IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Monday, 2024-08-26

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dcammueGood tboimah and Mulbah 10:44
tboimahGood morning dcammue 10:44
dcammueHow are you 10:44
mulbah_Good morning Daniel 10:47
mulbah_And Thomas 10:47
tboimahGood morning mulbah_ 10:48
dcammueGood morning Mulbah 10:49
scoopergood morning dcammue , tboimah and mulbah_ 10:51
tboimahGood morning scooper 10:52
mulbah_11Good morning scooper 10:53
jelknerGood morning dcammue, mulbah_, scooper, and tboimah!10:54
tboimahGood morning jelkner 10:54
scooperGood morning jelkner 10:54
jelkneri have students today for the first time10:54
jelkneri will be telling them that my office hours begin at 7:15 am10:55
jelknerso we should try to keep our meetings to 15 minutes10:55
jelkneri don't think students will come that early very often10:55
jelknerbut if the do, i will need to be available for them10:55
jelkneri only have one agenda item today: websites that Jetro can help with10:55
jelkneri've said several times that i was impressed with the work you did on your website10:56
jelkneri think you are ready to begin taking on other challenges10:56
jelknerwe here in Arlington have two websites that need some love:10:57
jelkner1. The SJC website -
jelkner2. The SECOSOL website -
jelknerDo you feel ready?10:59
dcammueYes 10:59
jelknerso how will this work?10:59
jelkneri'll be the customer11:00
jelknerso i will need to schedule regular customer meetings11:00
jelknerwe can do it right here11:00
jelknerbut i need to know who my main point of contact will be11:00
scooperscooper, thomas and dcammue11:00
jelknerthat's 3 points of contact11:01
scoopersince they are the temporary managers for now11:01
jelkneri'm asking for 111:01
mulbah_Good morning Jeff 11:01
jelknerin other words, when you take on a new customer11:01
jelkneryou need to assign one member of the coop to be their point of contact11:01
jelkneryou need to build an effective working relationship between the coop and the customer11:02
jelkneryou don't want them to have to get to know three new people at once11:02
jelknerjust one11:02
jelknerso they begin to feel they have a personal relationship with Jetro Web11:02
jelknerit is the responsibility of the person assigned to that project to build that relationship11:03
scooperOk I will take the lead for now11:03
jelknerdo you understand what i'm saying?11:03
jelknergreat, scooper 11:03
jelkneryou it is11:03
jelknerok there are two projects i mentioned11:03
jelknerone is a static site running on github pages - the SJC site11:04
jelknerthe other is a LibreOrganize (Django) deployment - SECOSOL11:04
jelknerdo you want to start with SJC?11:04
tboimahAnyone 11:05
scooperLet do it one at a time11:05
tboimahyou are the costomer\11:05
tboimahyou tell us which one to start with11:05
dcammueLet do the SJC11:05
scooperSJC First when we are done we can move on the SECOSOL11:06
scooperI have question, you as a customer should kindly explain to us how you want your website to be11:07
mulbah_So when are we starting the project 11:07
scooperAfter the customer explain how they want the project to be or lookk11:07
scooperthan we can beginning. That will give us a clear picture on what the customer want11:08
jelknerthe reason i want to start with SJC is that i do not want you to change the appearance of the site11:09
jelkneri like it11:09
jelkneri just want to add new pages11:09
jelknerthat keep the same style11:09
jelkneri need your github users so i can add you to the project11:10
jelknerwe can even use this to learn proper git branching11:10
mulbah_So what the website is all about Jeff 11:10
jelkneryou would make a branch of the repo11:10
jelknermake your changes11:10
jelknerthen do a merge request when you are ready11:10
jelknermy friend and former student matt gallagher is a git expert11:11
jelkneri want to start learning to use git better now11:11
jelknerwe will make doing that the focus of our thursday night meetings to start this year11:11
jelknerthat is an email11:11
dcammueMulbah the site here under discussion is all about Social Justice Computing site11:11
jelknerdo you have a user?11:11
jelknermy user is jelkner, for example11:12
jelknernever mind11:12
jelknerthe invite dialog says i can use user or email11:12
mulbah_mine is mulbah11k11:12
scoopermy is or Spencerscooper11:12
jelknerinvite sent scooper 11:12
dcammueAnd my username is dcammue 11:13
jelknerinvites sent to both dcammue and tboimah 11:14
jelknerok, my work here is done for now11:14
jelknerit's almost 7:1511:14
jelknerwhen should we meet next?11:14
scooperemail received11:14
mulbah_jelkner: are you not sending me invite 11:14
dcammueThursday 11:15
jelknermulbah_, you didn't paste your user11:15
jelknerthursday sounds good11:15
mulbah_I did11:15
jelkneroops, so you did11:15
jelknerinvite sent mulbah_ 11:15
mulbah_ 11:15
jelknerok everyone, see you thursday11:15
scooperok jef11:16
jelknerpoke around between now and then11:16
jelkneron the site11:16
dcammueHave a nice day 11:16
jelkneryou too!11:16
jelknerscooper, did you get your plane ticket?11:16
jelknertell me thursday11:17
jelknerACTION signs off until our meeting on thursday, 8/29 at 11 am UTC11:17
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:17
scooperdcammue, 11:18
*** tboimah_ has left #jetrowebdev (None)11:19
dcammueYes scooper 11:19
scoopercheck your private hexchat11:20
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*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)13:42
*** mulbah_ has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)13:47
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