*** scooper has quit (None) | 10:59 | |
scooper | Good morning jelkner | 11:31 |
dcammue | Good morning, to you all | 11:44 |
freena | Good morning jelkner, dcammue and scooper | 11:44 |
dcammue | Good morning freena | 11:44 |
scooper | good dcammue | 11:45 |
scooper | good freena | 11:45 |
jelkner | Good morning dcammue freena and scooper | 11:49 |
jelkner | who else is coming? | 11:49 |
jelkner | Thomas emailed us back that he plans to attend at 8 pm your time | 11:49 |
scooper | everyone should be there | 11:49 |
jelkner | oh, that's great! | 11:49 |
scooper | right Daniel?? | 11:49 |
jelkner | since i need to make good use of time (we all do) | 11:49 |
jelkner | so short, productive meetings need to be our aim | 11:50 |
jelkner | and there he is | 11:50 |
jelkner | Good morning tboimah | 11:50 |
tboimah | Good Morning and Good morning day folks | 11:50 |
jelkner | while you still have 10 minutes of morning | 11:51 |
tboimah | Good morning jelkner | 11:51 |
tboimah | +1 | 11:51 |
jelkner | while we wait for svaye (and i do hope svaye will be here!) | 11:51 |
jelkner | let me ask for a volunteer to chair our meeting on Saturday | 11:51 |
jelkner | we have a high school programming contest at my school this saturday | 11:52 |
jelkner | so i will once again be unable to fully focus on our saturday meeting | 11:52 |
tboimah | I can do that | 11:52 |
jelkner | perfect! | 11:52 |
jelkner | thanks tboimah | 11:52 |
tboimah | You're welcome | 11:52 |
jelkner | NOTE: tboimah will chair the meeting on Saturday | 11:52 |
jelkner | tboimah, with that in mind, one of my user stories we should discuss now | 11:53 |
jelkner | getting the irc bot to work | 11:53 |
jelkner | Luis was working on that with whom from Jetro? | 11:53 |
tboimah | Mulbah | 11:53 |
jelkner | Ah | 11:53 |
jelkner | Well, neither of them have yet delivered it | 11:53 |
jelkner | and it has been a *loooooooooooong* time! | 11:54 |
jelkner | way too long | 11:54 |
jelkner | that's what we need to learn to do better | 11:54 |
tboimah | I will have to fine out that from Mulbah | 11:54 |
jelkner | i asked for that several months ago | 11:54 |
jelkner | perfect | 11:54 |
jelkner | freena, scooper, you two need to learn to pay attention to these things | 11:54 |
jelkner | when a job comes in | 11:54 |
jelkner | whoever is responsible for project management needs to keep track of the tasks | 11:55 |
jelkner | and know when they are finished | 11:55 |
jelkner | or when they bog down | 11:55 |
jelkner | the irc bot bogged down | 11:55 |
freena | Okay jelkner | 11:55 |
jelkner | i don't think Mulbah could totally figure it out | 11:55 |
jelkner | or Luis | 11:55 |
jelkner | so they just gave up and never finished the work | 11:56 |
jelkner | we can't let that happen | 11:56 |
jelkner | it will put us out of business | 11:56 |
jelkner | tboimah, the channel op is a related story | 11:56 |
jelkner | it too requires learning about irc | 11:56 |
jelkner | and how it works | 11:56 |
tboimah | I will start my research on that today | 11:57 |
jelkner | if you look over at the #novawebdev channel, you can see a symbol next to my nick | 11:57 |
jelkner | i see a green circle on hexchat | 11:57 |
jelkner | that means i'm a channel op | 11:57 |
scooper | As it relates to paying attention to projects I think it should be done by dcammue and svaye Jeff | 11:57 |
scooper | they are the business manager for now | 11:57 |
jelkner | a channel op has rights to manage the channel | 11:57 |
jelkner | they can kick out a troll (using /kick <nick>) | 11:58 |
jelkner | and other things | 11:58 |
jelkner | tboimah, you should become a channel op yourself | 11:58 |
jelkner | right now we have no channel op in this channel | 11:58 |
jelkner | that's not good | 11:58 |
tboimah | Okay | 11:58 |
jelkner | so that covers two of my 4 stories | 11:59 |
jelkner | Jetro needs to figure out who will work on Decidim | 11:59 |
jelkner | we need a serious, talented, hard working person! | 11:59 |
jelkner | Decidim support is one of the two pillars of NOVA Web's business plan | 11:59 |
jelkner | we want to be able to get contracts setting up and training folks to use Decidim | 12:00 |
jelkner | so we need to learn to use it first!!! | 12:00 |
jelkner | LOL | 12:00 |
jelkner | i figure it will take us about a year to do that | 12:00 |
jelkner | if we work hard | 12:00 |
jelkner | if we don't work hard, it could take us forever :-( | 12:01 |
