IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Friday, 2024-05-24

*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:11
*** klarios has quit (Remote host closed the connection)18:55
klarios!agenda Go over Status18:56
BigBrotherInvalid arguments.18:56
klarios!add go over status18:56
BigBrotherSuccess: "go over status" has been added to the agenda.18:56
*** klarios has quit (Remote host closed the connection)18:59
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:18:59
BigBrotherConversations with Monica (added by klarios)18:59
BigBrothergo over status (added by klarios)19:00
klariosI think this is the right channel 19:01
*** klarios has quit (Quit: Page closed)19:05
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:19:05
BigBrotherConversations with Monica (added by klarios)19:05
BigBrothergo over status (added by klarios)19:05
klariosI will change the times of meeting19:13
klariosunfortunately I can't stay much longer, it is the end of the quarter and have many things to do 19:14
*** klarios has quit (Remote host closed the connection)19:20
*** klarios has quit (Remote host closed the connection)19:44

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