IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Wednesday, 2024-05-22

jelknerGood morning scooper 10:48
scooperGood morning jelkner 10:48
scooperhow was your night???10:48
jelknerI just replied to your email10:48
scooperdid you see the mail I send you??10:48
scoopergot you10:48
jelknerbtw. you should *always* cc on emails like this.10:48
jelkneri did10:49
scooperI did jelkner 10:49
jelkneri didn't see it10:50
jelknerno problem10:50
scooperEveryone reach that mail including me10:50
jelkneranyway, mr. zawolo told me yesterday you need some money to pay to register the business10:50
jelknerwe should figure that out and then get me to send it10:50
scooperin fact I did use jeff.elkner as usual but rather use jetroweb@novawebdevelopment10:50
jelknerwhat i mean is, i didn't see a cc to the rest of the team10:51
jelkneranyway, i cc'd them on my reply10:51
jelknerlet's see if mr. redd responds10:51
jelknerPlan A:10:51
jelkner1. We get Jetro Web registered as a legal business (worker cooperative) in Liberia10:52
scooperdid you received my other mail concerning registering the business10:52
jelkneri didn't see that10:52
jelkneronly the email to mr. redd10:52
scooperI send the two mail last night10:52
jelkneri only see the one10:54
scooperjelkner, if I use will you not receive the mail too??10:54
jelkneri am not part of that wonderful group, my dear friend ;-)10:55
scooperI see that is why you didn't receive it10:55
jelkneri only have the pleasure of working with you10:55
scooperanyway I just did10:55
scooperagain check you mail10:55
jelknerand now i see it10:55
jelknerthere we go10:56
jelknerlet's use mr. zawolo's recommendation10:56
scooperNow the issue is how do we contribute to raise this fund in order to get this done as soon as possible???10:58
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff10:59
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi 10:59
jelknerhold on please...10:59
jelknerok, scooper, i just transfered $400 to your account11:00
jelknerit takes time, so it doesn't look like it will get there until 5/2811:00
scooperWill are receive it instantly or it will take days???11:01
jelknerthe purpose of that transfer is to register jetro web11:01
jelknerit says the funds will be available at 12:19 pm on Tuesday, May 28th11:02
scooper*Will I receive11:02
scoopergot you11:02
jelknerfkoikoi, you met yesterday with kei, yes?11:02
dcammueGood morning jelkner 11:03
jelknerGood morning dcammue 11:03
jelkneri thought she told me you were going to meet11:03
fkoikoishe said today11:03
jelknerah, great11:03
jelknerwhat time?11:04
jelknerplease meet here on #jetrowebdev11:04
fkoikoiokay jelkner 11:05
jelknerit will be a huge help if we can have automatic transcripts of your meetings11:05
jelkneri can read over them afterward and comment on them11:05
jelkneryou will be able to look back over past discussions easily and conveniently11:05
fkoikoiscooper I am done with the draft of the article. I will send it after the meeting11:06
jelknerfkoikoi, dcammue, scooper, i just sent $400, but it won't arrive until next tuesday11:06
scooperI told you yesterday11:06
jelkneri'll email you all a receipt, and include mr. zawolo11:06
scooperWe are using Mr. Zawolo recommendation draft didn't I fkoikoi ???11:07
fkoikoiokay, for the registration of the business right jelkner11:07
jelknerbut scooper, on thing11:07
jelkneri didn't look at the ariticles11:07
scooperAll you need to do11:07
fkoikoisure, it's okay scooper 11:07
jelknerand i understand (mr. zawolo told me) that no one will look at them11:07
scooperit join me let meet the fellow in question and discuss11:07
jelknerbut i disagree with him on one point11:07
jelkner*we* will look at them11:08
jelknermy biggest concern is that it is clear that jetro web is a cooperative owned by it's worker members11:08
jelknerSJC (Social Justice Computing) will only be able to support it on that basis11:08
jelknerthat it is promoting just and equitable development11:09
jelknernot stealing from some people to make others rich11:09
jelknerso you should look at the articles and see what they say about who owns the business11:09
jelknerso if mr. zawolo is right, and it doesn't matter what is in the articles, then the ones fkoikoi has should do fine, right?11:10
scooperjelkner, 11:11
scooperbefore we proceed11:11
jelkneryou could share them with mr. zawolo's contact, pay him the fee11:11
jelkneryes, scooper?11:11
scooperWe will share the article with everyone that it's member of this coop11:11
scooperWe will not do thing that will make other feel happy why the rest is not ok with it11:12
jelknerthough let me warn you, that will sometimes mean learning to struggle with each other11:12
jelknerto arrive at a decision11:12
scooperthe main challenge has be taking care of which happen to be getting the money and the right contact to speedy thing up11:12
jelknerdemocracy is messy, as the saying goes11:13
