IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Thursday, 2024-05-09

jelknerGood morning fkoikoi and Gap!10:48
jelknerWhoever Gap is?10:48
fkoikoigood morning jeff10:48
jelknerGood morning dcammue 10:48
Gapgood afternoon jeff10:49
dcammueGood morning jelkner 10:49
jelknerfkoikoi, will you be able to meet with Monica Lozona next Monday at 8:30 pm your time on her Zoom?10:49
Gapit's me gabriel washington10:49
jelknerah, Gap, it would be helpful to follow a convention of using gwashington10:49
jelkneras your nick10:49
tboimahGood morning folks10:49
jelknerso we can easily know who is who10:49
jelknergood morning tboimah10:50
jelknerfkoikoi, Yes is to the meeting?10:50
Gaphahaha, that's my home name convention jeff as Gaprinho10:50
jelknerif so, could you please reply to her email (cc me), and confirm that you can make it10:50
Gapfor short i say Gap10:50
fkoikoiit means i have to download zoom right jelkner??10:51
jelknerno, i don't think so10:51
jelknerZoom isnt' free software10:51
jelknerso i refuse to download it ;-)10:51
jelknerbut the web version seems to work ok10:51
fkoikoialright 10:51
jelknerif you have either firefox or chrome10:51
jelknerit should work10:52
jelkneri'll alert her to the challenge10:52
jelknerwe should try Jitsi at some point10:52
jelknerthat could be a good task for tboimah and Mulbah10:52
jelknerto experiment with that10:52
jelknerteach you how to use it10:52
jelknerand then we can just send a link to Monica10:52
jelknerJitsi seems to work very well10:53
jelknerthey use it for meetings at MayFirst10:53
jelknerand it seems to work very smoothly10:53
jelknereven when folks are coming from New York, Virginia (me), and Mexical10:53
jelknerfkoikoi, how did it go yesterday?10:54
jelknerdid you get in touch with Mr. Zawolo?10:54
fkoikoioh it went well10:54
fkoikoino, not yet10:54
jelknerwhy not?10:54
jelkneri will see him after we finish here10:54
jelknerhe wants thing to move, just like me10:55
jelknereach day forward!10:55
fkoikoiokay, I will do that10:55
jelknerdid you get to the business administration office yesterday?10:55
jelknerhow did that go10:55
fkoikoiit went well10:56
jelknerwhat does that mean?10:56
jelknerwhen will Jetro Web be a business?10:56
fkoikoiI understood that the operating agreement we have is not a article of incorporation 10:57
jelkneryes, i am learning about the difference too10:57
jelknerarticles of incorporation are shorter and easier10:58
jelknerwe have them for social justice computing now10:58
jelknerbut we are still working on our "Bylaws", which is equivalent to the "Operating Agreement"10:58
fkoikoithe process take about two week to get a business registry if we have all the necessary documents10:58
jelknerwell let's get it done!10:58
scooperhere I m 10:58
jelkneryour next payment will be delayed if you don't10:59
jelknersince it needs to come from Social Justice Computing to the new business10:59
jelknerso the sooner you get it done10:59
jelknerthe sooner we can get the payment made10:59
scooperLike I said earlier10:59
scooperthe process will not even be completed by the end of this month11:00
jelknerscooper, Mr. Zawolo says you are not correct11:00
jelknerhe says if you get moving, it shouldn't take so long11:00
jelkneri will be relying on him for guidance11:00
jelknerso you need to communicate with him11:00
scooperCan you ask him if he know someone that can help us get it done ASP11:00
jelknerfkoikoi too11:00
jelknerhe tells me things really shouldn't take that long11:01
jelknerhe says he can help11:01
jelknerso you need to reach out to him11:01
scooperMr. Zawolo???11:01
jelknerWe need to figure this out11:01
jelknerThe next payment should come from Social Justice Computing11:02
jelknerwe have our bank account already11:02
jelknerso we need to figure out how to set that up11:02
scooperthe guy from the University said he will reply to your mail11:02
jelknerThanks, my friend11:02
jelknerno rush on that11:02
scooperwhen he done talking with his friends11:02
jelkneri now need to apply for the scholarship11:02
jelknerso the ball is in my court on that one11:02
jelkneri won't have time until mid june11:03
jelknerthat is for Summer 2025 anyway11:03
jelknerso it is longer term11:03
jelknerwe need to focus on the immediate tasks first11:03
scooperOh got you now!!!!11:03
jelknerscooper, i am hoping to spend the  whole summer in 2025 teaching in Monrovia11:04
jelknerthat's what this is about11:04
jelkneri want to teach in our new school11:04
jelknerso we need to get our new school111:04
jelknerlet's focus on that11:04
scooperMr. Momoh is asking11:04
scooperif it possible your talk on Whatapp???11:04
jelknernot for me11:05
scooperbut I told him you are not a fan of it11:05
jelknerWhat's app is Facebook11:05
jelkneri don't do that11:05
jelknerit's against my religion ;-)11:05
jelkneryou could help, scooper 11:05
jelknerwe could meet using your phone11:05
jelknerif he wants to talk11:05
scooperI told him all of that11:05
scooperHe want us to schedule a time for a conversation11:06
jelknerlet's do it!11:06
scooperSo what time you think best for you????11:06
jelknerwhat about next Monday?11:06
scooper5:00pm liberia time11:06
jelknerthat is hard11:06
jelknerthat is noon here11:07
scooperMonday is the first day of the week11:07
jelknerwell, i leave with 6 students to Pycon next week11:07
scooperbetween Thursday and Friday will be appreciate for that11:07
jelknercan i call you, scooper?11:08
scooperACTION signing out11:21
jelknerok, all, i have to go11:22
jelkneri'll be back tomorrow at the same time11:22
jelknerwe all have work to do11:22
jelknerlet's get to it!11:22
jelknerACTION signs off for today11:22
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:22
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:30
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:38
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:08
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:03
*** mcssguest_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:19

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