IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2025-01-04

BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherUh-oh! That is embarassing...13:00
BigBrotherUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerHappy New Year, freena!14:35
freenaSame to you!14:36
jelknerHow was your holiday?14:36
freenaIt's was great Jeff14:37
jelknerGlad to hear that!14:37
freenaHow was yours jelkner ???14:37
freenaWow, that's good 14:37
jelknerMy wife and I drove more than 5 thousand miles.14:37
jelknerFrom Virginia to Mexico City and back again ;-)14:37
freenaWow, it was a long trip 14:38
jelknerAnd our little car made it the whole way with no problems.14:38
jelknerWe have *a lot* to do this year, freena!14:39
jelkner2025 or bust!14:39
freenaWow, thank God for save trip 14:39
jelknerI am concerned that Mr. Zawolo couldn't make it to Liberia.14:40
jelknerWe need to figure out soon what to do now.14:40
freenaThat's true jelkner 14:40
jelknerI'm glad you're here.14:40
jelknerWe need to start now.14:40
jelknerI haven't checked email yet today.14:40
jelknerSince I met Sahnun for breakfast.14:41
freenaSure, just give me a minute. Let me call the others to be here too14:41
jelknerHappy New Year gabriel!14:42
gabrielGreetings, Jeff, Happy New Year..14:42
jelknerHmmm... no emails from any Jetro Websters.14:43
jelknerSo we'll have to start here now.14:43
gabrielSorry, Jeff..14:44
gabrielBut, Daniel did send an email during last year ending.14:45
jelknerYes, gabriel, I read that.14:45
jelknerWill Daniel be here today?14:46
jelknerHappy New Year dcammue!14:46
freenaYes 14:46
dcammuehi everyone14:46
jelknerLOL, too late freena, he's here ;-)14:46
dcammuesame to you jelkner 14:47
dcammueI am happy to see you guys back in this chat14:47
freenaI was trying to contact Mulbah and Spencer too jelkner 14:48
jelknerme too, dcammue 14:48
jelknerhappy to be here14:48
jelknerand ready to start 2025 off right!14:48
jelknerHappy New Year, jkollie!14:49
jkollieWish you many happy returns jelkner 14:49
gabrielHappy New Year, jkollie14:49
jelknerAnd to you too jkollie 14:50
jkollieSame to you gabriel 14:50
freenajelkner: 14:51
freenaMr. Cooper send his regards but unfortunately, he can't make it here now.14:52
jelknerthat's unfortunate freena 14:53
jelknersince he is important to our discussion14:53
jelknerThere you go Tanaka 14:54
jelknereveryone, i'm in the video chat with Tanaka 14:54
jelknerbut I asked him to join us here as well.14:54
TanakaGreetings everyone and Happy New Year 14:54
gabrielGreetings, Tanaka, Happy New Year..14:55
freenaGreen Tanaka 14:56
freenaGreetings Tanaka 14:56
jkollieSame to you Tanaka 14:56
jelknerHappy New Year svaye!14:56
svayeHappy New jelkner 14:56
jelknerAre we waiting for anyone else or can we get started?14:57
jelknerWe're supposed to start in 2 minutes14:57
jelkneri guess we can wait...14:57
freenaLet's get started jelkner 14:58
mulbahHello everyone14:59
freenajelkner: 15:00
gabrielHello, mulbah, Happy New Year.15:00
dcammuejelkner, i think you need to please post the video chat link here for us15:00
mulbahHappy many returns bro15:00
dcammuegabriel, check you private chat15:00
freenadcammue:, I think we are having the meeting here, right jelkner ?15:01
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gabrieljelkner, can you please share the video chat link with us15:04
jelknergabriel, we're going to meet here15:04
jelknerdr. hubbard, Tanaka and I were the only folks in the video chat15:05
jelknerit's too complicated15:05
jelknerwe can't spend all morning fiddling with tech15:05
jelknerwhen you all have an office15:05
jelkneryou can gather in one place and use one laptop to connect via video15:05
jelknerfor now, irc rocks!15:05
jelknerbesides, we get an automatic log of this channel15:06
jelknerso we keep records transparently without extra effort15:06
jelknerthis is the best15:06
jelknerlet's stick to this15:06
jelknerSo, I have one broad agenda item:15:06
jelknerHow do we make Jetro Web and NOVA Web viable businesses in 2025?15:07
jelknerThat's the big item.15:07
jelknerThere are *lots* of sub items of course15:07
jelknerbut perhaps we can start with the broad discussion?15:07
jelknerWhat do y'all think?15:07
svayeThat's a great idea 15:08
svayeLet's start with the broad discussion 15:08
jelknerso svaye, what do you think we need to do?15:09
dcammueokay, that's a great idea, and to do this there is a problem with one party15:10
