IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Monday, 2024-10-14

jelknerHello mulbah!10:45
jelknerIt's been awhile.10:45
jelknerHow are your Linux+ studies going?10:46
mulbahHow are you doing10:46
mulbahit's going good10:46
mulbahdid Mr. Cole reach out to you10:46
jelknerI haven't talked to him for awhile10:46
jelknerI've been very busy, as usual10:46
mulbahoh I see10:47
jelkneri am part of several organizations as you know10:47
mulbahbut study have been going good10:47
jelknerSJC, NOVA Web, SECOSOL10:47
jelknerplus I work as a teacher10:47
jelknerI have meetings most days10:48
jelknerso I depend on chances like this to catch up with you10:48
jelknerNow that you've been doing it awhile, Mulbah, do you have a better estimate of when you'll be ready for the certification?10:48
mulbahon getting the Linux+ certificate10:49
jelkneryes, of course10:49
jelknerthat's what you're working on10:49
jelknerI asked you a direct question.10:50
jelknerDo you have a better idea when you will be ready for Linux+?10:50
mulbahJanuary will be the best time for me to take the test because the book have many pages and I don't only need to read it put also practice it and understand it 10:52
mulbahJeff I think we need to get a server that everyone will have an account and be asking me to do different, different things on it for then10:53
mulbahthat way I will feeling that I becoming a real sysadmin 10:54
jelknermulbah, I left you with two laptops10:55
jelknerone of them can be used as a server10:55
mulbahI mean for other to have account on it10:55
jelknerwhy no?10:55
tboimahGood day jelkner and mulbah 10:55
jelknerwe need to learn to use our limited resources effectively10:56
jelknertboimah, good morning10:56
jelknergood morning scooper 10:56
scooperGood morning10:56
mulbahyeah I did but the server will not be running all the time because the Internet is not on all the time on it10:56
scooperGood morning jelkner 10:56
jelknermulbah, you all meet at scooper's place10:56
mulbahI only put it on when I'm using it10:56
jelkneryou can do "experiments" there10:57
jelknerlet's work on a quick agenda10:57
jelkneri'm figuring we need to talk about:10:58
mulbahbut I need people I need people asking to solve problem for them10:58
jelkner1. UoPeople students and their next term10:58
jelkner2. quick update on Jetro Web website plans10:58
jelkner3. talk about mulbah request for "real work" to do10:59
jelknerthat's all I have10:59
jelkneranything else?10:59
jelknerit's 7 am (11 am UTC)10:59
jelkneronly 3 of 8 people are here10:59
jelknerDoes that mean the other 5 don't want their stipend for this 1/2 of the month?10:59
jelknerremember, I'm only asking everyone to come twice a month11:00
jelknerand I would like everyone here11:00
jelknerright now, none of the UoPeople group are here11:00
jelknerDaniel emailed me asking for more tuition11:00
jelknerbut if he doesn't show up at our meeting, I won't send it11:01
tboimahI am here 11:01
jelknerwait, my apologies11:01
jelkneryes, my friend, you are here ;-)11:01
jelknerany changes to the agenda?11:01
jelknerlet's get moving!11:01
jelknerthere we go11:02
jelknernow we have 1/2 the members here11:02
freenaGood morning jelkner 11:02
jelknerwell, any feedback on the agenda?11:02
mulbahthe others will soon turn up online11:02
jelknermulbah, the meeting starts at 11 am UTC11:03
jelknerI only have 15 minutes11:03
jelknerif people show up late11:03
jelknerour opportunity is lost11:03
jelknerlet's go11:03
jelknerI'm signing off at 11:15 sharp11:03
tboimahjelkner,  our study have be going will at the university of the people 11:03
jelknerso we have 12 minutes11:04
jelknertboimah, I just registered for a course myself11:04
tboimahand from the look of thing our grades are coming on will11:04
jelknerso I know registration is open now11:04
tboimahbecause i make sure to ask my team how is there grade11:04
jelknerI will need for you to send me an unofficial transcript as soon as you can, tboimah 11:05
svayeGood mornign jelkner tboimah freena mulbah and scooper 11:05
tboimahand went show it i can tell that before the end of the term11:05
jelknerRemember, that is what we agreed11:05
tboimahthey will be able to obtian the B11:05
jelknerif you score B or better in your two courses11:05
freenaGood morning svaye 11:05
jelknerI will fund the next term11:05
jelknertboimah, please send an email with an update from your team11:06
jelknerplease include:11:06
mulbahJeff should be asking Mr. Cole about me too11:06
jelkner1. the courses each team member took11:06
tboimahThe unofficial transcript will be send to you after the final exam11:06
