IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2020-12-27

*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev11:40
Status of AEA contract (jelkner)11:58
Report on Show-and-Tell (including (jelkner)11:58
Family ties (aelkner and replaceafill) (jelkner)11:58
Ask ubuntorist if he could get us listed on (jelkner)11:58
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev13:50
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev14:04
Status of AEA contract (jelkner)14:04
Report on Show-and-Tell (including (jelkner)14:04
Family ties (aelkner and replaceafill) (jelkner)14:04
Ask ubuntorist if he could get us listed on (jelkner)14:04
jelknerubuntourist, i'm on planning, any chance you could join me?14:14
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev14:53
Status of AEA contract (jelkner)14:59
Report on Show-and-Tell (including (jelkner)14:59
Family ties (aelkner and replaceafill) (jelkner)14:59
Ask ubuntorist if he could get us listed on (jelkner)14:59
nrcerna!remind Cafe/bookstore/event website 15:00
'Cafe/bookstore/event website' added to message queue15:00
nrcerna!remind Check in with GFbot regarding NWD issues15:10
'Check in with GFbot regarding NWD issues' added to message queue15:10
Status of AEA contract (jelkner)15:24
Report on Show-and-Tell (including (jelkner)15:24
Family ties (aelkner and replaceafill) (jelkner)15:24
Ask ubuntorist if he could get us listed on (jelkner)15:24
Cafe/bookstore/event website (nrcerna)15:24
Check in with GFbot regarding NWD issues (nrcerna)15:24
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:38
lelkneralfaro!remind Lee Carter looking for translations into Vietnamese, Arabic, Korean15:45
'Lee Carter looking for translations into Vietnamese, Arabic, Korean' added to message queue15:45
Status of AEA contract (jelkner)15:47
Report on Show-and-Tell (including (jelkner)15:47
Family ties (aelkner and replaceafill) (jelkner)15:47
Ask ubuntorist if he could get us listed on (jelkner)15:47
Cafe/bookstore/event website (nrcerna)15:47
Check in with GFbot regarding NWD issues (nrcerna)15:47
Lee Carter looking for translations into Vietnamese, Arabic, Korean (lelkneralfaro)15:47
lelkneralfaro!remind I'm updating our financial books and need to talk to jelkner so he can explain two transactions to me (lelkneralfaro)15:58
LittleBrotherInvalid arguments: No closing quotation.15:58
lelkneralfaro!remind "I'm updating our financial books and need to talk to jelkner so he can explain two transactions to me (lelkneralfaro)"15:58
"I'm updating our financial books and need to talk to jelkner so he can explain two transactions to me (lelkneralfaro)" added to message queue15:58
SITarabuta : nrcerna : +jelkner : lelkneralfaro : @ubuntourist : @mjsir911 : wolcen : @ChanServ16:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Status of AEA contract (jelkner)16:00
Report on Show-and-Tell (including (jelkner)16:00
Family ties (aelkner and replaceafill) (jelkner)16:00
Ask ubuntorist if he could get us listed on (jelkner)16:00
Cafe/bookstore/event website (nrcerna)16:00
Check in with GFbot regarding NWD issues (nrcerna)16:00
Lee Carter looking for translations into Vietnamese, Arabic, Korean (lelkneralfaro)16:00
I'm updating our financial books and need to talk to jelkner so he can explain two transactions to me (lelkneralfaro) (lelkneralfaro)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
nrcernaHello Everyone!16:00
jelknerGooday mates!16:00
nrcernaOk, let's start16:01
nrcernafirst item: Status of AEA contract16:01
jelknerthis is me16:01
jelknerwe've been talking about already16:01
jelknerbottom line, i'm looking for a contract for $15K over 5 months16:01
jelknerand would like it before the end of 202016:01
jelknerACTION done16:02
nrcernaI mentioned jelkner that we're going to meet today to discuss / start planning that lelkneralfaro, SITarabuta 16:02
nrcernamaybe it could be like today at 1 or 1:3016:02
SITarabutaYes, anytime16:03
nrcernabecause I have a meeting today after our IRC with jelkner and someone else regarding a new project16:03
lelkneralfaroyes thats good with me16:03
nrcernanice 16:03
nrcernaperfect, we're set :) 16:03
nrcernathank you16:03
nrcernanext item: Report on Show-and-Tell (including 16:03
jelknerme again16:03
jelknerthis is a micky initiative16:03
jelkneri'll have more to say next sunday16:04
jelknerbut what is even more important than raypodder is micky's initiative to get a web tech coop collaboration site started16:04
jelkneri emailed estaban and ajoke this morning about that16:05
jelkneri want to actively support micky on this16:05
jelknerthat's all for now16:05
jelknerbut to be continued16:05
jelknerACTION done16:05
ubuntouristWhatever Micky et al get going, any registry / directory of tech co-ops should have an API so that others can plug into the list.16:05
nrcernathanks for sharing this jelkner 16:06
ubuntouristI don't know a lot about all that restful API stuff (in fact, nothing, really) but my gut says it should be there from the get-go.16:06
ubuntouristACTION is done16:06
nrcernanext item: Family ties (aelkner and replaceafill)16:07
jelknerme again (when will jelkner stop with all these agenda items! ;-)16:07
