IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2018-05-17

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev08:33
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replaceafillgood morning jelkner10:39
jelknergood morning replaceafill!11:16
replaceafillhello jelkner11:16
jelknerdaniela is at another meeting, but she'll be back soon and then with us until 7 pm11:20
jelknerwe setup the printer and we have the lamination machine11:20
jelknerso that's one thing11:20
jelknereven more important in the grand scheme of things is the conversation roshan started11:21
jelknerhe is really thinking about how to use our website as an organizing tool11:21
replaceafilljelkner, ah yes, i saw11:22
jelknerthat is just what we hoped when we partnered with them11:22
replaceafilljelkner, hopefully you, Mike and the SC will be able to get some "actionables" from that discussion11:23
replaceafilljelkner, and thanks for keeping me in the loop11:23
jelknerif we can learn from the real experience of activists using our platform and make it useful to organizers, we will have arrived11:24
jelknerof course i'll keep you in the loop, man11:24
jelknerwe can't make this happen otherwise! ;-)11:24
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jelknergood morning, zOnny!11:29
jelknerhow is your sister?11:29
zOnnyHello World!11:31
zOnnyjelkner: my sister is feeling better. 11:32
zOnnyjelkner: At least I did talk with her yesterday11:35
zOnnyjelkner: thanks for checking11:35
zOnnyhey replaceafill 11:35
replaceafillhey zOnny11:36
zOnnyreplaceafill: one question 11:36
jelknerglad to hear, zOnny 11:37
replaceafillzOnny, expecting your question...11:39
zOnnyreplaceafill: waiting for zOnny yes?11:39
replaceafillzOnny, you shouldn't when i just said "hey zOnny"11:40
replaceafillzOnny, but ok...11:40
replaceafillwhat's up zOnny? how can i be of assistance this morning?11:40
zOnny:D 11:41
zOnny Do you know why the jumbotron didn't sync ?11:41
replaceafillzOnny, sync?11:42
zOnny*synchronize 11:43
replaceafillzOnny, i know sync mean synchronize, but what do you mean by that?11:43
zOnnyIt seems that it didn't sync the box 'title' or the box at all11:46
replaceafillzOnny, you mean doesn't display boxes?11:46
zOnnyreplaceafill: yes11:46
replaceafillzOnny, let me check11:47
replaceafillzOnny, ah11:47
replaceafillzOnny, my bad11:47
zOnnywell it seems that it display in the events section 11:47
replaceafillzOnny, the tendenci_overrides package was missing11:47
replaceafillzOnny, refresh11:47
replaceafillzOnny, the design looks really nice11:48
replaceafillzOnny, did you get any help with it?11:48
replaceafillzOnny, or is it all you?11:48
zOnnyit is just a proposal replaceafill 11:48
zOnnyI have a meeting with paul today at 4pm11:49
replaceafillzOnny, that doesn't answer my question...11:49
replaceafillzOnny, ah ok, good luck11:49
replaceafillzOnny, i keep insisting that for this type of customer the navbars shouldn't have login links11:49
zOnnywaht you mean with help replaceafill 11:49
replaceafillzOnny, if someone helped you with the graphics and layout?11:50
zOnnynot at all replaceafill I just get an estructural idea from what mr_german is doing with lee's website.11:53
replaceafillzOnny, ah11:53
replaceafillzOnny, cool11:53
zOnnyI have not done yet a website for a candidate  replaceafill 11:53
replaceafillzOnny, well, you are now :)11:53
zOnnyI don't know yet what user expectations are about design replaceafill 11:55
replaceafillzOnny, you'll find out at 4pm :)11:56
zOnnyso far yes 11:56
zOnnyso do I need to pull tendenci_overrides correct ?11:57
replaceafillzOnny, in your local environment? yes11:58
replaceafillzOnny, that gives you the ability to set boxes with names11:58
zOnnyit seems that it is already up to date11:58
replaceafillzOnny, good11:59
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, are you around?11:59
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11:59
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11:59
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11:59
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12:00
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12:00
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12:00
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12:00
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12:00
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12:00
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12:00
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12:00
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12:00
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12:00
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12:00
lelkneralfaro                                                                                                                                          replaceafill, yup I'm here                                              12:01
lelkneralfaroahh, sorry about that12:01
lelkneralfarovery annoying, the enter button got hit a few times12:01
