IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Thursday, 2025-01-30

tboimahGood morning scooper 11:23
scooperGood morning tboimah 11:23
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tboimahGood morning jelkner 12:04
jelknerGood morning tboimah 12:17
jelknerApologies for the delay12:17
jelknerThis is the end of the semester12:17
tboimahNO problem Boss12:17
jelknerand I'm evaluating student final projects12:17
jelknerI got distracted12:17
jelknerWhere is dcamue?12:17
tboimahAhhh okay12:17
jelknerHe called this meeting12:17
jelknerand he isn't here!12:17
tboimahLet me give him a call12:18
jelknerAnyway, you and scooper are here12:18
jelknerso the three of us can meet12:18
jelknerperhaps this will be best, since you two are the key players in our #1 issue12:18
scoopergood morning once again jelkner and tboimah 12:18
tboimahGood morning scooper 12:18
jelknertboimah, scooper, both mr. zawolo and i feel you should take tboimah up on his *very generous* offer to host Jetro until SJC can help you fund a place of your own.12:19
jelknerI don't know why you all didn't do that in the first place.12:19
jelknerRumor has it you've been the blocker on that scooper 12:19
jelknerand we need to figure this out now12:19
scooperwe done have problem with it12:20
scooperbut I have a concern here12:20
jelkneri don't understand12:20
jelknerwhat's your concern my friend?12:20
scooperThe team will be meeting tomorrow at thomas place12:20
jelknerand saturday?12:21
scooperI wont be able to leave Monrovia three time a week12:21
scooperto get to thomas place12:21
jelknerthat's ok12:21
jelknerscooper, you need to think of the coop12:21
scooperbut I m assure you are will only be avialable on saturday12:21
jelkneryou have another full time job already12:21
jelknerwe get that12:21
jelknerit means your flexibility is less12:22
scooperIt will cost me a lot of money from transportation Jeff12:22
jelknerin my mind, we will find a place near the university soon12:22
jelknerand mulbah can move there12:22
scooperI done want to start something I will not continue... in short I done want to deceive you12:22
jelknerand anyone else who needs to stay there can stay there when they need to12:22
scooperI told Mr. Zawolo this before12:22
jelknerwhat are you saying?12:22
jelknerplease be clear, or i won't understand12:23
scooperI m saying please understand I wont be able to go to thomas place three time a week12:23
scooperit will cost me a lot of money...12:24
scooperBut I m willing to work if we have a group task to do....12:24
jelkneryou don't need to go to thomas's place, scooper 12:24
jelkneryou already have better access to the web than most of the other coop members12:24
jelkneryou can work remotely12:25
jelknerif our plan is to have you work with tboimah and sahnun in any case12:25
scooperperfect... thanks for having some level of consideration12:25
jelkneri promise you that Sahnun won't be able to make to tboimah's place! ;-)12:25
scooperand I m meet most often during the week12:25
jelknerso y'all will have to work remotely.12:25
jelknerscooper, this isn't about any *one* member12:26
scooperthomas can join if he has chance12:26
jelknerit needs to be about the coop12:26
jelkneror you aren't going to make it12:26
jelknerwe need to build the capacity of the team12:26
tboimahI think this suggestion you will be problem between 12:26
tboimahThe team12:26
jelknerso think about each member and what there individual needs are in terms of how they work with the team12:26
tboimahbecause other team member will want to do the same12:27
scooperpeople need to speak their mind12:27
jelknertboimah, thanks for raising this concern12:27
tboimahby saying since scooper is work from who they will also want to work from home12:27
jelkneryes, people need to speak their mind!12:27
jelkneryou know i will speak my mind, i always do.12:27
scoopersome people will not take.. but deep down they might have issue12:27
jelknermy plan is to continue to racket up SJC's demands12:28
tboimahThat's the problem scooper 12:28
scoopertboimah, 12:28
jelknerif Jetro wants to continue to receiving SJC support12:28
scoopercan I ask you a question12:28
tboimahOther team member are also coming from distance12:28
jelknerJetro will have to meet those gradually increasing demands12:28
jelknertboimah, let's back up a minute please12:28
scooperif I done turned up during the week how I will you feel about me??12:28
scooperHow long are they going to be commit on coming???12:29
jelknerscooper, we need to define clearly what "turning up" means.12:29
scooperyou should look at it from the angle12:29
jelknerdo you understand what i mean?12:29
jelknertboimah, scooper, what do you think "turning up" means?12:30
