IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2020-11-12

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev09:08
*-* nothing to see here *-*09:09
jelkner!remind Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond)09:13
'Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond)' added to message queue09:13
jelkner!remind How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email09:14
'How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email' added to message queue09:14
jelkner!remind Report back on BCI and throneless meetings09:15
'Report back on BCI and throneless meetings' added to message queue09:15
Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond) (jelkner)09:15
How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email (jelkner)09:15
Report back on BCI and throneless meetings (jelkner)09:15
jelknerHow can I file a MSP feature request?09:59
jelkner!remind How can I file a MSP feature request?09:59
'How can I file a MSP feature request?' added to message queue09:59
Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond) (jelkner)09:59
How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email (jelkner)09:59
Report back on BCI and throneless meetings (jelkner)09:59
How can I file a MSP feature request? (jelkner)09:59
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev14:00
Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond) (jelkner)16:31
How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email (jelkner)16:31
Report back on BCI and throneless meetings (jelkner)16:31
How can I file a MSP feature request? (jelkner)16:31
nrcerna!remind Update Operation Agreement16:31
'Update Operation Agreement' added to message queue16:31
nrcerna!remind Meeting with Neto16:32
'Meeting with Neto' added to message queue16:32
Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond) (jelkner)16:32
How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email (jelkner)16:32
Report back on BCI and throneless meetings (jelkner)16:32
How can I file a MSP feature request? (jelkner)16:32
Update Operation Agreement (nrcerna)16:32
Meeting with Neto (nrcerna)16:32
nrcernaACTION AWAY16:43
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LittleBrother2020-11-12 17:39:01.60701317:39
SITarabuta : nrcerna : +jelkner : @mjsir911 : wolcen : @ChanServ17:39
SITarabuta : nrcerna : +jelkner : @mjsir911 : wolcen : @ChanServ17:40
*** LittleBrother has joined #novawebdev17:44
SITarabuta : nrcerna : +jelkner : @mjsir911 : wolcen : @ChanServ17:45
Good afternoon everyone!17:45
*** LittleBrother has joined #novawebdev17:46
SITarabuta : nrcerna : +jelkner : @mjsir911 : wolcen : @ChanServ17:47
Good afternoon everyone!17:47
It's 17:47 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.17:47
This is the agenda for today:17:47
Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond) (jelkner)17:47
How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email (jelkner)17:47
Report back on BCI and throneless meetings (jelkner)17:47
How can I file a MSP feature request? (jelkner)17:47
Update Operation Agreement (nrcerna)17:47
Meeting with Neto (nrcerna)17:47
Have a nice day!17:47
Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond) (jelkner)17:48
How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email (jelkner)17:48
Report back on BCI and throneless meetings (jelkner)17:48
How can I file a MSP feature request? (jelkner)17:48
Update Operation Agreement (nrcerna)17:48
Meeting with Neto (nrcerna)17:48
Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond) (jelkner)19:49
How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email (jelkner)19:49
Report back on BCI and throneless meetings (jelkner)19:49
How can I file a MSP feature request? (jelkner)19:49
Update Operation Agreement (nrcerna)19:49
Meeting with Neto (nrcerna)19:49
*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev19:57
Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond) (jelkner)19:58
How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email (jelkner)19:58
Report back on BCI and throneless meetings (jelkner)19:58
How can I file a MSP feature request? (jelkner)19:58
Update Operation Agreement (nrcerna)19:58
Meeting with Neto (nrcerna)19:58
ubuntouristjelkner, losing track. When's today's meeting?19:58
jelkneryou getting senile, my dear friend ;-)19:59
jelkner4 pm, so nrcerna and i can join show-and-tell19:59
jelkneri'm there now19:59
ubuntouristjelkner, Always have been. Getting worse.19:59
ubuntouristACTION goes back to pondering the koans of 8080 machine instructions...20:00
nrcernajelkner, I guess I wont make it, My car was just crushed20:01
nrcernaI'm doing some calls now, but hopefully I'll be here for our meeting20:01
ubuntouristnrcerna, ouch20:04
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jelkneri'm the only one in planning?20:50
jelkneractually the question is why?20:50
jelkneri left show-and-tell in time to check-in there before the meeting20:50
jelknerno one is there20:50
nrcernasorry jelkner,I'm about to join20:50
nrcernaI couldnt join early20:51