lelkneralfarobut yes, I'm here. 12:01
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, cool, do you want to discuss your friend's application idea?12:01
lelkneralfaroyes please12:01
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, want to give your thoughts here or hangout?12:01
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, let's try hang out, i'm not sure it'll work though12:02
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, give me a sec12:02
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, okay12:03
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, ready and calling...12:03
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jelknermr_german, how are you?12:26
jelknerso good to see you!12:26
mr_germanjelkner, Im good and you!12:26
mr_germanjelkner, good to see you too :)12:27
jelkneri'm very excited about the progress we have been making12:27
mr_germanwith tendenci?12:27
jelknerand as i was saying to your uncle, we are *really* going to need your help this coming month!12:27
mr_germanjelkner, sure!, i am ready!12:27
jelkneryes, with adapting Tendenci into a product that is really useful to folks12:28
jelkneri mean progressive organizations and unions12:28
jelknersince Tendenci is already very useful as it is for many things12:28
jelknerbut we are adding some value to it with a particular set of uses12:29
jelknerthat, in a nut shell, is our business12:29
jelknerand we will rise or fall based on how successfully we can pull it off12:30
mr_germanyes, I understand that12:35
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lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, you there?12:48
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, yes12:48
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, there is one other thing that I forgot to ask about12:49
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, any progress on the newsletter functionality?12:49
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, oh yes, well no :)12:49
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, :)12:49
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, are you planning to do this on "production" soon?12:50
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, i mean, how is the email sending blocking you at this point?12:50
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, the problem with the testing server is that it has many different domains12:50
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, ahh, so if the site were launched12:50
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, and no longer just a testing site12:51
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, it would be easier solve the problem?12:51
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, the problem would be solved12:51
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, correct12:51
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, okay, that's all I needed to know12:51
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, thanks. I'll speak more with Celina and get more of a plan together with her about what she wants to do with her site12:52
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, cool, let me know if you hit any other block12:52
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, will do. thanks :)12:52
lelkneralfaromr_german, you here?12:56
mr_germanlelkneralfaro, Yes!12:57
lelkneralfaromr_german, hey nice to speak to you again :)12:57
lelkneralfaromr_german, have you been doing well?12:57
mr_germanlelkneralfaro, yes, what about you?12:58
mr_germanlelkneralfaro, I just saw your email12:59
lelkneralfaromr_german, yes I've been good too. working away with Nova Web12:59
lelkneralfaromr_german, enjoying warmer weather12:59
lelkneralfaromr_german, good thanks, can you get the button turned on?13:00
mr_germanlelkneralfaro, yes, no problem13:00
mr_germanI can do that quickly13:01
lelkneralfaromr_german, great. that's very important to them13:01
lelkneralfaromr_german, thanks!13:01
mr_germanlelkneralfaro, I can also fix the twitter feedback13:01
mr_germanit's broken13:01
lelkneralfaromr_german, cool they will appreciate that13:03
mr_germanlelkneralfaro, cool, i'm working on that!13:03
lelkneralfaromr_german, thanks!13:04
mr_germanlelkneralfaro, no problem13:04
jelknerping replaceafill 13:09
replaceafilljelkner, pong13:10
jelknerjust forwarded you an email from alison13:10
jelknerthat's the story with the tightest timeline13:10
jelknerif we don't get that in place soon, it won't happen13:10
jelkneri'm waiting to hear back from mike about saturday morning13:11
jelkneri'm thinking of having breakfast with the folks going to the 8am to 9am county board meeting13:11
jelknerif mike can give me a ride back to ACC thereafter13:11
jelknerand join zOnny to talk about the website13:12
jelknerthen sunday we have the meeting with ormd folks13:12
jelknerabout setting up their website13:12
jelkneri just emailed nea4or about our friday planning meeting13:13