dcammuethat is jetroweb, the problem is Jetroweb is not a well establish company yet15:11
svayeMaking jetroweb and Novaweb a viable business, first we have to build a good working relationship with each other and understand how things are done from both ends15:11
freenaI think we need to firstly make the collaboration between Jetro and Nova Web much stronger. It is also understood that jetro Web needs an office space to run a business too15:12
freenaSecondly 15:12
svayeSince novaweb have been in business for a long time and understands the web world, jetroweb could learn alot from them15:13
dcammueand we nee to do that for Jetroweb. after that, jetroweb and novaweb can start to do collaborate with some works15:13
svayeJetroweb and novaweb should be able to work on projects together 15:13
jelknerPlease type "/me done" when you are finished15:14
jelkneri want to respond15:15
jelknerbut only after you finish15:15
svayeACTION done15:15
freenaSecondly, Jetro Web should focus more on responding to small projects so as to get then ready for real businesses15:16
freenaACTION done for now 15:16
jelknerLOL, i like that!15:16
dcammue_novaweb needs to do her best to help jetroweb get to business15:17
dcammue_ACTION done15:17
jelknerok, let me respond15:17
jelknerfirst of all, dcammue_ we have all the business you can handle now15:17
jelknerthe key is getting you all to the level of skill where you can do it15:17
jelkner*that* is the main challenge!15:18
jelkneri really like what freena said15:18
jelknerwe should start with small projects15:18
jelknerthat build your confidence and mine (since i'll be the main customer for now)15:18
jelknerThomas started doing that15:18
jelknerBut he has family concerns to take care of now.15:19
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jelknerSo the question is, how can we get other Jetro Websters to do what he was doing?15:19
jelknerWho can do what?15:19
jelknerthat's what we need to figure out.15:19
jelknerdcammue_, regarding the office15:19
jelknerthat is a real concern of mine15:19
jelknerthere is no way i can just send $3500 dollars15:20
jelkneryou can forget that idea15:20
jelknerat least until there are 4 of you doing what Thomas did15:20
jelknerand i can feel confident the investment is likely to produce real resulsts15:20
jelkneri was hoping Mr. Zawolo would help with this.15:21
jelknerBut he didn't go.15:21
jelknerAnd he is not one to respond to emails.15:21
jelknerSo I won't get to talk with him until we get back to school next week.15:21
jelknerIn the mean time, we need to plan on our own.15:21
jelknergabriel, do you think you can do what Thomas did?15:22
jelknerMulbah (who sadly isn't here)15:22
mulbahJeff the best way to learn is by building and we are learning with out building like working on real world project15:22
jelknerand you are the ones i thought might be able to.15:22
gabrielsure jelkner, I can15:22
mulbahI'm hear Jeff15:22
jelknerah, Happy New Year mulbah!15:22
jelknerGood to see you!15:22
mulbahwish you Happy many returns15:23
jelknermulbah, that's what Thomas was doing.15:23
jelknerJust what you said.15:23
mulbahI been hear ever since 15:23
jelknerLet's reflect on what he did.15:23
jelknerI asked him to configure email for Jetro.15:23
jelknerHe learned how to do that and made it work.15:23
jelknerI can now use your addresses15:24
jelknerand can reach all of you using members@jetrowebdevelopment.org15:24
jelknerThomas made that work.15:24
freenaFor the office space jelkner, I have a concern but that will be after you finish.15:24
jelknerMy next task is using the same tech15:24
jelknerbut is a bit more complicated15:24 needs some fixing15:24
jelknerwe used to be novalaciro.org15:25
jelknerand the email is a bit of a mess15:25
jelkneri want to hire jetro to fix it15:25
jelknerbut i think only Thomas could do that15:25
jelknerACTION done15:25
gabrieljelkner, based on what you said, thomas learned and do it, I can also do the same15:26
mulbahJeff I can help with that15:26
dcammue_freena, come in jelkner finished15:26
jelkneryes you can gabriel, but it would be very important for the 3 of you to work together15:27
mulbahFrom since Luic and I work on the bot he hasn't host it yet15:27
gabrielokay, so what's my task?15:27
mulbahand I want to do it my self but I'm still thinking 15:27
jelknermulbah, i don't understand15:28
