IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2020-12-06

*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev03:10
Who is maintaining our servers? had 45 packages out of date on Friday (jelkner)03:14
Servers out of sync with Business Tracker? Documentation about deployments and more (SITarabuta)03:14
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev11:24
Who is maintaining our servers? had 45 packages out of date on Friday (jelkner)11:24
Servers out of sync with Business Tracker? Documentation about deployments and more (SITarabuta)11:24
jelkner!remind This is how you do it! Shout out to zOnny on nice letter received from Rotary Club.11:25
'This is how you do it! Shout out to zOnny on nice letter received from Rotary Club.' added to message queue11:25
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev15:12
Who is maintaining our servers? had 45 packages out of date on Friday (jelkner)15:12
Servers out of sync with Business Tracker? Documentation about deployments and more (SITarabuta)15:12
This is how you do it! Shout out to zOnny on nice letter received from Rotary Club. (jelkner)15:12
nrcerna!remind Follow up on small site Lead15:13
'Follow up on small site Lead' added to message queue15:13
*** GFbot has joined #novawebdev15:17
nrcernaACTION Away15:28
*** cedwards has joined #novawebdev15:43
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev15:44
Who is maintaining our servers? had 45 packages out of date on Friday (jelkner)15:48
Servers out of sync with Business Tracker? Documentation about deployments and more (SITarabuta)15:48
This is how you do it! Shout out to zOnny on nice letter received from Rotary Club. (jelkner)15:48
Follow up on small site Lead (nrcerna)15:48
*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev15:54
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:55
Who is maintaining our servers? had 45 packages out of date on Friday (jelkner)15:56
Servers out of sync with Business Tracker? Documentation about deployments and more (SITarabuta)15:56
This is how you do it! Shout out to zOnny on nice letter received from Rotary Club. (jelkner)15:56
Follow up on small site Lead (nrcerna)15:56
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev15:59
lelkneralfaro : SITarabuta : @ubuntourist : abuchholz : cedwards : GFbot : nrcerna : +jelkner : wolcen : @ChanServ : @mjsir91116:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Who is maintaining our servers? had 45 packages out of date on Friday (jelkner)16:00
Servers out of sync with Business Tracker? Documentation about deployments and more (SITarabuta)16:00
This is how you do it! Shout out to zOnny on nice letter received from Rotary Club. (jelkner)16:00
Follow up on small site Lead (nrcerna)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
nrcernaHello everyone!16:00
ubuntouristACTION rubs the sleep from his eyes (for the umteenth time this morning)16:00
jelknerTop of the day to ya's!16:01
SITarabutaubuntourist the sleep refuses the go away16:01
nrcernafirst item: Who is maintaining our servers? had 45 packages out of date on Friday16:01
*** cedwards has left #novawebdev (None)16:01
jelknerso, SITarabuta, thoughts on this?16:01
SITarabutaNobody is, formally16:01
SITarabutaHowever, every time I sshed into one of them, I used to do a routine apt update16:02
*** cedwards has joined #novawebdev16:02
ubuntouristI can try to remember to do that more regularly.16:02
SITarabutaWe should have either a script, either a time16:02
SITarabutawhen we should do this16:02
SITarabutaI vote NO for the scripts though16:02
ubuntouristLike SITarabuta that was my practice: If I needed to get on the machine, I'd run updates.16:02
jelknereither a script or a time16:02
jelknerlet's think that through and implement one or the other16:02
jelknerrevisit this next meeting?16:03
ubuntouristNot a big fan of the scripts here.16:03
jelknerto give you time to consider / discuss?16:03
SITarabutathe problem of scripts is that like apt likes to warn, the interface is not stable16:03
jelknerubuntourist, talk to SITarabuta about it during the week16:03
ubuntouristSITarabuta, +116:03
SITarabutasome apps like to show you a prompt. Alright, we'll talk16:03
jelknerand come back either thursday or sunday with a plan16:03
jelknerACTION done16:03
nrcernaThank you16:03
nrcernanext item: Servers out of sync with Business Tracker? Documentation about deployments and more16:04
SITarabutaSo I wanted to update NWD-04 and it was not in BT and the password wasn't there16:04
jelknerThis is *really* important!16:04
SITarabutaSo I had no idea how to log in :/16:04
jelknerBT and LO are our flagship portfolio apps16:04
jelknerhow the world sees them will be how it sees us16:05
jelknerACTION done16:05
SITarabutaAnd we should also keep the services in sync. I know I did this one time. FreeIPA is not there, but the problem with it is that it is kinda temporary (well not anymore, I will add it I guess)16:05
SITarabutaI think we need a place for documentation16:05
SITarabutaSteps to follow when deploying a Linode16:05
ubuntouristSITarabuta, here is there a possibility of some scriptiness?16:06
SITarabutaChange the hostname, Disable password login, install nginx, etc.16:06
SITarabutaI am thinking so ubuntourist16:06
jelkneri would recommend a meeting with replacefill16:06
SITarabutaBut it is good to have a document for how to run a script in either way ;-)16:06
jelknerto ask for his advise16:06
SITarabutaAnd because our Wiki is kinda... Idk.. not looking that good right now16:06
jelknerhe would be willing to do that, methinks16:06
jelknerand it seems we are ready now to benefit from that16:07
jelknerACTION done16:07
SITarabutaI made this folder
SITarabutaA while back16:07
SITarabutaWill update accordingly16:07
SITarabutaACTION done16:07
nrcernaThanks SITarabuta 16:08