jelknerfun, fun, fun! ;-)13:13
replaceafilljelkner, from Alison's email it seems like the candidates don't need accounts in the system13:13
replaceafilljelkner, she only wants their answers posted13:13
jelknerthat simplifies things13:13
replaceafilljelkner, and have the members discuss them?13:13
replaceafilljelkner, probably a topic for each question13:13
jelknerlet's ask mike13:14
jelkneron saturday13:14
replaceafilljelkner, cool13:14
jelknerbtw. you saw we have duncan small back with us for 3 weeks, yes?13:19
jelknerreplaceafill, please think of some useful way for him to contribute if you can13:20
replaceafilljelkner, does he know django?13:20
replaceafilljelkner, or python?13:20
jelknerhe knows some python13:20
replaceafilljelkner, system administration?13:20
jelknerhe was one of the PRIME interns from last summer13:21
jelknerlet me look back over what we had him do then13:21
replaceafilljelkner, ok13:21
replaceafilljelkner, helios iirc?13:21
jelkneryes, i think that's right13:21
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mr_germanlelkneralfaro, are you there?13:37
mr_germanlelkneralfaro, everything is done.13:47
replaceafilljelkner, lelkneralfaro in case you're not paying attention to novawebdevelopment @ gmail there's a Galludet email from yesterday14:00
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, would you mind forwarding it? I haven't seen it14:22
lelkneralfaromr_german, thanks for taking care of it. I'll let them know14:22
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, done14:23
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, could you try sending a newsletter again :)14:24
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, i mean, when you have a chance14:24
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, and let me know if it gets queued again14:24
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, will do. thanks for forwarding the message14:24
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, i'm experimenting with a multi domain solution14:24
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, sure14:24
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mr_germanyou're welcome lelkneralfaro 14:59
mr_germanups wrong chat.15:00
jelknerhi Dany 15:06
replaceafillhola Dany15:15
Danyhola, ya me estaba preocupando por ti replaceafill15:19
replaceafillDany, :)15:19
replaceafillDany, pudiste revisar los cambios que hice hoy por la mañana?15:19
Danysi, ya los ID que he revisado que no funcionaban ya estan funcionando, voy a chequearlos todos por si acaso15:21
replaceafillDany, ah ok15:21
Danyreplaceafill, Jeff te menciono el problema que tenemos con la pocicion de los ID al imprimirlos?15:21
replaceafillDany, no lo hablamos con él pero sí lo noté en los adjuntos que me envió15:22
replaceafillDany, también la letra se mira diferente verdad?15:22
Danyreplaceafill, si, la font cambia al imprimir y se ve mas pegado15:23
replaceafillDany, lo están imprimiendo desde windows?15:23
Danyreplaceafill, no PARA NADA Xd15:25
Danyreplaceafill, se me fue la mayuscula, perdon15:26
replaceafillDany, más extraño aún!15:26
replaceafillDany, hhmm juraría que la fuente va incrustada en el pdf15:26
replaceafillDany, dejame chequear eso15:26
Danyreplaceafill, asi fue, por eso se me hace raro15:26
replaceafillDany, sí, esto es lo que me dice pdffonts:15:28
replaceafill$ pdffonts idcard_2018-05-17_13.pdf 15:29
replaceafillname                                 type              encoding         emb sub uni object ID15:29
replaceafill------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------15:29
replaceafillHEMOMU+Vollkorn-Regular              TrueType          WinAnsi          yes yes yes      9  015:29
replaceafillRNVWUN+Vollkorn-Bold                 TrueType          WinAnsi          yes yes yes     36  015:29
replaceafillsorry for the flood15:29
replaceafillDany, con respecto a la posición15:29
replaceafillDany, podrías medir la distancia al recuadro donde se imprime?15:29
replaceafillDany, quiero verificar que las distancias que he usado en pulgadas son correctas15:30
Danyreplaceafill, te refieres del borde al centro del papel o donde queda exactamente el corte15:31
replaceafillDany, correcto15:31
replaceafillDany, del borde a donde queda el corte15:31
Danyreplaceafill, ok, la parte frontar es 1m.m a la derecha y un 1m.m hacia abajo15:36
Danyreplaceafill, en la parte posterior es 1m.m a la derecha15:36
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replaceafillDany, 1 milímetro?15:37
Danyreplaceafill, si15:42
replaceafillDany, ehhh creo que te he confundido, dame un segundo15:43
Danyreplaceafill, lo siento15:44
replaceafillDany, lo que necesito son las distancias en rojo15:44
replaceafillDany, desde el borde del papel hasta donde está el area de recorte/impresión15:45
replaceafillDany, la linea punteada según
replaceafillDany, no puede ser 1 milímetro según lo que he entendido15:46
Danyreplaceafill, oh ok ok la que se confundio fui yo15:46
replaceafillDany, noooo! la triste realidad!!!
