IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Tuesday, 2024-05-28

fkoikoiGood morning jeff10:48
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi!10:49
jelknerIt's been awhile10:50
jelkneri checked each day for email, but never saw one10:50
jelknerso here we are10:50
jelknerhow is progress going with getting jetro web incorporated?10:51
jelknerfkoikoi, while i wait for you to type a reply on that, i want to suggest that to be successful in tech you can't allow yourself to block on one thing10:52
jelknerin other words, you should arrange your activity with parallel processes10:52
fkoikoiwe are waiting for the money to land today to start the process10:52
jelknerso that when you block on one, you can proceed on the other10:52
jelknerhow about the jetro web website?10:53
jelknerhow is that coming?10:53
fkoikoithe team is making progress jeff10:53
jelkneri would like to see it10:53
jelknerwhere is it hosted?10:53
jelknerlast item i have is your meeting (not yet started) with kei10:54
jelkneri've been telling kei10:54
jelknerthat within the next few months10:54
fkoikoiit's on github 10:54
jelknerwe want to actively work toward a situation where NOVA Web can subcontract work with Jetro Web10:55
jelknershe and you will be coordinating that10:55
jelknerso you need to start meeting with each other to plan10:55
jelknercan you paste a link here please?10:55
fkoikoiokay 10:55
fkoikoithat's the link10:58
jelknerThat's a link to the git repo.10:58
jelknerDo you know that you can publish the site using pages?10:59
dcammueGood morning jelkner 10:59
jelknerGood morning dcammue!10:59
fkoikoihow jelkner??10:59
jelknerI believe the URL will become:
jelknerand it will be live10:59
jelknerask your team to investigate that.11:00
fkoikoisure 11:00
jelknerlook for "publishing static websites on github" and "github pages"11:00
jelkneryou'll find it11:00
jelknerlet's make that your homework for today11:00
jelknertomorrow you can show me that you did it! ;-)11:01
jelkneralso, fkoikoi, *please* email kei!!!!!!11:01
jelkneryou two need to figure out how and when you can start weekly planning meetings in this channel11:01
jelkneranything before i go?11:02
jelknersame time tomorrow?11:02
jelknereven though we said 7 am, i sign on at 6:50 am11:03
jelknerand you always seem to be here11:03
jelknerso that is good11:03
jelknerlet's make it official11:03
jelkner6:50 am11:03
jelkneror 10:50 am your time11:03
jelknersee you tomorrow11:04
jelknerACTION signs off for the day11:04
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:04
*** dcammue has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)11:10
*** fkoikoi has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)11:14
*** jelkner has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:00

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