mulbahif I should do it or not15:28
jelkneri think all three of you - Thomas, Gabriel, and Mulbah15:28
jelknershould learn the May First infrastructure *TOGETHER*!!!15:28
jelknerwe need depth15:28
jelknernot a single point of failure15:28
jelknerwhen one of you can't make it for some reason15:29
freenajelkner: can I come in now???15:29
jelknerone of your comrades can step in15:29
jelknerplease freena 15:29
svaye Jelkner. Can I say something 15:29
jelknerof course svaye 15:29
jelknerdon't wait, just type ;-)15:29
jelknerirc works best when multiple people type at once15:29
jelknerit moves quicker15:29
jelknerwe get more done in less time15:30
freenaFor the budget of the office space dcammue, I think it should be reduced since we want something as a start15:30
svayeJetroweb is a cooperative with different branches. So if you have a task you can give it to the cooperate and we will decide which group can take care of it.15:31
jelknerfreena, here is the problem for me15:31
jelknerhere in the U.S., if you rent a space15:31
jelkneryou are expected to put down a one or two month deposit15:31
jelknerand then pay month to month15:32
jelknerit looks like you are expected to pay for a whole year up front15:32
jelknerwe can't afford that15:32
jelknerso we're stuck15:32
freenaCan I say something on that??15:32
freenaSince we don't have enough fonts now to rent a space, I think we should focused on putting more effort as a team, like pushing much harder to get Jetro Web to the point that it can do billable projets 15:34
jelknerfreena, i love you!!! ;-)15:35
jelknerthat is exactly what i hoped you would say!15:35
freenaThat way we can save up and rent a office or even purchase a land and build our own office15:35
jelknerremember, this is all about building trust15:35
jelknerthat is our power15:35
jelknerit is not impossible for me to get $3500.15:35
jelkneri could borrow it15:35
mulbahJeff we are open for project 15:36
jelknerbut i won't do that until i trust it is likely to work15:36
jelkneri'm not there yet15:36
jelknerThomas was moving me closer15:36
mulbahand want to work not just to learn all the time15:36
jelkneryes, mulbah15:36
jelknerit is time to combine theory and practice15:36
mulbahthe best way we can should our skill is by building 15:36
jelknerfreena, you regularly demonstrate insight and leadership15:36
jelknerplease continue to step up like that15:37
jelknermake a list of the skills you can provide15:37
freena+1 jelkner 15:37
jelknerand the skills you would like to be able to provide15:37
jelknerthen focus your learning on developing those skills15:37
jelkneri've been thinking they come in two broad areas:15:38
jelknerweb tech and business15:38
jelknerweb tech skills include:15:38
jelkner1. programming15:38
jelkner2. system administration15:38
jelkner3. web design15:38
jelknerand others15:38
jelknerbut we can start with those15:38
jelknerin business i know less15:39
jelknerbut i know we need:15:39
jelkner1. bookkeeping15:39
mulbahI understand Tailwind CSS which is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.15:39
jelkner2. project management15:39
mulbahNode.js JS Python we can't just be learning with out working15:39
jelknerwhich of the 3 things i listed does that fall under mulbah?15:40
mulbah system administration15:40
jelknerhmmm, not so mulbah 15:40
jelknertry again15:41
svayeThey fall under web design jelkner 15:41
jelkneronly one choice left gabriel 15:41
jelknersince you got it wrong too :-(15:41
mulbahI'm not really understanding the question15:41
svayeWeb design 15:41
jelkneryes svaye 15:41
jelknermulbah, you said "I understand Tailwind CSS"15:42
jelknerbut you clearly don't15:42
jelknerso we have a ways to go15:42
mulbahoh I thought you was asking what I studying 15:42
jelknerCSS is about the appearance of web pages15:42
mulbahthat why I side  system administration15:42
jelknerCSS is used to design UI components of a web application15:42
jelknerso it is not programmer or system administration15:43
jelknerwhat are some examples of system administration tasks?15:43
gabrielrunning and managing server15:43
dcammue_fix my mail password issue15:43
svayeI want to understand bookkeeping, and I think that's one of the reason we are attend Uopeople as business students 15:44
jelkner+1 svaye 15:44
jelknerso you could really help out15:44
jelknerwe need bookkeeping badly15:44
