IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2018-07-09

*** mr_german has joined #novawebdev08:58
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replaceafillgood morning jelkner10:54
*** Diza has joined #novawebdev11:15
DizaReplaceafill, hola11:16
replaceafillhola Diza11:16
DizaReplaceafill, una preguntita, pudiste hacer el draft de la encuesta que dijiste?11:19
replaceafillDiza, sí11:19
replaceafillDiza, la que dice NOVALACIRO11:19
DizaReplaceafill, wooo imprecionante 11:21
replaceafillDiza, si ves el slug dice example11:21
replaceafillDiza, te recomiendo hacé una vos misma11:22
replaceafillDiza, con las preguntas que necesités11:22
replaceafillDiza, pero siempre incluí los campos de Nombre y Correo Electrónico11:22
DizaReplaceafill, si lo hare ahora misno, muchas gracias11:22
replaceafillDiza, np, si tenés preguntas aquí estaré11:23
DizaReplaceafill, gracias. Voy hacerla y luego te la mando para ver como funcionaria la recoleccion de datos, te parece bien?11:24
replaceafillDiza, +111:24
*** mr_german has joined #novawebdev11:48
mr_germanreplaceafill, good morning11:52
mr_germanjelkner good morning11:52
replaceafillgood morning mr_german11:52
mr_germanreplaceafill, yo can call if you want11:52
replaceafillmr_german, i'll call you in 10, ok?11:52
replaceafill10 minutes11:52
mr_germanreplaceafill, ok11:53
jelknergood morning, replaceafill!12:00
replaceafillhey jelkner12:00
jelknerwe have much to talk about12:00
replaceafilljelkner, i know!12:00
jelknerlet me know when a you have a few minutes12:00
replaceafilljelkner, cool, let me give mr_german a quick call12:02
replaceafilljelkner, done12:13
jelknergreat, replaceafill 12:14
jelkneri had a good conversation with luisa this morning12:15
jelknerit will be great to have a labor for or organizer!12:16
replaceafilljelkner, great12:16
replaceafilljelkner, are we moving forward with tendenci?12:16
jelknerdo we manage dns?12:16
jelkneri forget12:16
replaceafilljelkner, yes12:16
replaceafilljelkner, it's in namecheap12:17
replaceafilljelkner, in our*12:17
jelknerthen yes, let's move on it12:17
jelkneri have another story to file12:17
jelknerbut i wanted to run it by you first12:17
replaceafilljelkner, cool, i already asked mr_german to work on the theme12:17
replaceafilljelkner, which is mostly done12:17
replaceafilljelkner, i've set up a new server for lfor but i want it to be one of our first tendenci 11 instances12:18
jelknerwe want it "tan pronto que sea posible, como seimpre" ;=)12:18
replaceafilljelkner, that has delayed a bit12:18
jelkneryes, biting the bullet12:18
replaceafilljelkner, sure12:18
jelknerok, here is the other story12:18
jelkner"i want users added to nea4or to automagically be communicated to labor4or12:19
replaceafilljelkner, ah, right12:19
jelknerthis actually gives us the opportunity for a first experience with the kinds of data sharing we will do a lot of in the future12:19
jelknerdid i file the story about state mailing lists?12:20
replaceafilljelkner, yes12:20
replaceafilljelkner, for nea4or12:20
jelknerACTION dreams of this stuff at night, and doesn't always remember what is real and what is only in his imagination12:20
replaceafilljelkner, :))12:20
jelknera clear sign of insanity! :-(12:20
replaceafilljelkner, that's dangerous man!12:20
replaceafilljelkner, :D12:21
replaceafilljelkner, ok, let's stay with the first request, automagic12:21
replaceafilljelkner, my first concern is about this:12:21
jelkneror "press a button"12:21
jelknernot sure what the easiest process is12:21
replaceafill"We will not sell or give away your information to any other group or person."12:21
jelknerbut everyone who has joined nea4or is part of the mother labor4or organization12:22
jelknerit isn't another group12:22
replaceafilljelkner, oh really?12:22
replaceafilljelkner, ah ok, never mind then12:22
jelknerin fact, that's the point12:22
replaceafilljelkner, i still don't quite get OR structure :)12:22
replaceafilljelkner, cool, leaving that aside12:22
jelknersoon, hopefully, btw, we will be members for labor4or too12:23
jelkneri'm meeting with lelkneralfaro tomorrow morning to talk about that12:23
replaceafilljelkner, is a manual process ok?12:23
jelkneras long as it isn't too difficult12:23
replaceafilljelkner, export from nea4or to import in lfor12:23
replaceafilljelkner, we are the ones doing it initially, right?12:23
jelkneryou, lelkneralfaro, and i need to meet soon12:24
