*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 11:24 | |
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jelkner | Why hello, svaye, so good to see you! | 16:50 |
svaye | Hi Jeff | 16:51 |
svaye | how are you | 16:51 |
jelkner | I'm packing to get ready to come visit you. | 16:52 |
svaye | I am sorry not being online for the past meeting | 16:52 |
jelkner | What happened? | 16:53 |
jelkner | You've been missed. | 16:53 |
svaye | That's wonderful we can't wait to have you here | 16:53 |
svaye | I had some financial crisis | 16:54 |
jelkner | I'll be asking all about that during my visit. | 16:54 |
svaye | Alright | 16:54 |
jelkner | Part of planning for the coop will be making sure we can take care of member's basic financial needs whenever possible. | 16:55 |
jelkner | So we need to plan effectively. | 16:55 |
jelkner | Do you know who else is coming today? | 16:55 |
jelkner | I want to give a brief update and then get back to packing | 16:55 |
jelkner | It's not just packing | 16:55 |
jelkner | I'm trying to see if I can install a reasonable OS on two phones I have, a few Raspberry Pi's, etc. | 16:56 |
jelkner | I'll bring them if I can make them work first. | 16:56 |
fkoikoi | Good afternoon jelkner and svaye | 16:57 |
svaye | fkoikoi, scooper, daniel, and thomas will be here today | 16:57 |
*** svaye has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 16:57 | |
svaye | Hi fkoikoi janet | 16:58 |
jelkner | Good afternoon fkoikoi and janet! | 16:59 |
jelkner | So, today the Jetro women are in the house! | 16:59 |
janet | Good evening fkoikoi, svaye and jelkner | 16:59 |
jelkner | Great to see you all. | 16:59 |
fkoikoi | same here | 16:59 |
jelkner | Are you aware of the new payment system? | 17:00 |
jelkner | https://share.mayfirst.org/s/cQ5HBFjENEJPpEH | 17:01 |
jelkner | I've created a spreadsheet I'm using to track everyone's earnings | 17:01 |
mulbah | Hello everyone | 17:01 |
jelkner | So the 4 of you just earned $5 by showing up today | 17:01 |
jelkner | or should I say the 6 of you ;-) | 17:01 |
jelkner | I mean 5. | 17:02 |
jelkner | Ok, it's time, let's start | 17:02 |
jelkner | I'll keep this brief, since I need to continue packing for my trip. | 17:02 |
gabriel | Good afternoon jelkner svaye fkoikoi mulbah and janet | 17:03 |
jelkner | It is great that the 5 of you are hear, since you are the 5 who have been missing for the past few weeks | 17:03 |
jelkner | i've been meeting with scooper, tboimah, and dcammue, who have been showing up regularly | 17:03 |
jelkner | so let me update you on the new system | 17:03 |
jelkner | take a look at the spreadsheet link | 17:04 |
jelkner | that i pasted a few mintues ago | 17:04 |
jelkner | you will see that all of you are listed as having earned $5 for attending this meeting | 17:04 |
jelkner | that's how we are going to do things going forward | 17:04 |
jelkner | if you want to earn income, you need to agree to do "billable" things | 17:05 |
jelkner | when you do them, you get paid | 17:05 |
jelkner | all payments are accounted for | 17:05 |
jelkner | and we can run as legally operating businesses | 17:05 |
jelkner | since we have a disconnect here | 17:05 |
jelkner | the three people who have been coming are now all not here | 17:06 |
jelkner | i'll keep this short | 17:06 |
jelkner | we can talk a lot more about it when i arrive | 17:06 |
jelkner | do you have any questions for me before i come? | 17:06 |
jelkner | ACTION waits for questions | 17:07 |
jelkner | if there are none, this will be a *very short* meeting | 17:07 |
fkoikoi | no for now jelner | 17:07 |
svaye | I don't have any questions for now | 17:07 |
jelkner | fkoikoi: are you able to organize a meeting with everyone for this tuesday at 12 noon your time? | 17:07 |
mulbah | Jeff when this stuff that you are talking about start | 17:08 |
jelkner | it already did, mulbah | 17:08 |
fkoikoi | but i have something to say | 17:08 |
jelkner | say it, my friend | 17:08 |
fkoikoi | +1 jelkner | 17:08 |
fkoikoi | alright | 17:08 |
fkoikoi | since scooper, dcammue and tboimah is not here | 17:09 |
jelkner | fkoikoi: everyone who attends on tuesday will earn $5 for attending the meeting, you will earn an extra $5 ($10 in total) for organizing it, *IF* you can get at least 6 people to attend. | 17:09 |
fkoikoi | let me give you a update about our meeting with the pstor yesterday | 17:09 |
jelkner | PLEASE! | 17:09 |
jelkner | wait | 17:10 |
jelkner | let's wait until tuesday | 17:10 |
jelkner | i'll update everyone on my meeting with Commy, Kevin, and Mr. Zawolo at the same time | 17:10 |
jelkner | i was planning on doing it now | 17:10 |
fkoikoi | I will do that jelkner, I'm going to call them after this meeting | 17:10 |
