BigBrother | Tick Tock! | 13:00 |
BigBrother | It's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting. | 13:00 |
BigBrother | Uh-oh! That is embarassing... | 13:00 |
BigBrother | Unfortunately, there are no items on the agenda! | 13:00 |
BigBrother | Have a nice day, Websters! | 13:00 |
dcammue | Hi devesh | 15:03 |
devesh | Hi! How are you doing? | 15:03 |
dcammue | Cool | 15:04 |
dcammue | How are things going with you guys? | 15:04 |
devesh | Pretty good as of right now. What about you? | 15:05 |
dcammue | Well, we doing great too :-) | 15:13 |
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shmohamud | Hi All! | 15:32 |
shmohamud | Just had breakfast with Jeff | 15:32 |
Tanaka | Good day to you all | 15:32 |
shmohamud | He is running a few minutes behind but asked me to let you all know he'll be on in about 10-15m | 15:32 |
fkoikoi__ | hello shmohamud | 15:32 |
mulbah | hello shmohamud | 15:32 |
mulbah | How are you | 15:32 |
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jkollie | Hi shmohamud | 15:34 |
shmohamud | Good good | 15:34 |
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shmohamud | Is anyone leading todays meeting? | 15:40 |
shmohamud | I don't think Jeff intended for us to wait for him but I'm not sure. | 15:40 |
dcammue | Hi shmohamud, jkollie and Tanaka | 15:41 |
jkollie | Hi dcammue | 15:42 |
Stephen | Hi folks, sorry I'm late... | 15:44 |
shmohamud | Hi Takana, can you confirm this is the feature list for the CCSP? | 15:45 |
shmohamud | Uh oh, looks like he dropped | 15:46 |
fkoikoi__ | !agenda | 15:46 |
BigBrother | Warning: There are no items on the agenda! | 15:46 |
Stephen | Hi. What's the feature list? | 15:46 |
jelkner | hi all, apologies for being late | 15:47 |
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shmohamud | (1) There should be a questionnaire which upon submission should recommend suitable stove designs to select from. When selecting a stove from the options, it should generate a PDF of instructions on how to build it step-by-step. | 15:48 |
shmohamud | (2) There should be a forum of sorts, which should give builders the ability to comment on existing designs and crowdsource ideas for new designs. | 15:48 |
shmohamud | (3) There should be an ability to contact the CCSP team via a form. | 15:48 |
shmohamud | (4) There should be the option to Donate to the project | 15:48 |
shmohamud | That's the feature list I have but I'm not sure if Takana wants to add to it | 15:48 |
Stephen | Where did the feature list come from? | 15:48 |
shmohamud | Conversation with Tanaka by phone | 15:48 |
Stephen | Ah, ok... | 15:48 |
shmohamud | From memory | 15:48 |
Stephen | Yes, there were quite a few more features. Did you see the design document we sent? | 15:49 |
Stephen | Or, is this just the set you are currently working on... | 15:49 |
jelkner | Stephen, what i want to know, is what is the feature Tanaka wants first? | 15:49 |
jelkner | Where is Tanaka, btw? | 15:50 |
jelkner | We definitely want to learn agile | 15:50 |
mulbah | Hello Jeff | 15:50 |
shmohamud | Let me check Stephen | 15:50 |
jelkner | so the process will require an "on site customer" | 15:50 |
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jelkner | with deliverables every two weeks | 15:51 |
jelkner | we really don't need a big long list of features at this point | 15:51 |
jelkner | we can't deliver that | 15:51 |
jelkner | we need to think about what needs to happen first. | 15:51 |
jelkner | so we can: | 15:51 |
jelkner | 1. deliver working code | 15:51 |
Stephen | I'm not sure where Tanaka, is. He was here and now is apparently dropped off. | 15:51 |
jelkner | 2. have the customer (Tanaka and Stephen) interact with and validate that the feature works as they want it to | 15:52 |
Stephen | Blu had mentioned creating a development path, with the order of features to be added... | 15:52 |
jelkner | 3. discuss the next feature to be delivered in the next iteration | 15:52 |
jelkner | rinse, lather, repeat... | 15:52 |
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jelkner | this is really important to understand, since frankly, my personal financial contribution to the project is contingent on using it to learn agile | 15:54 |
jelkner | that makes it a win-win for UCCA and Jetro / NOVA Web | 15:54 |
Stephen | Not sure where he is now. I can't raise him via phone... | 15:54 |
jelkner | alright, to be continued then | 15:55 |
shmohamud | Stephen, I don't have the feature list in my personal or novaweb email... | 15:55 |