mulbahI'm saying I don't understand your question you ask "which of the 3 things i listed does that fall under mulbah?"15:44
jelknerfor the following businesses:15:45
TanakaI will keep track of the updates. I will be travelling soon so I am off !15:45
jelkner1. Social Justice Computing15:45
jelkner2. NOVA Web Development15:45
svayeBut in order to service both jetroweb and novaweb I would have to understand how things are done in the states 15:45
jelkner3. Jetro Web Development15:45
jelkner4. SECOSOL15:45
jelkner5. Mujeres Manos a La Obra15:45
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jelknersvaye, you need to learn howt things are done in the states15:45
jelknerthat's our big plan for collaboration15:46
jelknerlike you said svaye 15:46
jelknerit is part of jetro and nova working together15:46
jelknersvaye, i am part of another organization15:47
jelknerMexico Solidarity Project15:47
jelknerthat was really what my trip to Mexico was all about15:47
jelknermeeting up with other comrades from that organization15:47
jelknerit is small, and it's budget is small15:47
jelknerso it and SJC might be good places for you to start15:47
jelknerif you could be the bookkeeper for SJC15:48
jelknerand then help me with MSP if i take on that role15:48
jelknerit would give us a chance to learn by doing15:48
jelknerand dcammue_ 15:48
jelkneryou should be doing this together!!!!15:48
jelknerwe don't want a single point of failure15:49
jelknerif svaye has a family emergency15:49
jelknerwe need to know that there is another jetro member who can fill the breach15:49
jelknerok, we've been at this about an hour15:50
jelknerlet's bring it to a close for this week15:50
jelknera few quick questions15:50
jelknerHow is Thomas's mother?15:51
jelknerMaybe that isn't a quick question.15:52
jelknerPlease let me know by email.15:52
svayeAre we going to start again with Uopeople jelkner?15:52
jelknerYes, svaye 15:52
freenaHe said that she's responding to treatment 15:52
jelknerThanks freena 15:52
jelknerthat is good to hear!15:52
jelknersvaye, did you register?15:52
jelkneryou should register15:52
jelkneri owe you and dcammue_ the admin fees15:53
jelknersince you made the grades15:53
svayeI can't register if the first fees are not paid15:53
jelknerwell, how can i pay them?15:53
jelknerSJC will pay those15:53
jelknerthat is our understanding15:53
jelkneryou need to send me info on how to pay15:53
svayeYou could send the money to jetroweb account and we would use the credit card to pay15:54
jelknerlook, it costs $50 every time we make a transfer15:54
jelknerso you all need to budget15:54
svayeThat's how we did it when you came to Liberia 15:55
jelknersvaye, dcammue_ freena 15:55
dcammue_Thomas mother is trying and they left for home today from the hospital15:55
jelkneryou can all learn to do bookkeeping starting with your own business15:55
freenaI'm here jelkner 15:55
jelknerdcammue_, that is great news!15:55
svayeYes jelkner 15:55
jelknerwhy not use the money already sent to pay the fees15:55
jelknertrusing that SJC will include that amount in the next payment15:55
jelknerwhich comes at the beginning of February, yes?15:56
jelknerstart to show initiative15:56
jelknertake the lead15:56
jelknerfreena, helps us out here15:56
jelknerfigure this out15:56
svayeWe could do that 15:56
jelknerand you should15:57
freenaFigure out what jelkner ???15:57
jelkneraren't you following?15:57
jelkneri only want to send large transfers15:57
freenaI am following 15:57
jelknersince we pay $50 every time we do it15:57
svayeWe can't wait until February, the next term starts in January 15:57
dcammue_jelkner, that credit card is giving issue 15:57
jelkneryou aren't understanding15:57
jelknerdcammue_, i can't fix things if you can't fix things15:58
freenaHow much is the fees svaye ??15:58
jelknerfreena, dcammue_ svaye 15:58
jelknerhere is what i am saying15:58
jelkneryou need to learn to manage a budget15:58
jelknersimple as that15:58
jelkneryou need to plan15:58
dcammue_so we want to get the business certificate before solving the issue15:58
jelknerand make decisions15:58
freenaOh,  okay 15:59
jelknerSJC will send the next transfer at the end of this month15:59
freenasvaye: dcammue_ , how much is the fees??15:59
jelknerthe UoPeople fees can be added to it15:59
dcammue_so hopefully, any time next week we  will get the certificate15:59
jelknerwe already added an extra $500 last time15:59
jelknerwhat happended to that?15:59
