IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Tuesday, 2024-08-13

jelknerGood morning Jetro Websters.  I'm back on my regular schedule, and could meet any morning at 11 am UTC that you would like to.11:11
jelknerEmail me to let me know if you want to meet.11:11
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tboimah__good morning scooper 12:00
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scooperGood morning tboimah 12:01
tboimahJeff was here but he quit, I just the time change form 12 am to 11 am our time.12:03
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scoopermaybe you right12:07
dcammueGood morning tboimah and scooper 12:07
scooperso in short we should turn up online by 11:00am our time right???12:07
scooperGood morning dcammue 12:08
tboimahGood morning dcammue , Jeff send a mail that if we want to meet tomorrow we should email him.12:08
tboimahsure scooper 12:08
dcammueso time zone changes again?12:09
dcammueOr he will be meet by 7 his time12:09
scooperI check my mail before loggin on this Hexchat12:10
scooperAnd the mail I received from Jeff12:10
scooperarrived 15 minutes before I could check my email12:10
scooperthat mean time definitely change again12:11
scooperso guys we need to be here latest 10:45 or 10:50am12:11
tboimahscooper, by what time will the meeting start tomorrow?12:16
tboimahI am talking about the meeting with the community and the lawyer.12:17
tboimahOkay thanks12:19
scooperACTION in his email writing a meeting reminder to all members 12:23
scooperme sent meeting reminder with Jeff to all Jetro Web Members12:25
scooperOk tboimah and dcammue see you tomorrow at 10:45am and 5:00pm for each meeting12:28
scooperACTION leaving now12:28
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tboimahACTION is quitting12:32
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fkoikoiGood afternoon dcammue12:47
dcammuehow are you fkoikoi 12:58
fkoikoifine and you13:04
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klarioshey fkoikoi!19:42
fkoikoihi klarios 19:42
klariosim glad we are able to meet, I hope we can meet with more members in the future19:43
klariosto talk about decidim 19:43
klariosI am sure jeff talked about decidim during his stay with jetro web 19:43
klariosI saw the webpage as well, it looks beautiful19:44
klariosI am glad you able to put a web page19:44
fkoikoiyes he brief us about it19:44
fkoikoithat was the team work19:44
fkoikoithanks 19:44
klariosyes I saw it was amazing teamwork 19:44
klariosregarding both the contents of the webpage, it would be a good idea to add the information into Decidim, right now we are doing tests within our own decidim instance to see if we can handle having more than one organization 19:46
fkoikoihow was your meeting with jeff19:46
fkoikoialright 19:46
klariosit was great, we talked about our implementation of decidim for both NOVA web and Jetro web 19:47
fkoikoijeff said that you janet and I are going to work on the decidim project19:47
fkoikoithat's good to know 19:47
klariosYes, although our overall goal is for both organizations to cooperate, communicate, and vote using decidim 19:48
klariosits important some members start to learn it so that you can teach it to others and also to prioritize its use in internal communication 19:49
fkoikoisure 19:49
klariosregarding our overall plans, here is a quick agenda19:49
klarios!add create a decidim account19:49
BigBrotherSuccess: "create a decidim account" has been added to the agenda.19:49
klarios!add add fkoikoi as an admin19:50
BigBrotherSuccess: "add fkoikoi as an admin" has been added to the agenda.19:50
klarios!add experiment in the jetro web assembly19:50
BigBrotherSuccess: "experiment in the jetro web assembly" has been added to the agenda.19:50
klarios!add a proposal, page, or process19:50
BigBrotherSuccess: "a proposal, page, or process" has been added to the agenda.19:50
klarios!add Homework to fill in the website information in decidmi, this can be a teamwork assignment 19:51
BigBrotherSuccess: "Homework to fill in the website information in decidmi, this can be a teamwork assignment" has been added to the agenda.19:51
klarioslets start with the first step19:51
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:19:51
BigBrothercreate a decidim account (added by klarios)19:51
BigBrotheradd fkoikoi as an admin (added by klarios)19:51
BigBrotherexperiment in the jetro web assembly (added by klarios)19:51
BigBrothera proposal, page, or process (added by klarios)19:51
BigBrotherHomework to fill in the website information in decidmi, this can be a teamwork assignment (added by klarios)19:51
klariosfirst of all it is creating a decidim account, do you happen to have one right now?19:51
klariosalright, go to this link
klariosand sign up for an account19:52
fkoikoiACTION taking a look at the link19:53
fkoikoiI have already sign up19:56
klariosalright now give me a second, i will make you an administrator19:57
klariosThe website is giving me issues, I will be right back 20:01
klariosok you have been invited20:06
klariosdid you get a verification email?20:06
klariosit might take a while since the nova web mail is slow20:07
fkoikoilet me check it20:08
fkoikoiyes i got it20:09
klariosalright now reload the page20:10
klariosan admin dashboard should appear20:10
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jkollieHi everyone20:12
klarioshas it appeared?20:12
klariosHi jkollie! nice you were able to make it 20:13
fkoikoiHi jkollie 20:13
fkoikoiyes kei20:13
fkoikoimy email has been confirm klarios 20:14
klariosgood fkoikoi I have sent out an email20:14
klariosto your nova web development20:14
