IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2020-10-04

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev11:52
*-* nothing to see here *-*11:52
jelkner!remind Did the right NOVA Websters receive the $1600 payment?11:52
'Did the right NOVA Websters receive the $1600 payment?' added to message queue11:52
jelkner!remind Did no one respond to Isaac Zawolo?!11:53
'Did no one respond to Isaac Zawolo?!' added to message queue11:53
jelkner!remind Can we use Zulip to connect to other folk's Slack channels? If so, sign me up!12:25
LittleBrotherInvalid arguments: No closing quotation.12:25
jelkner!remind Can we use Zulip to connect to other folk\'s Slack channels? If so, sign me up!12:25
"Can we use Zulip to connect to other folk's Slack channels? If so, sign me up!" added to message queue12:25
jelkner!remind Quick shout out to the Webinar App Devs. It rocks!13:16
'Quick shout out to the Webinar App Devs. It rocks!' added to message queue13:16
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev14:18
nrcernaGm jelkner 14:23
nrcernaI just saw the email from Louie jelkner 14:24
nrcerna!remind submit proposal for NDI RFP for Elections Data Management Systems14:32
'submit proposal for NDI RFP for Elections Data Management Systems' added to message queue14:32
Did the right NOVA Websters receive the $1600 payment? (jelkner)14:37
Did no one respond to Isaac Zawolo?! (jelkner)14:37
Can we use Zulip to connect to other folk's Slack channels? If so, sign me up! (jelkner)14:37
Quick shout out to the Webinar App Devs. It rocks! (jelkner)14:37
submit proposal for NDI RFP for Elections Data Management Systems (nrcerna)14:37
Did the right NOVA Websters receive the $1600 payment? (jelkner)14:47
Did no one respond to Isaac Zawolo?! (jelkner)14:47
Can we use Zulip to connect to other folk's Slack channels? If so, sign me up! (jelkner)14:47
Quick shout out to the Webinar App Devs. It rocks! (jelkner)14:47
submit proposal for NDI RFP for Elections Data Management Systems (nrcerna)14:47
nrcerna!remind Card from Clayton14:48
'Card from Clayton' added to message queue14:48
nrcerna!remind Get information for Meeting with Joke this week15:10
'Get information for Meeting with Joke this week' added to message queue15:10
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev15:15
Did the right NOVA Websters receive the $1600 payment? (jelkner)15:16
Did no one respond to Isaac Zawolo?! (jelkner)15:16
Can we use Zulip to connect to other folk's Slack channels? If so, sign me up! (jelkner)15:16
Quick shout out to the Webinar App Devs. It rocks! (jelkner)15:16
submit proposal for NDI RFP for Elections Data Management Systems (nrcerna)15:16
Card from Clayton (nrcerna)15:16
Get information for Meeting with Joke this week (nrcerna)15:16
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Did the right NOVA Websters receive the $1600 payment? (jelkner)15:42
Did no one respond to Isaac Zawolo?! (jelkner)15:42
Can we use Zulip to connect to other folk's Slack channels? If so, sign me up! (jelkner)15:42
Quick shout out to the Webinar App Devs. It rocks! (jelkner)15:42
submit proposal for NDI RFP for Elections Data Management Systems (nrcerna)15:42
Card from Clayton (nrcerna)15:42
Get information for Meeting with Joke this week (nrcerna)15:42
Did the right NOVA Websters receive the $1600 payment? (jelkner)15:44
Did no one respond to Isaac Zawolo?! (jelkner)15:44
Can we use Zulip to connect to other folk's Slack channels? If so, sign me up! (jelkner)15:44
Quick shout out to the Webinar App Devs. It rocks! (jelkner)15:44
submit proposal for NDI RFP for Elections Data Management Systems (nrcerna)15:44
Card from Clayton (nrcerna)15:44
Get information for Meeting with Joke this week (nrcerna)15:44
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ubuntouristACTION has been interrupted by Mr. Flint...15:47