lelkneralfaroI tried to join and the host hadn't started it yet so I couldn't join20:51
jelknerlelkneralfaro, you should be able to be the host20:51
jelknerwe need to fix that20:51
jelkneri started it now20:51
lelkneralfaro : cedwards : @ubuntourist : SITarabuta : nrcerna : +jelkner : @mjsir911 : @ChanServ21:00
Good afternoon everyone!21:00
It's 21:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.21:00
This is the agenda for today:21:00
Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond) (jelkner)21:00
How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email (jelkner)21:00
Report back on BCI and throneless meetings (jelkner)21:00
How can I file a MSP feature request? (jelkner)21:00
Update Operation Agreement (nrcerna)21:00
Meeting with Neto (nrcerna)21:00
Have a nice day!21:00
nrcernaHello everyone!21:00
*** zOnny has joined #novawebdev21:00
jelknerGood afternoon!21:00
nrcernalet's start21:01
nrcernafirst item: Update on BT status with Agaric ( and beyond) 21:01
SITarabutahas been done21:01
jelknerSITarabuta, what was the issue?21:01
SITarabutaand more21:01
SITarabutawell invoice template21:01
SITarabutabeing weird21:01
SITarabutathey broke it21:01
nrcernaI guess that was the same issue that I mentioned that I have in my local SITarabuta 21:02
nrcernawhen I tried to generate the invoice21:02
SITarabutaso now21:02
SITarabutathere is a button to automatically use the default template21:02
SITarabutaalso, when business tracker is first run21:02
SITarabutaif no template is added21:02
nrcernaThat's nice 21:02
SITarabutait will automatically copy over the default one and use that one21:02
nrcernathanks SITarabuta 21:02
jelknerthis was my point earlier21:03
SITarabutaand i also fixed some other bugs because why not21:03
SITarabutaACTION done21:03
jelkneryou often don't realize the sore spots in an application until people actually use it21:03
jelknergreat, i was just in the show-and-tell21:03
jelknerand mentioned that we are really eager to be able to tell the story21:03
jelknerabout how we wrote a business application that a fellow co-op and us are both using for invoicing21:04
jelknerso to be continued21:04
jelknerACTION done21:04
nrcernanext item: How (and who) to respond to Gallaudet invoice email 21:04
jelkneri put this on the agenda21:04
jelknerbut we need to figure this out21:04
jelknernrcerna, lelkneralfaro, it related to the crucial discussion we were just having21:05
nrcernayeah we were talking about this with zOnny 21:05
jelknerwe are a really small organization21:05
nrcernaand lelkneralfaro21:05
jelknerstruggling to survive21:05
jelknerwe identified earlier the need for "lucky member 7"21:05
jelknerbut we don't have that21:05
jelknerso we need to have good customer service21:06
jelknerwe can't make this hit or miss21:06
jelkneri think one person should be primarily responsible21:06
jelknerand i think nrcerna is the only one who makes sense21:06
jelknerubuntourist pointed out that Gallaudet is not going to understand dealing with many people21:07
jelkneranyway, i leave it up to you all21:07
jelknerbut those are my thoughts21:07
jelknerin the mean time21:07
nrcernabut jelkner the one who sent an invoice last time to them was zOnny 21:07
nrcernaI think that we should be consistent21:07
jelknerfair enough21:07
jelknerbut don't leave it hanging21:07
jelknerACTION done21:08
ubuntouristThis is where I'd hoped generic e-mail addresses -- both in the sending, replying and advertising would ease some of that "who".21:08
jelknerunless who turns out to be no one, ubuntourist 21:08
jelknereach one point to their left saying "i thought you were going to do it"21:08
ubuntouristBehind the scenes it can be one person, but training partners to see ONE e-mail address and get responses from the same would help.21:08
jelknerubuntourist, that's a good idea21:09
jelkner+121:09 or partner.service@novawebdevelopment.org21:09
SITarabutaboth of which21:09
SITarabutawe do have21:09
ubuntouristjelkner, if it's an alias for a single individual, I'd hope they'd know it didn't go to anyone else.21:09
jelknerubuntourist, we probably want someone else to see it21:10
jelkneras a back up21:10
jelkneri'm bring this up now because i received the email21:10
ubuntouristSo, if, for now, billing only goes to one person, when the responsibility shifts, changing the forwarding to another person masks the "Who do I write to NOW?" problem.21:10
jelknerotherwise things might get lost21:10
jelknerwhich would be really bad21:10
ubuntouristjelkner, =121:10
ubuntouristjelkner, +121:10
jelknerok, nrcerna, lelkneralfaro, zOnny, SITarabuta 21:11
jelkneryou 4 should decide how y'all want this to work21:11
jelknerACTION done21:11
ubuntouristBut whomever reasponds needs to remember to respond as billing, not as themselves.21:11
ubuntouristACTION is done21:11
SITarabutawell i am not handling billing so I wouldn't necessarily want to suggest something that the person who handles it isn't happy with21:12
lelkneralfarolucky number seven's name should be bill21:12