jelkner | but with the 3 most active people not here, i would prefer to wait | 17:10 |
fkoikoi | so we met with the pastor yesterday along with svaye | 17:11 |
jelkner | i had a wonderful meeting yesterday | 17:11 |
jelkner | that is great | 17:11 |
jelkner | let's talk about it on tuesday | 17:11 |
jelkner | an email summary ahead of time would also be very helpful | 17:11 |
jelkner | i'll do the same summarizing my meeting yesterday | 17:11 |
fkoikoi | alright | 17:12 |
jelkner | i'll send that email tomorrow | 17:12 |
fkoikoi | I will just email it to you | 17:12 |
jelkner | that way we all have time to read and think about the email summaries before we meet | 17:12 |
jelkner | that is the best way to do this work anyway | 17:12 |
jelkner | so we are learning best practices | 17:12 |
fkoikoi | dcammue is here | 17:12 |
jelkner | dcammue: we are going to reschudule this meeting until tuesday | 17:13 |
dcammue | Good evening everyone | 17:13 |
jelkner | here is the plan: | 17:13 |
dcammue | sorry for late turn up | 17:13 |
jelkner | 1. fkoikoi will send us an email tomorrow summarizing the meeting with the Pastor on Sunday | 17:13 |
jelkner | 2. jeff will send an email tomorrow summarizing the meeting with Commy, Kevin, and Mr. Zawolo | 17:13 |
jelkner | oh wait, now both dcammue and tboimah are here | 17:14 |
tboimah | good evening jelkner and everyone | 17:14 |
jelkner | remember, dcammue and tboimah, you can't get paid for a meeting when you are late | 17:14 |
jelkner | but thanks for attending | 17:14 |
jelkner | i've updated the spreadsheet already | 17:14 |
jelkner | only those who are here at the start of the meeting get paid | 17:15 |
dcammue | we were having connection issue | 17:15 |
jelkner | we need to learn this kind of discipline | 17:15 |
jelkner | i understand dcammue | 17:15 |
jelkner | life happens | 17:15 |
jelkner | but we will need to develop disciplined rules | 17:15 |
jelkner | or we won't make it | 17:15 |
dcammue | the hostpot was giving hard time to connect | 17:15 |
jelkner | i was taught a saying years ago | 17:15 |
jelkner | "When you're early, you're on time, and when you're on time, you're late!" | 17:16 |
dcammue | okay | 17:16 |
jelkner | That means you should build in extra time in your planning to make sure you can work out any problems you have *before* the time you are due. | 17:16 |
jelkner | alright, since everyone is here, perhaps we can skip Tuesday and move ahead now | 17:17 |
jelkner | fkoikoi: if you are willing to try an experiment with me, we can do this now | 17:17 |
fkoikoi | +1 | 17:17 |
jelkner | here is the experiment: you and i will type up our summaries of our meetings yesterday *at the same time* | 17:17 |
jelkner | we don't want to waste time waiting for each other | 17:17 |
jelkner | people will be able to read the interleaved notes | 17:18 |
jelkner | since yours will have your name in front of them and mine will have my name | 17:18 |
fkoikoi | okay | 17:18 |
jelkner | in the irc logs they will show up in different colors | 17:18 |
jelkner | ready, let's go... | 17:18 |
jelkner | Isaac and Jeff met yesterday with Commy to talk about the school project | 17:19 |
jelkner | fkoikoi: i'm waiting for you... | 17:19 |
jelkner | Kevin was there as a "witness", and he took notes and recorded the meeting | 17:20 |
fkoikoi | We had a meeting with the pastor of emmanuel temple church yesterday | 17:20 |
jelkner | Kevin will be sending his notes and the recording to the participants | 17:20 |
jelkner | I'll only sum up a few of the things now, and provide more details after receiving Kevin's notes | 17:21 |
fkoikoi | He said that he was going to talk to the overhead bishop about our plans and goals. | 17:21 |
jelkner | 1. The only way we can go ahead with the school project is to form a non-profit with legal rights to the land on which the school will be built | 17:21 |
fkoikoi | he ask some major questions like | 17:22 |
jelkner | 2. We all agreed that we need to be ready to "walk away" from this plan if it looks we like can not get an effective agreement | 17:22 |
fkoikoi | 1. how large or small will the school be?? | 17:22 |
jelkner | 3. If we do go ahead, Commy needs to know a lot more about who you are in Jetro Web, and who SJC is over here | 17:23 |
jelkner | Those are the main take aways from the meeting | 17:23 |
jelkner | but Kevin and I talked afterward about educational plans for Jetro whether or not the school goes ahead | 17:23 |
jelkner | he promised to work with tboimah and mulbah if they are ready to resume Linux+ study | 17:24 |
jelkner | i told them that under the new system, they only earn payment when they show up *on time* to planned meetings with him | 17:24 |