jelkner | i'm working on a blog post titled "It's Time for NOVA Web Development to Get Agile!" | 15:55 |
shmohamud | Or, thedesign document | 15:55 |
Stephen | Jeff, did you see my Email regarding a summer job for Tanaka.... | 15:55 |
jelkner | i've promised that by Thursday | 15:55 |
jelkner | we can talk more next week about that | 15:55 |
Stephen | I sent it to jetroweb's email. I'll send it to you... | 15:56 |
jelkner | yes Stephen | 15:56 |
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jelkner | can i call you after this meeting to talk more about that? | 15:56 |
Stephen | yes... | 15:56 |
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jelkner | great, will do | 15:56 |
jelkner | who is chairing this meeting? | 15:57 |
shmohamud | thwnks | 15:57 |
jelkner | from the silence, i assume no one ;-) | 15:57 |
jelkner | i'll chair for the next 10 minutes then | 15:57 |
jelkner | next item: selecting a chair for next saturday | 15:58 |
jelkner | jetro websters, as you can tell from thursday meetings, nova web is really making huge strides | 15:58 |
jelkner | it would be great if you can learn from what you see them doing | 15:58 |
jelkner | and starting doing the same things (in terms of shared leadership) here | 15:59 |
jelkner | i'd like to see one of the jetro websters to assume chair each saturday on a rotating basis | 15:59 |
jelkner | so y'all learn the skill | 15:59 |
jelkner | who will volunteer for next saturday? | 15:59 |
gabriel | Sure, for sharing meeting the business team will have to decide on that | 16:00 |
gabriel | *chairing | 16:00 |
jelkner | gabriel, we need to decide now | 16:00 |
jelkner | i want to begin discussing this with y'all | 16:01 |
jelkner | what is the role of the chair? | 16:01 |
jelkner | 1. to think about goals for the next meeting | 16:01 |
jelkner | 2. to make sure an agenda is in place before the meeting starts | 16:01 |
jelkner | 3. to seek input from the rest of the group so their concerns / interests are reflected in the agenda | 16:01 |
jelkner | dcammue, fkoikoi, gabriel jkollie, mulbah, tboimah | 16:02 |
jelkner | can one of you volunteer to work with me to do that next week? | 16:02 |
tboimah | +1 jelkner | 16:02 |
tboimah | I will | 16:02 |
jelkner | great, we have a chair! | 16:02 |
jelkner | thanks tboimah! | 16:02 |
tboimah | Welcome jelkner | 16:03 |
jelkner | ok, anything else we need today? | 16:03 |
fkoikoi | -1 | 16:03 |
Stephen | shmohamud - What's your email? | 16:04 |
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jelkner | | 16:05 |
jelkner | since Sahnun seems to have dropped | 16:06 |
jelkner | got it Stephen? | 16:06 |
gabriel | We're planning on updating the bot to be more interactive and adding some feature like "!meeting-summery", etc. I don't know if you'll love those changes we're thinking of working on but in due time we'll update you | 16:06 |
jelkner | gabriel, i love that you're thinking about them! | 16:06 |
Stephen | Yes | 16:06 |
shmohamud | sorry about that. Email is | 16:06 |
jelkner | *but*, i'm concerned that if it becomes too complicated | 16:07 |
jelkner | it will be harder, not easier to use | 16:07 |
jelkner | my recommendation is to take it slow | 16:07 |
jelkner | i understand devs | 16:07 |
jelkner | as soon as they get developing, they come it with *all kinds of features*! ;-) | 16:07 |
gabriel | since it's our task, we're preparing to be more pro-active to development | 16:07 |
jelkner | it's what they do | 16:07 |
jelkner | but we want to be user centered | 16:08 |
jelkner | remember, this is a tool for people | 16:08 |
jelkner | it's the people that matter most | 16:08 |
gabriel | sure, we won't break anything, jelkner | 16:08 |
jelkner | so ask yourself, is this new feature really going to help move our process forward? | 16:08 |
jelkner | are people going to use it? | 16:08 |
jelkner | gabriel, i'm asking for training on the current version first | 16:09 |
jelkner | i want to make sure we all know how to: | 16:09 |
gabriel | Okay | 16:09 |
jelkner | 1. add agenda items to meetings | 16:09 |
jelkner | 2. see agenda items for meetings | 16:09 |
jelkner | 3. start meetings | 16:09 |
jelkner | ved and luis are coming over my place in 3 hours | 16:10 |
jelkner | i'll talk to luis more about this | 16:10 |
jelkner | since you are working with him, right gabriel? | 16:10 |
gabriel | okay | 16:11 |
jelkner | but i'm thrilled to see you taking initiative, my friend! | 16:11 |
jelkner | i definitely don't want to squash that | 16:11 |