jelkner2. the grades earned in each course11:06
tboimahjelkner, 11:06
jelknerperfect, tboimah 11:06
jelknerok, next item11:07
tboimahwhich happen to be November 711:07
jelknerexcellent tboimah, thanks11:07
scooperJetro Website plan right??11:07
jelknerfreena and scooper - you are working with Blu and Fatima11:07
jelknercommunicate directly with them11:08
scooperWe had11:08
jelknerSahnun met with them in person last Thursday11:08
jelknerso that is moving forward11:08
scooperon did on many occasion Jeff11:08
freenaThat's the thing jelkner 11:08
tboimahjelkner, please do not forget that i am on scholarship now so no need for the pay for my course11:08
scooperBut my question JEFF11:08
jelknertboimah, awesome!11:08
scooperif blu and Fatima11:09
scooperare not contributing should we continue to wait???11:09
jelknertboimah, ask dcamue why he isn't here today11:09
jelknerespecially since he is saying he does need tuition support11:09
scooperIf yes the web team will definitely sit and wait for their response.... is that ok with you??11:09
jelkneri'm not sure what you mean, scooper11:10
jelknerwho to I ask about the bank deposit?11:10
jelknerI thought that was currently scooper and dcamue11:10
jelknerI deposited $2K before October 111:10
scooperwhat do you mean Jeff>>>11:10
jelknerto cover stipends for October and November11:10
scooperAnd we received it11:11
jelknerI am assuming you all now handle the distribution11:11
scooperThomas and Daniel did the withdraw11:11
jelknerremember, that was for 2 months11:11
jelknerso budget accordingly11:11
jelknernext deposit will be December 111:11
scooperThat mean11:12
dcammueGood day guys11:12
scooperwill not not received still december right11:12
dcammueSorry I was washing and I forgot11:12
jelknerok, I'm leaving in 2 minutes11:12
dcammueJelkner 11:12
scooperbefore you leave11:12
scooperIs Jetro Web site ok11:12
jelknerMake it quick scooper 11:12
scooperif yes when are we doing the next project???11:13
jelknerIf Blu and Fatima say it is11:13
scooperThan please tell them to contribute as soon as possible11:13
jelknerNext project is SJC site.11:13
scooperbecause they have't yet contribute since we spoke about collaboration11:13
jelknerBut if you are really looking for a challenge, perhaps we should begin talking about SECOSOL11:13
freenaCan you please ask Blu and Fatima to respond to their mails jelkner 11:13
jelknerThey work each Thursday, Freena11:14
dcammueJelkner,  I will email you concerning the business registry receipt or certificate 11:14
jelknerso I am sure they will respond by then.11:14
jelknerok, see you all at our next meeting11:14
jelknerPlease try to come on time then!11:14
dcammueWe want to take action on the guy that is doing the process11:14
jelknerACTION signs off11:14
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:14
freenaEveryone please check your Telegram chat today 11:15
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dcammueWhat there fkoikoi 11:16
freenaI will send the message for editing by 1:00pm today. 11:16
mulbahscooper we are not receiving nothing for November11:17
dcammueOkay 11:17
freenaI was working yesterday that's why I didn't sent it to everyone mails11:17
scooperSo what should I do mulbah???11:17
dcammueI try calling that guy, but he seem not to respond 11:18
mulbahNo oo I over hear you saying that we are receiving stuff for November 11:18
freenaYou mean the guy responsible for the business certificate??11:18
dcammueSo we need to get police for him then he will provides the real guy for the certificate 11:18
dcammueYes fkoikoi 11:19
dcammueSo that it guys 11:20
dcammueWhat is your input 11:20
freenadcammue 11:20
freenaCall me now please 11:20
jkolliedcammue, have you met this guy in person or you both has just been communicating through phone11:20
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gabrielGood morning guys i am sorry for being late i just woke up, been up all night.11:30
gabrielhas meeting over?11:31
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*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:45
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:02
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*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:39
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)13:41
*** mulbah07 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:57
*** gabriel has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:59
*** mulbah07 has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:13
*** freena has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)14:41

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