jelknerin brief, success as we start the new year depends on using all available resources16:07
ubuntouristFamily ties and Christmas sweaters? 😜16:08
jelkneri'm happy to report that two of our members are activating their tio resources16:08
jelknerlelkneralfaro has been reaching out to his tio16:08
jelknerand nrcerna is going to reach out to hers16:08
jelknerthat's great16:08
jelknerACTION done16:08
nrcernaI did reach mine16:09
nrcerna"Ojalá" I can talk to him soon jelkner 16:09
nrcernaBut I mentioned that we need his help, hopefully he's going to reach back soon16:10
nrcernayou know him ;-)16:10
jelknernrcerna, count on me for help with that16:10
jelkneri know how to both whine and beg ;-)16:10
nrcernaright :)16:10
nrcernanext item: Ask ubuntorist if he could get us listed on
jelknerthis was me again, and ubuntourist is already all over it16:11
jelknerthe email to estaban and ajoke came from that16:11
jelknerwe need to network tech coops16:11
jelknerto share work16:11
jelknerand to get our info out there to folks looking for what we have to offer16:12
ubuntouristI saw that early this morning, and as jelkner has just written, I'm "on the case" and sent word.16:12
jelknerACTION done16:12
ubuntouristHowever, in my looking at the site, it seems a bit moribund.16:12
ubuntouristStill, I figure it can't hurt to spread the word as far and wide as possible.16:12
ubuntouristI'll let y'all know if / when I hear back.16:13
ubuntouristACTION is done16:13
nrcernathanks jelkner, ubuntourist 16:13
nrcernanext item: Cafe/bookstore/event website16:13
jelknermy last item16:13
jelkneri attended a DSA meeting in Montgomery County Maryland more than a year ago16:14
jelknerwe got an email from one of the attendees16:14
jelknerwho is looking to start a bookstore/cafe/event space coop16:14
jelknernrcerna and i are meeting with him at 12 noon today16:15
jelkneri should add that there is a really important lesson here16:15
jelknerbuilding a successful business is going to take *a lot* of time and effort16:15
jelknersometimes things won't reap benefits for a long time16:15
jelknerthe longer we are here, the easier it will get16:16
jelknerACTION done16:16
nrcernaI'm really excited about this project btw 16:16
nrcernawell I always do16:16
ubuntouristI reached out too, more as a DC resident and future patron. 16:16
jelknerThis could be the Red Emmas of the DMV16:17
ubuntouristIt looks like they're planning on opening near Petworth, and staying small and focused.16:17
jelknerubuntourist, where are you getting that info?16:18
*** GFbot has joined #novawebdev16:18
ubuntourist(Although it didn't come up, the big competitor in that kind of space is Busboys and Poets.)16:18
ubuntouristjelkner, "I reached out too, more as a DC resident and future patron."16:18
ubuntouristIn other words, I asked.16:19
nrcernaGreat, is good to know more about it16:19
nrcernathanks ubuntourist 16:19
nrcernanext item:Check in with GFbot regarding NWD issues 16:19
nrcernaI did this before getting sick, but I need to check it again 16:20
nrcernaI'll reach you back later GFbot 16:20
nrcernain the afternoon to meet with you 16:20
jelknerGFbot, nrcerna we need our website updated badly!16:21
jelknerit has broken links16:21
jelknerthat's a huge no-no for a web dev group16:21
jelknerACTION done16:21
nrcernathe plan shold be work in real time lovely cousin ;) GFbot 16:21
nrcernaACTION done16:21
nrcernanext item: Lee Carter looking for translations into Vietnamese, Arabic, Korean 16:21
nrcernathat's you lelkneralfaro 16:22
lelkneralfaromine. so Lee Carter is looking for translations into Vietnames, Arabic, Korean16:22
lelkneralfaroif you didn't gather that from the agenda item16:22
lelkneralfaronot sure where to look for people who could help with that16:22
jelknerthis is exactly the kind of thing we should learn to do16:22
jelknerlet me work on it with you lelkneralfaro 16:23
jelknerbut networking among coops, principle 6 again, i so important16:23
lelkneralfarookay we can talk later16:23
jelknernova web can't support this in house16:23
jelknerbut it should learn where to go when it needs it16:23
jelknerACTION done16:23 ;-) 16:23
nrcernanext item also yours lelkneralfaro 16:23
jelknerNot funny, ubuntourist 16:24
nrcernathis: I'm updating our financial books and need to talk to jelkner so he can explain two transactions to me16:24
jelknerlet's do that after, nrcerna 16:24
lelkneralfaroACTION done16:24
jelknernot really a meeting topic16:24
nrcernaso anything else to add?16:24
ubuntouristBTW, SITarabuta and I had a brief e-mail exchange, re site upkeep and maintenance. It looks like the cron-apt package may be "just the ticket".16:24
ubuntouristIt can alert via e-mail saying "hey! there are upgrades pending!"16:25
ubuntouristACTION is done16:25
jelknernice, ubuntourist16:25
jelknerfeels right, really light weight, yet effective for a small group like ours16:26
jelknerACTION done16:26
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:26
nrcernaThanks everyone!16:26
jelkneryou rock, nrcerna!16:26
nrcernalelkneralfaro, we're on planninh16:28
jelknernrcerna, where are you17:00
jelknerVijay is coming now17:00
jelknerACTION signs off for the day19:17
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