dcammue_then we will do that16:00
jelkneryou need to learn to manage your budget16:00
jelknerthat's what i'm trying to say16:00
dcammue_but i did not say jelkner  should fix it16:00
jelknerdcammue_, keep thinking about this16:00
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dcammue_i just letting you know the issue 16:00
jelkneryou build trust when you show up and solve problems16:00
jelknerit gives me confidence we can make this work16:01
freenaThat's right 16:01
jelknerthe more confidence i have16:01
jelknerthe more effort and risk i am prepared to take16:01
dcammue_it giving invalid respond16:01
jelknerthat's how we succeed16:01
jelknerok last question16:01
jelknercan we meet at 3:30 pm your time instead of 3 pm?16:02
jelknerSahnun would like to be on the SJC board16:02
jelkner3:30 pm works better for him16:02
jelknerso he can join us16:02
jelknergabriel, jkollie svaye ?16:02
svayeThat's okay 16:02
jelkneryou're not paying attention gabriel :-(16:03
jelkneri didn't see a +1 or -1 from you16:03
gabrieli am, but I though you was asking a question16:03
jelknerthere we go16:04
jelknerok next week at 3:30 pm then16:04
jelknerplease respond to email in between16:04
jelknerHappy New Year everyone!16:04
dcammue_so last thing jelkner 16:04
gabrielHappy New year jeff16:04
jelknerand tell Thomas I am thinking about him and his mother16:04
jelkneryes, dcammue_?16:04
jelkneri need to go16:05
svayeHave a nice day jelkner 16:05
jelknerYou too svaye!16:05
freenaHave a great Day jelkner 16:05
dcammue_we should go back to the pace owner and tell them that we do not want the place again16:05
jelknerI can't tell you what to do dcammue_ 16:05
freenaI don't think that question is necessary dcammue 16:05
jelknerbut i'm not sending $350016:05
jelknerdo with that as you will16:05
jelknermake sense?16:06
dcammue_have a nice week jelkner 16:06
svayeThanks jelkner we will discuss what is best to do 16:06
jelknerfreena, let me know how much extra SJC needs to send to cover the UoPeople costs16:06
jelknerso we can send that in our February 1 transfer16:07
jelknerhave a great week!16:07
jelknerACTION signs off for the day16:07
dcammue_Thanks jelkner 16:07
gabrielyou too!16:07
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:07
gabrielbye guys16:07
svayeACTION signs off16:07
*** gabriel has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:07
freenadcammue_: 16:07
freenasvaye: 16:08
freenaHow much is the fees??16:08
svayeIt should be 120USD per course 16:08
freenaAlright 16:08
freenaDcammue 16:08
svayeBut I will double check and email you tomorrow 16:09
freenaHow much do we have left in the account??16:09
dcammue_but i really confuse here with jeff you know16:09
freenaPlease answer me dcammue_ 16:09
dcammue_the balance was not really recorded16:10
dcammue_because we did a signed for the monry16:10
freenaHmm, how much was withdraw??16:10
dcammue_we can only check the balance with the card16:11
dcammue_but it giving issue16:11
freenaHow much was withdraw dcammue_ ??16:11
dcammue_i did the report 16:11
dcammue_you did not see it16:12
freenaCan you please answer16:12
dcammue_2500 was sent and 2300 was withdraw16:13
freenaIf you don't want to answered it's fine, I will just keep what I have to say till the next meeting 16:13
freenaAlright thanks 16:13
freenaThe fees will be paid from the remaining money left in the account 16:14
dcammue_and maybe we have not more than 500 in the account16:14
freenaThanks dcammue and svaye 16:14
svayeHave a nice day everyone 16:15
dcammue_that money will not pay it all freena 16:15
freenaIt's will dcammue_ 16:15
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dcammue_svaye, 16:15
dcammue_you ask me why16:16
freenaIt can pay you and svaye fees at Uopeople16:16
svayeIt was about the account dcammue_ 16:16
freenaWhy dcammue_ ??16:16
dcammue_because is jeff that said that jetroweb cannot operate real business without office 16:16
freenaDcammue 16:17
dcammue_but he now saying that he can not afford rent 16:17
freenaDcammue 16:17
svayeI think we can discuss this on Saturday at Spencer place16:18
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freenaThe money is going to pay for  educational fees16:18
dcammue_you saw the message i sent you this morning16:18
freenaHave a nice day svaye and dcammue_ 16:19
freenaACTION signing off16:20
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