jelkner | but let's learn from this project how to do things "right" | 16:11 |
gabriel | okay. | 16:11 |
jelkner | anything else? | 16:12 |
Stephen | With regard to the CC website. What is the testing URL so we can check it out? | 16:12 |
jelkner | do we have that yet? | 16:12 |
jelkner | i'll ask ved and luis | 16:13 |
shmohamud | Last i checked we're not hosting it anywhere | 16:13 |
Stephen | Ok, thanks.... | 16:13 |
shmohamud | It's on Blu's local | 16:13 |
jelkner | we talked about the need to get up a public site ASAP | 16:13 |
jelkner | yeah, that won't do | 16:13 |
Stephen | It does not have to be "public" in that if its hard to guess, then its hidden... | 16:13 |
jelkner | so, Tanaka and Stephen | 16:13 |
Stephen | or you can put a PW on it... | 16:13 |
jelkner | sounds like your first User Story is something like this: | 16:14 |
jelkner | As the customer of the Ubuntu Clean Cooking Aliance website, I want a URL I can visit to see the website. | 16:14 |
jelkner | We should deliver that this week | 16:15 |
jelkner | Tanaka, it will be a huge help if you can join us Thursday to help nudge folks toward that aim | 16:15 |
Tanaka | I always join on Thursdays | 16:15 |
jelkner | squeeky wheels get the grease and all ;-) | 16:15 |
jelkner | thanks! | 16:16 |
Tanaka | But the problem is it is hard to stay on my laptop for 3 hours | 16:16 |
jelkner | ah, Tanaka, you and i need to talk | 16:16 |
Tanaka | it would help if I would have like a plan on what the team is working on on that session | 16:17 |
jelkner | if you're hoping to be a software developer that is the life you will be heading towards | 16:17 |
jelkner | if you are just sitting there staring at the screen waiting for things to happen | 16:17 |
jelkner | you're doing it wrong | 16:17 |
Tanaka | I agree , but isn't there a plan that you follow as software developers ? | 16:17 |
jelkner | what do you mean? | 16:18 |
jelkner | by "plan" | 16:18 |
Tanaka | Like for now I am lost on how I can contribute | 16:18 |
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jelkner | ahh, great question | 16:18 |
jelkner | here is what i suggest | 16:18 |
jelkner | come thursday at 3 pm | 16:18 |
jelkner | you have a bunch of homework for school that you need to do, all laid out in front of you | 16:19 |
Tanaka | I have a lecture at 3pm on Thurdays | 16:19 |
jelkner | ahh | 16:19 |
jelkner | never mind | 16:19 |
Tanaka | My last lecture ends at 4:30pm | 16:19 |
jelkner | what time are you available? | 16:19 |
jelkner | ok, so we have our weekly NOVA Web business meeting from 4:30 to 5 pm | 16:20 |
jelkner | so we will all be busy with that | 16:20 |
jelkner | but, Tanaka, i strongly suggest you lurk during those meetings | 16:20 |
jelkner | lurking is how you can begin to learn the culture | 16:20 |
jelkner | just watch what we do there | 16:20 |
Tanaka | Alriht noted Jeff. Thank you for the tip | 16:21 |
jelkner | before you know it, you'll feel like you can stick you neck out and join in the conversation | 16:21 |
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jelkner | so blu and fatima and marin start work at 3 pm | 16:22 |
jelkner | we need to get info to them before then as to how we are going to set up site | 16:22 |
jelkner | i think blu told me she wants to be responsible for that | 16:22 |
Stephen | Ok, I've got to run, but I will be available on my cell. 626-399-6276... | 16:22 |
jelkner | let's confirm with her | 16:22 |
jelkner | i'll call you in a few minutes Stephen | 16:22 |
Stephen | ok...bye till then... | 16:23 |
jelkner | bye | 16:23 |
*** Stephen has quit (Quit: Page closed) | 16:23 | |
jelkner | anything else? | 16:23 |
jelkner | before i drop off | 16:23 |
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fkoikoi__ | -1 for me | 16:24 |
jelkner | tboimah, i'll be in touch with you soon to set up a time to meet on irc this week to talk about planning the agenda for next saturday | 16:24 |
tboimah | Okay | 16:24 |
jelkner | tboimah, please talk about this with the rest of the jetro team to get their input *before* you and i meet | 16:25 |
tboimah | sure! | 16:25 |
jelkner | awesome! | 16:25 |
jelkner | okie dokie, see y'all next week | 16:25 |
jelkner | and i promise not to be late! | 16:25 |
Tanaka | Have a great weekend | 16:25 |
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fkoikoi__ | see you too jelkner | 16:25 |
jelkner | you too Tanaka | 16:25 |
jelkner | bye... | 16:25 |
*** Tanaka has quit (None) | 16:25 | |
jelkner | ACTION logs off | 16:25 |
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