jelkner | i said i hope that will provide increased motivation for them to step up | 17:25 |
jelkner | i'll have a lot more to say when i arrive | 17:25 |
jelkner | ACTION done | 17:25 |
fkoikoi | the pastor promise to get back to us but he wand to know how large will the school be because it is a life time agreement | 17:25 |
fkoikoi | ACTION done | 17:25 |
jelkner | fkoikoi: thank you so much | 17:26 |
jelkner | talking in person with the pastor is one of my main goals for the trip | 17:26 |
fkoikoi | dcammue, svaye and tboimah, please let me know if i let something out | 17:26 |
jelkner | i will be able to answer his questions | 17:26 |
dcammue | The quality of the school | 17:27 |
svaye | The pastor also wanted to know if we are okay with the land | 17:27 |
jelkner | let's talk about that while i am there | 17:27 |
svaye | He also want to meet jelkner | 17:27 |
jelkner | and he will, svaye | 17:27 |
jelkner | i hope we will talk *a lot* | 17:28 |
fkoikoi | sure | 17:28 |
jelkner | i need to leave with a good sense of whether we can cooperate on this | 17:28 |
jelkner | or not | 17:28 |
jelkner | ok, fkoikoi since we were able to meet today | 17:28 |
jelkner | let's plan one more meeting for Thursday at 12 noon your time | 17:28 |
jelkner | can you organize that? | 17:29 |
fkoikoi | alright | 17:29 |
jelkner | i need to do a lot before i leave | 17:29 |
fkoikoi | +1 | 17:29 |
jelkner | Thursday night i leave | 17:29 |
jelkner | so we should meet Thursday morning as a final check-in | 17:29 |
jelkner | please try to get everyone there | 17:29 |
tboimah | can I ask jw | 17:29 |
jelkner | it doesn't have to be a long meeting | 17:29 |
jelkner | jw? | 17:30 |
tboimah | * jelkner | 17:30 |
tboimah | will we come for you at the airport? | 17:30 |
jelkner | i arrive *very* early in the morning | 17:30 |
jelkner | i think only scooper and the person Mr. Zawolo is sending to help me get through customs will come | 17:31 |
jelkner | i'll see the rest of you at scooper's house when we arrive | 17:31 |
dcammue | so we will sleep there to meet you as soon as you arrive | 17:31 |
jelkner | dcammue: while i appreciate you saying that | 17:32 |
svaye | We don't have to sleep there dcammue | 17:32 |
jelkner | it will be hard (and expensive) to move 8 people to the airport | 17:32 |
jelkner | just meet me at scooper's | 17:32 |
dcammue | hmmmm okay | 17:32 |
jelkner | let's do the logistics well | 17:32 |
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 17:32 | |
jelkner | save resources | 17:32 |
dcammue | okay | 17:32 |
jelkner | and use them where they are needed | 17:32 |
svaye | we can go to scooper house by 7:00am | 17:33 |
jelkner | great, my friend | 17:33 |
jelkner | that sounds great | 17:33 |
jelkner | ok, let's talk thursday | 17:33 |
jelkner | i'll be communicating with scooper directly between now and then | 17:33 |
jelkner | see you all very soon! | 17:33 |
jelkner | and thanks for coming here today | 17:33 |
fkoikoi | alright enjoy the rest of your day jelkner | 17:34 |
dcammue | on tuesday right? | 17:34 |
jelkner | dcammue: we changed it to thursday | 17:34 |
jelkner | since we got to summarize here already | 17:34 |
dcammue | okay | 17:34 |
dcammue | jelkner, | 17:34 |
jelkner | yes, dcammue? | 17:34 |
dcammue | we did the withdraw yesterday | 17:34 |
jelkner | excellent | 17:34 |
svaye | Have a wonderful time jelkner | 17:34 |
dcammue | and purchase some things | 17:35 |
jelkner | we need the generator and internet ready before i get there | 17:35 |
dcammue | we did get that jelkner | 17:35 |
jelkner | i'm counting on you and scooper to handle that | 17:35 |
fkoikoi | it will be ready jelner | 17:35 |
jelkner | so i'm not worried about it | 17:35 |
jelkner | since i know my good comrades will take care of it | 17:35 |
fkoikoi | we already purchase it yesterday | 17:35 |
svaye | it's being taken care of you don't have to worry jelkner | 17:35 |
jelkner | i'm not worried, svaye | 17:36 |
jelkner | i'm eager to get there | 17:36 |
jelkner | see you very soon | 17:36 |
jelkner | ACTION signs off until thursday | 17:36 |
dcammue | okay | 17:36 |
fkoikoi | you too jelkner | 17:36 |
svaye | that's great jelkner we can't wait to have you here | 17:36 |
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 17:36 | |
dcammue | Good bye' | 17:36 |
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 17:36 | |
*** janet has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 17:36 | |
svaye | Have a wonderful evening guys | 17:37 |
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*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 17:37 | |
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 17:38 | |
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