tboimahTo work together and discuss coop issue12:30
tboimahon how to move forward12:30
scooperwhich can be done remotely 12:31
jelknersure, but how can we *measure* that?12:31
scooperby the level of work one does12:31
jelknerwhen i talk to my students about this very important topic12:31
jelkneri emphasize that as a teacher, i am interested in two things:12:31
jelkner1. process12:32
jelkner2. product12:32
jelknerin terms of customers and their relationship with Jetro as a business, it is really 2 that matters12:32
jelknerbut i know as an educator that without 1, 2 won't be good12:32
jelknerso if we want a better product, we need a better process12:32
jelknerwe need to continually think about both12:33
jelknerit's time now to focus on 2, PRODUCT!12:33
jelknersince we have been focusing on process for 2 1/2 years12:33
jelkneri am consciously making that shift in focus12:34
jelknerthat is why i am looking for assigned tasks with "deliverable" outcomes12:35
jelknerhow many git commits did svaye make on our bookkeeping book this last month?12:35
jelkneri many times did janet and freena log in to our Decidim in the last month?12:36
jelknerhow many invoices did tboimah and scooper send out for completed website work?12:36
tboimahjelkner, my point here is, If you are tell scooper to stay home and work other team member will not want to meet at the office, they will also want to stay home and work. That will bring problem that is my point here.12:36
jelknertboimah, are you telling me that you and the other 7 members can not recognize that each of you have somewhat different conditions you need to face?12:37
jelknerscooper works for MCSS12:37
tboimahI understand that12:38
jelknerhe has two daughters he needs to raise12:38
tboimahbut i can speak for the others12:38
jelknerhe is much older than the rest of you12:38
jelkner(Not ancient like me, but older ;-)12:38
tboimahI don't have problem with scooper staying home and work it is fine with me12:38
jelknereach of you will have particular issues to face no matter what we do.12:39
tboimahBut i been working with jetro memeber for sometime now i know the way they think12:39
jelknerif you meet at your place tboimah, your transportation costs will be $012:39
jelknerbut others will have a much higher cost12:39
tboimahjelkner, i am not talking about myself12:39
tboimahI don't have problem with scooper working from home i understand12:40
jelknerscooper, what i don't want to see, however, is nickel and diming (see
jelknerif you keep raising little petty concerns about costs, instead of learning financial management and working toward our bigger goals12:41
jelknerwe will fail12:41
jelkneri get the feeling that life can be a hustle on the margins12:41
scooperJeff, I m not play nickel and diming here12:42
jelknerbut a successful web coop will need to raise above that12:42
jelkneri keep asking for a budget12:42
scooperI m not responsible for finance Jeff12:42
jelknerand with svaye and dcamue we will begin working on that12:42
jelknerbookkeeping and a budget12:43
scooperthat why I didn't response to your budget request12:43
jelknertboimah, what we need from everyone is to take ownership of the project12:43
jelknerthat means thinking about the goals12:43
jelknerand the deliverables12:43
scooperI have declined from other activities of Jetro especially money matter and focus on what I m interested in12:43
scooperwhich is frontend12:43
jelknerand working to DELIVER them!12:44
jelknerNOVA Web is struggling with that too.12:44
jelknerI keep telling them that I get SO HAPPY when they send me a bill! ;-)12:44
jelknerbecause that means they did billable work12:44
jelknerit's when they don't send me a bill i get sad12:45
jelknerwhy, after months and months and months12:45
jelknerdon't we have irc working yet?12:45
jelknerkeeps me up at night :-(12:45
jelknerwell scooper, like i said, when you can do professional level work that customers are happy to pay for12:46
jelkneryou will have arrived my friend12:46
jelkneri'll be talking with sahnun about that whenever we meet12:46
jelknerok, brb12:46
tboimahscooper, 12:47
tboimahjelkner, 12:47
scooperwhen jeff leave let talk privately in the hexchat12:47
tboimahPLease tell sahnu i will need to know the time12:47
tboimahwe will be meeting12:47
tboimahI mean scooper , sahnun and Me.12:47
scooperA work like this12:48
scooperSahnun will give you a task to do12:48
scooperwhen you are done you email him12:48
scooperthey he will review your work and give you feedback12:48
tboimahHave you guys started12:49
tboimahHmmm but i don't know about that12:50
scooperI started meeting with Sahnun12:50
tboimahI think i will need to email him 12:50