replaceafilljelkner, the structure of the membership applications should match closely too12:24
jelknergood point12:24
replaceafilljelkner, i mean, the fields you request from members when they sign in12:24
replaceafillsing up*12:24
jelknerfeel free to email luisa now12:25
jelknerand always cc rand12:25
replaceafilljelkner, ok12:25
jelknerhe doesn't have time to follow up12:25
jelknerbut she does12:25
jelkneri told her we would have the new website up this week12:25
jelkneris that accurate?12:25
replaceafilljelkner, yes12:25
jelknerok, i need to get back to work12:26
jelknersooooo much to do!12:26
replaceafilljelkner, ok12:26
replaceafilljelkner, me too12:26
jelknerok, you know my schedule this week, yes?12:26
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replaceafilljelkner, yes12:27
replaceafilljelkner, you can't hang out from the library, right?12:27
jelknerlelkneralfaro and i will meet outside the library tomorrow at 9 am12:27
jelknerand chat for an hour until they let us in12:27
replaceafilljelkner, ah ok12:27
jelknerit is tough to do a hangout here12:27
replaceafilljelkner, right12:27
jelknerlet me see if i can reserve a room12:28
replaceafilljelkner, i'll stick to email12:28
jelknerping replaceafill 12:56
replaceafilljelkner, pong12:56
jelkneri just reserved a meeting room from 1:30 to 2 pm12:56
jelknerso we can jitsi then12:57
replaceafilljelkner, ah ok12:57
replaceafilljelkner, i just want to talk priorities for this week12:57
jelknerand beyond12:57
replaceafilljelkner, and beyond :)12:57
jelknerit's time for a medium range planning meeting12:57
replaceafilljelkner, +112:58
*** Diza has joined #novawebdev13:19
DizaReplaceafill, he acabado la encuesta13:19
replaceafillDiza, ah ok13:20
replaceafillDiza, dejame chequear13:20
replaceafillDiza, en el texto de confirmacion en español tenés dos mensajes :)13:22
replaceafillDiza, creo que podés quitar el último13:22
DizaReplacefill, si me acabo se fijar hehehe13:23
replaceafillDiza, no vas a pedir el correo electrónico?13:23
DizaReplacefill, tu crees que deberia? 13:24
replaceafillDiza, para poder contactar a los que no son miembros?13:24
replaceafillDiza, podes agregarlo y no hacerlo requerido13:25
replaceafillDiza, mi última sugerencia: en el campo Template13:25
replaceafillDiza, usá "Fullwidth"13:26
replaceafillDiza, si ves actualmente el formulario13:26
replaceafillDiza, despliega una barra lateral en la derecha13:26
replaceafillDiza, Fullwidth quita esa barra y ajusta el formulario a todo el ancho13:26
replaceafillDiza, just a nitpick :)13:26
replaceafillDiza, el resto me parece bien13:26
replaceafillDiza, ahora te toca decidir como la vas a diseminar13:27
replaceafillDiza, yo había pensado en un email a la lista13:27
replaceafillDiza, como el primero que enviaste13:27
DizaReplacefill, a que te refieres con diseminar?13:28
replaceafillDiza, "regar" "esparcir"13:28
replaceafillDiza, hacer que mucha gente la vea :D13:28
replaceafillDiza, podemos hablar de eso en unos 30 minutos? tengo una reunion con Jeff ahorita13:29
Dizareplacefill, oh te refieres a distribuirla? Pebsaba hacerlo por mensaje de texto13:29
replaceafillDiza, ah13:29
replaceafillDiza, bueno13:30
DizaReplacefill, o por email también13:30
replaceafillDiza, podes hacerlo por multiples formas13:30
DizaReplacefill, como puedo ver las respuestas?13:30
replaceafillDiza, incluso un link en la pagina principal13:30
replaceafillDiza, regresá a
replaceafillDiza, y hace click en Entradas13:31
DizaReplaceafill, oh ya veo, y veo que tambieb las puedo eliminar. Cool13:33
replaceafillDiza, si13:33
replaceafillDiza, de casualida tenés a Jeff cerca?13:33
DizaReplacefill, perfecto, voy a ir a comer ahora qje muero de hambre. Gracias por todo :)13:33
replaceafillDiza, ah ok, buen provecho!13:34
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replaceafillACTION goes to get lunch, bb in ~4514:54
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replaceafillACTION is back15:40
hrodriguezHello replaceafill: we decided to go home early because Edzon's computer is not working and jelkner is gonna help him to fix it. We are gonna be back tomorrow at 10:00AM. 16:17
replaceafillhrodriguez, thanks for letting me know! :)16:18
replaceafillhrodriguez, see you all tomorrow!16:18
hrodriguezokay bye bye. 16:18
replaceafillhrodriguez, o/16:18

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