nrcernanext item: This is how you do it! Shout out to zOnny on nice letter received from Rotary Club. 16:08
jelknerI got a letter in the mail yesterday with a $400 check in it16:08
jelkner(already deposited)16:09
jelknerit came with this letter:16:09
jelknerThe Rossyln Rotary Club is one of NWD old's partners/clients/customers16:09
jelknerzOnny did a great job with this16:10
jelknerand Tim took the time to write me to say so16:10
jelkner*THAT* is how we succeed16:10
ubuntouristPut a quote in testimonials on the site?16:10
jelknerby establishing a reputation over many years of providing caring, responsive, and high quality service16:10
jelknerACTION done16:11
nrcernaThat's great jelkner, I'm glad that they are happy with the work zOnny did16:11
ubuntouristPossibly tweet the quote out as well...16:12
ubuntouristACTION is done16:12
nrcernaThanks for sharing this jelkner 16:12
jelknerI am *really* happy to, nrcerna 16:12
nrcernanext item: Follow up on small site Lead 16:12
SITarabutaGood job! ;)16:12
nrcernathis is something that lelkneralfaro and I are going to do 16:13
nrcernaJames ( a lead that Micky sent days ago) I sent him an email but it seems like he never received it16:13
nrcernaso he reached out to us, asking to have a call during this week.16:14
nrcernasince is a direct call, lelkneralfaro is going to do it16:14
jelknerteamwork ;-)16:14
ubuntouristAny idea of the business / organization? (Briefly)16:14
ubuntouristJust curious.16:15
nrcernanot yet, we need to tocuh base with him to know more about that16:15
jelknerbut we do know it is an e-commerce site, right?16:15
ubuntouristAh, the suspense heightens! ;-)16:15
nrcernathe description that Micky used was "Small website" 16:15
nrcernanot really sure jelkner 16:16
nrcernathe E-comerce was other lead that she sent16:17
nrcernafrom Florida16:17
jelknernever mind16:17
nrcernaI'm going to try to reach them again16:17
nrcernaACTION done16:17
nrcernaanyone has anything else?16:17
SITarabutaJust wanted to add something else16:17
SITarabutaWe need to cleanup GitLab (empty repos, move branding to NextCloud - keep Git for code) and GitHub (Jeff is the only member and nothing else is going on there - hasn't for some time)16:18
nrcernado it16:18
SITarabutaI think16:18
SITarabutaACTION done16:18
ubuntouristI'm going to drop a note to LocalAreaNetworks the new host of the Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference, just because I think we should be "friends" and maybe eventually partners.16:18
jelknerSITarabuta, do you need me to do anything?16:18
ubuntouristIt's a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.16:19
ubuntouristACTION is done16:19
jelkner+1 ubuntourist 16:19
SITarabutaIt actually would be nice to add me as a member to GitHub16:19
jelknerPerfect, SITarabuta 16:19
SITarabutaso I can deal with the stuff there16:19
jelknerI'll make you the owner16:19
jelknerright after the meeting16:19
jelknerGFbot, can you please meet me on planning after?16:20
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:20
ubuntouristBTW are we doing anything with CI and a la git hooks? Again, just curious. When I looked at it, I found it was easier than I thought.16:20
SITarabutanot yet ubuntourist - we could technically do auto-deployments and stuff like that16:21
SITarabutait just wasn't a priority yet16:21
SITarabutaisn't / wasn't, IDK ;-)16:21
nrcernathank you everyone!16:21
ubuntouristSITarabuta, pivoting back the idea of manual upgrades vs. scripts: Perhaps a a script that pesters the hell out of us when there are enough upgrades pending. Scripting an "update" won't be bad. Scripting an "upgrade" would be the no.16:22
SITarabutaAhh, yes! That is a good idea!16:23
ubuntouristSITarabuta, So, if "apt update" comes back and says "there's 45 packages waiting" the email reminder could be elevated to DEFCON whatever. ;-)16:23
ubuntouristDifferent levels of terror alerts based on some arbitrary threshold of number of packages in the "hopper" waiting. ;-)16:24
SITarabutahaha :D16:24
SITarabutabut really16:25
SITarabutaI will do that16:25
ubuntouristSITarabuta, okay then. Sounds like we're in agreement there. The "first responder" should let everyone else know to "stand down": So, if we both get alerts, and one of us takes care of it, the other(s) should be told not to bother.16:27
ubuntouristSITarabuta, that also might be relatively simple to semi-automate: If I manually do "apt full-upgrade" and all goes well, either (a) a trigger that depend on a successful exit from full-upgrade,16:28
ubuntouristSITarabuta, or (b) script to run manually that sends out an message saying "done".16:29
SITarabutaHmm now that raises the question. Shoud we do full-upgrades, or only mess with upgrades? (thinking mail server that is custom configured for every version of a distro)16:29
ubuntouristSITarabuta, There I'll depend on your recommendation: I tend to always do full-upgrade and then if something goes wrong, do forensics to figure out what I have to undo.16:30
SITarabutaRight - I will think about it16:31
ubuntouristSITarabuta, It's so incredibly rare that I find something going wrong, that it seems worth it to just do the full-upgrade.16:31
SITarabutaUsually.. But considering 20.04 is removing Python2... ;-)16:32
ubuntouristSITarabuta, but full-upgrade ISN'T the same as do-release-upgrade !!!16:32
SITarabutaThat explains it16:32
ubuntouristI started to realize that's what you were thinking. So, yeah, I agree: Proceed with EXTREME caution and backups when it comes to do-release-upgrade.16:33
ubuntouristA ton of stuff can go wrong there.16:33
ubuntouristAnyway, I've got other stuff pending.16:33
SITarabutaYep - alright. we'll talk later16:33
ubuntouristACTION is signing off for other work.16:34
SITarabutaACTION going to work on migration and cleanup.16:34
nrcernaACTION Away16:44

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