jelkner | so, i need to know who in jetro will be the main point of contact for Decidim | 12:01 |
jelkner | tboimah, you can't do everything | 12:01 |
jelkner | so we need to distribute the responsibility around the coop | 12:02 |
jelkner | but you all are responsible for *everything* in the broadest sense | 12:02 |
jelkner | since you all own the business | 12:02 |
jelkner | that's what a coop is! | 12:02 |
jelkner | ok, i don't see svaye | 12:02 |
jelkner | that is ashame | 12:02 |
jelkner | since i wanted her here especially today | 12:03 |
jelkner | dcammue, freena you two need to weigh in on this too | 12:03 |
jelkner | so we will have to proceed without her | 12:03 |
jelkner | ready? | 12:03 |
jelkner | ACTION waits for folks to say they are ready?... | 12:04 |
tboimah | ready | 12:04 |
freena | Ready | 12:04 |
dcammue | Ready | 12:04 |
jelkner | scooper? | 12:04 |
jelkner | you're not ready? | 12:05 |
scooper | I m read but not for decice | 12:05 |
scooper | Decidim | 12:05 |
jelkner | i'm not asking about that | 12:05 |
jelkner | i'm asking if you're ready to talk about this: | 12:05 |
jelkner | https://www.openbookproject.net/books/sebookkeeping/ | 12:05 |
scooper | If so I m ready | 12:05 |
scooper | ACTION having a serious concern here | 12:06 |
scooper | can I speak it out since we are talking??? | 12:06 |
jelkner | ACTION wishes scooper would voice his concern! | 12:07 |
dcammue | What is it | 12:07 |
jelkner | don't ask, scooper | 12:07 |
jelkner | do it! | 12:07 |
scooper | Few days ago you came through and wanted Jetro to help make the SJC Website responsive | 12:07 |
scooper | after apply my little effort | 12:07 |
scooper | you did not get back to me on the concern I raise with a resolution | 12:08 |
jelkner | i think i did get back to you scooper | 12:08 |
scooper | With this I feel disappoint and think that my effort was not appreciated | 12:08 |
jelkner | so we have a disagreement | 12:08 |
jelkner | i'm sorry you feel unappreciated | 12:09 |
jelkner | i appreciate your effort | 12:09 |
jelkner | but it is so important for our success that we are able to achieve results | 12:09 |
jelkner | you apparently didn't understand my response | 12:10 |
jelkner | since i did repond | 12:10 |
jelkner | respond | 12:10 |
jelkner | thanks to your effort, we learned that we need to learn to use git properly | 12:10 |
jelkner | Blu's mom is a git expert | 12:10 |
jelkner | Blu is now working with her to learn to use git properly | 12:10 |
jelkner | we also have mattva01 who comes Thursday evenings | 12:11 |
jelkner | he is a git expert too | 12:11 |
jelkner | so, when we figure out how to use git | 12:11 |
jelkner | we can resume the work flow on the SJC website | 12:11 |
jelkner | we are blocking on it until then | 12:11 |
jelkner | Thursday nights are the "heartbeat" | 12:11 |
jelkner | i count on them to try to *unstuck* things that are stuck | 12:12 |
jelkner | like our git workflow | 12:12 |
jelkner | ACTION done | 12:12 |
scooper | Thanks for making clarity now I understand but first I was keep in the dark | 12:12 |
jelkner | why scooper | 12:12 |
scooper | Next concern | 12:12 |
jelkner | i said all that in email | 12:12 |
scooper | You promise to come with with another project | 12:13 |
jelkner | tboimah, asked for 4 projects | 12:13 |
jelkner | i gave them to him | 12:13 |
scooper | You promised to come through with another project | 12:13 |
jelkner | scooper, we are in a period of skills building | 12:13 |
jelkner | i don't fully understand what you are looking for | 12:13 |
scooper | You saying | 12:14 |
jelkner | i think about projects all the time | 12:14 |
scooper | said | 12:14 |
jelkner | but we lack the skills for most of them | 12:14 |
jelkner | so building our skills is the main task | 12:14 |
scooper | You will give Jetro project that we can work on that will prepare us to handle client project if it is done successfully | 12:14 |
jelkner | yes, and we have several such projects: | 12:15 |
jelkner | 1. SJC website | 12:15 |
jelkner | 2. SECOSOL website | 12:15 |
scooper | 2 have been done already | 12:15 |
jelkner | 2. Ubuntu Clean Cooking Alliance website | 12:15 |
jelkner | 3. that is | 12:15 |
jelkner | 4. Jetro Web website!!!! | 12:15 |
jelkner | what more do you want? | 12:15 |
jelkner | scooper, with a lot of hard work and a bit of luck | 12:16 |
jelkner | we can get where we need to be to be "professionals" | 12:17 |
jelkner | until then | 12:17 |
