IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Tuesday, 2024-04-30

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jelknerGood morning fkoikoi, scooper, and tboimah!10:54
scooperGood morning Jeff10:55
fkoikoigood morning jeff10:55
scooperhow was your night jelkner ???10:55
jelknerfine scooper, hope yours was too10:55
jelknerso, let's get going10:55
scooperNot really Jeff10:55
jelknerwhat's going on, scooper?10:56
scooperI received a call from Mr. Zawolo yesterday10:56
jelknerhe told me he would call you10:56
scooperbut any I get send him a mail and the other I cc in it as well10:56
jelkneri'm not sure what you mean?10:56
scooperI also had a conversation with the new supe yesterday 10:57
jelknerhow did it go?10:57
scooperbefore receiving Mr. Zawolo call10:57
jelknerthat's what we need to discuss10:57
scooperI m in between and done know what to do jelkner 10:57
jelknerwhat do you mean?10:57
jelkneri don't understand, my friend10:57
jelkneri don't know what is going on10:58
scooperThe new supe is happy about the initiative taken by you and Jetro Web10:58
jelknerthat's great10:58
jelknerthat's what we wanted10:58
scooperPlease read my mail first....10:58
jelkneri didn't see any emails10:58
scooperyou will have a thought or taste of what I m trying to say.....10:58
scooperI just send it 15 minutes ago10:59
jelkneri'm looking at my email now10:59
jelkneri don't see anything from you10:59
scooperdid you see my mail???10:59
scooperplease can you forward to Jeff10:59
fkoikoijust did, jelkner11:00
jelknerjust got it11:00
scooperWhy we await the mail Jeff. my question here I we proceeding with the supe land or mcss land if they find one????11:00
scooper*are we proceeding....11:01
jelknerscooper, let me share my perspective on this.11:02
jelkneri am a socialist11:02
jelkneri want the land, and the school, to belong to the people11:02
jelknernot to a private individual or group of individuals11:02
jelknerto *all* the people11:02
jelknerto me, having this be part of MCSS is the best way to do that11:02
jelknersince MCSS belongs to the people of Monrovia11:03
jelknerso that's my opinion11:03
scooperNow I drop a mail where everyone is included can we brain storm with Mr. Zawolo on my mail I send.....11:04
jelkneri get to talk to Mr. Zawolo (we can still call him "The Supe" between us ;-)11:04
jelknerevery day now11:04
jelknersince he has a classroom not far from mine11:04
jelknerit is in a different building, but close11:04
jelknerso i can ask him about this today11:05
scooperYes because I want to the if I m proceeding the right way Jeff.11:05
jelknerin any case, if we can build trust and a good working relationship with the new superintendent, i think we should work hard to do that11:05
jelknermy biggest concern is not wasting this opportunity to have a new school11:06
jelknersince Kamal wants to build it11:06
scooperThe new supe is willing and even awaiting a mail from me to you where he will be cc11:06
jelknerthat is great11:06
scooperbut I can't go forwarder after receiving Mr. Zawolo input yesterday11:06
jelknerlet me talk to Mr. Zawolo today11:07
scooperI need to know what I m doing is correct11:07
jelkneryes, i understand11:07
jelkneri get the delicate position you are in11:07
scooperthe are few things we to understand here.....11:08
jelknerplease enlighten me, my friend11:08
scooperAll Jetro web member will meet at the mcss lab on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday excluding Thomas..11:08
jelknerso no meeting tomorrow11:09
jelknerbut next meeting on Thursday11:09
scooperThomas will be the only person who will be with me in the lab from MOnday to Friday because he done have his personal computer11:09
jelkneri'm confused11:10
scoopertwo I have other staff that had been assigned with me in the lab that why this change of protocol is taking place11:10
scooperon what11:10
jelknerSo you are telling me about a new arrangement you have with the new superintendent11:10
scooperNO meeting will be here from monday to friday11:11
jelknerMr. James Momoh11:11
jelknerlet's talk about tomorrow11:11
scooperbut other will have to connect from home that is what I m trying to say11:11
jelknerwill we meet tomorrow?11:11
jelknerfkoikoi, can you meet from home tomorrow?11:12
jelknerso let's meet tomorrow11:12
scooperThat was the plan jelkner 11:12
jelkneri get it now11:12
scooperDo you understand now11:12
jelkneri think i do11:12
jelkneri'll ask more questions as i go11:12
scooperBut everything is fine we are working peacefully11:12
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jelkneroops, i thought i saw svaye for a minute11:13
jelknerit's been a long time11:13
dcammueGood morning jelkner 11:13
jelknergood morning dcammue!11:13
jelknerscooper, did you see my email about Sahnun?11:13
jelknerhe said he is available to tutor11:14
jelknerbut no one is asking him11:14
scooperI m so happy he is wiling to assist again11:14
jelknerlet's please try to keep him and Kevin involved11:14
jelkneri can't do this alone11:14
scooperOk jelkner 11:14
jelknerso when we find new volunteers11:14
jelknerwe need to engage them11:14
scooperwe will do as you said....11:14
jelknerlastly, thanks for your kind offer to host me11:15
jelkneri am looking forward to my visit11:15
jelkneryou said i could stay with you11:15
scoopergot you11:15
jelknerMr. Zawolo may be coming with me11:15
scooperunder one condition jelkner 11:15
jelknerwhat's that?11:15
scooperYou I not allow to eat liberian dishes11:16
jelkneri *must* have pepper soup!11:16
scooperno no my friend11:16
jelknerGood morning svaye!11:16
svayeGood morning jelkner dcammue scooper tboimah fkoikoi 11:16
jelknerso good to see you11:16
scooperI done want you to have another surgery when you go back home11:16
svayeHow are you jelkner 11:16
jelknerit's been a bit11:16
jelkneri do need to be careful11:17
jelkneri'm getting old11:17
scoopergot you.....11:17
jelknerand my body is not as strong as it used to be11:17
jelkneranyway, we can plan that in july11:17
jelknerfor now, we have more immediate things to do11:17
jelkneri'll be here at 7 am tomorrow11:17
jelkneri'll talk to Mr. Zawolo today11:18
scooperwe will be here too11:18
jelkneri'll follow up with an email11:18
scooperI m sure he will reply my mail11:18
jelknerbtw, I bcc'd you all on an email i sent to the bank11:18
jelknersince I mentioned our project11:18
jelknerwe are trying to get Social Justice Computing set up with a bank account11:18
jelkneryou all need to do the same with Jetro Web11:19
jelknerso that we can begin having financial transfers go from organization to organization11:19
jelknerok, i have to go11:19
jelkneruntil tomorrow everyone...11:19
fkoikoioh 11:19
jelknergreat chatting with you as always11:19
fkoikoisame here jeff11:20
jelknerACTION signs off until tomorrow11:20
svayeHave a nice day jelkner 11:20
fkoikoihave a great day11:20
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svayetboimah, 11:20
tboimahhow are you11:20
svayehave you pushed the project to your repository?11:21
svayeI am fine, how are you11:21
tboimahI will do that today11:21
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