jelkneri don't know how to do that, scooper 11:13
jelknersince remitely will take as long as it does11:13
jelknernothing i can do about that11:13
scooperMean while Freena could you please still share the draft with me???11:14
jelknerunless mr. zawolo can find a way to loan jetro the money until it arrives11:14
jelkneri'll ask him11:14
jelknerright after we finish this meeting11:14
jelknerscooper, i will be expecting an email reply from mr. redd11:14
scooperSure I will engage him today11:14
jelknerif he can't bother to send me an email, then he isn't serious about the school11:14
jelknerand we will have to look to another plan11:15
scoopersince he is to talk to11:15
scooperSince he is easy to talk to11:15
scooperLastly jelkner 11:15
jelkneryes, scooper?11:15
scooperthanks for sending the money...11:15
jelkneryou're most welcome, my friend11:15
jelkneri am very happy to support this project11:16
scooperThat mean Jetro members should not expect pay soon still the business is register and have an account right???11:16
jelkneryes, we need to:11:16
jelkner1. get Jetro Web registered11:16
jelkner2. Get Jetro Web a bank account11:16
jelkner3. Set up a regular stipend from SJC (Social Justice Computing) to Jetro Web Development11:17
jelknerso the next transfer will come from SJC to Jetro11:17
scooperI appreciate jelkner but there a little issue...11:17
scooperI done really know about the other if they are in support of what I m trying to say11:17
scooperBut someone of us have already gotten used to receiving out stipend on the 3 or 4 of each month....11:18
jelkneryes, my friend, i understand11:19
jelknerbut you will have to adjust11:19
scooperHolding on to it until the business is fully register will reduce the paste of attendance...11:19
scooperthat is my opinion ooo11:19
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jelknerlook, we need to identify those who are really serious about this11:19
jelknerif people drop off when a little hardship arrises, then they won't have what we need to succeed anyway11:20
jelknerso let them go11:20
jelkneri want to work with those of you who *really* want this11:20
jelknerwho are willing to work hard and make the sacrifices needed to make it succeed11:20
jelknerotherwise, it will not make it anyway11:20
jelkneri have been telling you for awhile11:21
dcammuefor me that is fine with, 11:21
dcammueThat will be the best thing to do11:21
jelknerit is time to make this a regular, public, tax deductible transfer11:21
jelknerin support of a project other people will want to support11:21
jelknerso please:11:21
dcammueis good to do thing through the right channel 11:22
jelkner1. move as quickly as you can to register the business and open the bank account11:22
jelkner2. work on your website, so we can use that to promote what we are doing11:22
jelknerwe need to tell the world our story now11:22
jelknerand ask good people to help us11:22
jelknerfkoikoi, 11:23
dcammueWe will do so jelkner 11:23
jelknerthank you dcammue 11:23
jelkneri promise to keep working hard, if you will work hard with me11:23
fkoikoi3:30pm my time will be what time for you jelkner??11:24
jelkneri think she meant 3:30 pm our time, fkoikoi 11:24
jelknerthat's when she gets home from school11:24
jelknerthat would be 8:30 pm your time11:24
fkoikoiokay, I will be available than11:25
jelknerso, same time tomorrow?11:25
dcammueso jelkner 11:25
jelkneryes, dcammue 11:25
dcammueout off topic11:25
dcammuewho you are carrying this election11:25
jelknerdo you mean for president?11:26
jelknerwell, my friend, i will be "holding my nose" and voting for Joe Biden11:26
jelkneri'm a socialist11:26
jelkneri don't like any of the candidates11:26
dcammuewhy hold your nose11:26
jelknerbut i fear Donald Trump11:26
jelknerask dcammue 11:27
jelkneri think he gets it11:27
scooperWhy can you open you arms and vote for Donald Trump??11:27
jelknerI'm NOT, scooper 11:27
dcammueokay then see tomorrow11:27
jelkneri don't think you understand11:27
jelkneri say "holding my nose" because i think the whole thing stinks11:28
jelknerwe have no good candidates11:28
scooperGot you it's your secret like we usually say in Liberia11:28
jelknerbut the least bad choice is Joe Biden11:28
jelknerso i will vote for him11:28
dcammueHave a nice day jelkner 11:28
jelkneryou too, my friend11:29
jelknertalk to you tomorrow11:29
jelkneri can't wait to see you in august!11:29
jelknerACTION signs off for the day11:29
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klariosI am not sure I am in the right channel20:01
klariosbut I think we are supposed to meet here @freena20:08
BigBrotherWarning: There are no items on the agenda!20:09
klarios!add Conversations with Monica20:09
BigBrotherSuccess: "Conversations with Monica" has been added to the agenda.20:09
klariosI dont see fkoikoi connected at 3:30, is this the right channel??20:11
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