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jelknerzOnny, lelkneralfaro you two miss the very valuable pre-meeting conversation on planning15:58
jelknerwe are talking about LO and what needs to be done15:58
nrcerna!remind What partners want? (Dev team conversation) 15:58
'What partners want? (Dev team conversation)' added to message queue15:58
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:58
Did the right NOVA Websters receive the $1600 payment? (jelkner)15:58
Did no one respond to Isaac Zawolo?! (jelkner)15:58
Can we use Zulip to connect to other folk's Slack channels? If so, sign me up! (jelkner)15:58
Quick shout out to the Webinar App Devs. It rocks! (jelkner)15:58
submit proposal for NDI RFP for Elections Data Management Systems (nrcerna)15:58
Card from Clayton (nrcerna)15:58
Get information for Meeting with Joke this week (nrcerna)15:58
What partners want? (Dev team conversation) (nrcerna)15:58
jelknerperhaps we continue after15:58
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ubuntouristACTION is being distracted by flint... who's been trying to catch me and finally succeeded. 15:59
PAldea : SITarabuta : lelkneralfaro : zOnny : GFbot : amina : @ubuntourist : abuchholz : nrcerna : +jelkner : @mjsir911 : wolcen : @ChanServ16:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Did the right NOVA Websters receive the $1600 payment? (jelkner)16:00
Did no one respond to Isaac Zawolo?! (jelkner)16:00
Can we use Zulip to connect to other folk's Slack channels? If so, sign me up! (jelkner)16:00
Quick shout out to the Webinar App Devs. It rocks! (jelkner)16:00
submit proposal for NDI RFP for Elections Data Management Systems (nrcerna)16:00
Card from Clayton (nrcerna)16:00
Get information for Meeting with Joke this week (nrcerna)16:00
What partners want? (Dev team conversation) (nrcerna)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
nrcernaHello Everyone!16:00
jelknerGM, nrcerna!16:00
lelkneralfarohi :)16:00
nrcernaAlright, we have a long agenda16:00
ubuntouristACTION is back, having hung up w/ Flint. So...16:01
nrcernafirst item: Did the right NOVA Websters receive the $1600 payment?16:01
jelknerbut we're fast, so let's roll!16:01
ubuntouristHi. ;-)16:01
jelknernrcerna, we got a payment16:01
jelkneryou and i talked16:01
jelknerlooks like you know how to handle it, yes?16:01
jelknerCIDU's 2nd payment16:01
jelknerit is sooo encouraging to seeing the young members taking over the financial workflow16:01
nrcernaRegarding this we have this on the Paypal account, it has to move to the bank account right jelkner?16:01
jelknerACTION done16:01
nrcernaYes, zOnny and I as we we're talking jelkner 16:02
jelkneri don't know, nrcerna, that's up to you all16:02
jelknerdo with it as you will16:02
jelknerjust don't make me deal with it ;-)16:02
jelknerACTION done16:02
nrcernagreat, thanks.16:02
nrcernanext item: Did no one respond to Isaac Zawolo?!16:02
SITarabutalovely sound16:02
jelknerso, we talked about this on planning16:03
jelknerSITarabuta and abuchholz need to handle this16:03
abuchholzwe will after the meeting16:03
jelknerpoint here is that effective partner service is crucial16:03
jelknerwe need to follow up, check-in, and be responsive16:03
jelknerACTION done16:03
nrcernanext item: Can we use Zulip to connect to other folk's Slack channels? If so, sign me up!16:03
ubuntouristZulip, as I understand is a REPLACEMENT for Slack.16:04
ubuntouristI don't know if there are bridges between them.16:04
nrcernaI'm using Zulip with Agaric, I think this could work for NWD Internal communication 16:04
jelknerbut a lot of these open source tools promote interopperability16:04
jelknerlike a "slack plugin"16:05
nrcernanot sure if it works to connect other cooperatives16:05
