IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2020-12-09

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev09:36
*-* nothing to see here *-*09:37
jelkner!remind MSP issues - should we continue to develop the local issue reporting feature?09:43
'MSP issues - should we continue to develop the local issue reporting feature?' added to message queue09:43
jelkner!remind Plans for turning LO into a team project (and getting Louie and Stefan on the same page about it)09:44
'Plans for turning LO into a team project (and getting Louie and Stefan on the same page about it)' added to message queue09:44
MSP issues - should we continue to develop the local issue reporting feature? (jelkner)09:44
Plans for turning LO into a team project (and getting Louie and Stefan on the same page about it) (jelkner)09:44
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev15:13
jelknernrcerna, can you meet me on planning?16:20
nrcernaI'm in meeting with Heylin16:20
jelknerok, thanks16:20
jelknerdo you know where GFbot is?16:20
jelkneri'm really trying to reach im16:20
nrcernaNot really jelkner 16:20
jelknerDr. Chuck is coming to my class today at 1:50 pm16:21
nrcernaI can try to reach him16:21
jelknerI want to invite GFbot to join us16:21
nrcernaOh wow! jelkner 16:21
jelknerplease, thanks!16:21
nrcernaya le dije, que entre a planning jelkner 16:22
nrcernaa GFbot16:23
jelknerapologies to heylin for disturbing the meeting!16:23
*** GFbot has joined #novawebdev16:26
jelknerHello, GFbot!16:27
jelknerCan you meet me on planning?16:27
jelknerI have class in a few minutes16:27
jelknerActuallly GFbot 16:28
jelknerbetter idea16:28
GFbotbut, i can talk right now jelkner, I have people doing stuff on the roof of my house right now so i am on mobile16:28
jelknerwhen will you be back on your computer?16:28
GFboti can join to you but i have noise16:28
jelknercome here:
jelknerwebNcs4acc is the code16:29
GFbotno idea, they are doing 16:29
jelknertry now16:29
jelknerthen you can come back at 1 pm your time16:29
GFbotlet me try16:30
GFbotjelkner im there16:30
GFbotit works on mobile i think16:32
GFboti can see the chatroom16:32
jelkneryour audio isn't working16:32
jelkneri see you in the room16:32
jelknerbut i can't here you16:32
jelknernor you me, i guess16:32
GFbotI can hear you now jelkner16:40
nrcernaACTION away18:03
nrcernaACTION back since a while...19:35

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