IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Monday, 2024-05-06

jelknerGood morning scooper!10:50
scooperGood morning jelkner 10:50
jelknerwill freena be joining us this morning?10:51
jelknermy main agenda item is for her10:51
jelkneri need to talk to Mr. Zawolo too.10:51
scooperAre there anything you and myself need to talk about???10:51
jelknersince i'm looking into a way to fund a much longer visit during Summer 202510:52
jelknerbut i need the help from someone at a university in Liberia10:52
jelkneris that something you could help with?10:52
scooperLastly did you receive my reply to the mail you send concerning someone building Jetro Web Site???10:52
jelkneri was going to ask isaac this morning10:52
jelknerwhen did you send it?10:53
scooperI done understand what you mean when you say "help from someone at a University in Liberia??10:53
jelkneroh yes, i saw that, and read10:53
jelknergreat that you are doing that10:54
jelknerwe need a jetro website soon10:54
scooperWhat we building is what we planned to use....10:54
jelknersince if we are going to ask for funding, we need to "tell the world what we are doing"10:54
scoopermaybe our dear friend can help spice the design a little bit for us....10:54
jelkneri'm confused10:55
jelkneryour email is about the website, not the building10:55
scooperOn what jelkner ???10:55
jelkneri am looking at an email from Friday at 9:08 am my time10:55
jelknerit talks about you all agreeing to build a website10:55
jelknerand to work with Blu on design.10:56
scooperIt talks about the website we are building together through a collaboration on github...10:56
scooperWhere member will contribute10:56
scooperthat it10:56
jelknerthen we are on the same page ;-)10:57
jelknerso when will freena arrive?10:57
jelkneri have one agenda item for her, and then i need to talk to isaac10:57
jelknerbefore that10:58
scooperplease give me 2 minutes10:58
scooperACTION calling Freena10:58
jelknerwhile we wait10:58
jelknerwe can finish this conversation10:58
scooperI m still here10:58
jelknera friend of mine is encouraging me to apply for a Fullbright scholarship10:58
scooperI m following jelkner 10:59
jelknerto fund a trip to Liberia in Summer 202510:59
jelknerand to stay longer10:59
jelknerbut it requires that someone from a university in Liberia "request me".11:00
jelkneri'm going to ask Mr. Zawolo about it.11:00
jelknerbut i wanted to make you aware of the plan too.11:00
scooperAny University in Liberia or a particular one???11:00
jelkneri think any one11:00
jelknerdoesn't Shallon's father work in a university?11:01
scooperOk than I can ask a reliable friend11:01
jelkneranyway, i'm going to spend june and july figuring that out11:01
jelknerplease ask11:01
jelknerwe need to work our networks if we want to succeed11:02
jelkneri'll give you more info as i get it11:02
jelknergood morning tboimah 11:02
scooperI will ask Mr. Morris V. Nyain.... the Sup known him very well11:02
tboimahGood morning jelkner 11:02
jelknerto be continued11:03
jelknerwhat about freena?11:03
scooperjelkner, 11:03
scooperFreena will not make it online today11:03
jelknerscooper, let me tell you what i was going to tell her11:04
jelknerso you can please work with her to make it happen11:04
scooperShe having a little issue with her computer11:04
jelknerwe need to help her with that11:04
jelknerwe had our SECOSOL board meeting yesterday11:04
jelknerit was very good11:05
jelkneri always leave those meetings feeling inspired11:05
jelkneranyway, Ms. Monica Lozano has agreed to mentor Kei and Freena11:06
jelknershe wants to set up weekly meetings with them11:06
scooperthat is a great news11:06
jelknerthey are looking at either Monday or Friday at 8:30 pm your time11:06
jelknersince that is 3:30 pm here, when Kei gets home from school11:07
jelknerwe would like to start this week or the beginning of next11:07
jelknerit is too late for today11:07
jelknerbut either this friday or the following monday would work11:07
jelknerit will be kei's responsibility to coordinate the tech with freena11:08
jelknerso the first thing i need is her agreement that she can do it11:08
jelknerthat's what i was hoping to ask for this morning11:08
jelknercould you please communicate that to her?11:09
jelknerare we meeting tomorrow at this time?11:09
jelknerlet me go talk to isaac before students arrive11:09
jelknersee you tomorrow11:09
scooperI just did11:09
scooperthrough sms11:09
jelknerask her to email me if she agrees11:10
scoopershe say yes11:10
jelkneri'll send the email11:10
jelknerand cc the group11:10
jelknerACTION signs off until tomorrow11:10
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