ubuntouristBut, since we often talk about using FLOSS equivalents to existing tools, and everyone is Slack-happy, Zulip seems like a good thing to keep on the radar.16:05
jelkneranyway, my bottom line is, i'm overwhelmed with communications tools16:05
nrcernamaybe to collaborate in case we're working together in a project, no to connect for a first time16:05
SITarabutame too16:05
SITarabutaso please don't make everything more complicated ;-)16:05
jelknerlooking for simplicifactions, not more stuff to learn / use16:05
jelknerACTION done16:05
nrcernanext item: Quick shout out to the Webinar App Devs. It rocks!16:06
jelknerI *love* the webinar app!16:06
ubuntouristThat's what I meant by "bridges" - plugins that allow interoperabilty.16:06
jelknerusing it is a joy16:06
jelknerjust the kind of thing we need to be able to develop16:06
jelknerif we can do more of that, success will follow us16:06
jelknergreat work, devs!16:07
jelknerACTION done16:07
SITarabutawhere can it be seen in action?16:07
nrcernaMy screen ;) SITarabuta 16:07
nrcernaI was about to share it 16:07
nrcernain a jitsi call16:07
nrcernabut maybe later16:07
nrcernanext item: submit proposal for NDI RFP for Elections Data Management Systems16:08
nrcernalelkneralfaro, sent me an email with this16:08
ubuntouristThis gang looks familiar...16:09
nrcernathis should be a question for all of us, if we think we need to submit the proposal with the resources we have now16:09
SITarabutaubuntourist, very ;-)16:09
jelknerwe probably aren't ready for this yet, but in my dreams, at least, we will one day be16:09
ubuntouristI believe I went to an event of theirs with Sanjay and Andrew.16:09
jelknerit's all about the data16:09
jelknerif we can develop the skills to do this kind of thing16:09
jelknerwe have a big impact on the world with it16:10
jelknerACTION done16:10
ubuntourist(Andrew Hunt of Andrew Hunt Consulting -- a CiviCRM shoppe in DC.)16:10
ubuntouristACTION is done16:10
nrcernaIf so we need to submit the application this week, I can work on that16:10
nrcerna:( okay16:10
jelknerno, nrcerna 16:10
jelknerdo it16:10
jelknerthis comes under the "fake it until you make it" mantra16:10
jelknerit will give you practice submitting these things, nrcerna 16:11
ubuntouristACTION will need time to actually read the page... ;-)16:11
jelknerand when we land one16:11
nrcernalelkneralfaro, offered me to help in case I need it ;) jelkner 16:11
jelknerwe can grow into the project16:11
jelknersince we have a solid organization16:11
jelknerwe can seek the skills help we need to deliver16:11
jelknerACTION done16:11
nrcernanext item: Card from Clayton16:12
nrcernajelkner, ;)16:12
jelknerclayton sent us a package16:12
jelknerit has stickers, a book, and a card16:12
jelknerzOnny, can you come by to pick up the card on your way home from dc?16:12
jelkneryou should open the card16:12
jelknernot me16:12
jelknerso i didn't open it yet16:12
jelknerACTION done16:12
ubuntouriststickers and a book? 16:13
jelknerubuntourist, i'll show you on planning after16:13
zOnnyjelkner: just open it16:13
jelknerno, zOnny 16:13
zOnnyjelkner: right now16:13
jelkneryou open it!16:13
SITarabutadon't worry guys, it ain't gonna explode16:14
ubuntouristSITarabuta, how do you know? 16:14
nrcernaACTION We're all hoping that zOnny is going to open the card16:14
SITarabutaright.. Let me rephrase. I don't think it is gonna explore16:14
jelknernext item, nrcerna 16:15
nrcernanext item: Get information for Meeting with Joke this week16:15
nrcernathat's me ;)16:15
nrcernaI'm going to meet with Ajoke, I talked lelkneralfaro and I'm going to get some details I need in order to explain her what we need16:16
nrcernaACTION done16:16
nrcernanext item: What partners want? (Dev team discussion)16:17
nrcernaI added this because what we were discussing on the jitsi16:17
SITarabutathey want everything and they expect it for free...16:17
