here13:10
jelkneror even if you need a "registered agent"13:10
jelknerbut if you do, it needs to be one of you13:10
jelknerin any event, i think it is ready enough for you to meet with your attorney13:11
jelknerdo you agree?13:11
fkoikoiis there anything else on the operating agreement?13:13
jelknernot from me13:13
fkoikoibefore we move to the next item jeff13:14
fkoikoiI will like you to give clarity on something 13:14
fkoikoiThat is if we happens to establish and registered jetro web development as a legal business13:15
jelkneryou mean "when", not "if", don't you? ;-)13:16
fkoikoiwill everyone be paid according to the amount of work done or per hour?13:16
jelknerpaid by whom, fkoikoi?13:16
fkoikoiby the cooperative13:17
jelknerthat's not what i mean13:17
jelknerthe cooperative is a business, *your* business13:17
jelkneryou decide how it operates13:17
jelknerbut a more important question to start is, "How will the cooperative be paid?"13:18
jelknerwill you bill by the hour13:18
jelkneror by the task?13:18
jelkneror something else?13:18
successfulsure that is what she mean13:18
jelknerthere is so much to learn13:18
jelknerat NOVA Web Development we like to be able to bill by the hour13:18
fkoikoithat's exactly the question i was trying to as 13:18
jelknerwith customers whom we trust13:18
jelknerand who trust us13:19
jelknersince you often can't tell in advance how "big" a task is13:19
jelknersometimes tasks seem simple13:19
jelknerbut unexpected complications arise13:19
jelknerICT is like that13:19
jelkneryou need to learn to estimate costs13:19
jelknerbut it is often hard to do so precisely13:19
jelknersince i trust you13:20
jelknerwhen you are billing me, you can bill by the hour13:20
jelkneri want you to bill by the hour13:20
jelknerbecause then i can look at my bill with you, and say, "wow, you did that fast!" or "this took a lot longer than i thought it would"13:21
jelknerwhen you do work for NOVA Web Development, i will try to keep things that way13:21
jelknerbut if we find a customer who says, "I'll pay you $500 for a basic website"13:21
jelknerand you say, "We want that"13:22
jelknerthen you can take it13:22
jelknerand you have to deliver what you agree with the customer13:22
jelknerit's your own business13:22
jelkneryou can do whatever you want13:22
jelknerprovided the customers agree to pay you that way13:22
jelknerACTION done13:22
jelknerfor now13:22
fkoikoialright, thanks for the clarity 13:22
jelknerACTION is *really* looking forward to the two weeks he will have in person with the Jetro Websters!13:24
fkoikoiwith that been said, there is a little editing that is needed to be done on the agreement 13:24
jelknerwhich part?13:24
fkoikoiand will be done today13:24
jelknercan you tell me which part?13:25
jelknerthis is a good disucssion13:25
jelknerit would be nice to read that part now and talk about it13:25
jelknergive me the section13:25
jelkneri have the document open13:25
fkoikoiyes 13:25
successfuljust a minute she is looking for it13:25
fkoikoisection 1613:26
fkoikoihourly payment13:26
jelkneri think that section looks good13:27
jelknerwhat is wrong with it?13:27
fkoikoiHourly payment talks about the members tracking their hours worked for and be paid for it13:28
jelkneryes, but it also says "This hourly rate is a goal but is not guaranteed."13:28
jelknerthat's a great line13:28
jelkneryou need flexibility13:28
successfulso are the member going to be paid by the hour they work for13:29
jelknersince you are all new to this, and you will need to learn from experience13:29
jelknerbut it is great to have a goal of paying an hourly rate13:29
jelknerthat sounds very reasonable to me13:29
fkoikoialright 13:29
jelknerit should be what you all *want*13:29
fkoikoisure 13:29
jelknerit is aspirational13:29
fkoikoiMy next question jeff13:30
jelknerthe "not guarenteed" gives you the wiggle room to make adjustments13:30
jelknerbut states clear what you want13:30
jelkneryou should talk with your attorney13:30
jelknerremember, you need to make sure what ever you write meets the legal requirements of Liberia13:31
jelknernow, let's talk about next steps13:32
jelkneri wish scooper were here13:32
fkoikoiGuys, I think we should hold on to the operating agreement for now13:32
jelknerfkoikoi, Jetro Web needs to become a business soon13:32
jelkneror it can't sign an agreement with Kamal Foundation13:32
jelknerso we can't hold for too long13:33
gabriel_s. cooper should have but maybe he gat stock on something13:33
jelknerhe was at the Supe's house, gabriel_ 13:33
jelknerhe was trying to connect, but he couldn't13:33
fkoikoiand wait till we hear from the lawyer 13:33
jelknerok, now i know what you are saying13:33
jelknerthat sounds good13:33
jelknerfkoikoi, we are on agenda item 2, yes?13:34
fkoikoiyes 13:34
jelkneri want to make a proposal13:34
jelknerthe cost of the consultation with the attorney is $20013:34
jelknerwhile i want to help out, i believe strongly that all of you need to have "skin in the game" as the saying goes13:35
jelknerso you should all chip in for this13:35
jelknerthose that are getting a larger stipend perhaps should be expected to chip in more13:35
jelknerit's up to you, not me13:35
jelknerbut i need to know what you all decide soon13:35
jelknerit is 3/2313:35
jelknerand almost time for me to send the monthly stipend13:36
jelkneri plan to include a few extra dollars this month to help out with the attorney fee13:36
jelknerbut i need to know how much13:36
jelknerso fkoikoi, can you please get together with everyone (including scooper) and make a proposal back to me?13:37
fkoikoiyes jeff13:37
jelknernext thing about this13:37
jelknerstarting in April, i want to move forward toward running this like a real business13:38
jelknerat the end of April I am committed to sending the same $800 as I have been (though that will go down in August, as I will explain in agenda item 3)13:38
