IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Monday, 2024-09-09

freenaHi 06:55
freenaGood morning tboimah 10:21
tboimahGood morning freena 10:21
tboimahHow was your night>10:22
freenaGreat and yours 10:23
scoopergood morning freena and tboimah 10:24
freenaGood morning scooper10:25
tboimahGood morning scooper 10:27
scoopertboimah, 10:27
scooperI didn't see you and daniel for the meeting10:28
scooperyou guy left everything on me10:28
tboimahSorry about yesterday I told dcammue to tell you that I went to family and after the family meet it was already after 5:00pm10:29
scooperAny way10:29
scooperno problem the coop was still represented by me10:30
tboimahI'm so sorry scooper 10:30
scooperWe started the Planning process already which comprises of the MOU10:30
scooperAnd I will need each and everyone input10:30
scooperafter it's completed10:30
gabrielGood morning everyone10:31
tboimahGood morning gabriel 10:31
scooperThe land in question will be given a deed according to the community leadership. Said deed will be given in the Non profit organization name10:32
scooperso I think we are on path....10:32
svayeGood morning scooper gabriel tboimah and freena 10:35
tboimahGood morning svaye 10:35
gabrielgood morning svaye10:35
freenaGood morning svaye10:35
gabrielgood morning freena10:36
freenaGood morning gabriel 10:52
svayeGood morning jelkner 10:56
jelknerGood morning freena, gabriel, scooper, svaye, and tboimah!10:56
tboimahGood morning jelkner 10:56
scooperGood morning jelkner 10:56
jelknerHope you all had a good weekend.10:56
scooperAny agenda for today meeting???10:57
scooperno can I place in the community newest update???10:57
jelknerWe need to discuss the concern that dcamue raised in his email10:57
jelknerbut you saw my email response to that10:57
jelkneri only have a few minutes, my friend10:58
jelkneri need to be ready for class10:58
scooperthe community agreed to issue a deed for the parcel of land that will be given to the non profit organization that will stir the affair of the school10:58
jelkneris daniel coming?10:58
jelknerthat is news10:58
scooperthey leadership visited us on saturday and met thomas, daniel and scooper 10:58
jelkneryou didn't mention that in your last email10:59
scooperafter the other had already left10:59
scooperit happened this gone saturday during out saturday session at my place10:59
jelknerok, like i said in my email, please communicate directly with mr. zawolo about that10:59
scooperjust giving you a hint11:00
jelkneri will be waiting for him to tell me it's time to meet with Kamal again11:00
jelkneryou can update the whole SJC board when you attend our next meeting scooper 11:00
freenaGood morning jelkner 11:00
jelknerGood morning freena11:00
jelknerok, is Daniel coming?11:01
jelknerit's time to start11:01
jelkneri've been thinking about our stipend plan, and as dcamue pointed out11:01
jelknerit needs to be revised11:01
svayehe's trying to connect11:01
jelknerso, here is what i'm a proposing11:02
jelkner1. SJC will send a $125 per month stipend to all the Jetro members11:02
jelkner2. Jetro members wishing to earn the stipend will agree to complete their assigned tasks and attend at least 2 monthly irc planning meetings11:03
dcammueGood morning to everyone 11:03
jelkneri can transfer another $2K on October 1st to cover October and November11:03
jelknerif you all agree to this plan11:03
scooperThanks jelkner 11:04
freenaThanks jelkner 11:04
dcammueThanks Jelkner 11:04
tboimahThanks alot jelkner 11:04
jelknerWe can make hold the planning meetings on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month11:04
svayeThanks jelkner 11:04
jelknernow, let's talk briefly about tasks11:05
jelknerfor the UoPeople students - dcammue, svaye, tboimah, and gabriel 11:05
jelknerthere only required task is to earn a B or better in their courses11:06
jelknersame as before11:06
jelknerbut now it will be 9 weeks until we know they have done that11:06
jelknerthat was my mistake11:06
jelkneri don't know what i was thinking (i'm getting old and loosing my mind ;-)11:06
jelknerit's always been 5 terms a year11:07
jelkner9 weeks a term11:07
jelknerok, freena and janet11:07
jelknerand scooper 11:07
jelkneryou are going to be the core of building Jetro Web as a business11:07
jelknerthe UoPeople students will join you later11:07
jelknerbut for now, you are steering that ship11:08
jelkneryou will work with Blu and Fatima on:11:08
jelkner1. The Jetro Web website11:08
jelkner2. The SJC website11:08
jelkner3. The SECOSOL website11:08
jelknerin that order11:08
jelkneronce you have updated all of those, we will be ready to look for other customers11:09
jelknerFinally, Mulbah will focus on Linux+11:09
jelknerbut if he wants to earn a stipend, he will need to show up here at the required monthly meetings11:09