ubuntourist"Whadda we want?" "When do we want it?" "Whadda we want?" "When do we want it?"16:17
jelkneroh, SITarabuta, and they want it yesterday!16:17
nrcernaAEA, NOVALACIRO wants to be able to add the content ("Boxes") 16:17
SITarabutaof course jelkner we should've known!16:18
ubuntourist"Whadda we want?" "Time travel!" "When do we want it?" "It doesn't matter!"16:18
SITarabutaadd it where - aaahhh?16:18
nrcernabut we can offer them something customized that works as the Webinars apps16:18
jelknerso we actively engage with NOVALACIRO16:18
jelknerwe should start with heylin16:18
jelknerthen we should reach out to AEA16:18
SITarabutai want to see that magical webinar app because it is making me jealous16:18
jelknerzOnny met with ingrid16:19
nrcernais just we need to match the whole front end design with the apps functionalities, right?16:19
jelknerzOnny, it is important to reach out to her periodically and say "how are things?"16:19
jelknerwe don't want to hear from her only when there is trouble16:19
jelknerACTION done16:19
nrcernaOkay, I think I forgot to add this item:16:20
nrcernaPlans for this week16:20
lelkneralfarowork with zOnny on gnucash and Mexico Solidarity Project work16:20
jelknerjelkner is focusing on curriculum development, and aligning it where possible with NWD skills needed16:21
zOnnyACTION work with lelkneralfaro on gnucash and Mexico Solidarity Project work16:21
ubuntouristACTION is STILL trying to get back to TDD and not get too side-tracked. And failing at it.16:21
nrcernaACTION Following up MSP issues, check contrast and responsive, submit the application and meeting with Ajoke16:22
jelknerubuntourist, i'll be assigned episodes 6 and 7 of uncle bob16:22
jelknerthis week16:22
ubuntouristAnything from the newer folks? progress on Django etc.16:22
jelkneramina, you have some good work to report16:23
jelknerPAldea, how are things going with the wiki?16:23
PAldeaI've been a bit busy with school, but I am making some progress16:23
ubuntouristPAldea, +116:24
aminaYeah, Louis taught me to run a server on Terminal and change the libre organize website's template. 16:24
ubuntouristamina, +116:24
nrcernaAnything else?16:24
ubuntouristACTION raises a hand16:24
jelknerGFbot, is really learning Django16:25
jelknerby teaching his classes16:25
lelkneralfaroamina, sorry I haven't reached out to work together more, if there is anything new you want to work on together we can talk16:25
ubuntouristFor those who haven't seen it: Sound Advice is "go for launch" for another year.16:25
jelknerOMG, right, ubuntourist 16:25
GFbotjelkner yes sir.16:25
jelknerthat is *HUGE* news!16:25
ubuntouristGallaudet just approved Year 2 "Scope of Work" document, even if it's a fantasy. ;-)16:26
jelknerbottom line, the funding continues16:26
ubuntouristTime to reach out to David and find out what exactly that money means.16:26
jelknernow david needs to get the hardware16:26
ubuntouristACTION is done16:26
nrcernaThanks ubuntourist 16:26
SITarabuta! ! ! 3 minutes on the clock ! ! !16:27
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:27
jelknernice work, team!16:27
nrcernaThank you everyone16:27
nrcernalelkneralfaro, zOnny 16:27
nrcernaACTION Away17:05
nrcernajelkner, is the meeting with NOVALACIRO cancelled?17:11
jelknernrcerna, yes17:45
jelknerheylin emailed you17:45
jelknerbut on your gmail account17:45
nrcernaThanks jelkner 17:46
nrcernaweird I didnt receive it, but thanks17:50
nrcernaACTION Going to Grandmas house,  still reachable on Discord, call and Email17:52
SITarabutaACTION AFK18:04
jelknerzOnny, Roxana and I are going to watch another movie from the film festival.19:50
jelknerCall me at 703-998-3934 when you're passing by.19:50
jelknerACTION signs off for the day19:50
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