IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2024-04-06

scooperGood morning DC Nike and Fkoikoi12:51
dcammuehow are you12:51
fkoikoigood afternoon Mr. Cooper12:51
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BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:56
BigBrotherPlans to move jetro web forward (added by fkoikoi)12:56
BigBrotherDiscussion about the problem jetro web members are facing now (added by fkoikoi)12:56
BigBrotheraob (added by fkoikoi)12:56
BigBrothersvaye_ : fkoikoi : dcammue : mulbah : gap : scooper : janet13:00
BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for today:13:00
BigBrotherPlans to move jetro web forward (added by fkoikoi)13:00
BigBrotherDiscussion about the problem jetro web members are facing now (added by fkoikoi)13:00
BigBrotheraob (added by fkoikoi)13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
scooperGood morning guys13:01
scooperSorry Good afternoon guys13:02
scooperFreena it's 1:00 already can we proceed with what is on the Agenda???13:02
scooperAll are we waiting for Jeff before moving forwarder???13:03
fkoikoihi everyone 13:06
scooperHi Freena13:07
fkoikoiit's no already 1:08. I think jeff will join later 13:08
fkoikoilet's proceed with the meeting 13:08
fkoikoilet's proceed with the first item on the agenda 13:09
fkoikoion Thursday I met with the lawyer 13:09
fkoikoiand give her the amount of $200.00USD for the consultant fees13:10
scooperThanks Freena you did extremely well.......13:10
fkoikoishe said the we should pick a date that is most convenient for everyone between tuesday and thursday13:11
scooperOf this coming week right???13:11
fkoikoiso my question to the group is which should we meet with the lawyer 13:11
fkoikoiyes this coming week13:11
fkoikoisorry "when"13:12
scooperFirstly before I make any suggestion as it relates to the date13:12
mulbahAs for me anytime cause I'm available all the time13:13
scooperAre we going to her or she the one coming to find us if we select a particular day13:13
fkoikoishe will come to us?13:14
fkoikoiso when??13:15
dcammueGood news to hear, Thanks to fkoikoi 13:15
dcammuefor me I will prefer thursday13:16
fkoikoican we speed thing up please13:16
scooperOk let schedule her for Thursday but not with in MCSS Building......13:16
dcammuewill it be in the morning hour or afternoon13:17
fkoikoishould we go to her office instead13:17
scooperYes so the team can know who she actually is13:17
scooperSo they can know that we are dealing with a legit person.....13:18
scooperIs that ok for everyone????13:18
dcammuewill we go to her office?13:19
scooperNow Freena if everyone agreed on THursday13:19
dcammueokay excellent13:19
scooperyou should ask the lawyer what time of the day on thursday is convenient us to meet her at her office....13:20
fkoikoialright 13:20
scooperHas everyone one agreed??13:20
scooperon Thursday13:20
fkoikoiI will email her today and inform everyone about the time later13:21
scooperWe will inform you all before thursday on the exact time we will be leaving to meet with Cllr. Tarplah...13:21
scooperAt her Benson Street office...13:22
dcammueOkay thanks madam chair13:22
fkoikoithanks Mr. Cooper 13:22
scooperYou are welcome Freena13:22
fkoikoithat's all for the first item let's move to the second Item on our agenda13:23
fkoikoithe flow is now open to everyone to express their feelings and see how best to resolve thing 13:23
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fkoikoiso guys, no one have anything to say right13:25
scooperPlease hold on Freena13:25
scooperwe still have time13:25
scooperLet those who have issue speak out......13:25
dcammuefor me I already forget that issue13:25
dcammue so let move forward not backward13:26
dcammueMr. Cooper13:26
scooperI think it's will be prudent enough we  express our  angle before moving forwarder13:27
scooperWith that such mistake or aggression with be taking to consideration.....13:27
scooperThat is my opinion....13:27
dcammuescooper, I already did that in my mail the last time so no need to do again13:28