jelkner | you need to understand | 12:17 |
jelkner | that you will do a lot of work which will only be for learning | 12:17 |
jelkner | you can take any of those projects i listed | 12:17 |
jelkner | and "hack on them" | 12:17 |
scooper | I know | 12:17 |
jelkner | will you produce professional results? | 12:17 |
jelkner | probably not | 12:17 |
jelkner | so we may not even use much of what you do for awhile | 12:18 |
jelkner | at a certain point, if you make it to the promised land | 12:18 |
jelkner | folks looking at the work will say, "wow, that looks *great*!" | 12:18 |
jelkner | then you will have arrived | 12:18 |
jelkner | until then | 12:18 |
jelkner | it's work, work, work | 12:18 |
jelkner | ACTION done | 12:18 |
scooper | Got you | 12:18 |
jelkner | we need to talk about the business | 12:18 |
jelkner | before i go | 12:18 |
jelkner | freena, dcammue i wish you two could weigh in on this | 12:19 |
jelkner | i want to be clear | 12:19 |
jelkner | if Jetro can not keep good financial records | 12:19 |
dcammue | +1 | 12:19 |
jelkner | SJC will loose confidence in it and may stop funding it | 12:19 |
jelkner | i've been saying that over and over, yes? | 12:20 |
dcammue | +1 sir | 12:20 |
jelkner | so i was thinking, NOVA Web needs to learn that too | 12:20 |
jelkner | so, to quote the author of a CS text I like, | 12:20 |
freena | Okay jelkner | 12:20 |
jelkner | if you want to learn a subject, you must write a book on it | 12:20 |
jelkner | so yesterday i started a new book | 12:21 |
jelkner | whose link in just sent you | 12:21 |
jelkner | ved and i will work on it | 12:21 |
jelkner | but we need a co-author from Jetro | 12:21 |
jelkner | dcammue and svaye are the business majors | 12:21 |
jelkner | so one of them seemed to me to be the best candidate | 12:22 |
jelkner | i thought svaye since she seems to me to be one of Jetro's strongest writers | 12:22 |
jelkner | tboimah and freena also write well | 12:22 |
jelkner | but she isn't here | 12:23 |
jelkner | to see her name on the book | 12:23 |
jelkner | and tell us whether she is willing to do it | 12:23 |
jelkner | freena and scooper, Jetro needs a bookkeeper! | 12:23 |
jelkner | you all have to decide who that is | 12:23 |
jelkner | i suggest you have a backup bookkeeper too | 12:23 |
jelkner | candidates are: svaye freena dcammue | 12:24 |
jelkner | or whomever else you decide | 12:24 |
jelkner | since you rule your own business | 12:24 |
jelkner | but as a representative of the funding organization, SJC | 12:24 |
jelkner | i am trying to tell you what our requirements are | 12:24 |
jelkner | we want to help guide you towards success | 12:25 |
jelkner | and we want to see regular progress in that direction | 12:25 |
jelkner | make sense? | 12:25 |
freena | +1 | 12:25 |
tboimah | +1 | 12:25 |
dcammue | +1 | 12:25 |
jelkner | So NOVA Web had it's weekly work session this evening | 12:26 |
jelkner | Can you all decide together who the co-author of this book will be? | 12:26 |
jelkner | and let us know | 12:26 |
jelkner | Ved and I will work with that person to study bookkeeping together | 12:26 |
jelkner | using a "hands-on" approach setting up the books for NOVA and Jetro Web | 12:27 |
jelkner | ACTION done | 12:27 |
jelkner | i have to go | 12:27 |
tboimah | Sure we will do that and get back to you on Monday | 12:27 |
jelkner | ok | 12:27 |
jelkner | tboimah, let's communicate by email | 12:27 |
tboimah | Alright | 12:28 |
jelkner | see what you can find out about the bot | 12:28 |
jelkner | and think about the Saturday meeting | 12:28 |
tboimah | sure! | 12:28 |
jelkner | i'll see Sahnun this evening | 12:28 |
jelkner | and update him on all our conversations | 12:28 |
jelkner | and send out a reminder about the Saturday meeting | 12:28 |
jelkner | ok, gotta go | 12:29 |
jelkner | I'm assuming from what tboimah just said | 12:29 |
freena | Have a nice day jelkner | 12:29 |
tboimah | Okay, jelkner have a nice day | 12:29 |
jelkner | you want to meet again at this time on Monday? | 12:29 |
jelkner | i can do that | 12:29 |
jelkner | let me know | 12:29 |
dcammue | +1 | 12:29 |
jelkner | thanks everyone, have a great afternoon / evening! | 12:29 |
jelkner | ACTION signs off | 12:29 |
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 12:30 | |
tboimah | ACTION sign off | 12:30 |
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Stephen | Good afternoon and good evening folks... | 22:03 |
