IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Tuesday, 2024-04-23

jelknerGood morning fkoikoi and gabriel 10:52
fkoikoigood morning jeff10:52
gabrielgood morning jelkner10:52
jelknerwill scooper be joining us?10:53
jelknerwill anyone else, or just you two?10:53
jelkneri want to start as soon as we can10:53
jelknerand finish in 10 minutes10:53
fkoikoijust two of us10:53
jelknergreat, let's start10:54
jelknerany updates for me?10:54
jelkneri'm interested in knowing where you are with:10:54
jelkner1. getting land for the school10:54
jelkner2. getting jetro web registered as a business10:54
jelkner3. PCEP prep10:55
fkoikoifirstly, I am waiting for Mr. cooper to speak with the new sup before moving forward with the land process10:55
fkoikoifor the business registration10:56
jelknerwhen will that happen?10:56
fkoikoinext week10:56
jelknerACTION waits for responses to the other 2 questions...10:58
fkoikoijetro web already have their operating agreement and all the team members have national ID expect Shallon because she have not yet reach the age 10:58
jelknerwhen can you open a bank account?10:58
jelkneras i mentioned many times, i will be earning a lot less next year than i am this year10:59
fkoikoiI ask my uncle yesterday to give me an update on the fees for registering a business but he said that I should meet him today10:59
jelknerlet's talk tomorrow10:59
jelknerso, to continue10:59
jelknerwe have registered social justice computing as a business11:00
fkoikoiwe have to register the business before opening an account11:00
jelknerwe are working on our bylaws (and meet this Saturday to talk about them)11:00
jelknerwe will work to get non-profit status11:00
jelknerMr. Zawolo has agreed to be on our board.11:00
jelknerso there will be 5 of us11:00
jelkneri want to set up the monthy payments to come from the Social Justice Computing account to the Jetro Web account11:01
jelknerthen we can do fund raising here to be able to find other donors11:01
fkoikoithat will be good11:02
jelknerwhat they will be donating to is an "education fund" for the development of Jetro Web as a web tech business11:02
jelknerwith the goal of making it self-sustaining over time11:02
jelknerso that brings me to the last question - PCEP?11:02
fkoikoii will be writing the practical test on thursday 11:03
fkoikoiafter that follows the PCEP exam11:04
jelkneri'm here chatting with the Supe11:05
jelknerhe just walked into my classroom11:05
fkoikoihave a nice day jeff11:08
jelknerfkoikoi, same time tomorrow?11:08
jelknersee you then.11:09
jelknerACTION signs off11:09
gabrielhave a nice day11:09
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:09
*** gabriel has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:09
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:09

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