jelknerbut i want you to bill me for it13:39
jelkneri will only send it if i get an invoice from Jetro Web Development13:39
jelknerso you need to learn how to do that next month13:39
jelkneri wanted to answer any questions that you have now about that13:39
jelknerso you know what you need to learn13:39
jelknerfkoikoi, this is mainly your responsibliity13:40
fkoikoiwhat do you mean by invoice jeff?13:40
jelknerhold on...13:40
jelknergive me 5 minutes to find an example13:40
gabriel_so with the issue of PCEP when we'll be doing ours if i made ask?13:41
fkoikoiI think I have an idea about that jeff 13:43
fkoikoijelkner 13:45
jelknerfkoikoi, can you answer gabriel_'s question?13:45
fkoikoiI already did Jeff or should I put it here13:46
jelknerfkoikoi, can you see the document to which i just linked?13:47
jelknerthat is an invoice13:47
jelknerNOVA Web actually built a web application called Business Tracker13:48
jelkneri'm thinking, fkoikoi, that now might be the time to get you trained to use it13:49
jelknerit generates invoices13:49
jelknerKei used it to generate the invoice i just shared with you13:49
jelkneri will see Kei on monday13:50
jelknerlet me talk to her about it and see what she thinks13:50
jelknerthen i'll follow up with you13:50
fkoikoiif you are done jeff, can we move to the third item on our agenda 13:51
fkoikoialright I will email her too today13:51
jelknerACTION done13:51
fkoikoimy computer will soon go off 13:51
jelknerok, we got a lot done13:51
fkoikoiand no current at the office13:51
jelkneragenda item 3 is just a heads up, so we can plan13:51
jelknergood news and bad news next year for me13:51
jelknergood news is i will have a lot more time13:52
jelknerbad news is i will have a lot less money13:52
jelkneri am working an overload schedule this year13:52
jelkner117% of my base salary13:52
jelknernext year i will get only 80%13:52
jelknersince i am going part time13:52
jelkneri will not be able to afford to send $800 each month13:53
jelknerso we need to plan for that13:53
jelknerif we work hard, and work smart, we can keep the same level of income, and even raise it13:53
jelknerby having you all begin to do billable work13:53
jelkneranyway, i just wanted to put that out there13:53
jelknerso you know13:53
jelknerwe will need to plan13:54
jelknerACTION done13:54
fkoikoianything else13:54
jelknernot from me13:54
jelkneroh i'm on spring break this week13:54
jelknerour next meeting will be tuesday april 2nd13:55
jelknerfkoikoi, you, spencer and i have to discuss the stipend before then13:55
jelknerlet' use email13:55
jelknersince i'll be traveling13:55
jelknerand email is asynchronous13:55
jelknerlet me know soon how much you all can chip in for the attorney13:56
dcammuemaking mistake? or you going for a week13:56
jelknerand i'll send the rest13:56
fkoikoialright jeff13:56
jelkneryes dcammue, i'm off for a week13:56
jelknerno school13:56
jelknerare we finished madam chair?13:57
jelknerwait, did you all recieve my email>?13:57
fkoikoialright 13:57
dcammuewe have some to tell you13:57
jelknerthe one i sent to the new
jelknerdid it get through?13:58
successful+1 for me13:58
mulbahI saw it13:58
jelknerdcammue, what's up?13:58
dcammueYou saw fkoikoi mail about the sitpend13:58
jelknerthat it went missing?13:58
jelknerwe need to make sure that doesn't happen again13:59
jelknerso you have to tell me if i should send it to the same place13:59
jelknerfkoikoi, tell me what to do soon13:59
jelknerthen where?13:59
successfulfkoikoi will give you his number14:00
dcammuewe decided to fkoikoi 14:00
jelknernow i don't know what you are saying?14:00
jelknerdemocracy is messy14:01
jelkneryou all need to decide14:01
dcammuethey are making you confuse jelkner 14:01
jelknerbut i want fkoikoi and scooper to tell me what to do14:01
jelkner*after* you all decide14:01
jelknersound good?14:01
dcammuewe mean fkoikoi 14:01
dcammueshould received the money14:01
jelkneri think that is a wonderful idea14:02
jelknerbut keep two things in mind14:02
jelkneri can easily communicate with scooper now14:02
jelkneri need to setup the same thing with fkoikoi 14:02
jelkneri will bring her a phone in august14:02
jelknerbut for now, she doesn't have Telegram14:02
jelknerso i can't call her14:02
successfulshe will email you her number 14:02
successfulanytime from now14:03
jelknergit right on it, fkoikoi 14:03
dcammueshe hasit14:03
jelknerwe use remitly14:03
dcammueshe has it14:03
jelknerto send the money14:03
jelkneri should send two payments14:03
jelknera small one first14:03
jelknerso we know it works14:03
jelknerthen the rest14:03
jelknerfkoikoi, i will look for your email14:04
jelknerso we can do that soon14:04
jelkneralright everyone, great meeting!14:04
jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend14:04
fkoikoisure jeff14:05
dcammueYou too14:05
fkoikoihave a nice day14:05
jelknerACTION signs off14:05
gabriel_jeff can i add you on telegram14:05
jelknersure gabriel_ 14:05
jelkneri would like to add all of you14:05
gabriel_ok can you send it here14:05
jelknermy number?14:05
gabriel_mine is +231 888 83 29 5314:06
jelknerokie dokie14:06
jelknertalk to you soon...14:06
jelknerACTION really signs off this time ;-)14:07
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:07
*** janet has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:07
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:07
*** gabriel_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:07
*** successful has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:07
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:07
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:08
*** mulbah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:08
*** janet has quit (None)14:12

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