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Stephen | I'm not seeing any dialogue at all. Just a blank page... | 22:07 |
Tanaka_ | Same here | 22:07 |
jelkner | hello | 22:10 |
jelkner | sorry | 22:10 |
jelkner | i'm on the phone | 22:10 |
Stephen | Ok... | 22:11 |
jelkner | trying to walk and chew gum at same time | 22:13 |
jelkner | which i can never do! | 22:13 |
jelkner | sorry, i'm here now | 22:13 |
jelkner | and blu is too | 22:13 |
jelkner | and Marin | 22:13 |
jelkner | awesome | 22:13 |
jelkner | our main TODO for this evening | 22:13 |
Marin | Hello!! | 22:13 |
blu | hi! | 22:14 |
Tanaka_ | Hello everyone | 22:14 |
jelkner | is to get everyone set up on our repo | 22:14 |
jelkner | https://codeberg.org/SocialJusticeComputing/UbuntuCleanCookingAlliance | 22:14 |
jelkner | i need to make one of you an owner | 22:14 |
jelkner | so that you can manage it | 22:14 |
jelkner | blu, can you do that please? | 22:15 |
jelkner | since your mom is our mentor | 22:15 |
blu | yep! | 22:15 |
jelkner | perfect! | 22:15 |
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Marin | We are taking a look at the website objectives! and your description of the key requirements. | 22:29 |
Marin | Do you want there to be a login functionality so that you can login and leave reviews | 22:31 |
Tanaka_ | I think that would be useful | 22:32 |
Tanaka_ | That would be for the users right ? | 22:32 |
blu | yes, users would be able to log in and create reviews and comments which would be connected to their accounts | 22:33 |
Marin | also do you want an admin version of the site so that you can moderate comments and see statistics? | 22:33 |
Stephen | If I might be so bold here, the issue is really managing users, and the impact of having non-registered participation vs. registered. What's the most efficient way to weed out bad users or folks who will post trash, whatever that is... | 22:33 |
Stephen | Registered users will cut down on bad actors, but reduce participation. But maybe start with registration required for posting but now reading or downloading... | 22:35 |
Stephen | ...but not downloading or reading... | 22:35 |
Stephen | One of the requirements is to track where users are from and what they download. So its useful if when they download something, the system asks who they are as a way to try to identify them in the future... | 22:36 |
Marin | Thats what we were thinking we understand the downloading and reading should be accessible to everyone but the leaving reviews should be limited to logged in users. It could be beneficial to have a moderator | 22:39 |
blu | https://codeberg.org/SocialJusticeComputing/UbuntuCleanCookingAlliance/src/branch/main/website/README.md | 22:40 |
Stephen | A big issue with previous clean cooking stove programs is that stoves are built, and then only used a few times before they are abandoned. So trying to contact someone who has built a stove to see if they are using it is key to success | 22:40 |
Stephen | Yes, a moderator would be very helpful... | 22:40 |
Marin | are these the correct reasons you would need an account: downloading stove, leaving reviews, discussions with others | 22:48 |
Stephen | Yes. | 22:49 |
Tanaka_ | I am off. I to run for dinner before the dinning hall closes | 22:49 |
Tanaka_ | *have | 22:50 |
Stephen | And the system would say the reason we need an account is for a simple follow-up: Did you build the stove, are you continuing to use it, if yes, one set of multiple choice responses, if not, a different set... | 22:50 |
Marin | ok! Enjoy dinner! | 22:50 |
shmohamud | I am wondering if we would want to somehow separate users who want to build a stove from users who want to learn more / donate. | 22:50 |
Stephen | By Tanaka... | 22:51 |
Stephen | Bye... | 22:51 |
Stephen | Yes, then they don't have to register although I'm sure many will say they just want to learn, and then download and build so they remain anonymous | 22:53 |
Stephen | But I don't see a way around that issue... | 22:53 |
blu | We would create a function within the site that would verify that a user was registered before downloading, and if they arent it will redirect them to the registration page | 22:55 |
Stephen | Yes, that would work... | 22:59 |
shmohamud | ll | 22:59 |
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Stephen | Ok folks, I've got go run, but if you have any questions, Email me at SMHubbardpp@Gmail.com | 23:04 |
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