lelkneralfarothey can take that job21:12
SITarabutaSo, who is that?21:12
jelknera women named Bill, that's what we're looking for21:13
lelkneralfarojelkner, +121:13
SITarabutaMs. Bill is going to help us with billing21:13
jelkneror, better still, billing21:13
ubuntouristBillie, perhaps.21:13
SITarabutaMs. Billing? Now they won't believe that..21:13
jelknerok, let's talk about this sunday21:13
lelkneralfarolol yeah sorry for derailing things there21:13
jelknerwe have a long agenda21:13
nrcernanext item: Report back on BCI and throneless meetings21:14
SITarabutaIt was a fun derailment; unlike most21:14
jelknerBCI is starting a network of co-ops21:14
jelknerit is just what we've been saying we needed21:14
jelknerfirst meeting was great21:14
jelkneranother in 2 weeks21:14
jelknerjosh from throneless and i are on working group #121:15
jelknerthat led to meeting with them yesterday21:15
jelkneralso productive21:15
jelkneri'll keep working on networking with co-ops21:15
jelknerand keep y'all informed21:15
jelknerACTION done for now21:15
nrcernathanks jelkner 21:16
nrcernanext item: How can I file a MSP feature request? 21:16
jelkneri can ask after the meeting21:16
jelknerbut this is kind of an LO question21:16
jelknersince i have a small change i'd like to request21:16
jelknerACTION done21:16
nrcernanext item:Update Operation Agreement21:17
nrcernazOnny, lelkneralfaro mentioned this21:17
nrcernain our morning check-in meeting21:18
lelkneralfarozOnny, can say more as he is the one who spoke with the bank21:18
lelkneralfarozOnny, but I think the point is that we didn't finish our OA21:18
lelkneralfarozOnny, so my name isn't on it and they can't add me as a signer on our bank account21:18
lelkneralfarozOnny, or maybe we finished it but it's only visible on codeberg21:18
jelknerlelkneralfaro, we finished writing it21:19
jelknerwe didn't submit it21:19
zOnnycan someone point me to the OP that includes Louis and Stefan?21:19
jelknerto the right people21:19
zOnnybesides codeberg21:19
SITarabutaMaybe we should also have it on GitLab...21:19
SITarabutaor our website21:19
jelknerit's only on codeberg, zOnny 21:19
SITarabutain the static directory21:19
jelknerSITarabuta, i don't see how that helps21:19
zOnnythe bank doesn't know codeberg21:19
jelknerright, SITarabuta 21:19
jelknerzOnny, bank knows gitlab?21:20
lelkneralfarothe bank is github exclusive21:20
lelkneralfarothey don't touch ANYTHING else21:20
SITarabutaCheck that out. It has stuff21:20
SITarabutaAs well as an out of date operating agreement21:21
jelknerlet's fix that!21:21
nrcernaon sunday?21:21
nrcernanext item: Meeting with Neto (Cambá)21:22
nrcernalelkneralfaro and I meet today with Neto in the morning21:22
nrcernaWe were seeking for help, he was really open with us, he talked about the way they survived the past years21:23
nrcernaand he shared their marketing strategy in social media, the way they interact with partners21:24
nrcernaIs going to be helpful to move forward next week and the upcoming months21:24
nrcernalelkneralfaro, you want to add something else?21:24
jelknerexcellent, nrcerna, thanks!21:25
lelkneralfaronrcerna, one thing21:25
lelkneralfarohe just mentioned that it took them a while to get to a place where they were settled and could focus on projects that really fit with their mission/ideology21:25
lelkneralfaroand for years they were making a living taking all jobs they could get21:26
nrcernayeah, he said that after 10 years, now they're doing projects they like21:26
lelkneralfaroACTION done21:26
jelknerwe need to do that too, lelkneralfaro21:26
nrcernabut it took a looong time to get there21:26
lelkneralfaronrcerna, +121:26
jelknerbut we still need to find those "any jobs"21:26
jelknerwe're not doing so well with that21:26
zOnnyDo we need 9 years more?21:26
jelknerno, zOnny, 1921:26
ubuntourist[Tick-tock. Tick-tock.]21:27
jelknersorry, ubuntourist 21:27
nrcernawe need to find a way to make a living during the next years, even if that means that we have to do projects that really we dont love21:27
ubuntouristjelkner, Hey, I don't care. But you like that time limit "thang". ;-)21:27
jelkneri do21:28
nrcernaanything else, anyone?21:28
nrcernaif not...21:28
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel21:28
jelknerawesome, nrcerna! can we chat a bit on planning?21:28
nrcernaThanks everyone21:28
jelknerhave a great weekend21:28
lelkneralfarothank you!21:28
nrcernahave a great weekend21:28
lelkneralfarobye bye21:28
jelknersee y'all sunday21:28
ubuntouristACTION continues to divide time betwixt 8080 assembler, and TDD.21:28
SITarabutaWell I just wanted to tell zOnny and other if they want to know21:28
SITarabutathe groups thing for AEA21:29
SITarabutashould be done21:29
SITarabutait is on a different branch21:29
jelknerzOnny, can you join us on planning?21:29
SITarabutain fact, i kind of forgot about it. we had it for 3 weeks21:29
zOnnySITarabuta +121:29
nrcernazOnny, can you join Planning?21:31
jelknerACTION signs off for the evening22:22

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