scooperbefore Jeff12:50
scooperbefore Jeff assigned you and me to meet with him12:50
tboimahscooper, you said you was wanted for us to talk privately let chat12:52
tboimahI will soon be leaving12:52
scoopercheck your private msg12:52
jelknertboimah, ok12:52
jelkneri'm back12:52
tboimahThanks jelkner 12:52
jelknertboimah, i know the time12:53
jelkner5:30 to 6:30 pm EST thursdays12:53
jelknerwhich is 10:30 to 11:30 pm your time12:53
jelknerthat's when sahnun comes here12:53
jelknereach week12:53
jelknerand blu and marin are here too12:54
jelknerand tanaka12:54
jelkneryou two need to show up then12:54
tboimahOKay my friend12:54
jelkneranother time to catch him is in our saturday meetings12:55
jelknermost saturdays i meet with him for breakfast12:55
jelknerand then we meet together on irc12:55
jelknerat 10:30 am EST (3:30 pm your time)12:55
jelknerif we keep those meetings short, why not try to ask him if he can stay around a few minutes after12:56
jelknerremember, he has a full time job12:56
jelknerhe's just a volunteer12:56
jelknerif you want volunteers to stay around12:56
jelkneryou need to respect their time, and give them what they want12:56
jelknerwhat do volunteers want?12:57
jelknertboimah, what do you think volunteers want?12:57
jelkneranything else?12:58
jelknernice, but going back to our early discussion12:59
tboimahVolunteers also want to see you effort12:59
jelknerthose are all process things12:59
jelknerthey may also want to see product12:59
jelkneri think volunteers want to *feel good* about what they are doing12:59
jelknerthat's what motivates them to give their time12:59
jelknerso they want to believe that what they are doing *matters* in some way13:00
jelknerso if sahnun sees you become successful, he feels like his time is well spent13:00
jelknerwhich motivates him to continue13:00
jelknerbut you are right, you need to put in time, and focus, and commitment to do that13:01
jelknercool, this is a good discussion13:01
jelknerok, i have to go13:01
tboimahOkay jelkner thanks for today13:01
jelknerthank you13:01
scooperthanks jelkner 13:01
jelknersahnun will be here this evening at 5:30 pm my time13:01
jelknerblu and marin will be here earlier (3 pm i hope)13:02
jelknersee if you can show up13:02
jelknersee y'all later13:02
scooperok jeff13:02
jelknergreat chatting with you!13:02
scoopersame here13:02
jelknerACTION signs off for now...13:02
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scoooperHi Blu21:51
blu_I just had a quick question about your merge request21:51
scoooperjelkner, said you wanted us to talk21:51
blu_first of all, I added a branch protection so everytime you want to merge your branch into main ill have to review it. Other than that, I was wondering if your last request was a "final" version of the about page?21:54
scoooperNo it's not a final version of the about page but it's 90 percent completed21:55
scoooperWhat do you think about this? should I complete the task and come back went I m done??21:58
blu_So i see a couple problems with it that make me a bit hesitant to approve it. Specifically you added Ved twice it seems and added Jeffs bio to Dr. Hubbards profile? Also it looks like you got rid of Vrishins profile, Iif you need his bio and photo to complete it i can definitely send it to you21:58
scoooperplease give me a minutes let me see what you are taking about22:00
TanakaGreetings Team22:00
scoooperHello Tanaka22:01
scoooperI m having all information position at the right place22:02
scoooperthe only thing I did is hide their detail22:02
scoooperthat if you want to read more about each member, you just need to click on read more.22:03
scoooperthat is the functionality I m working on to display their info when you click on read more...22:03
scoooperare you still there??22:05
blu_hey! sorry! im submitting a review right now, so that way you can see what I am seeing22:06
blu_let me know if you see my comment22:08
scoooperI saw your comment22:10
scoooperhere it is22:11
scoooperYou have Ved here twice, Dr. Hubbards bio has Jeffs bio and Vrishin isn't on here anymore. If you can fix these changes first, then ill approve your request!22:11
blu_perfect, hopefully you can see what I am talking about now22:11
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scoooperOK I m will send you an email tomorrow when I M done22:13
scoooperyou done need to send me their information I have already have it22:14
blu_okay perfect, thank you so much!22:14
scoooperok thank for coming through22:14
scoooperjelkner, 22:16
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shmohamudDo you have a minute to answer some questions?22:47
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