replaceafillDany, esas son las líneas guías del reverso vs el frente15:49
replaceafillDany, (según GIMP)15:49
replaceafillDany, el desfase coincide con las imágenes que compartió jelkner hoy por la mañana15:51
replaceafillDany, bueno, el desfase vertical...15:51
Danyreplaceafill, estas son las medidas15:53
replaceafillDany, gracias15:54
replaceafillDany, ahorita trato de arreglarlo15:54
Danyreplaceafill, ok 15:54
Danyreplaceafill, gracias15:54
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replaceafillDany, podrías medir la hoja también?15:56
replaceafillDany, por si acaso15:56
replaceafillDany, actualmente estoy usando 6x4 pulgadas15:56
nrcernazOnny are you here?15:56
Danyreplaceafill, 15.1 cm x 10 cm15:57
replaceafillDany, ah!15:57
replaceafillDany, allí puede estar el problema15:57
Danyreplaceafill, por que?15:58
replaceafillDany, porque el pdf usa páginas más grandes que las reales15:58
replaceafillDany, el pdf actualmente tiene 15.24 x 10.16 cm15:58
replaceafillDany, que programa estás usando para enviar a imprimir?15:59
Danyreplaceafill, ohhhhh se puede arreglar?15:59
Danyreplaceafill, ninguno en especial, solo lo descargoy lo imprimo15:59
replaceafillDany, creo que sí, sólo necesitamos precisión alemana :)15:59
replaceafillDany, desde el navegador?15:59
replaceafillDany, ok, lo único que necesitamos garantizar es que tu programa no esté tratando de ajustar la impresión a margen de las páginas16:00
replaceafillDany, eso lo hace el GIMP por ejemplo16:00
Danyreplaceafill, lo descargo o lo imprimo desde el navegaros, uso ambos metodos16:00
replaceafillDany, ah ok16:00
replaceafillDany, dame unos minutos para cambiar las medidas16:01
Danyreplaceafill, se podria hacer directamente desde el navegador para no tener problemas16:01
replaceafillDany, los 10 cm que mencionaste arriba son exactamente 10.0 cm?16:01
replaceafillDany, el alto del papel16:02
Danyreplaceafill, pues acorde con la regla que tengo, si16:02
replaceafillDany, :D16:02
replaceafillDany, ok16:02
Danyreplaceafill, exactamente 10 cm16:02
replaceafillDany, chivo16:02
replaceafillDany, usaré 1016:02
Danyreplaceafill, es bello cuando aparece tan exacto16:02
replaceafillDany, :))16:03
replaceafillnrcerna, creo que zOnny tenía reunión a esta hora con un cliente16:04
nrcernaAh ya veo, me contestó , si me comentó que esta algo ocupado con un proyecto replaceafill 16:07
nrcernaTe escribí en Hangouts replaceafill 16:08
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replaceafillACTION cries in a corner...16:31
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, that's not good...16:33
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, running into some trouble?16:33
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, i just realized what i was bit by :)16:33
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, in the ID cards issue16:33
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, dumb oversight16:33
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, I know the feeling. but now you can fix it?16:34
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, i can16:34
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, well that's good then :)16:34
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, :D16:35
lelkneralfaroreplaceafill, just wanted to check in lol16:35
replaceafilllelkneralfaro, :D16:35
replaceafillDany, i think i got it right this time16:40
replaceafillDany, could you check nothing broke?16:40
replaceafillDany, oops16:40
replaceafillDany, me quedé en English mode :D16:41
Danyreplaceafill, hhaha ya chequeo los ids16:43
Danyreplaceafill, se ve bien, voy a tratar de imprimir uno16:45
replaceafillDany, ok16:45
replaceafillACTION cruza los dedos...16:45
Danyreplaceafill, la acabe de mandar, esperemos a ver16:51
replaceafillDany, la agustia es insoportable! :S16:52
replaceafillDany, si esta vez no le acertamos creo que tendré que hacer mocks de las hojas yo mismo16:52
replaceafillDany, para probar aquí en mi impresora16:53
Danyreplaceafill, creo que si lo logramos16:53
replaceafillDany, así solía probar los reportes que me tocaba hacer en una vida pasado16:53
replaceafillDany, whoohoo!16:53
Danyreplaceafill, SIIII FUNCIONOOO16:54
replaceafillDany, eehhh!!!!!16:54
Danyreplaceafill, GRACIAS16:58
Danyreplaceafill, se ve super 16:58
replaceafillDany, gracias a vos, me alegro que haya funcionado16:58
replaceafillDany, avisame si hay que cambiar algo16:58
Danyreplaceafill, por ahora todo se ve bien, solo espero que la laminadora no explote17:09
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jelknerreplaceafill daniela has been printing ids!18:04
jelknerthey look great18:04
jelknernow we have another problem, but it's not your concern18:05
jelknerour lamina tor keeps jamming18:05
replaceafilljelkner, ah18:12
replaceafilljelkner, :(18:12
jelknerlaminating works, replaceafill!18:32
replaceafilljelkner, great!18:32
jelknerwe didn't follow directions18:33
jelknerwe called the vendor18:33
jelknerand he explained that we needed use a "carrier"18:33
replaceafilljelkner, the ones that transport airplanes? :D18:34
replaceafilljelkner, a RTFM situation!18:34
jelknerit is just a cardboard sleeve you put around the laminate  18:35
jelkneryup, a total RTFM situation18:36
replaceafilljelkner, ah18:36
jelknerthe weird part was we read it18:36
jelknerbut we couldn't figure out what they meant by "carrier"18:36
jelkneranyway, mision complida!18:36
replaceafilljelkner, glad to hear18:36
replaceafillACTION signs off for the day19:06
replaceafillhasta mañana jelkner!19:06

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