IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Monday, 2024-09-16

*** freena has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)07:02
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freenaGood morning tboimah 10:30
tboimahGood morning freena 10:31
freenaHow are you??10:31
tboimahGreat and you?10:33
svayeGood morning freena and tboimah 10:34
freenaGood morning svaye10:35
tboimahGood morning svaye 10:35
scoopergood morning guys10:44
svayeGood morning scooper 10:44
tboimahGood morning scooper 10:45
gabrielgood morning scooper, svaye, tboimah and freena10:49
freenaGood morning gabriel  and scooper 10:49
svayeGood morning gabriel 10:50
tboimahGood morning gabriel 10:51
freenaGood morning jkollie 10:54
jelknerGood morning freena, gabriel, jkollie, scooper, svaye, and tboimah!10:55
jkollieGood morning freena freena 10:55
tboimahGood morning jkollie 10:55
tboimahGood morning jelkner 10:55
jelkneri know mulbah is ill, will dcamue be joining us?10:56
freenaGood morning jelkner 10:56
jelknerI'd like to get started right at 11 am UTC.10:57
svayeGood morning jelkner and jkollie 10:57
jkollieGood morning svaye 10:57
jelknersvaye, gabriel, and tboimah, how are things going with your studies at UoPeople?10:58
svayethings are great for me jelkner 10:58
tboimahGreat jelkner 10:58
scooperFreena, Thomas and Mulbah10:59
jelknersvaye, i have a new assignment for you and Daniel10:59
scooperdid you see the google doc??10:59
jelknerI would like you to start listening to this podcast:10:59
tboimahyes, scooper 10:59
freenaYes scooper 11:00
jelknerIt is an excellent discussion of business in Africa11:00
jelknerand since you and Daniel are studying business, svaye, it would help you become familiar with the broad issues facing the continent11:01
jelknersince I listen to it all the time, we could share thoughts about it.11:01
jelknerok, scooper, I have something for you too.11:01
svayeokay jelkner 11:01
scooperI m here listening11:01
jelknerDon't forget that next Saturday you are joining our SJC board meeting11:01
jelknerthe day before you leave for Ghana11:02
jelknerPlease make sure you have a good Internet connection.11:02
jelknerSo we can get down to business and not struggle with tech.11:02
scooperGot you11:02
jelknerI'd like to plan a seed here, too, scooper.11:02
scooperI have a request to ask of you when you are done11:03
jelknerWhile you're in Ghana, see if you can get any information on whether Pycon Africa will be there again in 2026.11:03
jelknerIf it is, we might make it a goal to have our next get together there.11:03
jelknerSince you told me it is possible to drive11:04
scooperSahnun is not responding to my email....11:04
jelknerCheck your email, scooper11:04
jelknerSahnun wrote back to all of us a few minutes ago11:04
scoopera close friend of my said it will cost 100USD from liberia to Ghana on bus11:04
jelknerNow we're talking!11:05
jelknerSo much cheaper than flying!11:05
jelknerI still have to fly :-(11:05
scooper3 or 4 day on the way11:05
jelknerSince a bus won't cross the Atlantic ;-)11:05
jelknerBut I could fly to Ghana and meet you all there.11:05
jelknerAnyway, just a thought.11:05
jelknerWe have time.11:05
jelknerSo jkollie and freena, we need to get moving on these websites.11:06
jelknerRemember, you are doing them in this order:11:06
jelkner1. Jetro Web11:06
jelkner2. SJC11:06
jelkner3. SECOSOL11:06
jelknermulbah_, you made it11:07
jelknerHow are you feeling?11:07
mulbah_Good morning 11:07
jelknerOk, I only have a few more minutes.11:07
jelknerAnything else pressing?11:07
jelknerMulbah, I had dinner with Kevin on Saturday.11:08
jelknerWe talked about your progress, which he said is really good.11:08
jelknerSo all teams are moving forward.11:08
jelknerThat is great, and we need to sustain it.11:08
jelknerAnything else before I go?11:09
mulbah_Yeah Jeff I'm giving all what I get to make this come true 11:09
jelknerI'm going to go see Mr. Zawolo.11:09
scooperI share the draft mou with Mr. Zawolo and you11:09
jelknerGo, scooper, we don't have a lot of time!11:09
scooperdid you see it??11:09
jelkneryes, scooper, of course I saw it.11:09
scooperMr. Zawolo said he received it11:09
scooperbut didn't contribute to it yet11:10
jelknerI've told you many times, and I'll say it again.11:10
scooperI know what you said11:10
jelknerI will rely on him for that11:10
scooperjust asking11:10
jelknerSo keep on him! ;-)11:10
jelknerYou know how to call him and such11:10
jelknerMy next task will be to reengage with the Kamal foundation *if and when* we have title to land.11:11
scooperwhat if he doen't not response promptly11:11
jelknerSo you need to form a non-profit11:11
jelknerand get title11:11
jelknerHe will, scooper 11:11
jelknerI can whine and nag.11:11
jelknerI do that well ;-)11:11
jelknerSo that's my job.11:11
jelknerWhen you need me to do it.11:11
jelknerI'll talk to him about it as soon as we finish here.11:12
jelknerNext meeting is Monday, September 30th at this same time and place.11:12
jelknerIt would be great if each team could have a brief report to share11:12
scooperI m not too sure to attend Next week thurday meeting11:13
scooperAccording to Sahnun11:13
scooperdue to my engagement with the Pycon11:13
jelknerShanun can't come next Thursday, that's what he said11:13
jelknerso don't worrry about it11:13
jelknerI want to get him here to meet Blu and Fatima.11:13
jelknerBut that will happen when it does.11:13
jelknerOk, my friend, I've got to go.11:14
jelknerOr I won't get to talk with Mr. Zawolo.11:14
jelknerSee you in 2 weeks everyone!11:14
jelknerAnd in email between now and then.11:14
svayeHave a nice day jelkner 11:14
jelknerACTION signs off11:14
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:15
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:16
*** jkollie has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:21
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:23
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:40
*** gabriel has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:44
*** mulbah_ has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)13:22
*** freena has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)13:29

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