scooperMore over Jeff might read our chat history. It will give him a clear picture of some essential thing we had discussed...13:28
scooperMadam Chair???13:29
tboimahOkay, what have happened has already happened so let forget about the past and now move forward as a team, But scooper i will like to ask a favor from you, to please make show that you protect you account this time around, so that things like this to not happen again13:30
dcammuebut if you have any, you can come out with it then we will respond to it13:30
scooperI take your advice Thomas more over13:31
scooperYour stipend will never sleep or spend more them ten minutes in my phone when it arrive13:32
scooperI know how you all felt13:32
scooperMyself felt guity 13:33
dcammueokay scooper 13:34
scooperAny way... lIKE I SAID EARLIER I TAKE YOUR ADVICE..13:34
scooperNow can we discuss AOB???13:34
dcammueThanks again for your understanding13:34
scooperIf everyone is done with this for now???13:34
scooperMadam can you allow me sat in the drive this for now???13:35
fkoikoithanks guys13:35
fkoikoiokay scooper13:35
scooperAccording to the Mr. Zawolo13:35
scooperThis gone Thursday before his departure 13:35
scooperHe called me for a meeting13:36
scooperand told me he is willing to support the project13:36
scooperbut he is thinking of relocating it at Margibi13:36
scoopersince the committe members of mcss is not really sure responsible of task that he give then before his aware dismal 13:37
scooperor replacement.....13:37
scooperplease give me a minutes13:37
fkoikoithe location is not bad13:38
scooperACTION going to opening the door 13:38
scooperI m back13:38
scooperLet our saying13:38
scooperSo the question is, is that ok for us???13:39
scooperIf no Are the alternative some of us already have???13:39
dcammueIs it in the capital city or new onsterrado13:40
scooperI know really know Margibi dcammue13:40
fkoikoifor the consultant fees, scooper give $20USD, I give 13:40
fkoikoisorry guys13:41
scooperBut he was only suggesting this some we can't missed this golden opportunity13:41
scooper*so we can't missed ....13:42
dcammueso can we pay a visit there before agreeing 13:42
scooperDcammue it's a good idea to  visit such place but unfortunately for us the person 13:43
fkoikoifor me, it's fine13:43
scooperwho is trying to provide such place is Mr. Zawolo13:43
scooperHe is not in Liberia for now13:43
scooperHe departed the country yesterday 13:43
scooperDue to the way the government is proceeding with his post13:43
scooperBut if anyone know a suitable place in Monrovia that the community is willing to give to us and even provide men power13:44
scooperwe can see that as another option???13:45
fkoikoilet's go with the sup's13:45
scooperI found a place on 24 street which I did share will shared13:45
dcammueokay we will take the offer 13:45
scooperWhen I we  starting to engage in Jeff web own self project....13:46
scooperAccording to Jeff he will stipend this group still the end of this year...13:47
dcammueyou mean Jetro web scooper 13:47
scooperthat is before this year end we should be able to handle customer work13:47
dcammuewe are on path with that scooper13:48
scooperAnd get paid base on the work each individual does......13:48
dcammuewe can start on that next week13:48
scooperThe discussion is open13:48
dcammuemaybe everyday two days in the week or three13:49
scooperfor me two day a week will be ok... that is my opinion13:49
dcammuesame for me13:49
svayesame here13:50
fkoikoime too13:50
scooperStill waiting13:51
scooperThat mean everyone has agreed right???13:52
scooperMadam chair is the any other thing you have on mind??13:52
scooperI m done  it's back to you13:53
scooperto continue if you something else to say......13:53
fkoikoialright scooper 13:54
fkoikoithanks 13:54
fkoikoithanks guys for attending 13:54
fkoikoimeeting dismiss 13:55
scooperThanks Fkoikoi13:55
scooperACTION signing up for today meeting13:55
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*** scooper has quit (None)16:21

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