jelknerso i can check in with him11:09
jelknerotherwise, he'll be working with kevin11:10
scooperFirstly we updated few things on Jetro Web Site this gone saturday please view to see if it meet your standard11:10
jelknerscooper, the easiest way to communicate with me will be through Blu and Fatima11:10
jelknersince i see blu in class every day11:10
jelknerand fatima every other day11:10
jelkneri have to go now11:10
jelknerwhen do we meet next?11:10
scooperlastly we are not waiting for blu maybe she busy right now.. so we agreed as team to move forward still she can come in11:11
scooperanyway I saw an introduction mail from her this morning11:11
jelkneri'll talk to her today11:11
jelknershe reads the logs of our conversations here11:11
jelknershe is getting paid for her time working on these projects11:11
jelknerso she knows she can't invoice SJC unless she delivers11:12
jelknerand communicating with you is a big part of deliverying11:12
jelknerso let's wait and see11:12
dcammueWe can me again on Monday, Jeff 11:12
jelknernext meeting?11:12
tboimahlet meet day after tomorrow11:12
tboimahI mean Wednesday11:13
jelknerwhat do others think?11:13
tboimahif it is okay with everyone11:13
svayetboimah, we have a meeting on Wednesday with Mr Morris11:13
dcammueOh tboimah day after tomorrow and dcammue Monday which one11:13
jelknernext monday is one of the required monthly meetings11:13
jelknereveryone who wants a stipend has to show up for that11:13
jelknerwe can wait until next monday11:14
jelknerand use email in the mean time11:14
jelkneryou tell me11:14
dcammueOn novweb channel 11:14
jelknerbut i have to go11:14
jelknerso make it quick!11:14
tboimahlet meet 11:14
dcammueMonday we will meet 11:14
jelknerFriday is bad for me11:15
jelknersince i stay late on thursday nights11:15
jelknerand arrive late on friday morning11:15
tboimahOr what so ever is fine with you jelkner 11:15
dcammueLet do it Monday tboimah 11:15
jelknerlet's make it monday11:15
jelkneri'll email everyone11:15
scooperin short11:15
jelknerthat is a required meeting11:15
tboimahOkay thanks again jelkner 11:15
tboimahfor all your support11:15
scooperwe are only meeting every monday right??11:15
jelknerso those that don't show, don't earn their stipend11:15
jelknerthank you all!11:15
jelkneryou rock!11:16
scooperThanks jelkner 11:16
dcammueHave a nice day Jelkner 11:16
tboimahLet God bless you11:16
jelknerACTION signs off for now...11:16
scooperfor all that you are doing11:16
dcammueAnd thanks 11:16
freenaHave a nice day jelkner 11:16
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:16
gabrieltboimah, can we chat11:20
dcammueYes 11:21
scooperthis gone saturday after some of you left11:21
scooperthe community leadership met with me, thomas and dcammue11:21
scooperThey asked that we attend a meeting with than on Sunday11:22
scooperto finalize the land discussion. 11:22
*** gabriel has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:22
scooperthey agreed that we should complete the MOU11:22
scooperWhich we started yesterday. After that process we all will reach to the lawyer with the documents11:23
scooperfor revision11:23
scooperafter that task is completed will do a Article of Incoporation for the non profit whom name the deed will be issue in11:24
scooperBase on the response from Jeff and  Mr. Zawolo on this document the school might be build come 202511:25
scooperACTION done11:25
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)11:26
dcammueOkay thanks to Scooper 11:27
dcammueI appreciate your efforts for beginning this journey 11:27
svayethanks for the update scooper 11:27
dcammueWe were stock off yesterday that why we didn't show up11:28
scooperYou are welcome that why we are team of inspiring developers11:28
dcammueSo svaye11:29
svayeyes dcammue 11:29
dcammueWe will meet by 1pm to the area right 11:29
scooperGuys I m about to leave now11:29
scooperWhen are we meeting again??11:29
dcammueOr 1:3011:30
svayeno he said by 2pm or 3pm11:30
dcammueYes scooper thanks again 11:30
scooperI m asking11:30
dcammueSee you Saturday 11:30
scooperNo meeting here right11:30
scooperstill Monday right11:30
dcammueMonday on hexchat 11:30
dcammueYes 11:31
scooperSee you all Saturday11:31
scooperACTION signing out11:31
dcammueOkay 11:31
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:31
svayeHave a nice day scooper 11:31
dcammueYou didn't respond 11:31
svayeto what11:32
dcammueTime of meeting at the loven11:32
dcammueFor the interview 11:33
dcammueOkay have a nice day 11:34
svayeI said by 2pm or 3pm dcammue 11:35
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*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:47
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)13:52
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)18:44

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