klariosthere is a PDF attached to it20:14
fkoikoilet me check it out20:14
klariosjkollie: do you have a nova web development email?20:14
jkollieyes i do20:15
fkoikoiI said the PDF file20:17
klariosalright I will send the PDF file to you as well20:18
klarioswhat is your NOVA web EMAIL20:18
fkoikoijkollie, klarios is asking you20:19
jkolliei can send it here if you want me to20:19
klariosyes that would be good20:20
klariosplease confirm if you are able to access the PDF20:21
klariosfkoikoi: 20:21
klariosI will send it to jkollie and I will have you both look at it20:21
klariosalright it was sent, let me know when you are done. I will wait here20:22
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jkollieI'm sorry i got disconnected I'm having network issues20:27
klariosno worries, take your time. If internet fails, the indication of sucess will be knowing the decidim information found in the PDF20:28
fkoikoiI'm done20:29
fkoikoiklarios, 20:29
fkoikoiare you still here klarios??20:31
klariosNow go back to the NOVA WEB decidim page20:32
klariosand click the admin dashboard 20:32
klarioson the top left i think20:32
klariosalright now you will click on assemblies on the left side of the scree20:35
klariosand after that you will click on components20:36
klariosas you can see thomas and daniel have already made changes20:36
klariosjkollie: are you following with us?20:37
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jkollie_yes I'm here20:38
klarioshave you finished looking at the pdf?20:38
jkollie_not yet I want to understand something20:39
klariosyes please ask me questions20:39
jkollie_I'm only seeing a plane message, I thought there should be a link to the PDF?20:41
klariosthat is weird I will send it again20:42
klariosalright it was sent again20:43
klariosthere should be an attachment at the bottom of the message20:43
fkoikoican you see it now jkollie_??20:47
klariosfkoikoi: since you are in the components already, try making a new component, this should be a debate20:47
jkollie_yes Thanks20:47
klariosok take a look at it20:47
klariosfor further instrution just look at the conversation between me and freena, if you have any questions please let me know20:48
klariosfkoikoi: have you pressed the debate option?20:49
jkollie_I will20:50
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fkoikoii'm doing it now20:52
klariosalright let me know when you are done20:55
fkoikoiI'm done20:55
klariosit seems like you created a new assembly instead of a component20:57
klariosthis also works but since this is only a test we will be using components20:58
fkoikoioh 20:59
klariosthat is alright20:59
klariosgo to assemblies and click on the jetro web development option 20:59
klarioslet me know when you are there20:59
fkoikoiI'm there21:01
klariosalright do you see the processes tab21:01
klarioson the left side?21:01
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klariossorry I was away21:06
klariosI see that you are a limited admin21:06
klariosI just cahnged that21:06
klarioschanged that21:06
fkoikoiokay 21:07
klariosyou should be able to add components now21:07
klariosalright now that you are in the jetro web assembly  go on components and on the right side click add components21:08
klariosand then add the debate component21:08
fkoikoii just did21:09
klarioswhen you are in the debate page, add a name to the debate, and add something to start the conversation for example it can be your name, age, and role in jetro web 21:09
klariosI see that you've finished it. Now click on components again and go to the debate you just created and on the right side click on the check that reads publish21:11
klariosSorry I forgot to mention that you must click the update button on the button right21:11
klariosdo not forget to click update21:12
klarioshey jkollie, what step of the process are you on?21:13
jkollieWell I just enter the assembles and I click on Jetroweb21:14
jkollieBut I dont see where I'm suppose to on the components21:15
klariosalright, dont worry, this is happening because you are also limited admin, I will change it for you right now21:16
klariosit shows me that you do not have an account, were you able to make an account?21:17
klariosgo on this and click participate, then click create an acount21:17
klariosfkoikoi: how is the debate component going?21:20
jkollieI'm only seeing log in at the top I'm not seeing create account21:20
jkollieso i'm I suppose to click on log in21:21
fkoikoicheck it out klarios 21:22
klariosfkoikoi: how were you able to create your account?21:22
fkoikoiFirstly, I click on the link that you sent 21:23
fkoikoiand it took me to the home page and than i click on login in the left corner of the page21:24
fkoikoiwhich asked for my information to get login but i don't have an account so i click on create an account 21:25
klariosalright jkollie it seems that is the way to do it21:25
klariosalright, if you all want we can end today after jkollie makes her account, I know it is late over there and you must rest. Please lets continue tomorrow at 10 AM 21:27
klarioswe have made good progress. Thank you for meeting with me today!21:28
fkoikoialright 21:28
fkoikoithanks klarios 21:29
klarioshave a good evening21:29
klariosno worries, please text me if you need anything21:29
*** klarios has quit (Quit: Page closed)21:29
fkoikoijkollie, 21:29
fkoikoiare you done21:29
jkollienot yet21:30
fkoikoiwhat happen 21:30
fkoikoiplease tell me so i can help21:31
fkoikoijkollie, 21:35
*** jkollie has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)21:50
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:02

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